



第一单元1、 There are some (ghost) ghastly shapes of bats flitting about in the dark.2、 The cart felt curious when she saw her own (reflect) reflection in the mirror.3、 She bought some detergent and antiseptic from a dyeing (cleanse) cleaning store.4、 These (rot) rotting bananas are giving off a bad smell.5、 He (inheritance) inherited a fortune from his grandmother.6、 Did he feel any (compassionate) compassion for the victim of his crime?7、 Drinking water supplies are believed to have been (contamination) contaminated.8、 The animal seizes its prey by the throat and (suffocation) suffocates it to death.9、 The police never solved the (mysterious) mystery of Grays disappearance.10、 The time was (ripen) ripe for a challenge to the power of the government.第三单元1、 Acupuncture on the day of embryo transfer significantly improves the reproductive in infertile women: A (prospect) prospective, randomized trial.2、 This thesis attempts to probe into this narrator and character, Nelly Dean: Her importance in narrating the story, her (incredible) incredibility as narrator, her doubtful status and her functions in the story.3、 This will not only teach kids the myriad monthly claims on your income, but may help (motivator) motivate them to be part of the solution to money problems.4、 Mr. George is looking for a new job, but he is over 50 years old and his age is turning out to be a (stumble) stumbling block.5、 In the final (analytic) analysis I think our sympathy lies with the heroine of the play.6、 He was politely attentive to customers, but after hours his world seemed (irrevocable) irrevocably empty.7、 No one has come up with a (convince) convincing explanation of why dinosaur died out.8、 (Literally) Literal translation, in other words word-for-word translation, is not to be encouraged.9、 A precise (define) definition of poverty is actually very difficult to determine.10、 How does the adaptive immune system (interaction) interact with the innate immune system?第四单元1、 Some people (veil) veil their crafty nature under the mask of loyalty.2、 The new management is (assure) assuring its customers of its best effort and hospitality.3、 As a rough sometimes covers the sweetest fruit, so a rough exterior often (conceal) conceals a kindly and hearty nature.4、 I have left home ten years or more, and I thought I would forget you by and by, but you keep (haunt) haunting my memory.5、 At the heart of the artwork is a set of your (monstrous) monstrously massive stars, collectively called the Trapezium.6、 Environmentally friendly society (reflect) reflects the philosophy idea that person, society, nature mutually unify.7、 Nothing was stirring except a bridled, grey cat, which (creep) crept from the ashes, and saluted me with a querulous mew.8、 Above all I do not wish to (importunity) importune or compromise you. I only want to love you ti my last sight.9、 Wu Fangmiao, an eighteen-year-old boy, never gave up himself because of his mental (paralyzed) paralysis.10、“Lo Dame aux Camellias(茶花女) reflects the bitterness of the society, which makes people (perception) perceive human nature at all times.第五单元1、 Buddhism advocates that people should be wise, value the life, be (mercifully) merciful, and be helpful for others.2、 The calves are grazed (intensive) intensive during their first season.3、 Those who saw this horrifying punishment were always (scare) scared.4、 There was a strange (fatal) fatality about their both losing their both their jobs on the same day.5、 By that time he had got over some of his (agitated) agitation.6、 I hope young people can understand that environment is so precious and (fragile) fragile.7、 Experiments (indication) indicate the new drug will cure infections.8、 Do not let a little dispute (injury) injure a great relationship.9、 From this, we can explore their life experience and feeling and their spiritual stereotype deep in their (unconscious) unconsciousness.10、 The hospital imported some (surgery) surgical instruments.第八单元1、A lot of families cannot even afford to buy the basic (necessary) necessities of life.2、The profit-sharing plan is designed to (motivation) motivate the staff to work hard.3、The courts were asked to (adoption) adopt a more flexible approach to young offenders.4、He started to study (ecological) ecology and decided to devote his whole life to the science.5、It is wrong to (different) differentiate between people according to their family background.6、The main building was demolished, but the library still (survival) survives as a museum.7、The industry has changed (radical) radically as a result of the increased use of electronic system.8、He (desperate) desperately wants to be an actor, so youll have to give him time to get it out of his system.9、the two universities are to (cooperation) cooperate in the development of a new industrial process.10、Doctor have to (constant) constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional competence.