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山东牟平中学2014届高三第一学期学段检测英 语 试 题说明: 本试卷分第i卷(选择题)和第ii卷(非选择题)。满分150分。考试用时120分钟。第i卷答案涂写在答题卡上,第卷在答题纸上做答。考试结束后,考生只交答题卡和答题纸。第i卷(共100分)注意事项: 1答第i卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。 2每小题选出答案后,用2b铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1in face of _ failure, it is the most important to keep up _ good state of minda不填;a ba;不填 cthe; 不填 d不填;the2 think you should phone jenny and say sorry to her_it was her faultanot possible bno way cno chance dnot at all3we were just about to leave _ it started to snow asince bbefore cafter dwhen4the dish _nice, but the milk _ sourais smelt, is smelt bis smelt, smells csmells, is smelt d; smells, smells5certainly, you can get _ you are after by hard workathat bwhere cwhat dsome6have you heard that george quit his job? yes, but i cant _ why he did soaput out bfigure out ccarry out dsend out7he narrowly missed being seriously hurt, if not _, by the explosion akilled bbeing killed cbe killed dto be killed8the _, i think, he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific aconclusion bchargecpromise drelation9if you _ this experiment you will understand the theory betterawill be doing bhave done cwill have donedwould do10mrsmith was much surprised to find the watch he had had _ was nowhere to be seenait bit repaired crepaired dto be repaired11he failed in the exam againbut _ that? he _ hardahavent you expected; has never worked bhavent you expected; had never worked cdont you expect; has never worked ddidnt you expect; had never worked12john brought with him three friends, none of_ i had ever seen beforeathem bwhom cwho dthese13dont worryill have it _ and get someone _ it to you tomorrow atyped; send bto type; to send ctype; send dtyped; to send14 feel nervous about the national english speech competition tomorrow ai really envy you btake it easycglad to hear that dsounds great15would you like to go to the movies with me this saturday? id like to, but i _ to a party by lindait is her birthdayaam invited bhad been invited chave been invited dwill be invited16you are always saying that you need a chancenow that _ is right at your hand, how can you afford to let it go?athis bthat cone dit17our holiday cost a lot of money did it? well, that doesnt matter _ you enjoyed yourselvesaunless bas far as cas long asduntil18mom, i m going to the graduation dance tonight but i dont think i look attractive enough oh, darling, dont worry_ athey dont know what beauty is bnobody will care about itcimpossible is nothing dyou look perfect the way you are19having seen the chemical _ to sunlight, the inspector warned us to be careful when dealing with it abeing exposed bto expose cexposing dexposed20people _ the government to pay more attention to environmental protection, but it didnt work ahad advised bwere advised chave been advising dare advising第二节完形填空了共幼小题:;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2124各题所给的四个选项,(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。i was in the line at dunkin donutsthe couple in front of me had ordered their food and stepped to the sidei moved forwards to order minethen i 21 a young man, from whose face i could tell that he was not having the best 22 : his clothes were old and 23 the couple ahead of me turned, looked, then 24 the lady grabbed her purse 25 and her husband quickly stood in front of heri moved over so he could 26 he looked at the board, checked his pockets and didnt 27 to nave enough for anythingso he turned around and walked outi picked up my coffee and 28 him outhe had gone maybe five paces 29 i shouted, hey! do you want a donut?a little 30 , he said, i dont have any money i told him to come back 31 as we approached the counter the couple who were still inside looked shocked and confusedwe approached the cashier and i said, what kind do you want? he 32 , jelly “ 33 ”tell her what you want jelly donut please, he saidanything else? i askedcan i have a coffee? he murmuredi nodded a (an) 34 the total came to $ 230, which is small 35 but to him it made a great 36 .i am glad you did that - before he tried to 37 the place for a donut the lady said to me after the man leftarent people 38 to help others when they need it, and not judge?she didnt have a responsehoping the young man truly 39 my dayand i hope that perhaps ;it helped change the 40 of the people watching, which would be a good thing too ;21aspotted bknocked crecognized dsearched22apatience bluck cfaith dtemper23aspecial bnatural ctorn dbroken24ahung down bwatched out cheld on dturned away25atight bopen cpreciously dcarelessly26atreat border csit ddeliver27ahappen bpretend cseem dmanage28apulled bthrew cfollowed dlooked29aafter bwhile cbefore dwhen30aembarrassed btouched cexcited dannoyed31aaway bin coff dout32awhispered byelled cscreamed dshouted33acheer up bmake it cof course dgo ahead34aoffer binterest cagreement dsatisfaction35achance bchange ctip dmeaning *36achoice bpromise cdeal ddifference37arob bquit cbeg dbreak38adevoted bconsidered csupposed dallowed39agreeted bfound cmade druined40ameans battitudes cways drules第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。