广东省中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第18节 九上 Unit 3Unit 4课件 牛津深圳版.ppt_第1页
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第十八节九年级 上 unit3 unit4 第一部分教材重点难点梳理 目录 contents 重难点梳理 重点单词重点短语重点句型 巩固练习 语法选择完形填空阅读理解阅读填空单词拼写完成句子 重难点梳理 重点单词重点短语重点句型 目录 contents unit3 1 一顿饭 2 把自己的想法 或经历 感情 告诉 某人 3 决定 抉择 4 个人财产 私人物品 5 要求 指望 6 在国外 到国外 7 商务 公事 8 个人的 私人的 9 安排 确定 决定 10 女儿 meal share decision possessions expect abroad business personal set daughter 11 介意 12 流行的 时髦的 13 流行款式 时兴式样 14 用熨斗 熨 熨平 15 公开活动 16 根据所知 认为 17 用于否定词组后 也 18 关系 联系 19 邀请 20 需付费 价钱为 21 类型 种类 mind fashionable fashion iron event suppose either relationship invite cost type 1 在线的 2 模特儿 3 规定饮食 4 虽然 尽管 5 很坏的 极讨厌的 6 懊悔 7 惭愧 羞愧 8 情况 状况 9 儿童 牙箍 online model diet though awful regret unit4 ashamed situation braces 10 厌恶 憎恶 11 优势 12 窘迫的 尴尬的 13 建议 提议 14 很生气 气愤 15 杂乱 不整洁 16 使恼怒的 使生气的 17 不及格 hate advantage embarrassed suggest mad mess annoying fail 18 粗心造成的 19 评论 20 要求 请求 21 有礼貌的 22 没有一个 毫无 23 考试 careless comment request polite none exam unit3 1 做饭 2 交流与分享 3 出差 4 制定规矩 5 对 没有兴趣 6 过时的 7 帮着做 8 洗碗 9 学校活动 cookmeals talkingandsharing be onbusiness setrules havenointerestin outofdate helpwith washthedishes schoolevents 10 有道理 有意义 11 做饭 12 熨衣服 13 给植物浇水 14 不同意 15 对某人有耐心 16 对你有利 17 发怒 makesense preparemeals ironclothes watertheplants disagreeabout bepatientwithsb goyourway getangry 1 寻求建议 帮助 2 报警 3 送 去医院 4 节食 5 嘲笑 讥笑 6 对 感到惭愧 7 与某人分享某物 8 让某人受不了 askforadvice help callthepolice take tothehospital be onadiet laughat feelashamedof sharesth withsb unit4 drivesb mad 9 有 的习惯 10 搞得一塌糊涂 11 与 吵了一架 12 充满活力 13 对 生气 14 格格不入 15 朝某人叫嚷 16 与某人无关 haveahabitof makeamess haveafightwith be fullofenergy be annoyedwith outofplace shoutatsb noneofone sbusiness 17 收到某人的信件 或电子邮件 电话等 18 下定决心 19 注意 留心 hearfrom makeupone smind payattentionto 1 idon tthinkmymotherunderstandsme 我认为我妈妈不理解我 句型 这是一个含有宾语从句的主从复合句 idon tthink是主句 mymotherunderstandsme是宾语从句 中间省略了宾语从句的引导词that 英语中 当主句是一般现在时 主语为第一人称 谓语为think believe等动词时 其后的宾语从句为否定句时 要将否定词转移到主句中 即主句的谓语动词用否定式 而从句的谓语动词用肯定式 这种语法现象就是否定转移 翻译成中文时 要注意将否定的意义还原到从句中去 如 idon tthinkthatjackwillcometohisparty 我认为杰克不会来参加他的聚会 idon tthinkthatheisclever hediditinastupidway 我觉得他不聪明 他这样做很愚蠢 翻译 我觉得你不应该总是迟到 i you bealwayslate don tthinkthat should 2 简单句的五种基本句型 3 其他好用的常用句型 1 ihavenointerestinthingslikefashionableclothes 我对像时髦的衣服这类的东西没有兴趣 2 canigiveyouahand 我能帮你忙吗 3 manyyoungpeoplehavetroublecommunicatingwiththeirparents 许多年轻人和他们的父母交流有困难 4 itwasawfulofthemtolaughather andiregretnotsayinganything 他们嘲笑她是非常讨厌的 我懊悔没有说任何话 5 whydon tyoutellherhowyoufeel 你为什么不告诉她你的感受 6 ihopetohearfromyousoon 我希望很快收到你的来信 7 yourfriendkeepsborrowingbooksfromyoubutnevergivesthemback 你的朋友一直借你的书 但是从不归还 somepeoplethinkonlyschoolchildrendonotagreewiththeirparents however itisnot 1 communicationisaproblemforparentsandchildrenofallages ifit shardforyoutocommunicatewithyourparents don tworryaboutit here 2 someadviceforyoutobridgethegenerationgap 消除代沟 don