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1 1 高速线材轧机轧辊的锥轴与锥套的检测 摘要 当更换轧辊时 为了取得良好的装配性能 ,高速线材轧机轧辊采用椎孔与锥套的配合。 本文介绍了一种锥 度的 自动测量方法 ,论述的原则是参照圆柱表面作为测量锥度的标准。主要特色是 横向联系锥自动测量仪器 。对 测量误差的仪器进行分析 . 该仪器采用光栅位移传感器锥直径和轴向定位传感器 . m 时 ,轴向定位误差小于 0.01mm 的 , ,相对误差为锥度测量小于 2 10-3 .测量误差直径为1.4 。 由于该仪器配备数据采集系统 , 许多参数和实际剖面测量 的 锥 度 可根据所收集的测量数据 确定 . 此外 ,锥轴与锥套可应用电脑进行虚拟装配。可以观察出锥轴与锥套的实际装配效果,可以实现装配精度最大程度的提高。 关键词 :轧机,轧辊, 光栅传感器 , 步进电机 ,虚拟装配 1.说明 与光滑圆柱配合 相比,锥度具有其独特的优点,例如:自动定心,同轴度高,配合紧密,容易调整松紧度,容易拆装等。因此,它被广泛应用于机械装置中。现在,高线的轧制速度超过了 100m/s。为了适应这个速度,采用锥轴和锥套相配合的轧辊具有良好的表现,否则轧辊将会跑偏使得轧制速度和轧制受益不能保证。 有两个方法用来检查锥度: 综合检查和单项检 查 . 圆锥量是用于综合检查 ,而指标、正弦、角度是用于单项检查锥度公差。 本文介绍了一种锥自动测量方法 ,连同相关卧式锥自动测量仪器 .该仪器在轧制条件下以 圆柱表面作为参考 测量了 2 2 锥轴和锥套。轧制 参数如下 : 最大测量锥轴直径 241mm , 其测量锥轴长度范围为 647mm 985mm ,测量轴套的最大直径为 192mm,测量轴套的长度范围为647mm985mm,通常测量锥度是 1: 12。锥度的公差要求是,当 轴向位移为 12mm时 ,直径的公差为 1 0.003mm。 2.测量原则 两个光栅传感器分别位于 锥轴 两边 , 他们是平 行的 ,与主轴 配以 合适的 角度 . 检测从测量较大一端的锥度开始, 以确保测量的准确性 .测量直径的大小等于传感器读数之和。锥体 每 旋转 0.9 做一次测量,即整个周长测量 400 次。一个周长测量做每轴 0.79区间 . 测量程序结束时 ,测量的周长较小一端的锥 度已完成 . 在其中一段是 :远离锥度大端的 l(直径为 D),假设理论测量直径是 d,测量值即为轧辊的轴套的直径。 C (D d ) / L (1) d D C L (2) D d d d (D L) d L D (3) 式中: c 锥度的正常值, d 直径的测量误差, 轴向位移是 12mm 时,直径的容许误差小于 1 0.003mm。 因此 ,仪器的 测量误差 在 测量直径 时 不得超过 3 米 . 3.设备的结构分析 3 3 图 1 锥度自动测量仪 该设备由 四部分组成:机械系统,测量系统,数据采集系统和数据处理系统,控制系统 用于控制 轴向运动和径向旋转 . 机械系统 设备的机械系统包括: 底板 ,左 ,右支托辊 , 和 测量工作台 .机械系统有两个功能: 一 种 是 用于 测 量 锥体转动 , 而后者则是 用于使 光栅传感器沿着锥轴做直线运动 .在测量操作中,首先用两个顶锥支撑住锥轴,然后 启动马达 使位于 轴向与横向光栅 的 传感器 工作,同时,靠锥轴驱动的径向传感器同时旋转。 测量系统 测量系统主要由 光栅传感器及测量电路 组成。 它是用于轴向 定位和测量直径 。 光栅传感器的特点 ,如高精度 ,高分辨率 ,量程 宽 , 抗干扰能力强 等。 普通光栅传感器 的准确性 可达到 0.5m/300mm,而结果的精度可达到 0.05m。 光栅传感器 的 测量电路包括细分电路 ,方向识别电路 ,计数电路 ,显示电路 .我们设计时,传感器的结果和测量精度分别达到 0.5m 和 1m/20mm。轴向定位传感器的结果和测量精度分别达到 0.5m 和 1m/20mm。 数据采集和数据处理系统 4 4 数据采集和数据处理系统的功能是收集测量的数据如直径、角度、 轴向位置 ,然后把数据输入采用 RS-232C 标准接口的计算机,因此可以得到测量结果和实际的锥度轮廓。 由于串行通信波特率设置为 9600bps ,该系统可 每秒 传输 1200字节 。当储存一次测量数据需要 9 字节时,测量数据的总计个数为400100=40000,因此做完整个测量所需的时间总共为 400009/1200=300 秒,大约为五分钟。 轴向运动和径向旋转 的控制系统 图 2 控制操作的界面 该控制系统功能是控制步进电机的旋转和 可实现的 轴向直线运动 . 核心控制系统 是一个并行接口板 . 图 2 显示控制操作 的 界面 .在该界面内操作, 可以实现启动和停止发动机 ,控制旋转方向和定位传感器沿锥轴 的 速度 。 步进电机 的 步进角为 0.045 ; 精度达 0.01mm ,可作直线运动的控制手段 和 驱动机制 ,就像 齿轮 、 滚珠丝杠等 . 4.锥度测量的评价 一旦测量结束,测量锥度的评价由 400x100 的测量数据获得。根据锥度的 5 5 定义 有两种方法可以用来获得实际测量锥度 。 锥轴的大端和小端的测量数据都是通过最小二乘法处理的。 D和 d 都是通过最小二乘法计算得来的。然后 ,我们可以找见 L,两段之间多轴向距离,来自于定位尺寸。根据公式: Ca= (Dd ) / L ,可以计算出测量的真正锥度。 共有 400X100 个数据和圆锥表面的计算式都是通过最小二乘法计算得来的。当选择了适当的章节后,我们可以计算出 d ,前两截面的直径,和 L,两截面之间的距离,然后测量的锥度可以通过式子 Ca (Dd ) / L计算而得出。 这种仪器采用第二 种 评价方法 . 其它参数如标准偏差锥度 , 最大偏差锥度 、 最小偏差锥度也可以 通过 进一步的数据处 理工作完成 . 为了提高测量结果的可视化,已经采用了可视化的加工过程。根据测量数据,实际的锥面轮廓可以通过坐标显示于计算机屏幕上。图 3 是实际锥面的轮廓图。如果你点击轮廓的任意一点,该截面的 轴向位置和直径 即可显示。此外, 你还可以 用鼠标 拖动实际 轮廓 ,让你可以观察到的任意位置 的 概况 . 这种仪器可以 通过电脑做 锥轴与锥套 的虚拟装配 .为锥轴和锥套编号 ,然后 保存它 的测量结果 .当他们被用到时,利用保存结果可在电脑上实现虚拟装配。标记 锥轴与锥套 的实际装配效果可以在很大程度上提高装配精度。 图 3 锥度的实际轮廓图 6 6 5. 结论 本文中对锥轴和锥套的测量参照了圆柱面轧辊的测量。它与锥度的实际工作状况相符合,所以原则上具有很大的优越性。 卧式锥自动测量仪器 有其自身的 特点 ,如 结构简单 ,便于调试和运行 , 精度 高 ,量程 宽 等 .同时 该仪器具有沉重的承载能力 ,刚度大 ,增强 了 适应性 . 光栅传感器 ,用于测量系统的直径和轴向定位 , 径向角定位是 由 步进马达 完成的 . 因此,测量误差小于 1.4m,相对测量锥度误差小于 210-3。 卧式锥自动测量仪器在很大程度上 实现了 自动化 . 采用数字式光栅传感器在于 精度 高 ,同时顺利的完成了 计算机数据采集和数据 处理 . 可从收集到的大量的数据数字化信息 进行 误差分离 , 纠错 ,并 施 行统计分析 . 应用 可视化技术 ,剖面测量锥 度 也可以显示在计算机屏幕上 . 更加 重要的是 ,利用所收集的数据 , 可实现虚拟装配锥轴与锥套 ,可以实现装配精度在很大程度的提高。 