广东省珠海市中考英语专题复习 介词课件.ppt_第1页
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介词专项练习 考点1 表示时间的介词at in on如 6am halfpastfive night noon last theageof theendof christmas 总结 at强调时间点 常用于表示钟点 夜里 中午及一些词组中 at at at at at at at at 考点1 表示时间的介词at in on the1990s 2009 spring may themorning theafternoon总结 in强调某个时间段以及用于表示世纪 年 季节 月 在上午在下午和在白天和晚上 注 in后跟一段时间表示若干时间之后 常用于将来时态intwoyears iwillgotoamerica in in in in in in 考点1 表示时间的介词at in on august17th 2008 sunday fridaymorning thenightofsep 1st teachers day on强调具体的某一天 后面接具体的日期 星期几或他们的早上 中午或晚上或一般的节日 on on on on on 考点2 表示地理位置的介词in to onin表示在某个范围之内 to表示在某一区域之外的方位 不属于该范围 on表示与某一地区的毗邻关系 1 guangdongis thesouthofchina广东在中国的南部 广东属于中国的内部 2 japanis theeastofchina 日本在中国的东部 日本不在中国范围内 且无毗邻 3 hongkongis thesouthofguangdong 香港在广东的南边 香港不在广东的范围内且与广东相邻 in to on 考点3 表方式 手段或工具的介词1 by in on表交通方式使用by时 交通工具前不加任何限定词 a anthe his this tom s等 如 heoftengoestoschool bike abike mrliwenttowork car acar 常用bycar inacarbybike onabikebybus onabusbyplane in onaplanebytrain in onatrain by on by in 2 by in with 表示手段或工具如 ioftendomyhomework apen 1 with后面跟具体的工具 canyousayit english pleasewriteit redink 2 in表示使用某种语言或某种材料 thispairofshoesismade hand hemakesaliving teaching 3 by表示用某种方式或手段 with in in by by 考点4 in和on在树上therearesomeapples thetree therearesomebirds thetree 2 在墙上therearesomepictures thewall thereareseveralwindows thewall on in on in 考点5 常见动词 介词的搭配listentolaughatgettogeton getoffsendforlookforwaitforhearfromworryabout spend onagreewithdependonknockatpayforleave forthinkaboutarrivein at 考点5 介词与形容词的搭配befondbereadybebusybefullbesorrybesurprisedbepleasedbeproudbedifferentbeinterestedbefamousbegood of for with of for at with of from in for for at with 3 介词 名词的搭配one shelp thehelpofsbone ssurprisetheendfactthefootof surpriseintimeontime with with to in in at in 1 i dlikeacupofcoffee somesugarandmilk a inb toc ofd with2 intheuk smokingkillsabout114 000peopleeachyear 300peopledieeverydaybecauseofsmoking and themmanyareyoungsmokers a amongb betweenc fromd in 3 canyoufinishthework twodays yes ican a withb aboutc ind after4 father sdaycame june10ththisyear a onb atc ind during5 aplayer i mlookingforward the2008olympicgames a for atb as toc with ford of to 6 hismotheroftenhelphim englishsohedoesbetter englishthanothers a with inb on inc in withd with at7 thepolicestationis theclothingshop thepostoffice between andb among andc near ofd on right8 doyouseethekite thebuilding a overb crossc ond above 9 thewoman abluedressismyteacher a inb onc ond at10 theydidn tleavethestation theygotonthetrain a untilb byc afterd at11 childerngetpresents christmasand theirbirthdays a onatb at onc in atd on for 12 we llgo france john car a to inb to byc in byd to at13 jim sshirtismade silk andit smade china a in ofb from inc of ind from in14 acoldwintermorningheleft japan a in forb on forc in tod on to 15 bettylearnstoplaytheviolineveryafternoon saturdayandsunday shedoesthehouseworkonthesedays a onb exceptc from16 haveyouseenmytoycar it s myway soiputit a in awayb on outc in out17 everyoneknowsthattaiwanbelongs china a forb toc with 18 wouldyoupleasesend adoctor mygrandpaisill a offb forc away19 ifyouhavedifficultyinlearningenglish youshouldaskyourteachers help a tob forc on20 doyouknowhowtosay 海豚 english a withb inc at 21 they llgo thecountry jack scar a to byb to inc to on22 happyteachers


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