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第八节七年级 下 unit7 unit8 第一部分教材重点难点梳理 目录 contents 重难点梳理 重点单词重点短语重点句型 巩固练习 语法选择完形填空阅读理解阅读填空单词拼写完成句子 重难点梳理 重点单词重点短语重点句型 目录 contents 1 诗歌 2 普通的 平凡的 3 感觉 情感 4 命令 5 建议n 6 大声地 高声地 7 组 群 8 同意 9 不同意 10 押韵词 11 完整的 整个的 12 井 水井 unit7 poem ordinary rhyme feeling order advice aloud disagree agree complete well group 13 淋浴 14 建筑工地 15 狭窄的 16 高度 17 超人 18 卖者 卖方 19 微笑 20 迅速移动 21 人群 unit7 shower site seller narrow height superman rush smile crowd 1 事业 2 行星 3 卫星 4 丝绒 天鹅绒 5 钻石 6 主持 7 知识 8 生动的 9 持续 unit8 career planet satellite velvet diamond host knowledge lively last 二重点短语 10 事实上 11 任何人 12 驾驶帆船 航行 13 决定 14 训练 接受训练 15 独自 16 过去式shot 朝某个方向 射 冲 飞驰 17 凭长期努力 到达 某目标 地位 标准 unit8 actually anybody sail alone decide shoot train achieve 1 一点也 不 完全 不 2 建筑工地 3 为 担忧 4 报摊 5 冲出去 6 一群 7 经过 通过 8 对 感到不高兴 9 同时 unit7 notatall beworriedabout buildingsite newspaperstand rushout acrowdof walkthrough feelunhappyabout atthesametime 10 遵守规则 11 敲门 12 太阳 升起 13 打扫 把 弄干净 unit7 followtherule knockonthedoor comeup cleanup 1 将来 2 曾经 3 外出 4 看起来像 5 越来越多 6 为 感到自豪 7 持续 8 把 变成 9 长大 unit8 inthefuture gooutside usedto looklike moreandmore beproudof lastfor turn into growup 10 去进行帆船运动 11 取得进步 12 从那天起 13 梦想 渴望 14 互相 15 实现 unit8 gosailing fromthatdayon makeprogress dreamof oneanother cometrue 1 1 openthedoor daisy 请开门 黛西 2 don topenthedoor daisy 请别开门 黛西 句型 祈使句 表示请求 命令 建议等 句子中通常不用主语 谓语动词一律用原形 句末用感叹号或句号 否定形式 don t 动词原形 2 waterhasnotasteatall 水完全没有味道 句型 no not atall 意为 一点也不 完全不 根本就不 翻译 我一点也不喜欢在网上购物 i shoppingonline don tlike atall 3 iusedtogooutsidewithmymumonclearnightsandlookatthesky 过去我经常在天气晴朗的夜晚和妈妈一起走到户外观看天空 句型 usedtodosth 意为 过去常常做某事 并且暗含 现在已经不做 之意 它的否定形式是didnotuseto或didn tuseto 后面跟动词原形 翻译 我以前在晚上读英语 但是现在我早上读 i englishatnight butnowireaditinthemorning usedtoread 4 howbeautifultheywere 他们是多么美丽啊 句型 感叹句常用的结构有 what a an 形容词 可数名词单数 主语 谓语 what 形容词 可数名词复数 主语 谓语 what 形容词 不可数名词复数 主语 谓语 how 形容词 副词 主语 谓语 how 形容词 副词 a an 可数名词单数 主语 谓语 how 主语 谓语 5 其他好用的常用句型 1 let smakeamillionsmiles 让我们多笑一百万次吧 2 iagree idisagree 我同意 我不同意 3 wheniwaseight igotabookaboutstars 当我八岁时 我得到了一本有关星星的书 4 youjusthavetoenjoywhatyoudo 你只需要享受你所做的 5 howdidthewomanfeelaboutherfirstjob 那个女士觉得她的第一份工作怎么样 6 whathappenedwhenthewomangotolder 当那位女士变老会发生什么 7 whenyoureallywantsomething workhardandnevergiveup 当你真的很想得到一样东西 就要努力 并且不放弃 frankwoolworthwasborninrodman newyorkin1852 hisfamilywasverypoorandeventhere 1 neverenoughfoodtoeat so frankdecidedhewoulddo 2 insteadofbeingafarmer later hetookashortbusinesstraining 3 ajob atlast hegotajob 4 asalesmaninalargecity soonwoolworthrealizedthathewasbornfordisplaying 展示 goodstoattractthecustomers 5 buthealsolearnedsomethingmoreimportantlater onedayhisbosstoldhimtosellsomeoddsandends 小商品 forasmuchashecouldget afreshidea 6 intohismind heputallthesegoodsononetable 7 asign itsaid fivecentseach seeingthis peoplepushedtobuythegoodsandsoonthetable 8 afewyears 9 woolworthopenedhisownstore sellingfiveandtencents thisisthe 10 ofthefamous fiveandtenstore buthehad 11 lessontolearnbeforehebecamesuccessful thatis ifyouwanttomakemoneyby 12 goodsatalowprice