7 7 参考文献 1 勒凯什普塔,样机和装配的设计在多式联合虚拟环境中的应用 ,电脑辅助设计, 1997, (29): 585-597 2 徐坤,王绍褍, 在同一方向上测量锥体的圆锥角 , 拖拉机和农用运输车, 2002, l3(3): 47 3 杜眀芳,张永明锥度的 测量和数据处理,精密测量技术, 2002, 29(4):10-11 4 李晓庆,张福云,杨楚敏大型圆锥体上的小锥径测量工具的发展, 工程工具, 2003, (5):44-46 5 余新海,陈萍用测量显微镜测量大锥径, 实际测量技术2000,26(4):34-35 6 石建要,杨德旺锥径测量和误差分析,实际测量技术 2000, 26(5):34-36 8 8 Measurement of Cone Shaft and Cone Sleeve of High-speed Wire Rolling Mills Roller ABSTRACT To obtain good assembly performance when transferring roll moment, a cone fit is adopted between cone shaft and cone sleeve of roller of high-speed wire rolling mill. This paper introduces an automatic cone measuring method, dissertates the principle of taking reference cylindrical surface of the roller as measuring reference to measure cones, and the main characteristics of the associated horizontal automatic cone measuring instrument. Measuring error of the instrument is also analyzed. The instrument uses grating transducers for cone diameter measurements and for axial positioning of transducer. The measuring error for diameter measurement is 1.4 m,the axial positioning error is less than 0.01mm, and the relative error for taper measurement is less than 210-3.Since the instrument is equipped with data acquisition system, many parameters and actual profile of the measured cone can be obtained according to the collected measuring data. Furthermore, virtual assembly of corn shaft with cone sleeve can be carried out on the computer, and the actual assembly effect of cone shaft with cone sleeve can be observed so that selective assembly with higher accuracy can be realized to the fullest extent. Keywords: rolling mill, roller, grating transducer, stepping motor, virtual assembly 1. INTRODUCTION Compared with smooth cylindrical fit, cone fit has advantages of automatic alignment, higher coaxiality, easy to adjust the degree of tightness, closer fit, easy to disassemble, etc. Therefore, it is widely used in mechanical facilities. Now, the rolling speed of high-speed wire rolling has exceeded 100m/s. To adapt to this speed, cone fit with good performance must be adopted between cone shaft and cone sleeve of high-speed wire rolling mills roller otherwise the roller of the mill will have some run-out so that the rolling speed and rolling benefit cant be ensured. The inspection of the cone has two methods: composite inspection and monomial inspection. Cone gauges are used for composite inspection while go niometers, indexes, sine bars, angular blocks are used in monomial inspection for measuring parameters of cone tolerance2. This paper introduces an automatic cone measuring method, together with an associated horizontal automatic cone measuring instrument. The instrument measures cone shaft and cone sleeve under the condition that taking reference cylindrical surface of the roller as measuring reference. Parameters of the roller are: the maximum diameter of measured 9 9 cone shaft is 241mm,the le ngth range of measured cone shaft is 647mm985mm, the maximum diameter of measured cone sleeve is 192mm, the length range of measured cone sleeve is 647mm985mm and the normal taper of measured cone is 1:12. The tolerance requirement of the cone is that the allowable variation in diameter should be within 10.003mm when axial displacement is 12mm1. 