targuewithyourparents don tgettoyourparentswhenyou 3 angry yourparentsprobably 4 yourideasifyouareshoutingatthem andyoucan texpressyourself 5 ifyouareangry gotosomeplacestocooloff makesureyouunderstand 6 youareunhappy thenthinkabout 7 youwanttosaytoyourparents ifyoudon tthinkyoucanspeaktothematthemoment try 8 aletter trytoreachacompromise 和解 perhapsyouandyourparentsdisagreeonsomething youcankeepyourdisagreementandtryyourbesttoaccepteachother michael smotherdidn tagree 9 himaboutbuyingamotorcycle theyarguedoverit buttheyfinallycametoacompromise michaelboughtthemotorcycle butonlydroveit 10 certaindays ofcourse yourparentsmightrefuse 11 onsomething inthesesituations itisespeciallyimportanttoshowloveandrespecttothem 12 respectwillkeepyourrelationshipstrong talkaboutyourvalues thevaluesofyourparentsareprobablydifferentfrom 13 ofyourown tellyourparentswhatyoucareabout andwhy understandingyourvaluesmighthelpthem 14 yourpurposesinlife agoodrelationshipwithyourparentscanmakeyouabetterandhappierperson itisworth 15 atry 1 a trueb trulyc truthd untrue 2 a isb wasc ared were 3 a isb arec wered willbe 4 a don tconsiderb doesn tconsiderc won tconsiderd didn tconsider 5 a goodb wellc betterd best 6 a whenb howc whyd where 7 a howb whyc whered what 8 a writeb towritec writesd writing a a b c b c d d 9 a tob onc withd of 10 a inb onc atd for 11 a tocompromiseb compromisesc compromised compromising 12 a showb showingc showsd showed 13 a thisb thatc thesed those 14 a seeb seesc sawd seeing 15 a haveb hasc tohaved having c b a b d a d i man18 year oldmiddleschoolstudent iamalways 1 withmystudyandseldomhelpmyparentswiththehousework feelingquitesorryforthat ibeginto 2 whattodotohelpmyparentswithit lastsunday whenmy 3 wentoutshopping isuddenlygotanidea now ihavefinishedmyhomework whynotgivetheroomsagoodcleaning withoutasecondthought i 4 myplan firstly icollectedallthebooks newspapersandotherthingsintheroomsandputthem 5 theniwipedthedustoffallthefurnitureuntiltheylookedcleanandtidy afterthat i 6 allthefloorsinmyhouse whenallthesewerefinished iwas 7 exhausted justatthisverymoment myparentscamebackaftershopping whentheyknewwhathappenedinthehouse theywerequitesurprisedandhappy lookingatallthe 8 roomsandshiningfloors mymothergavemeahugandicouldseehappinessinher 9 tiredasiwas i 10 feltsohappy asastudent ithinkweshouldnotonlystudyhardtogetgoodgrade butalsodoourbesttohelpourparentswithanythingwecan 1 a satisfiedb busyc angryd strict 2 a talkaboutb setaboutc hangaboutd thinkabout 3 a parentsb friendsc classmatesd cousins 4 a thoughtoutb carriedoutc tookoutd spokeout 5 a intimeb inlinec inorderd inshort 6 a madeb foundc washedd swept b d a b d c 7 a nearlyb probablyc quicklyd hardly 8 a uglyb dirtyc tidyd pretty 9 a mindb earsc heartd eyes 10 a seldomb alwaysc usuallyd never a c d d emilyurich 18yearsold canadaalotofteensaren tresponsible andthat swherei mdifferent