apromised yourself to quit smoking in the new year, but just cant stop lighting up? youre not alone, with an australian survey showing that only 3 percent of smokers who made such resolutions stuck with them an online poll of just over 1,000 people, conducted ahead of the launch of a video game designed to help smokers quit, showed one in four australians made new years resolutions to quit but raw than half went back on their word within a weeksome 15 percent lit up within hours of making the pledge, the survey showed, the research revealed that seven out of ten smokers have tried to kick the habit at some pointour research shows that the majority of smokers in australia want to quit but are struggling to stick to their resolutionfor most people, the desire to stop smoking is not enough, edward fong, general manager of ubisoft, the videogame manufacturer selling the anti smoking software, said in a statement according to the survey, australian smokers light up an average of 138 cigarettes every day or 5,037 cigarettes a yearthere are currently 263 million smokers in australia, which equates to 16 percent of the population over the age of 18, with women on average making more attempts to quit than menthe world health organization says smoking kills about 4 million people each year, causing a quarter of deaths related to heart diseasethe organization estimates that by 2030, more than 8 million people will die from tobacco - related causes each year, mainly in developing countries41according to the passage, most of the smokers _ to give up smokingahave strong perseverance bhavent definite attitudechavent big enough courage dhave radical attitude42the research shows that _asome 70% of smokers have quitted smokingbabout 15% of smokers give up smoking only a few hourscthe number of men smokers are more than that of women onesdall the smokers want to quit smoking43what is the population over the age of 18 in australia?a263millionb4 million c1644 milliond8 million44the number of smokers dying from tobacco related causes each year by 2030 is aabout one million babout two millioncmore than 4 million dmore than 8 million45where do you suppose this passage is probably taken from?ahealth magazinebevening paper coffice report dscience-journalbimagine if you could bend your iphone to make it fit in your pocket better, or roll up your ipad to make it more easily to be put in your small bagwell that day is coming, and it might be sooner than most people thoughtendgadgea blog network, is reporting that researchers in korea have invented a battery that can be bent nearly in halftechcrunch, a web that mainly offers technology news, says that the new battery when combined with bendable screens still under development could mean truly bendable 4evices(设备) , or at last, epaper that would work like that in the hairy potter movies the researchers, all from the korean advanced institute of science and technology and led by keon jae lee, have come up with a new material to use as the case for the battery, which is one of the parts that up to now have not been bendable, techcrunch saysthe others are the electrodes (电极) that allow the electricity to pass in and outthe battery itself, which cart be recharged again, works the same as other batteriesin this case, they say, the researchers-tried all kinds of plastics that were both bendable and able to keep the battery from escaping from its caseto make bendable electrodes, endgadget says, the team used a nano- structured(纳米结构的) material that is able to stand repeated bending and unbending; the end result is a fully bendable electronic deviceand if that s not cool enough, its also clear, meaning yes6de could allow the battery to be seen, or in this case, seen throughsuch devices are still some time away however, as bendable screens are still in the research stage, techcrunch sayssome have been made actually but most are far too expensive to consider using in hand - held electronic devicesmost researchers in die fields believe that solutions will be found to all the present problems, and expect consumers to have bendable electronics in their pockets within three or four years46according to the author most people thought _ait was difficult to invent bendable batteriesbrolling up your ipad would be realizedcbendable screens would come onto market soondit would be impossible to make bendable iphones47what has been invented now by the researchers?abendable batteries bbendable screenscbendable cases dbendable electronics48what is the main reason why the nano -structured material is used?ait can be easily seen throughbit can stand bending again and again cit allows electricity to pass in and outdit can well protect the battery49we can learn from the passage that _awhen the case is cool enough it can be seen throughbbendable batteries are much smaller than ordinary onescthe bendable batteries are much larger than ordinary onesdthe nano - structured material is used to make electrodes50the author writes the passage mainly to tell readers _aa new technology achievement ba new fashion of cell phonesca new development in making cell phones da new material for making cell phonescgetting back into the school routine can be stressfulwe have tried out different ideas and