2. PRINCIPLE OF MEASUREMENT Two grating transducers are located at both side of the cone, they are parallel and at right angle with the axis of the cone. The measurement begins at the bigger end of measured cone to ensure the measuring accuracy. The size of the diameter measured equals to the sum of the two transducer readings. One measurement is done for every 0.9 rotation of the cone, i.e. 400 measurements are done for a full circumference. One circumference measurements are done for every 1mm axial interval. The measuring procedure ends when measurements for the circumference at the smaller end of the cone have completed .At the section which is L apart from bigger end (the diameter is D) of the cone, Assume that the theoretical diameter of the section is d, measured diameter is C (D d ) / L (1) d D C L (2) D d d d (D L) d L D (3) Where C is the normal taper of the cone, d is the measuring error of diameter sleeve of the roller, the allowable variation in diameter should be within1 0.003mm when axial displacement is 12mm. Therefore,the measuring error of the instrument for measuring diameter should not exceed 3 m. 3. COMPOSITION OF THE INSTRUMENT 10 10 Fig.1 automatic cone measuring instrument The instrument consists of four parts: mechanical system, measuring system, dada acquisition system and data processing system, control system for axial movement and radial rotation. (1) Mechanical system Mechanical system of the instrument includes bed plate, left and right supports for supporting roller, and workbench of measurement. Mechanical system has two functions. The first is to support measured cone to rotate, and the second is to support grating transducer to do rectilinear movement along the cone axis. When in measuring operation, support the cone on two supports with two centers at the beginning, then start the motors to locate transducer in its axial place with horizontal grating, and alternatively, to locate transducer in its radial place by driving the cone to rotate with a deflectable rod. (2) Measuring system Measuring system is mainly made up of grating transducers and measuring circuit. It is used for axial locating and diameter measurements. Grating transducer has characteristics such as high accuracy, fine resolution, broad measuring range, strong ability to resist disturbance, etc. The accuracy of ordinary grating transducer can reach to 0.5 m /300mm; the resolution can reach to 0.05 m. The measuring circuits for grating transducer include subdivision circuit, direction identification circuit, counting circuit, and display circuit. In our design, the resolution and measuring accuracy of the grating transducer for diameter measurements are 0.5 m and 1 m/20mm; the resolution and measuring accuracy of the grating transducer for axial locating are 0.5 m and 1 m/20mm, respectively. (3) Dada acquisition system and data processing system The function of dada acquisition system and data processing system is to collect 11 11 measured data such as diameters, angles, axial positions, and then input these data to the computer through standard RS-232C seria interface for data processing, so that measuring results and actual cone profile of the measured cone can be obtained.Since the Baud rate of serial communication is set to 9600bps, the system can transmit 1200 bytes in a second. The total number of measured data is about 400100=40000 while 9 bytes are needed to store one measured ata.So the time required to do whole measurement is approximate 400009/1200=300s, or about 5 minutes. (4) Control system for axial movement and radial rotation Fig.2 the interface of control operation The function of control system is to control stepping motors by which the rotation and axial rectilinear movement can be implemented. The core of control system is a parallel interface board. Figure 2 shows the interface of control operation. By operations within this interface, starting and stopping of motors, control of rotating direction and speed and locating