湖北省麻城市集美学校八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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湖北省麻城市集美学校八年级英语下册 unit 8 why dont you get her a scarf教案 人教新目标版教学目标: teaching aims:1知识目标: 学习如何给别人买礼物以及用各种不同句型建议别人买礼物,并对他人提供的建议作出评价。2. 能力目标: 1)通过本课学习,要求学生掌握以下句型:why dont you why not +v原形? how about what about +v-ing/名词?2)能用各种表达建议的方式来为别人献计献策,为不同的人选择不同的礼物。如: why dont you get her a camera? how about some tennis balls? 。3)能用英语来表达自己的喜好,并对他人所提供的建议做出评价。如:thats too boring.4)能正确运用情态动词should来请求帮助。如:what should i get my mom for her birthday?3过程与方法目标:通过反复操练why not +v原形? how about what about +v-ing/名词?句型来熟练运用所学的知识。4情感态度与价值观:1)通过学习如何赠送礼物,对比中西方文化的不同之处。2)交际策略:通过提供建议,发表见解等的对话,培养学生与人交往和沟通的能力二.教学工具:多媒体三.教学重难点:重点:1.掌握本课时句型 what should i get my mom for her birthday? why dont you ? why not ? how about ? what about ?2. 用所学语言对他人所提的建议作出评价。难点:用所学语言给他人提供建议并对他人所提出的建议作出评价。四教学过程:sectiona 1. 课前预习 1.选择题( )1.whatshouldigetmymom_herbirthday?a.for b.on c.atd.in()2.whydontyou_acamera?thatstoocheap.a.gotb.getc.getsd.getting()3.whatsthebestgiftjohn_everreceived?a.haveb.hasc.hadd.having()4.whendidjoegethisfirstgift?onhis_birthday.a.sixb.thesix c.sixthd.thesixth()5.whata_boy!a.luckb.luckyc.luckilyd.lucking2.用所给动词的正确形式填空。1must we _ the work at once? (start)2where _ our english teacher? (be) she _ with some students over there. (talk)3his work _ at half past five. (finish)4what _ your brother _ in the usa? (do)5what time _ mr. read _ lunch every day? (have)2.正课教授:(1)引入 词汇album集子comment评论;意见 soon很快suggestion建议;提议 snake蛇mouse老鼠 hamster仓鼠spider蜘蛛pig猪perfect完美的;理想的rabbit兔;野兔trendy流行的turtle海龟1. what should i get my mom for her birthday?我该为母亲的生日买点什么礼物呢? (1)should是情态动词,后接原形动词作谓语。should可用来表示主观看法,或一种建议、劝说或表示义 务、责任,should 用于各种人称。意为“应该”。例如: you should brush your teeth before you go to bed你在睡前应该刷牙。 i suggested that he should go我建议他去。2they will pay for a park bench or a tree to help remember a person 他们会买下公园里的长凳或一棵树来纪念一个人。 pay for意为“负担的费用、付款”。例如: i paid ten dollars for the book我花了10元钱买那本书。 i paid him 100 yuan for the new bike我付给他一百元买下了这辆新自行车。 试比较:i paid 10 yuan for the book我花十元钱买这本书。 =i spent 10 yuan on the book =the book cost me 10 yuan 注意:pay,spend和cost的主语及介词搭配。3in the usa, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buying them gifts在美国,一些人请求他们的家人和朋友把钱捐给慈善机构而不是给他们买礼物。 (1) give money to意为“把钱捐给”。例如: many students gave their pocket money to the poor orphan 许多学生把他们的零花钱捐给了这个可怜的孤儿。(2) rather than意为“而不是”,常用于平行结构中。例如:id call her hair chestnut rather than brown.我宁愿说她的头发是栗色,而不是棕色。 i decided to write rather than(to) telephone我决定写信而不打电话。 在这句中可用两个不定式,也可用动名词放在than之后。即: i decided to write rather than telephoning 上面句中就是用to give与buying them gifts作对照的。4instead, making a meal is enough相反,做顿饭吃就够了。 (1)instead是副词,意为“代替、反而”。可单独位于句首或句尾。例如: he is tired, let me go instead他累了,让我替他去吧。 she never studiesinstead,she plays tennis all day.她从不学习,而是整天打网球。 instead of是介词,意义与instead一样,但用在代词、名词或介词短语之前。例如: he11 go to italy instead of france他要去意大利而不去法国。 you should be out playing instead of working in doors all day 你应该到外边去活动活动,而不要整天呆在屋子里工作。 (2)making a meal是动名词短语作主语。