【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 Unit11 Scientific achievements课时达标检测 新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 Unit11 Scientific achievements课时达标检测 新人教版必修2.doc_第2页
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【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 Unit11 Scientific achievements课时达标检测 新人教版必修2.doc_第4页
【优化方案】高考英语一轮复习 Unit11 Scientific achievements课时达标检测 新人教版必修2.doc_第5页




unit11 scientific achievements 课时达标检测(必修2,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).单项填空1.(2013浙江宁波鄞州模拟)the nba star yao ming wants to set up a hope project school,_poor children in remote areas to receive education.a.aims at helpingb.aiming at helpingc.aims to helping d.aimed to help答案:b2.your idea sounds reasonable,but you still have to find some examples to_your arguments.a.arrange b.supportc.mark d.achieve答案:b3.(2013温州市适应性测试)we have just heard a warning on the radio that a hurricane is_to come this evening.a.likely b.possiblec.probable d.believable解析:选a。考查词义辨析。句意:我们刚才从广播上听到预警说今晚很可能有飓风。根据句意可知要表示可能性,排除d项,又根据sb./sth. be likely to do.可知答案为a。4.(2013石家庄月考)gossip(谣言)is usually about things like love and relationships,or _things that people dont talk openly about.a.daily b.perfectc.private d.public解析:选c。考查词义辨析。句意:谣言通常是关于爱、关系或人们不愿公开讨论的私事。private“私人的,非公开的”,符合句意。daily“每日的”;perfect“完美的”,public“公开的”,均不符合语境。5.(2013黄冈市质检)the government_the citizens that they should have their income tax paid in time.a.announced b.announced to c.declared d.said答案:b6.(2013衡阳市四校联考)the theory_by einstein later proved true,but at that time few people could accept it.a.put out b.put togetherc.put aside d.put forward答案:d7.(2012高考天津卷)the letters for the boss _ on his desk but he didnt read them until three days later.a.were put b.was putc.put d.has put解析:选a。考查时态和语态。句意:给老板的那些信被放在了桌子上,但直到三天后他才读的。根据but后的“didnt read”可知老板读信是发生在过去,所以信被放到桌子上应该发生在“读信”之前,也是过去的动作,与现在无关,所以排除d,因为现在完成时表示动作到现在刚刚结束或是对现在造成了影响或结果。the letters与put之间为被动关系,故排除c;而且the letters作主语,是复数,可排除b。所以答案为a。8.most of us know we should cut down on fat,but knowing such things isnt much help when it _ shopping and eating.a.refers to b.speaks ofc.focuses on d.comes to解析:选d。when it comes to (doing) sth.当涉及(做)某事的情况、事情或问题时;refer to参考,提及;speak of说起;focus on注意,聚焦于。9.if you become sick,it is nearly impossible to go on with your education,let alone make your dreams _.a.come true b.turn upc.realize d.get true解析:选a。come true成为现实;实现,是固定搭配。10.you are smart,diligent and determined,which,im sure,will_this plan a success.a.get b.lead toc.cause d.make解析:选d。“使该计划成功”,四个选项中只有make后可接复合宾语。11.this district,_many famous universities,is now the new centre for chinese science and technology.a.home to b.the home forc.base for d.based in解析:选a。be home to“是的所在地,是的大本营”,此处因为作定语,故用home to,相当于which is home to。12.they say the recorder costs 150 dollars. but i dont think its worth _much.a.that b.as c.even d.rather解析:选a。句意为“不值那么多钱”,用that much,此时 that 相当于so。13.this experiment turned out to be _ failure,but,as we know,success often comes after _ failure.a.a;a b./;/c.a;/ d./;a解析:选c。failure指“失败的人或事”时是可数名词;泛指失败时是不可数名词。14.