第一单元1、 他们通过仲裁签订了解决所有边境争端的条约。(treaty)They signed a treaty to settle all border disputes by arbitration.2、 这些外国人提出来一个合资企业的建议。(proposal)These foreigners have put forward a proposal for a joint venture.3、 崇拜祖先的风俗在这些人中是普遍的。(ancestor)The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent among these people.4、 帝国主义强烈掠夺了许多珍贵的艺术品。(plunder)The imperialists plundered many valuable works of art.5、 微风送来了阵阵青草和野花的香气。(scent)The winds came down with scents of the grass and wild flowers.6、 国会通过了一项禁止屠杀动物取乐的法令。(slaughter)Parliament has passed an act forbidding the slaughter of animals for pleasure.7、 她对病人没有任何同情心。(compassion)She showed no compassion for her patients.8、 母亲担心儿子的安全,心情很沉重。(be heavy with)Mothers heart was heavy with anxiety about her sons safety.第三单元1、 试图达到别人所立下的标准会把您搞疯。(live up to)Trying to live up the standards someone else set can drive you crazy.2、 “以前我很怕动物,但是现在我发现它们带给我很多快乐。”一位养宠物的人说。(be scared of)“I used to be scared of animals, but now I find that they bring me much happiness.” said one pet owner.3、 建立一个为之奋斗的目标,设立一个清晰的实现路径,然后在你每一天的工作生活中付诸行动。(shoot for)By having a goal to shoot for, you have a clear path, and thus purpose in your day-to-day work life.4、 有无肯能把你所有的诗中的信息用一句话来归纳?或者每一首诗都有它各自的生命与指令?(boil down)It is possible to boil own the messages of all your poems into a single sentence or two? Or does each poem have its own life and statement.5、 由于过去20年多来,特别是最近13年的发展,中国已初步建立了与社会主义市场经济向适应的金融体系。(commensurate with)Thanks to the development over the past 20-odd years, particularly in the last years, China has initially established a financial system that is commensurate with a socialist market economy.6、 我期待着这份新工作,然而我可能会觉得很难达到我的前任的水平,她在退休前干了15年。(measure up)Im looking forward to my new jib although I may find it difficult to measure up to my predecessor who did it for fifteen years before she retired.7、 我们党和国家一定要关心群众生活,现在应该提出这个问题了。(be concerned with)Our Party and state must be concerned with the well-being of the masses, and it is high time we put this question on our agenda.8、 只有这样,他们才能不辜负党的期望。(live up to)Only by so doing could they live up to expectations of the Party.第四单元1. 相亲失败的阴影,一直在他脑中挥之不去,使他不得不怀疑母亲长期以来强加给他的想法是不是错了(blind data,haunt)The failure of blind dates is haunting him all the time, making him have great doubts about the ideas his mother has imposed on him for all these years.2. 这本书揭示了古巴比伦神秘的面纱,向我们详细描述了这个王国繁荣时期社会各阶层的景象(veil,Babylon)This book uncovers the mysterious veil of ancient Babylon and describes lives of all classes in society at its prime time.3. 在一个民主和法制的社会,政府必须采取积极措施确保每一个公民的正当利益不受损害(assure)。In a democratic and legal society, the government must take active measures to assure the proper rights of each citizen. 4. 她多么想伸出双臂乞求敌人放了她啊,可她知道自己只能坚持到底,不到最后一刻决不放弃(implore)She wanted so badly to extend her arms and implore the enemy to release her, but she know she could never give up until the last minute.5. 他妻子的胡搅蛮缠让他别无选择,只能同意在离婚协议书上签字(importunity,divorce)He wifes importunity left him no choice but to agree to sign his name on the Divorce settlement.6. 面对遇到的每一个挑战,你会离目标越来越近,只要坚持不懈,就一定能获得最后的成功(persistence)In face of every challenge you will get closed to your goals; with persistence, you are sure to achieve success.7. 我曾遇到过许多不朽的灵魂,他们几乎毁灭在生活的重压之下,在人生的道路上匍匐煎熬(creep)How many a poor immortal soul have I met well-night crushed and smothered under its load creeping down the roof of life.8. 听到终于胜利的消息,人们兴高采烈,把家里仅有的食物和酒都拿出来庆祝(exalted)Having heard the news of final victory, people where so exalted that them took out the remaining food and wine to celebrate. 第五单元1 所以在我的童年或是少年时,我一定做了许多好事(must have done).So somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good.2 虽然他还很年轻,但她能够做许多需要技巧的工作(though)She can do a lot of skilled work though she is under age.3 我在提出看法前得先得阅读关于这一事件的所有简报(go through).Ill have to go through all the clips on the event before I can give an opinion.4 人们预测他日后会有很大成就,便是他父母也庆幸有了这样的一个儿子(be bless with)People predicted that he would do big things and his parents considered themselves fortunate to be blessed with such a son.5 为什么士兵在撤退时把桥梁都炸掉了呢(blow up).Why did the soldiers blow up all the bridges when they retreated?6 让我们把每个条款都在仔细核对一遍,看看是否还有不清楚或是遗漏的地方(check on)Lets have another check on all the clauses one by one to see whether there is s


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