notjustaboutschoolbuteverydaythingslikebeingabletopaymyowncreditcardbillsontime thefirsttimeigotacartoonbookwasonmythirdbirthday fromthenon ifellindeeplovewithit andcanyouguesshowmanycartoonbooksi veread idon treallyknowtheexactnumber butihavethreefullboxesofthemundermybed ialsolikedrawingcartoonsandwishtobeanartteacherinaschool joemiller 16yearsold americai mproudofdoingthingsmyownway sowhethersomebodywantsmetodosomethingorwhateveritis ifeellikethey reallotherpeople sthoughts notreallymine butlikeothers ilovereading too whenifirsttookskiinglessons ifounditexciting forskiracing there snoquestioni mbettershapethanmostguys 小伙子 ithinkit sfun imean itisachallenge it swhereipickeduptheideaofneedingachallengealwaysinmylife inordertoimprovemyskiingskills ihavereadmanybooksandmagazinesaboutit nodoubtit smydreamtowingoldmedalsintheolympicgames anqi 15yearsold chinai mdifferentbecauseiprefertodropoutoftheworldtocreatemyownworld i dliketobuildahouseonamountain andichoosetolivewithoutelectricity atelephone orevenindoorplumbing 室内卫生设备 ihavemanyhobbiessuchastraveling reading writingandspendingtimewithchildren ilovechildrenbecausetheyaresmartandcreative theyalwayshavemanystrangeideas itmakesmeexcited iwanttodosomethingforhopeprojectandbecomeacountryschoolteacher 1 whowantstobeateacher a emilyandjoe b joeandanqi c emilyandanqi d onlyanqi 2 whichhobbydothethreestudentsallhave a writing b skiing c traveling d reading c d 3 accordingtoemily wecaninfer 推断 that a peoplearoundtrustherb shedoessportsatweekendsc shelaughsatotherpeopled shegetsuplateonsundays a 4 weknowthatjoemiller a doesn tliketofollowothersb thinksskiingistoodangerousc doeswellindrawingcartoonsd enjoyslivingsomewherequiet 5 whydoesanqiwanttobeacountryschoolteacher a becauseshewantstotravel b becauseherparentsareteachers c becausesheloveschildrenverymuch d becauseshecomesfromthecountryside a c studentsthesedaysoftenhavealotofworries 1 sometimeswiththeirfriends whatcantheydoaboutthis somepeoplethinktheworstthingistodonothing 2 ifwedon ttalktosomeone we llcertainlyfeelworse lauraoncelostherpurse andworriedfordays shewasafraidtotellherparentsaboutit sheevenwalkedthreemilestoschooleachdaybecauseshedidn thaveanymoney a b shejustkeptthinking ifitellmyparents they llbeangry 3 andtheywerereallyunderstanding herdadsaidhesometimesmadecarelessmistakeshimself theygotheranewpurseandaskedhertobemorecareful we dbetternotavoidourproblems 4 youcanfirstfindsomeonetotalkto thispersondoesn tneedtobeanexpert c e thebesthelpisfromyourparents studentsoftenforgetthattheirparentshavemoreexperience 经验 thanthem 5 inenglish wesaythatsharingaproblemislikecuttingitinhalf soyou regoingtosolveaproblemifyoutalktosomeoneaboutit d 1 don taskhimp questions itisnotpolite 2 sincewehavegivenyoumuchadvice nowit stimeforyoutomakead 3 theoldmanhastwochildren thesonliveswithhimandthed livesfarfromhim 4 weshouldkeepabalancedd 5 i


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