approaches on purpose and by accidentsome have worked well, while others have failedhere are several pieces of advice based on our experience, in the hope of helping parents have a smooth start to the yearand letting them learn from our mistakesplan aheadmake sure everything you will do goes on the calendar, and you will find some conflicts that will involve advanced planninghaving everything written down and in a public place has made a huge difference get into a check - in routinefor younger kids, thats usually a backpack checkfor older kids, it might be a verbal check - in, or a check of their plansits good to look for forms that need signingdont do this right before bedtimetats a disappointing time to discover that there is something due the next morningif you anchor it to a particular moment (like right after school) you are more likely to remember make a homework placethis sounds really obvious, but too often its notthese days i feel &e i am always removing my middle - schooler off the couch ( near the tv and toys and her little brother) and telling her to do her homework somewhere else; in our house, its either the kitchen table w at a deskin theory, the homework place should be quiet but not so distant you cant keep an eye on your studentand well lit and well - suppliedbe in touch with the teacher and schoolnot necessarily all the time or over every- thingbut go to introduce yourself, set up channels of communication in the way that the teacher requests, and be; active when you see a problema good working relationship with your childs teacher can go a long wayschedule time to relaxwe all need time to relax, and kids are no differentso don t overschedulemake tee that there is some time that isnt filled with homework, sports or activitiesthis is more important than most parents realizethink of it as an investment in your childs mental health and overall success, because it is51where can we most probably read the passage?ahi a parents magazine bin a childrens magazinecon a local librarys website don a teachers website 52the author wrote the story to _atell us that he has less experience in dealing with such thingsblet the childen learn from their mistakescbe of help and a source for learningd help the parents to have a pleasant start to the next year53the underlined word anchor in the 3rd paragraph can be replaced by _areport bfix firmly csupport dfind54which of the following is not true according to the passage?ayounger childrens backpacks need checkingbthese days i am always keeping my elder daughter to stay away from tv, toys and her little brother to do her homeworkcit is good to take down everything on the calendar and keep it to yourselfda parent shouldnt contact the teacher all the while and over anything55if can be inferred from the passage that_achild should be shut alone in a quiet room and do his or her homework by them- selvesbit is important for parents to set aside some time for their childrencmost parents have completely realized the advantages of scheduling some time for their children to have a restdwe have no trouble at all in making plans for 2014dof all the flying; pests, gnats might be the most annoyingthough theyre harmless, they hover and buzz around our heads, driving us crazygnats are also known as vinegar flies or fruit flies because of their attraction to the smell of rotten foodthis explains why they particularly enjoy the areas around drains and trash cansgnats are most commonly found around fruit, saturated house plants, compost piles, and other rotting, smelly food or plantsthe problem is theres no such thing as one gnatin fact, one gnat can lay two to three hundred eggs in its two to four month life spanif you frequently see gnats hovering around your sink drain or trash can, theres a good chance theyre laying eggs inside your homeif you dont want gnats around, you have to cut off their food supplythis means fruits and vegetables have to go in the refrigerator or a bin the bugs cant penetratemake sure house plants stay damp, but not wet, and they must have the proper drainagegnats just love over -watered house plantsempty trashcans regularly and dont allow rotting food to sit in the housemake sure all trash receptacles and sink drains are cleaned thoroughly, and dont have any old rancid food stuck to themnever let dirty dishes stand in the sink56what is the best tide of the passage?ahow can i get rid of gnats? bthe most harmless pest - gnatscwhere to find gnats? dthe way to cut off gnats food supply57gnats are most annoying probably because _athey are harmful to peoples healthbtheir buzz and hovering drive people crazycthey make the food rotten soondthey enjoy drains and trash cans58gnats hover around your sink drain or trash can in order to _acreate vinegar benjoy the smell of rotten foodclay eggs dseek food59the underlined word saturated is similar in meaning to_adry bwet crotten dused60to conclude the last paragraph, to keep off gnats, you must _aeat off the food timely bkeep gnats out of your housechave the proper drainage dkeep your house tidy and cleanethe la nina weather anomaly (反常) will persist into the spring of 2009 but should


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