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综合仿真测试 modules 12第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1how many countries has the man traveled overseas to?athree.bfour.cfive.2what did the man do?alooked at the windows.bcleaned the windows.ccleaned the house.3why did the woman apologize to the man?ashe waited for him too long.bshe was late for coming.cshe couldnt come.4what does the man say about marilyn?ashe was a proper controller.bshe pretended she was happy.cshe was extremely pleased.5what does the man imply?ahe will continue his work on vacation.bpapers piled while he was on vacation.che has too much work to do.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6why did the woman have to go to the mans office after class?ashe has not done well in english recently.bshe has trouble with her classmates lately.cshe has been late for class lately.7what does the woman do to earn her school fees?asells milk.bdelivers milk.cmakes milk.8what kind of person do we learn about the man?ahe is kind and helpful.bhe is strict and learned.che is strict but kind.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9what are the two speakers talking about?awhen to attend a party.bwhat to do during a dinner.chow to be a polite guest.10what should the man do if he is forty minutes late for a party?anot go to the party.barrive after calling.ctake a valuable gift.11what should be done during the dinner?apraise the host or hostess for the meal.bthank the host or hostess for the dinner.cthank the host or hostess as much as possible.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12when does the conversation take place?ain the morning.bin the afternoon.cin the evening.13what has the man bought in the shop?ashirt and gloves.bshirt and tie.ctie and socks.14what is the mans total bill?a3.95 dollars.b4.50 dollars.c4.60 dollars.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15what can we know about the man?ahe has become addicted to coke.bhe will see a doctor after work.che will take the woman to a place to get help.16how many cokes did the woman use to have a day?afive. bfour. cthree.17what is the probable relationship between the speakers?acustomer and shop assistant.bgood friends.cdoctor and patient.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18what did many countries do to change the world?athey spent billions of dollars studying the world.bthey took new measures to protect nature.cthey developed new ways of making things and doing work.19how many examples does the speaker give us?atwo. bthree. cfour.20what will happen if people continue what they are doing?athe world will become better.bthe whole world will be terribly harmed.conly a few countries will meet lots of problems.听力原文text 1m:ive traveled to rome,paris,london and new york,but i prefer living in san francisco.w:of course.thats where your home is and your friends live.m:very true.text 2w:what did you do when i was away?m:look at the windows.they are clean,arent they?text 3w:im sorry to have kept you waiting.m:thats quite all right.i have been here for just half an hour.text 4w:marilyn seems happy with her grade.m:oh,yes.she could hardly control herself.text 5w:im afraid youve been working too hard.you should take a vacation.m:tell that to the pile of papers on my desk.text 6w:may i come in,sir?m:yes,please.youre jane,i suppose?w:yes,sir.i was told to see you at your office after class.m:oh,yes.well,i was told that you have had some trouble attending your english class on time during the past few days.can i help you in any way?w:uh.yes.i really hate to be late for classes,sir.but i have to deliver twenty bottles of milk to twenty houses every morning before i come to school since both my parents fell ill two months ago.m:oh,i am sorry to hear that.but dont you have any other people to help you?w:i am afraid not.i am the only child in my family.i have to do something to help my family to pay for my school fees.m:i see.i think we can do something to help you.what if we give you a scholarship?w:its very kind of you,sir.it