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1 20142014 高考英语单项选择二轮训练 高考英语单项选择二轮训练 1313 及答案 及答案 山东省莱芜市 2013 二模 单项填空 共 15 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15 分 从每题所给的 a b c d 四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑 21 eat up campaign has become hot topic calling for people to take action against waste a a 不填 b a an c the 不填 d the an 22 what really annjoys me is my christmas gift has been delivered to a wrong person a that b whom c what d whether 23 sorry mum i got a c in the exam you have done better but you didn t your best a would b must c coule d shall 24 problems with childcare remain the biggest to women succeeding at work a strength b barrier c desire d comfort 25 the traveler phoned the police in panic that she d lost her baby a cride b to cry c having cride d crying 26 what s your advice for my interview bring to the interviewer s attention that you have been longing for the job a that b it c one d this 27 mr jordan we want to hear your opinion about the current nba games ok i to that a am coming b have come c came d come 28 margaret thatcher as the iron lady dide at 87 after suffering a stroke a knowing b to know c being known d known 29 it is common practice that reporters go there s news a wherever b whichever c however d whatever 30 desperate for money she called her sister she hadn t spoken to in 20 years a which b what c whom d that 31 what was it that made the young man among the candidates his ability determination and above all honesty a pick out b run out c give out d stand out 32 it doesn t matter much we go together lr separately 2 a why b whether c whom d that 33 you will have to keep it up you want to swim faster than other swimmers in our country a unless b before c if d after 34 apple inc issued an apology on april 1 st to chinese customers a letter written in chinese a in the shape of b in the meaning of c in the form of d in the manner of 35 david you got hurt again oh a my pleasure b just my luck c take care d go ahead 参考答案 aacbd badac dbccb 1 parents should pay attention to areas their child is having difficulty and spend extra time to help him or her master those skills a as b where c why d when 答案 b 解析 试题分析 考查定语从句 本题中定语从句的先行词是 areas 定语从句中的句子结构很完 整 所以使用关系副词 why 表示原因状语 when 表示时间状语 where 表示地点状语 as 不是关系副词 句意 父母应该注意这些他们的孩子遇见了困难领域 花费一些额外的时间 来帮助他们掌握那些技巧 where 表示在 方面 故 b 正确 考点 考查定语从句 点评 定语从句的关键是分析句子成分 如果句子成分很完整就使用关系副词 如果句中缺 少主语 宾语 表语或者定语就使用关系副词 然后再根据先行词和句子的意思来确定所需 要的关系词 2 i suppose there ll be a lot of arguments a as you like b no problem c that s a good idea d i should imagine so 3 答案 d 解析 试题分析 考查交际用语 a 随你的便 b 没有问题 c 好主意 d 我也这样认为 句意 我认为会有很多的争论 我也这样认为 根据句意说明 d 正确 考点 考查交际用语 点评 本题的交际用语考查要注意上下文的语义串联 abc 三项的意思和上下文不相符 在 平时的学习中要特别注意积累一些常考的交际用语的句型和结构 3 jobs are hard to get and more young people are continuing their education a above allb as a resultc after alld on the contrary 答案 b 解析 试题分析 短语辨析 a 首先 最重要的是 b 结果是 c 终究 毕竟 d 恰恰相反 句意 现在的工作很难找 所以越来越多的年轻人继续他们的教育 根据句意说明上下文之间存在 着因果关系 故选 b 项 考点 考查定语辨析 点评 本题考查了介词的短语辨析 在日常的学习中要加强这方面的积累 要特别注意 after all 可以表示终究 也可以表示毕竟 提醒对方不要忘记某些重要的东西 4 things have changed quickly over the past decade and life in the country is much better than used to be a that b it c what d one 答案 b 解析 试题分析 考查代词辨析 that 指代可数名词单数或者不可数名词 后面必须有短语修饰 it 指代上文出现的同一事物 one 表示泛指 指代可数名词单数形式 本题中的 it 指代 life 句意 在过去的十年里情况变化很快 乡村的生活比过去已经好多了 it 指代 the life 故 b 正确 考点 考查代词辨析 点评 that 指代可数名词单数或者不可数名词 后面必须有短语修饰 it 指代上文出现的 同一事物 one 表示泛指 指代可数名词单数形式 4 5 would you like tea or coffee thank you i ve just had some water a either b both c any d neither 答案 d 解析 试题分析 句意 您要茶还是咖啡 都不要 谢谢 我刚刚喝了一些水 由答语中的 i ve just had some water 可知说话者既不想喝茶也不想喝咖啡 故选 d 考点 考察不定代词的用法 点评 首先要注意说话的语境 能够判断出需要哪个不定代词的用法 其次 要熟记不 定代词的用法 如 either 是表示两者有的任何一个 both 是表示两者都 any 是表示三者 或三者以上的任何一个 neither 是表示两者都不 对于这些基础要点熟记于心 就不难选 出正确答案 第一节第一节 单项填空 共单项填空 共 1010 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 1 分 满分分 满分 1010 分 分 从 a b c d 四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 1 this is my treat and next is yours how s that ok a it doesn t matter b it depends c no