youhavetobuytheminlargenumberdirectlyfromthefactory becausetheorderwassolarge thefactoryhadtokeep 13 24hoursadayforawholeyear inthisway thepriceofthegoods 14 byhalf by1919 woolworthhadover1 000storesintheusaandcanada andopenedhis 15 storeinlondon hisnamebecamefamousallovertheworld 1 a wasb werec isd are 2 a elsesomethingb othersomethingc somethingelsed somethingother 3 a foundb findingc findd tofind a c d 4 a asb likec ford of 5 a interestingb interestc interestedd areinterested 6 a comeb camec comingd comes 7 a onb withc ford in 8 a clearb isclearedc areclearedd wascleared 9 a agob afterc befored later 10 a beginningb beginc beginsd began a b d d b b a 11 a otherb othersc anotherd theother 12 a soldb sellsc selld selling 13 a runb runningc runsd ran 14 a wascutdownb werecutdownc iscutdownd arecutdown 15 a thefirstb onec firstd theone b c d a c yearsagoafarmerownedlandnearthesea healwaysneededworkerstohelphim butmostpeopledidnotwanttoworkonfarmsnearthesea theywere 1 oftheterriblestormsthatoftenhitanddestroyedbuildingsandplants finally ashortmancametothefarmer areyouagoodworker thefarmeraskedhim well icansleepwhenthewindblows answeredthelittleman althoughsurprisedbythisanswer thefarmer whoreallyneeded 2 gavehimthejob thelittleman 3 veryhardonthefarm andthefarmerfelt 4 withhiswork thenonenightthewindblewloudlyinfromthesea jumpingoutofbed thefarmer 5 totheshortman sroom thefarmershouted getup a 6 iscoming tiethingsdownbeforetheyblowaway butthelittlemanlayinbed 7 andsaid no sir itoldyou icansleepwhenthewindblows hearingthewords thefarmerhurriedoutsideto 8 thestormonhisown tohissurprise hefoundthateverythingwastieddownandnothingcouldblowaway thefarmerthen 9 whattheshortmanmeant sohereturnedtohisbedtosleepwhilethewindblew whenyou reprepared youhavenothingtoworryabout canyou 10 whenthewindblowsthroughyourlife 1 a gladb surec carefuld afraid 2 a moneyb experiencec helpd time 3 a stayedb workedc movedd slept d c b 4 a worriedb angryc sorryd pleased 5 a rushedb fellc leftd returned 6 a manb stormc snaked boat 7 a lazilyb quicklyc badlyd hardly 8 a waitforb callforc lookford preparefor 9 a askedb understoodc heardd wondered 10 a workb standc sleepd live d a d b b c a whyplaygames becausetheyarefun andalotmorebesides followingtherules planningyournextmove actingasateammember theseareall game ideasthatyouwillhavethroughoutyourlife thinkaboutsomeofthegamesyouplayedasayoungchild suchasrope jumpingandhide and seek somegamesareentertainingandfun butperhapsmoreimportantly theytranslatelifeintoexcitingdreamsthatteachchildrensomeof thebasicrulestheywillbeexpectedtofollowtherestoftheirlives suchastakingturnsandteamwork manychildren sgameshaveapracticalside childrenaroundtheworldplaygamesthatpreparethemforworktheywilldoasadults forexample somesaudiarabianchildrenplayagamecalledbones itcanbeveryhelpfultoexercisetheirhandsandeyes whichisneededinhunting manysportsencouragenationalorlocalpride themostfamousgamesofall theolympicgames bring athletesfromaroundtheworldtogethertotakepartinthefriendlycompetition