would be a great help to me.m:would you tell me where you stand in your class?w:i am always on the top 10 list,sir.m:thats great.everything will be ok,little girl.i will give you a weeks time to stop your delivering milk.w:thanks a lot,sir.i wont let you down.text 7m:ms white,i am invited to a party at an american home.could you tell me how i can be a polite guest?w:you should follow some rules.first,you should take a small gift such as flowers or wine for your host or hostess.and,you must arrive on time.if the dinner time is 7:00 pm.,dont arrive before 6:30 or after 7:30 without calling.m:what should i do during the dinner?w:be sure to praise your host or hostess for the meal.m:can i have a talk with the host or hostess after dinner?w:you can,but you shouldnt stay too long.finally,thank your host or hostess for the dinner when you leave.m:i learned a lot today.thanks for your advice.w:thats all right.text 8w:good afternoon,sir.may i help you?m:yes,id like to buy a white shirt.w:yes,sir.id be glad to show you some.what size,please?m:fifteen and a half,thirtyfour.w:theres one in your size.this is a very fine shirt.m:how much is it?w:these are five ninetyfive each.m:thats a little more than i wanted to pay.dont you have any less expensive shirts?w:yes,i think i can find some for you.here are some for four fifty.and then we have some here for three ninetyfive.m:this one will be all right.ill take one.w:are you sure one will be enough?m:yes.thats all i need just now.w:have you seen our new ties?m:yes.i just bought one here yesterday.w:do you need handkerchiefs or socks?id be glad to show you some gloves,perhaps.m:no,nothing else,thank you.that will be all for today.w:very well,sir.here you are.that will be four dollars and fifty cents,and ten cents for the tax.thank you,sir.please come again.text 9m:lets go and get a coke.w:how many cokes have you had today?m:this is my third.i have 3 or 4 cokes every day.i really like coke.w:you should really try to cut down some.m:why?i love it!ok,i admit it.im crazy about coke.w:but the amount of sugar in coke cant be good for you.m:oh,i know.but i just cant stop.ive had this habit for years.w:have you ever tried to cut down?m:actually,i have.but if i go a day without a coke,my body gets weak and i feel nervous.w:it sounds like youve really got a problem.have you ever gone to a doctor?m:no,ive never thought about it.but i just havent got the time.w:what are you doing after work?ill take you to a place that may help you.m:you sure seem to know a lot about how to give up bad habits.w:i do.i used to drink 5 cokes a day!m:hey,i appreciate your help.w:my pleasure.text 10until recently,almost everyone thought that growth and progress would make the world a better place.they believed that something new was always better than old.so countries spent billions of dollars on science to develop new ways of making things and doing work.however,this new technique ended up becoming another cause of the worlds problems.one such problem has come from the appearance of the car.in some crowded cities,the car has polluted the air so badly that people get sick just from breathing the air.waste from factories is another example of how new technology is hurting the earth.when some waste chemicals are put into the sea,they can hurt or kill animals and fish.its time that we did something quickly.when the problems get worse,they will not affect just a few countries.they will be world problems that will affect us all.答案与解析1a2.b3.b4.c5.c6.c7.b8.a9.c10.b11.a12.b13.b14.c15.a16.a17.b18.c 19a20.b第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21_such a great trouble, the little girl didnt know what to do.afacing with bfaced withcfacing to dfaced to答案b句意:面对这么一个大麻烦,这位小女孩不知道该怎么办。be faced with为固定搭配,意为“面临,面对”, 此处为过去分词短语作状语。22ecotravel,_,is a way to travel responsibly.afor another bon the othercon the other hand dfor the other hand答案c句意:另一方面,生态旅行是一种负责任的旅行方式。on the other hand意为“另一方面”,常与on the one hand连用,用来对比不同的事情或观点,表示“一方面,另一方面”,故选c项。23red is often looked on as a_of danger.amark bsign csymbol dsignal答案c考查名词辨析。