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Unit1 Can you play the guitar?第一课时 (Section A 1a 2d)课型:新授 课时5 编制人: 审核:初一英语组 使用时间:_班级_小组_ 姓名_ 组内评价_ 教师评价_ 家长签字:_第一课时(Section A 1a-1c)【学习目标】1.知识目标:1) To learn new words and phrases: guitar, sing, swim, dance, draw, chess, speak,play chess, speak English, be good at, want to do sth., like to do sth. etc.2)学习运用句型: - Can you play the guitar? -Yes, I can./ No, I cant. - Youre very good at telling stories. 2.能力目标:To talk about abilities by using the modal verb can and Yes/ No questions. And listening practice 3.情感目标: To know each other well by developing students abilities of cooperation. 【预习案】I词汇预习 翻译下列短语1. play chess_ 2. play the guitar_3. be good at_4.want to do sth. _ 5. what sports_ 6.like to do sth. _ 7.说英语_ 8.讲故事_ 9.听起来不错_10.英语俱乐部_ 11.游泳俱乐部_12.足球俱乐部_ 13.国际象棋俱乐部_14.什么俱乐部_ 15.运动俱乐部_II句型预习 1. Can you _(唱歌)and_(跳舞)?- Yes, I_. 2. _(能,会)he_(讲英语)? -No, he_. 3. You _ (be good at) _ (tell stories).5. Lets _ (join) now ! 探究案【观察思考】be good at的用法be good at意为 “_”,相当于_,后可接_ _ 或 _形式。【即时训练】 1.He is good at playing chess.(同义句转换) _? Unit1 Can you play the guitar?第二课时 (Section A Grammar Focus 3c)课型:新授 课时5 编制人: 审核:初一英语组 使用时间:_班级_小组_ 姓名_ 组内评价_ 教师评价_ 家长签字:_【学习目标】1.知识目标:1) To learn new words and phrases: write, show, or, talktalk to., (do) kung fu, write stories, tell stories, play tennis etc.2)学习运用句型: - What can you do? -I can dance./I cant sing. - What club do you want to join? -We want to join the chess club.2.能力目标:To talk about abilities by using the modal verb can and Yes/ No questions and the key sentence structures:3.情感目标: Learn to write a wanted poster and pay more attention on details. 【预习案】I词汇预习 翻译下列短语1.talk to_2.play tennis_ 3. play volleyball_4.after school_5.讲中文_6. 踢足球_7.打篮球_ 8.讲英文_9.写故事_10.讲故事_ 11.学校演出_12.练功夫_13.在音乐教室_14.来给我们展示_II句型预习 1. What c_ do you want to j_? -I want to join a s_ club.2. Alice _ (want) to join _ (讲故事俱乐部)。3.你能/ 会做什么?_.4.我会打篮球,但我不会弹钢琴。_ 探究案【观察思考】辨析talk,say, speak, 与tell1. Let me talk to/with him. 2. What do you want to say? He said “goodbye” to me.3. I can speak English. May I speak to Mr. Zhang?4. Please tell me your name.= Please tell your name to me. 观察以上四个句,例1中的划线词talk意为“ ;_”,一般用作不及物动词,常与_,_等介词连用。例2中的划线词say强调“ ”的内容,常作及物动词,后面接所要说的内容。例3中的划线词speak表说某种语言的_或_作不及物动词,不强调说话的内容;作及物动词,其后的宾语一般是表示某种语言的名称。例4中的划线词tell意为“ ”,做及物动词,后面常接双宾语结构,_=_.Unit1 Can you play the guitar?第三课时 (Section B 1a 2a, self check)课型:新授 课时:1课时 主编制人: 审核:初一英语组 使用时间:班级: 小组: 姓名: 组内评价: 教师评价: 家长签字【学习目标】1.知识目标:1) To learn new words and phrases: drum, piano, violin, also; play the drums, like to do sth., talk with, play games with sb., be good with, ect.2)学习运用句型: -I can play the piano, but I cant sing or dance. -I want some students for the school concert.2.能力目标:To talk about abilities with each other3.情感目标: Learn how to appreciate others by talking about their abilities. 【预习案】I词汇预习 翻译下列短语play the drums_ play the piano _play the violin_ like to do sth. _ play games with_ talk with_打乒乓球_ 善于应付的_的声音_II句型预习 我会打篮球,但不会拉小提琴。_.探究案A.观察下面句子的划线部分,你能归纳出这三个“也”的用法吗?还能给出更多的例句吗?1. I can speak English and I can also play soccer.2. I can sing and dance. She can sing and dance, too.3. He doesnt watch TV. I dont watch TV, either._B完成下列句子:a.我会弹钢琴而且也能讲故事。 _b.她会拉小提琴,但是她不会弹吉他。 _c. Eric会下国际象棋吗?不,他不会。他会打鼓。 _Unit1 Can you play the guitar?第四课时 (Section B 2b 3b)课型:新授 课时:1课时 主编制人: 审核:初一英语组 使用时间:班级: 小组: 姓名: 组内评价: 教师评价: 家长签字【学习目标】To learn new words and phrases: Words: people, home, make, today, center, weekend, teach, musician;Phrases: be good with, make friends, help (sb.) with sth., on the weekend, 【能力目标】To learn to write an advertisement/a poster;【情感目标】To learn to help others.预习案1. 英汉互译 be free _ be busy _ be good with _ make friends_ talk to sb._ need sb. to do sth. _ 对老年人进行帮助_ 在周末_在运动方面用英语帮助_ 有时间_招聘音乐家_学校音乐节_在老人之家_ 学生的体育中心_ 招聘音乐教师_ 讲英语的学生_探究案【观察思考】need的用法归纳总结:1. I need a sweater for school. 2.We need you to help with sports in English. 3. He needs a pencil to draw a picture. 4.She needs to go shopping. 5. The bike needs repairing now.6. You neednt worry about me 观察以上六个句,总结need作实义动词和情态动词的用法_.2. .你能区分下列句中and 和or,的用法吗? I can sing and dance, too. Can you sing or dance? I cant sing or dance, either._. Unit1 Can you play the guitar?第五课时 (Section A 1a 1c)课型:新授 课时:1课时 主编制人: 审核:初一年级组 使用时间:班级: 小组: 姓名: 组内评价: 教师评价: 家长签字【学习目标】1.知识目标:1)复习下列词汇2)复习本单元句型: Do you like/Can you 2.能力目标:熟练运用句型会写招募社团成员。3.情感目标:喜欢学校社团活动。【预习案】I. 句型预习 翻译下列句子。 Then you can be in our school music festival._ II在书上完成P6 self chec


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