当一个动名词、动词不定式或从旬作主语时,谓语总用单数。 例如:seeing is believing= t0 see is to believe眼见为实。5动词get的相关用法: (1) get和have连用,构成havehas got,意为:有。例如: they have got the new volleyballs他们有那种新排球。 weve got nothing to retell我们无事要重复。 (2) get用作及物动词,意为:送给;交;得到;获得,买到;收到;赢得,理解,懂,到;抵达。例如: we got a piece of interesting news我们得到了一个有趣的消息。 they all got letters from thek classmates. 他们都收到他们的同学来信。 please get me 80me water!请给我拿些水来! when he got home,it was already dark 他到家时,天已黑了。 did he get to the factory at a quarter to nine? 他八点三刻到工厂的吗? 注意:表示“到达(某地)”时,在get后接副词时(如:heretherehome等),其后不能接介词to; 如接名词作宾语时,则应在get后接介词to,构成;get to+(表示地点的)名词。 (3) get还可以用作连系动词,意为:变得,成为;后面接形容词作表语。例如: the days are getting longer and longer白天变得越来越长了。when she saw her daughter,the young woman got so pleased 看到她女儿时,这位年轻妇女变得如此的高兴。 (4) 常用短语: get back取回;拿回;get down下来;get on上(车,船等); get 0ff下(车,船等);get out出来;get into进入,进去; get up起来;get to到达;6some ofthese singers were able to sing english songs just as well as native speakers他们当中有些人能够唱得与说英语的人唱的一样好。 (1)be able to也表示“能,会”与不定式连用,但be able to后,只能接肯定的不定式,同时不可用无生命 名词作主语。are you able to come tomorrow?明天你能来吗? 。 (2)辨析:can和be able to can可用于人或其他事物作主语的句子,be able to只用于有生命名词作主语的句子。 带can的主动式结构的句子可变成被动式结构,但带be able to的主动式结构的句子不可变成被动式结构的 句子。 can只有一般现在时和一般过去时(could)两种形式,而be able to除一般现在时、过去时外,还可有将来 时、完成时,甚至可用作非谓语动词短语。 tom has been able to drive 汤姆已经会开车了。 表示经过努力,花费了时间和劳力才能做到某事时,在肯定句和一般疑问句中只能用waswere able to, 不用could,但在否定句中两者却可相互替用。can和be able to都没有进行时,在be able to前可加除can 外的情态动词。you might be able to persuade him 你可能能说服他。 he seemed able to finish the job 他似乎能完成这件工作。7both winners were very modest and said that they didnt think they were better than the othersingers两位获胜者都很谦虚。说他们认为他们不比其他歌手唱得好。 (1)辨析:both和all both指两者,而all指三个或三个以上的人或物,其反义词分别为neither(两者都不)和none(一个也不)。 例如: both of my parents are english teacher 我父母都是英语教师。 all my classmates were interested in learning physics 我的同学们都对学习物理感兴趣。 neither of the answers is right两个答案都不正确。 none of us is a party member now我们现在没有一个人是党员。 (2)由think引导的宾语从句表示否定时,常常否定主句,而不是从句。例如: i dont think he is better than i我认为他不比我好。 my english teacher doesnt think we have already understood the meaning 我的英语老师认为我们还没有弄清楚意思。 注意:类似的动词还有:believe,suppose等。8it suggests ways for beijingers to take an interest in learning english它建议北京人对学习英语要感兴趣。take an interest in“对感兴趣”相当于be interested in. 也可以说: show an interest in,或have an interest in或feel an interest in例如:she has no interest in playing cards她对打牌没有兴趣。9.关于how about的用法句型how about? 和what about?表示的意义相同,都可用来表示征求别人的意见,意为:怎么样呢? 但应该说明的是:句型中的about是介词,其后应接名词或代词或动词的ing形式作宾语,不能接动词原形或动 词不定式形式。例如:how about playing football? 出去踢足球怎么样?youve watched for so long timewhat about having a rest?你们已经看电视这么长时间了。休息一下怎么样?注意:除了how aboutwhat about?可以表示“征求意见”外,英语中常见的表示征求意见的句型还 有:lets do sth(让)我们做吧。why not do sth?为什么不做呢?why dont you do sth?你为什么不做呢?will you please do sth?请你做好吗?shall we?我们应该?youd better你最好(3)导练( )1the child is _ young to go to sch001 aenough bvery cso dtoo( )2some old people think they get _ gifts atoo much bmuch too ctoo many dmany too( )3i remember _ the key in the box under the bed aput bto put cputting dput away( )4later,the same gift may _ away to someone else agive bbe give cgiven dbe given( )5it is a good way to help learners have _ with english afunbfuns ca fun dfunny3.