mark“记号,分数”,sign“符号,招牌,迹象,手势”,symbol“象征,符号”,signal“信号,暗号”。句意:红色经常被看作是危险的象征。24burning with curiosity,she ran_the field after the hare.aonto bover cthrough dacross答案d句意:她好奇心切,跟着兔子奔过田野。across和through都可以表示“穿过,通过”,across表示从物体表面“穿过,通过”;而through则表示从内部“穿过”,故d项符合题意。25this kind of wool_soft and_well.ais felt;sells bfeels;sellscis felt;is sold dfeels;is sold答案b句意:这种毛料摸起来很软,销路也很好。feel是系动词,用主动形式表示被动意义;sell表示“卖起来”,也用主动形式表示被动意义。26either you or he_interested in playing chess._you or he fond of music at present?aare;are bis;arecare;is dis;is答案bor, neither.nor, either.or, not only.but also等连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的人称和数按“就近原则”处理。27_the price, the house is reasonable.abecause of bin terms ofcin case of din the form of答案b句意:就价格而言,这个房子很合理。because of因为;in terms of就而言;in case of以防;in the form of以的形式。28in the competitive society,jobs_to people who have practical skills.abelong bare belongedcare belonging dwill be belonged答案a考查belong to的用法。belong to不能用于被动语态与进行时。由此可知选a。句意:在充满竞争的社会中,工作属于拥有实用技能的人。29many animals can sleep without eating any food in the winter because their bodies_the food in a special way.aare connected with bare connecting withcconnect to dconnect答案a句意:许多动物能够冬眠是因为它们的身体和食物有一种特别的联系。be connected with“与有联系,与有关”,固定搭配。30will you work_a teacher after you graduate from the college?no,my parents will not agree_my taking up teaching. it is too stressful.afor;to bas;tocon,with das;on答案d句意:大学毕业后你会当老师吗?不会的。我的父母不可能让我当老师。压力太大了。work as“从事职业”;agree with后接sb或what sb said;agree to(do) sth表示愿意接受某事或允许某事发生;agree on“在 方面意见一致”。31although there is a difference between china and america, both of the countries have much to_.ashare bcommunicatecspare dimprove答案a句意:尽管中美之间有差别,但也有许多共同之处。share“共有”;communicate“交流”;spare“抽出,省出”;improve“改进,提高”。32my close friend is fond of playing the violin_i like reading.abut bhowevercwhile dyet答案c句意:我的好朋友喜欢拉小提琴而我喜欢读书。while此处作并列连词,表示对比,意为“而”;其他选项都用于意义上的转折。33at night, the city looks more beautiful with the lights_.aare on bbeing on con dto be on答案c句意:夜晚,当灯亮了时,城市看起来更美。with是介词,用on作lights的补足语。34teachers seldom encourage their students_up late at night preparing their lessons,if_.astaying;once bto stay;evercstaying;sometimes dto stay;never答案b句意:老师很少鼓励学生开夜车准备功课。encourage sb to do sth“鼓励某人做某事”,而ever“如果有”,常与seldom连用,表示“难得,几乎很少”。35the_of ones feeling can make one ugly.apoverty bpoorcpoverties dbeing poor答案a句意:精神的贫乏会使人显得丑陋。poverty为不可数名词,在句中作主语。 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。few other nations are so much interested in horseracing as the english. the famous races ascot are held every year and followed by sports fans all over england. the king (or the queen) also attends _36_ and presents the winner with a gold cup.to_37_this gold cup is the dream of every owner of a racehorse. all newspapers, great and small, are full of detailed description of the_38_,and the name of the_39_winner of the ascot cup is pronounced by everyone_40_of a great hero.it happened once,however,some seventy years ago, that the gold cup was stolen a few days before the race! the police _41_ it all over the country but could not find it.just at the time,mark twain,the witty american writer,_42_england.he was _43_by an english literary society to be_44_ at a dinner given in his honor.after dinner the president of the society rose to_45_a toast(祝酒)to mark twains health and praise in _46_the talent of the famous american.mark twain in_47_ started his speech with the following words:gentlemen,i thank you for the great honor you_48_me,_49_i very much doubt whether all your countrymen join you in your warm welcome. when i arrived at dover yesterday, and _50_ my foot in merry old england, the first thing i saw was a newspaper poster and on it, _51_my great surprise, i read two_52_ printed in big red letters:mark twain arrives!ascot cup stolen!these two announcements stood so closely together that it _53_ seemed, gentlemen,as if some people in this country_54_ sure that my arrival had something to do with the disappearance of the gold cup!this witty speech of the famous american author was_55_ a shout of laughter.36a.them bit cthat dthis答案a国王或王后也出席这著名的比赛。