(2013安徽部分重点中学联考)when it _ air pollution,beijing faces the three“c”s,cars,coal and construction,which lead to beijings thick air pollution.a.refers to b.comes toc.happens to d.speaks to解析:选b。句意:谈到空气污染,北京面临着三个“c”的问题,汽车、煤炭和建筑,这些都会导致北京的严重污染。refer to“提及,谈到”,主语通常是人;when it comes to sth.“当谈到时”,是一个常用句式,故b项正确。15.thanksgiving is a special time_we should stop and think about the good things in our lives.a.who b.whichc.why d.when解析:选d。此处考查定语从句。先行词为time,表时间,在定语从句中作状语,所以要用关系副词when来引导。.完形填空(2013英语周报第1期) there was once a young ballerina(芭蕾舞女演员)who had taken ballet lessons all through her childhood.she wanted to be a leading ballet dancer,but she wanted to be_1_about this.when a ballet company came to town,she went backstage after the _2_and spoke to the ballet master:“i want to be a great ballet dancer but i dont know if i have the _3_at all.” the master said,“_4_for me.”after a minute or two,he shook his head and said,“no,no,no,you dont have what it takes to be a _5_ballerina.”the young woman went home_6_.she threw the ballet slippers into the closet and never wore them again._7_she got married and had children.when the kids were_8_enough,she took a parttime job_9_a cashier at a corner shop._10_later,the same ballet company came to town.she_11_the performance and on the way out,she_12_the same old ballet master who was then in his eighties.she_13_him that they had spoken before.she_14_him photos of her children and told him about the corner shop job that she was doing now.and then she asked,“there is just one thing that really_15_me for many years._16_could you tell me that i dont have what it takes to be a great ballerina?”“oh,i_17_looked at you when you danced.thats what i told all of them who_18_ to me,”he said.“but . but,thats unforgivable!you have_19_my life;i could have been a great ballet dancer!”she cried.“no,no.i dont think so.if you have what it takes,you wouldnt have paid any _20_to what i said,”the old ballet master said.well,whose fault is it anyway?1.a.carefulb.sorryc.anxious d.sure 解析:选d。根据下文她询问那位芭蕾大师可知,她想当一名出色的芭蕾舞女演员,但是却想通过别人的肯定来“确信(be sure about)”自己拥有这方面的才能。2.a.performance b.discussionc.lesson d.crowd解析:选a。根据前半句中的内容可知她在“演出(performance)”完毕后来到了后台。3.a.choice b.freedomc.talent d.chance解析:选c。她向对方请教,说自己想成为一名伟大的芭蕾舞女演员,但是不知道自己究竟是否具备这方面的“天赋(talent)”。第三段中的what it takes to be a great ballerina是提示。4.a.work b.prepare c.wait d.dance解析:选d。根据下一句中的内容可知他先让这位年轻的芭蕾舞女演员“跳(dance)”给他看。下文的when you danced也是提示。5.a.great b.seriousc.beautiful d.patient解析:选a。此处与上文中的“i want to be a great ballet dancer”相呼应。6.a.puzzled b.excitedc.hungry d.heartbroken解析:选d。对方的话对她的打击非常大,再结合下一句可知她回到家后“极度伤心(heartbroken)”。7.a.however b.thereforec.instead d.otherwise解析:选c。她把芭蕾舞鞋扔到壁橱中,再也不穿了,“而是(instead)”结婚生子。此处表示意思的对比。8.a.clever b.oldc.lovely d.dependent解析:选b。当孩子长到足够“大(old)”的时候,她在拐角的一家商店找到了一份工作。9.a.like b.withc.for d.as解析:选d。她的兼职工作是收银员,此处 as表示“作为”。10.a.years b.months c.weeks d.days解析:选a。上文中提到她结婚生子,等孩子长大时在商店找了一份工作,由此可推断是“数年(years)”之后。15空后的for many years是提示。11.a.played b.canceledc.hated d.attended解析:选d。根据本句中的“on the way out”可知她“参加(attended)”了这次芭蕾舞演出。12.a.ran into b.quarreled withc.believed in d.glared at解析:选a。在出来的路上,她又“碰到(ran into)”了那位老人。 