peoplewhowatchtheeventwaveflags knowingthatagoldmedalisawinforawholecountry notjusttheathletewhohasgotit forcountriesexperiencingnaturaldisastersorwar anolympicwincanmeansomuch sportsarealsoaneventthatbringspeopletogether socceristhemostpopularsportintheworld peopleonallcontinentsplayit someforfunandsomefora waytospreadhopethroughsoccer hesetupanorganizationwhichcanprovidepoorchildrenwithnotonlysoccerballsbutalsoahopefulfuture nexttime whenyouplayyourfavoritegameorsport thinkaboutwhyyouenjoyit whatskillsareneeded andwhethertheseskillswillhelpyouinyourlife 1 theunderlinedpart translatelifeintoexcitingdreams inparagraph2mostprobablymeansthatgamescan a describelifeinanexcitingwayb turnreal lifeexperiencesintoaplayc changepeople sviewsofsportingeventsd teachchildrensomethingusefulandimportant 2 whatdoestheunderlinedword it inparagraph4referto a thewholecountry b thegoldmedal c theevent d thegame d b 3 accordingtothepassage whyiswinningolympicmedalssoencouraging a itmeansalotforawholecountry b itproveshowexcellentthewinnersare c ithelpsthecountryoutofnaturaldisasters d itbringsthewinnerssatisfactionandmoney a 4 whichofthefollowingstatementsisnottrue a themostfamousgamesaretheolympicgames b peoplearoundtheworldplaysoccerjustforfun c thegamecalledbonescanbehelpfultothearabianchildren d nicoletteiribarnegivespoorchildrenachanceforabetterlife b 5 whatisthepassagemainlyabout a thepopulargames b gamesandreallife c theadvantagesofgames d children sgamesandthefuture b ahobbycanbealmostanythingthatapersonlikestodoinhissparetime hobbyistsraisepets watchbirds paintpictures playthepianoandgrowflowers 1 theycollecteverythingfrombookstobutterfliesandfromboxestostamps peopletakeuphobbiesbecausetheseactivitiesofferenjoyment friendshipandrelaxation hobbieshelppeoplerelaxafteralongtimeofhardwork d andprovideabalancebetweenworkandplay hobbiesofferinterestingactivitiesfortheold somehobbiescanmakeachildgrowasaperson develophisinterestandhelphimlearnnewskills 2 doctorshavefoundthathobbiesareusefulinhelpingpatientsrecover 恢复 fromillness hobbiesgivepatientswhocan tmovearoundsomethingtodo andprovideintereststhatkeepthemfromthinkingaboutthemselves b manyhospitalstreatpatientsbyhavingthemtakeupinterestinghobbies 3 inearlytimes mostpeopleweretoobusymakingalivingtohavemanyhobbies butsomepersonswhohadsparetimedidenjoyhobbies 4 peopletodayhavemoretimethaneverbeforeforhobbies machineshavenowreducedmuchtimethatpeoplemustspendontheirjobs 5 thosewhohavedevelopedhobbiesneverneedtoworryaboutwhat e c a todowiththeirnewly foundfreetimehours sirwilliamosler afamouscanadiandoctorexpressedthevalue 价值 ofhobbiesbysaying nomanisreallyhappyorsafewithoutahobby a morepeopleretireatanearlieragethanbefore b hobbiescanalsohelpapatienttokeephealthy c theancientegyptiansplayedgameswithballsmadeofwood d theyalsogotoconcerts climbmountains gofishing skateandswim e anyone oldoryoung sickorwell richorpoor canfollowagoodhobby inspiteofhisage healthormoney 1 wecanaskourparentsorourteachersfora whenweareintrouble 2 thespee


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