浙江省宁波市宁海县长街镇初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Can you come to my party教案 人教新目标版 (2).doc_第1页
浙江省宁波市宁海县长街镇初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Can you come to my party教案 人教新目标版 (2).doc_第2页
浙江省宁波市宁海县长街镇初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Can you come to my party教案 人教新目标版 (2).doc_第3页
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浙江省宁波市宁海县长街镇初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Can you come to my party教案 人教新目标版 (2).doc_第5页
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八年级英语上册 unit 5 can you come to my party教案part 1: teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)structures: can for invitations, modal have to, present progressive as future, for planned actionstarget language: can you come to my birthday party? yes, id love to. sorry, i cant. i have to study for a test. im sorry. im playing soccer on saturday. when is the party? its at seven-thirty.vocabulary: today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, lesson, invitation, another, concert, weekday, whole, over, freelearning strategies: inducing, cooperating section agoals to learn to use can for invitations, modal have to, present progressive as future for planned actions to make, accept and decline invitation to talk about obligationprocedureswarming up by learning grammar what are modal verbs?modal verbs are special verbs which behave very differently from normal verbs. here are some important differences:1. modal verbs do not take -s in the third person.examples:he can speak chinese.she should be here by 9:00. 2. you use not to make modal verbs negative, even in simple present and simple past.examples:he should not be late.they might not come to the party.3. many modal verbs cannot be used in the past tenses or the future tenses.examples:he will can go with us. not correctshe musted study very hard. not correctcommon modal verbscan could may might mustought to shall should will wouldwarming up by learning about can for invitations and have to can requestcan i have a glass of water? can you give me a lift to school? (requests usually refer to the near future.)cant i have a glass of water? cant you give me a lift to school? (requests usually refer to the near future.)could mayhave to necessity1. she has to read four books for this literature class. 2. she had to finish the first book before the midterm. 3. she will have to finish the other books before the final exam.1. she doesnt have to read grapes of wrath. its optional reading for extra credit. 2. she didnt have to write a critique of the scarlet letter. she had to give a presentation to her class. 3. she wont have to take any other literature classes. american literature 101 is the only required course.mustdont have to choice/ no obligation1. i dont have to take any tests. the course is just for fun. 2. i didnt have to take the test. the teacher let me do a report instead. 3. i wont have to take the test. its going to be for extra credit and i dont need the points.warming up by talking about the partyhello, everyone!today we shall take up unit 5. the title of this unit is that can you come to my party?do you like parties? i think most of you will say,” yeah”. at the party we have lots of fun eating, drinking, singing, dancing and talking. and we can also make new friends. but how do you answer when someone asks you to take part in a party? if you want to go to the party,you can say,” sure, id love to.” if you have to do some other things at the same time, you can say,“im sorry. i have to -.”please look at the blackboard and read after me the target language for this unit. when you read, pay attention to the structure of the sentence.can you come to my party?-sure, id love to.can you come to my party?-im sorry. i have to study for a test.in some cultures, it is not considered polite to accept an invitation the first time it is offered. in such places people usually thank the person but do not give a definite answer at that time. but in the united states it is polite to accept or refuse an invitation the first time it is offered. also, americans usually give a reason when they have to say no to an invitation. 1a: matching the words with the picturesplease look at the picture on page 25. the boy in the middle will hold a party. can everyone come to the party? each thought bubble shows a person doing something. please tell me what you see in each scene. and then look at the blackboard and check you answer.helping his parents, having a piano lesson, studying for a test, visiting my aunt, going to the doctorplease read these phrases loudly. now write letters of the correct picture in the blank. are you ok? lets check the answers answers: 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. e 5. a1b listening and writingyou are great! as you see, there are some people in the picture. do you know whos who? now please listen to the conversation. especially listen to sun nings words carefully. he says the names of each person he is inviting. when i play the recording for the first time, you just listen carefully. when i play the recording for the second time, please write the names of each person next to his or her picture. you have to complete the activity individually. ok, now lets check the answers. answers: a. kay b. tim c. ted d. wilson e. annatapescript sun ning: hey, ted. can you come to my party on saturday afternoon?ted: im sorry. i cant, sun ning. i have to help my parents.sun ning: too bad. how about you, carlos? can you come to my party?carlos: id love to.sun ning: tim? can you come to my party?tim: when is it? sun ning: saturday afternoon.tim: oh, no, i cant. i have to study for a test.sun ning: what about you, wilson?wilson: sorry, i have to go to the doctor.sun ning: anna, can you come?anna: i