课堂小结:_4.随堂练习1).根据提示,把下列的句子翻译成英语。1. 鹦鹉是最不寻常的动物。 _are_pets.2.这些天来最流行的宠物是大肚猪。 the_kindofpet_isthe_pig.3.tom养了一只叫做connie的乌龟. tomhasa_connie.4.这些书将会被赠送给孩子们。 thesebookswill_tochildren.5.然而,和猪一起的生活并不总是完美的。 however,_isntalways_.6.电影太无聊了,演了一半我就睡着了。 themoviewastoobroing.i_halfwaythroughit五课后反思sectionb课前预习1i r many presents on my birthday 2he couldnt f_ asleep because of the cold 3kate stayed at home yesterday i_ of gomg shopping. 4it was n_ 12 oclock when i came back last night. 5my teacher often e_ me to get better grades正课教授(1)引入everyone likes gifts .some little kids think they dont get enough gifts .some old people think they get too many gifts .in sweden ,doing something for someone is the best gift .people dont need to spend too much money .instead , making a meal is enough.(2)重点句讲解sentences from the passage everyone likes gifts. some little kids think they dont get enough gifts.每个人都喜欢礼物。有些孩子觉得他们得到的礼物太少。enough 的用法:1) adj. 足够的im sure there is enough space for all these desks.我保证有足够的地方放下这些办公桌。two male people are quite enough for the job.有两个男人干这件事就够了。2)pron. 足够,充足we have enough to do.我们有足够的事要做。enough is as good as a feast.(谚)知足常乐。enough has been said on this topic.关于这个题目说得已够多的了。3)adv 充足,足够warm enough to swim暖和得足可以游泳the champion ran well enough but she would have set up another world record indeed if she had tried harder.冠军的确跑得相当快,不过要是她再努力一些,就会再次创造一个世界记录。it is light enough to play chess.要下棋这样的光线还是够亮的。they know well enough what we mean.他们当然懂得我们的意思。people dont need to spend too much money. instead, making a meal is enough.人们没必要花太多的钱。相反,做一顿饭就够了。spend 的用法:1)花钱;付款spend money/time on sth.在花钱/时间i spent five yuan on this book.这本书我花了五块钱he doesnt spend much time on his homework .他花在作业上的时间不多。how much money do you spend each week?你每星期花多少钱?2)花时间;度过spend time doing sth.花费时间做某事i spent an hour reading.我花了一小时读书。now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college.现在城市里越来越多的成年人利用业余时间到学校或大学去深造。the contest was important to help the speaking of english in china.这次竞赛对于英语在中国的普及起了重要作用。jason subler, a writer for 21st century newspaper, said that although some people can sing quickly and easily, singing songs well in english doesnt guarantee fluent speaking.21世纪英文报记者jason subler说,尽管有些人唱得又快又轻松,可是英文歌唱得好并不能保证英文就说得流利。3)、enough的用法: 形容词 + enoughenough + 名词eg.: thats not special enough. 那不够特别 thats not creative enough. 那没什么创意。 they dont get enough gifts. 他们没有得到足够的礼物。 i dont have enough time to spend with her. 我没有足够的时间和她在一起。 此外,enough还可以说: its enough to make her happy. 这足以让她很高兴。 也可以说:enough for sombody to do sth.eight hundred yuan is enough for me to buy an mp34)、too to结构:同样表示程度的一个结构:too to,太而不能(表示否定)to后面必须跟动词原形 eg.: its too difficult for me to carry the box.hes too young to go to school.5)、sothat结构:too to结构可用sothat(表示肯定,that后跟从句)来代替“ eg.: its so difficult that i cant carry the box


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