of the transducer along cone axis, can be realized. The stepping angle of stepping motor is 0.045; Accuracy of 0.01mm can be obtained fo r rectilinear movement control by means of driving mechanisms such as gears, ballscrews, etc. 4. EVALUATION OF THE MEASURED CONE Once the measurement is finished, evaluation of the measured cone can be made from 400100 measured data. According to the definition of taper, there are two methods which can be used to get the actual taper of the measured cone. (1) Both 400 measured data measured on sections of bigger end and 12 12 smaller end of the cone are processed separately with least square method. D and d , the diameters of two circles determined by least square method, can be found out. Then, we can find out L, the axial distance between these two sections, from locating dimensions. According to equation Ca= (Dd ) / L , the actual taper of measured cone can be calculated. (2) Total 400100 data are processed with least square method and the equation of the tapered face determined by least square method can be calculated. After two appropriate sections are chosen, we can calculate and d”, the diameters of two sections and L ,the distance between twosections, and then, the actual taper of measured cone can be calculated according to equation Ca (Dd ) / L . This instrument adopts the second evaluation method. Other parameters such as standard deviation of taper, maximum deviation of taper and minimum deviation of taper can also be calculated while further data processing work is done. To enhance the visualizability of measuring results, processing of visualization has been adopted. The actual profile of tapered face can be displayed on the screen of computer in the form of grid according to measured data. Figure 3 is the actual profile of a tapered face. If you click any point on the profile, the axial position and the diameter of the section at which the point is locating, and deviations, can be printed, on the screen immediately. Besides, you can drag the actual profile with mouse so that yo u can observe the condition of an arbitrary position on the profile. This instrument can make virtual assembly of cone shaft and cone sleeve by computer. Numbering for cone shafts and cone sleeves and then save their measuring results. When they are to be used, virtual assembly can be made by computer by making use of saved result. Taking notice of the actual assembly effect of cone shaft and cone sleeve, selective assembly of cones with high accuracy can be realized to a great extent3. Fig.3 actual profile of a tapered face 13 13 5. CONCLUSIONS The measurement of cone shaft and cone sleeve of roller introduced in this paper takes reference cylindrical surface of roller as the reference of measurement. This is accordance with actual condition of cone fit, so that it has great advantage in principle.The horizo ntal automatic cone measuring instrument has characteristics such as simple in structure, convenient in adjustment and operation, high accuracy, broad measuring range, etc. The instrument has heavy load bearing capacity, large rigidity and enhanced adaptability. Grating transducers are used in measuring system for dia meter measurement and axial positioning, and radial angular positioning is comple ted with stepping motor. So, the error for measuring diameter is less than 1.4 m and the relative error for measuring taper of cone is less than 210-3. Horizo


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