them在这里指the famous races。37a.hold bwin ccatch dkeep答案b“赢得”这个金杯是每一个赛马者的梦想。win“赢得,获得”。38a.problem bwinner crace dnations答案c大小报纸都对“比赛”进行详细报道。39a.brave bgood cgreat dlucky答案d能获得金杯当然是“幸运”的。40a.as this blike thatclike those das it答案b金杯获得者像大英雄一样被人们谈论。that在这里作代词,指代上文的name。41a.searched for blooked aftercwaited for dcared for答案a从空后的“but could not find it”可得知警察在全国“找寻”被盗的金杯。42a.reached in bwent intocarrived in dgot in答案c就在那时,马克吐温“到达”英国。43a.asked bvisited cseen dinvited答案d他受英国文学协会“邀请”,出席一个为他举办的宴会。44a.present bjoined cattended dgiven答案apresent在此作形容词,“出席的”。45a.raise blift cpropose dhold答案c文学协会主席站起来,提议为马克吐温的健康干杯。propose a toast to是固定搭配,意为“提议为 干杯”。46a.this way bevery waycmany methods dbad manners答案b他从“各个方面”赞美了马克吐温的才能。47a.reply bhis questionchis suggestion dhis heart答案a马克吐温讲了下面的一番话作为“答辞”。in reply“作为答复”。48a.had done bdidcdo dhave done答案d感谢你们的盛情款待。此处用现在完成时,强调动作的完成。49a.as if bas thoughcthough deven if答案c“尽管”我十分怀疑你们的国民是否都像你们一样,热烈欢迎我的到来。50a.set bget cgo dstart答案aset foot on/in是固定搭配,意为“到达”。51a.for bto cwith dby答案bto ones great surprise固定搭配,“令某人非常吃惊的是”。52a.articles bpassagescparagraphs dheadings答案d从下文可以看出,报纸上出现了两个“标题”,故用headings。53a.really bhardlycmainly dfoolishly答案a因为这两个标题离得这么近,这“的确”似乎是有人认为我的到来与金杯的丢失有关。54a.may be bmust becare dwere答案d此处讲的是马克吐温刚踏上英国国土所发生的事情,因此用一般过去时。55a.received bmet withcmet dheard答案b这位著名美国作家的诙谐演讲引来一阵笑声。meet with此处意为“遇到,遭受”。第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。aitaly is one of the most exciting and romantic vacation destinations in the entire world. there are so many attractions to see in italy that you need a good two weeks to see a great amount of beauty and culture. guided tours provide the biggest advantage of having a native who knows the area, the language and the customs and can keep you out of trouble by avoiding any regrettable mistake.one of the great attractions in italy is its capital, rome. in rome you will find the famous colosseum. this giant ancient ruin towers above you and you just want to stand there and stare at it. this fourstory building once held 45,000 people on its marble seats outdoors, where they would sit and watch poor prisoners being fed to animals and gladiators(角斗士)fighting to the death.another beautiful city in italy is venice. the streets are all made of water and if you want to go anywhere, you must travel by boat. venice specializes in jewelry made from shells and it is also home to thousands of pigeons; in the town square they look like a great white and black carpet, only moving just as they are about to be kicked by your feet.one of italys treasures that should not be missed is sorrento. unlike venice, home to the finest craftsmen of glass blowing (吹制玻璃) in the world, sorrento is home to the most skilled workmen of wood inlay(装饰) in the world. with many bars, outside cafes and discos. sorrento is a lovely place to spend a few days on our journey through italy.there are also many grand churches, state buildings, monuments and fountains to be seen and a guided tour can ensure that you see them all. italy is so rich with culture and history that it really is the perfect place for a vacation. it wont disappoint you!56from the passage, we can learn that the colosseum used to be_.aan openair marketba tower which held prisonerscan openair building used for entertainmentsda church where important events took place答案c推理判断题。由文章第二段的“this fourstory building once held 45,000 people on its marble seats outdoors, where they would sit and much poor prisoners being fed to animals and gladiators fighting to the death”,可知,在这个有着石椅的四层建筑里,曾容纳过45 000人,在那里人们坐在户外,观看可怜的囚犯成为动物的口中餐,角斗士们一决雌雄。由此可推断出,the colasscum应该是个露天竞技场。57which of the following statements is true about venice?avenice is home to the largest number of pigeons.bvisitors can find the best wooden artwork in the city.cpigeons there are not afraid of getting close to people.dvisitors can buy special jewelry made of glass in the city.答案c细节理解题。由文章第三段的“.it is also home to thousands of pigeons;


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