wayd it s a deal 2 if you decided to study in america you have no choice but your english greatly a improves b improving c to improve d improve 3 you may join the other kids in the summer camp you promise to make full use of it a as long asb as if c even ifd even though 4 john can you play the flute for us i remember you were a wonderful player before sorry i the flute for ages 5 a don t playb wasn t playing c hadn t played d haven t played 5 i m afraid i can t hand in my application letter today because my computer yesterday a broke up b broke in c broke outd broke down 6 only when chinese people share social wealth more equally a more harmonious country a will we seeb we would see c we will seed did we see 7 we were stuck on the way to the scenic spot otherwise we lots of fun there a had hadb have had c could have hadd could have 8 when deeply lost in writing she often was she would lock herself alone in the study a that b which c where d when 9 the air quality of chengdu at present is as poor as of some western countries in the 1950s a the one b that c one d it 10 the applicants are free to choose suits them best from the courses provided by the center a whatever b whenever c whichever d wherever 第一节 单项填空 共 10 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 10 分 1 5 dcadd 6 10acbbc 1 答案 d 解析 考查交际用语 treat 在这儿是 请客 的意思 it s a deal 是 就这么 说定了 的意思 c 项是 没门 不可能 的意思 6 2 答案 c 解析 考查动词非谓语 前面有 have no choice but 后的动词应该是 to do 形式 3 答案 a 解析 考查状语从句 根据句意 连词的意思应该是 只要 故该选 as long as even if even though 是表让步 尽管 即使 的意思 as if 是 好像 的意思 4 答案 d 解析 考查时态 至今为止多年没演奏过了 所以用现在完成时 5 答案 d 解析 考查动词短语 break up 表 关系结束 分手 break in 表 打断 闯入 开始工作 break out 表 灾难 战争等 爆发 break down 表 机器出故障 崩溃 分解 谈判破裂 等 故选 d 6 答案 a 解析 考查倒装句和时态 only 从句或副词做状语位于句首时 主谓要部分倒装 主句的时态该用一般将来时 故选 a 7 答案 c 解析 考查虚拟语气中谓语动词的构成 otherwise 表达与前面的事实相反 事实发 生在过去 所以谓语应该是 have done 的形式 故应选 c 8 答案 b 解析 考查定语从句中的关系代词 由逗号可判断这是一个非限制性定语从句 而从 句为主系表结构 缺少表语 所以选 which 受 which 从句修饰的是 deeply absorbed in work 短语 当专注于写作时 这乃她的常态 她会将自己独自锁在书房里 9 答案 b 解析 考查代词 前面的 air quality 是所指代对象 为不可数名词 故选择 that 10 答案 c 解析 考查名词性从句连接词 choose 是接物动词 后接宾语 同时后面从句中缺少主语 因此可选 whatever 和 whichever 另根据后面的信息提示是从该中心提供的课程中选择适合 他们的 因此应该用 whichever 7 限时限时 4040 分钟分钟 单项填空单项填空 1 at time of his death this astronaut was in training for second space flight a theb the ac the d a 2 i hear that bob was fired by the company yes but don t mention this when you with him a talkedb will talk c were talkingd are talking 3 whenever i achieve a little in my work or study i ll think about how grateful i am the lessons my father taught me a tob withc ond for 4 there are many business examples teams need to work together to achieve their goals a thatb how c for whichd where 5 would you like a newspaper or a magazine i just want to kill time with it on the train a eitherb neither c noned nothing 6 you ll be surprised to find out so much of has been widely spread on the web turns out to be unreliable a whatb itc whichd that 7 only when the computer came into being any possibility that man could start his journey far into outer space a it wasb there was c was itd was there 8 eaton must have felt this he did not find the proper phrase to express it at that moment a even ifb as if 8 c as long asd so that 9 that s a pity but why can t you come to our party because brume has me that the tv station will interview our class tomorrow afternoon a promisedb warned c informedd advised 10 our flight to beijing didn t take off until 11 35 am because of the foggy weather such a long delay this flight at 10 15 am a took offb takes off c will take offd has taken off 1 解析 选 b 考查冠词 第一空是特指 指 在他去世的时候 序数词前加不定冠词是 再 又 的意思 a second space flight 再一次太空飞行 2 解析 选 d 考查时态 根据句意可知 你在将来和他谈话时不要提起这件事 此时 的进行时原来是 will be talking 这里用现在进行时表示一般将来进行时态 3 解析 选 d 考查介词 be grateful to sb for sth 为习惯用法 这里被感激的对 象是父亲给予的教育 所以应该用 for 而不是 to 4 解析 选 d 考查定语从句关系词 句意 有很多商业事例说明团队需要合作才能达到 目标 many business examples 后接定语从句 定语从句中缺少抽象的地点状语 in many business examples 因此用关系副词 where 易错提醒 根据 example 的搭配 此题易误选 c 该题中先行词是 many bu


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