cant, sun ning. i have to visit my aunt.kay: i cant either, sun ning. i have a piano lesson.sun ning: thats too bad, kay. oh, maybe next time. what a small party!read the tapescript to underline the expressions and shaow the can for invitations, modal have to and present progressive as future, for planned actions.1c practicing oral english using the languagenow please make your own dialogues in groups of four. suppose you are the students in the picture. one of you is students a inviting the other three students to your party. the other students are b, c and d, saying if you can go or not. if you cant go, remember to give a reason. a: can you come to my party on wednesday? b: sure. id love to.c: sorry, i cant. i have a piano lesson.d: im sorry, too. i have to go to the doctor.when you practice, please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. ill offer vocabulary and pronunciation support if you need. 2a listening and understandingnow lets go to page 26. please look at these five sentences, and read them. the first time say can and the second time say cant. do you know which one is correct? lets listen to the tape. there are five conversations numbered 1 to 5. in each conversation the person says he can or he cant come to the party. listen to each conversation carefully and circle the word that makes the sentences correct. for example, the word cant have a circle around it in sentence1. so sentence1 is jeff cant come to the party. i will play the recording twice. first time you just listen carefully and the second time please circle can or cant. ok, lets check the answer1. jeff come to the party.2. mary cant can come to the party.3. may cant come to the party.4. claudia cant come to the party.5. paul can come to the party.2b listening and numberingyou have heard the conversations twice and have got to know who can come to the party and who cant come to the party. but why cant those three persons come? here are five reasons. which are correct ones? please listen to the tape again and write the number of the conversation (1 to 3) in front of the reasons. two of them are not in the recording. these two have no answer. listen again and check your answers.e. 1 im sorry. i have to visit my aunt.a. 2 im sorry. i have to help my mom. d. 3 im sorry. im going to the movies.2c doing pairwork now from 2b we come to know the reasons why people cant come to the party. think of other reasons to say no and write them in the box. 1. too much homework2. going to clean my room3. not feeling well4. have to babysit5. going to play soccerok. please look at the sample conversation in your book and read it loudly. now work with your partner. one of you is student a and one of you is student b. student a, invite your partner to do something with you. student b, say you cant do it and give a reason. then switch roles. a: hey, dave, can you go to the movies on saturday?b: im sorry, i cant. i have too much homework this weekend.a: thats too bad. maybe another time.b: sure, joe. thanks for asking.a: hi, mary, can you go shopping with me tomorrow?b: sorry, kate. im going to clean my room a: well, lets go next week.b: ok, kate. a: tom, can you play soccer with me this afternoon?b: oh, im sorry, peter. i have to babysit. my mom will be out this afternoon. lets play tomorrow, ok?a: sure.3a reading the article and filling the blanksplease look at 3a. there is an invitation here. what kind of invitation is it? who is having a birthday party? good, you are great. now look at the dialogue and try to fill in the blacks using the invitation for information. then check the answers. lisa: hi, simon, can you come to my party?simon: when is it?lisa: its on friday, june 30 at four-thirty.simon: great! id love to. which pair can read the dialogue to class? ok, kate and ann, please. when you read please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. then please read together loudly. 3b doing pairwork now practice the conversation you just completed with your partner. you should each have a turn being simon. now look at the blank invitation card and please think of any other events, such as music concert, art festival, and so on. you can fill out the cards with your own ideas.its a school music concert!from whom: greenwood boytime: saturday june 26, 2005, at seven-thirtyplace: school dining hallcome and join us! then you can invite each other to your events. read the sample dialogue and shadow the can for invitations, modal have to and present progressive as future, for planned actions.sample:dave: bob, can you come to the concert with me? bob: when is it?dave: its on saturday, at seven-thirty.bob: oh, no, i cant. i have to visit my aunt. dave: too bad. how about you, tim?tim: id love to. where is it held?dave: at school dining-hall.tim: ok. lets meet there on saturday.then i will ask some pairs to present your conversations to the class. 4 inviting a friendnow lets play a game in pairs. you and your partner decide who is a and who is b. student a, you are elisa, and look at this page. student b, you are lu qing and look at page 82. elisa will invite lu qing to go to the mall. read the sample dialogue together. then look at the calendar and ask more questions to learn when they both can go to the mall. find a time when they are both not busy. you can use the dialogue in the book to get started. a: lu qing, can you go to the mall this week?b: sure, id love to. when?a: well, what are you doing tuesday afternoon?b: i have a piano lesson. what are you doing on monday?a: i have a soccer practice. umm, what about friday afternoon?b: im free.a: im free, too. so, lets go to the mall on friday afternoon, ok?b: sure.closing down by asking and answeringhow do you make, accept and decline invitations? you can make, accept and decline invitations as follows:*can you come to my party? sure, id love to. sorry, i cant. im going to the concert. im sorry, i cant, either. i have to go to the doctor.section b goalsto revise the days of the weekto learn the new words: today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrowprocedures 1awriting the dates welcome back to the english class. do you know what day is it today? yes, it is wednesday today. and today we will study section b. please look at the top of the calendar in your book and read these words aloud. do you remember them?(sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday,thursday, friday, saturday) good! look at the blackboard please. here is a current calendar. mary, please point out todays date. yes, its 12th october. what about the other dates of this week? now please copy these numbers into the calendar in your books. lets see who can get the right answer.sundaythe 9thmondaythe 10thtuesdaythe 11thwednesdaythe 12ththursdaythe 13thfridaythe 14thsaturdaythe 15ththen ill ask some of you to read each days date to the class. the sample is: its sunday, the 9th.1b writing days please look at the calendar again. as you see, today is wednesday the 12th. look at the box on the blackboard.today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day after tomorrow, weekdayread these words loudly and write them in the correct spaces on the calendar in your book. sundaythe 9thmondaythe 10thtuesdaythe 11thwednesdaythe 12ththursdaythe 13thfridaythe 14thsaturdaythe 15thweekdayyesterdaytodaytomorrowthe day after tomorrowill ask a student to fill in the blank on the board and the rest of you can check your answers against those on the board. 1c doing pairwork and playing games now look at the dialogue in 1c. tom and tim please read it to the class aloud. then make the similar dialogue in pairs. one student points to a date and asks, whats today? the other one answers, its (monday) the (10th). after finishing practicing, lets play the game of speed. please look at the calendar on the board and listen carefully. when i point to a date on the calendar and say yesterday, today and tomorrow, ill say a students name. this student has to respond within five seconds with the correct date. for example, if i say (yesterday) and point to (wednesday, the 12th) this student has to say, (its tuesday, the 11th). now lets play this game and see how fast you can respond with correct answers. lets find who the champion is. 2a listening and circling look at the picture on page28. please tell me what you see in the picture. and what is the boy doing? yes, hes talking on the phone. hes talking to vince. can vince play tennis with andy? lets listen to the tape. ill play the recording twice. when i play the first time, you just listen carefully. when i play the second time, circle yes if vince can play with andy or circle no if vince cant. the answer is: no tapescriptandy: hi, vince?vince: yeah, hi, andy!andy: vince, can you play tennis with me?vince: uh, when?andy: today.vince: uh, no, sorry, i cant. i have to go to the doctor and study for a test today. andy: how about tomorrow?vince: sorry, tomorrow im playing soccer and i have a piano lesson.andy: oh. well, what are you doing the day after tomorrow?vince: i have to babysit my sister.andy: oh, i see.vince: im sorry, andy. im really busy this week!read the tapescript to underline the expressions and shaow the can for invitations, modal have to and present progressive as future, for planned actions. 2b listening and writingnow you have known vince cant play tennis with andy, and he is very busy these days. what is vince going to do on these days? please look at the chart in your book. here are vinces activities, and three letters a, b, c stand for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. listen to the tape again. this time please write the letters a, b or c in front of each activity to show which one happens today, which one happens tomorrow and which one happens the day after tomorrow. the sample answer is given. number 1 is b. that means vince is playing soccer tomorrow. what about other activities? now, listen carefully.vinces activities(b) play soccer(a) go to the doctor(a) study for a test.(b) have a piano lesson.(c) babysit his sister.2c doing pairwork now practice the dialogue in pairs. one student plays andy and asks vince to play tennis. the other one plays vince, says no and gives reasons. ill give you a few minutes to practice, and then ill ask some pairs to present the conversations to the class.a: hi, vince, can you play tennis with me? b: when?a: today.b: sorry, i cant. i have to go to the doctor and study for a test. a: how about tomorrow?b: sorry, tomorrow im playing soccer and i have a piano lesson.a: well, can you play with me the day after tomorrow?b: no, i have to babysit my sister. im really sorry, andy. im too busy this week.3a reading and writinglook at 3a please. here is an e-mail message from sonia. read it aloud. when you are reading , please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.read the e-mail message a second time to slash / the sentences, underline the expressions and shaow the can for invitations, modal have to and present progressive as future, for planned actions.hi henry,thank you/ for your invitation. im sorry /i cant visit you/ this week. i am really busy. this evening/ im going to my cousins birthday party. and tomorrow, i have to go to the dentist. (yuck!) on wednesday, i have tennis training/ with the school team. and i have to study/ for my chemistry test/ on thursday. on friday evening, im going to the movies/ with some friends. can you come to the movies/ with us on friday? write soon.sonianow look at the blank calendar, there are seven days of the week. wh


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