13.a.promised b.advisedc.reminded d.cheated解析:选c。时隔多年,此时的老人已经八十多岁了,所以她“提醒(reminded)”对方他们以前曾经交谈过。14.a.awarded b.showedc.sold d.mailed解析:选b。她向对方“展示(showed)”孩子的照片,并告诉对方有关自己工作的一些情况。15.a.interested b.encouraged c.frightened d.bothered解析:选d。她年轻的时候非常希望成为一名优秀的芭蕾舞演员,至今仍念念不忘昔日的梦想,所以多年来此事一直“烦扰(bothered)”她。16.a.how b.whyc.when d.where解析:选a。根据下一段中对方的回答可知,她询问的是对方“如何(how)”断定她不具备成为优秀芭蕾舞演员的才能。17.a.secretly b.immediatelyc.barely d.proudly解析:选c。第一段的最后提到她仅仅跳了一两分钟,对方就摇头并表示了否定意见,由此可推测当她跳的时候,他“几乎没有(barely)”看。18.a.contributed b.camec.replied d.wrote解析:选b。他对每一个“前来(came)”向他求教的人都是那么说的。19.a.ruined b.improvedc.experienced d.controlled解析:选a。她认为他不负责任的评价“毁(ruined)”了她的生活,葬送了她的美好前程。20.a.money b.effortc.visit d.attention解析:选d。根据本句前半句中的内容可知,他认为如果她确实具备成为优秀芭蕾舞演员的才能,就不会“注意(attention)”他所说的话。.阅读理解(2013原创)china successfully completed monday the countrys second space docking that linked the unmanned spacecraft shenzhou8 again with the prototype(原型)space lab tiangong1, according to the missions control center. about half an hour before the redocking, shenzhou8 had disengaged(摆脱)from tiangong1 after a 12day flight together.shenzhou8, launched on nov. 1 and docked with the target orbiter tiangong1 on nov. 3 in an orbit 343 km above earth, marking chinas first space docking a success. tiangong1 has been in orbit since its launch on sept. 29.the beijing aerospace control center(bacc),which commanded the shenzhou8 mission,_called the redocking a success, during which functions of the measuring equipment and docking mechanism(机械;技巧)were tested in solar light. following the redocking, the coupled spacecraft will fly together for two more days before the scheduled return of shenzhou8 to earth, wu ping, spokeswoman for the manned space program, said earlier.the bacc said monday that after the successful docking tests, the center will further modify the parameters(参数)of the orbit for shenzhou8 to return based on data collected through close monitoring over the procedures. prior to its return, shenzhou8 will redisengage from tiangong1 and fly alone for a period of time, instead of immediately returning to earth, li jian, deputy chief engineer of bacc, said.“acquisition of the space docking technology is vital to china for implementing(贯彻)the threephase development strategy of its manned space program,” spokeswoman wu said.another two docking missions with tiangong1 have been planned next year, and at least one will be manned, wu said.china plans to establish its own space lab around 2016 and a manned space station around 2020, she said.1. from the first paragraph, we can learn that _.a.china will complete the second space dockingb.shenzhou8 made a 12day flight together with tiangong1c.shenzhou8 docked with tiangong1 on nov. 1d.tiangong1 has been in orbit for 12 days by the time this news was published解析:选b。 推理判断题。b项所述与第一段提到“about half an hour before the redocking, shenzhou8 had disengaged from tiangong1 after a 12day flight together.”的内容相吻合。2. the underlined word in the second paragraph probably means _.a.task b.businessc.assignment d.flight解析:选d。 词义猜测题。此处表示“神八飞行任务”;mission是“飞行任务”,故选择flight;而task是“任务”,business是“商业”,assignment是“任务;分配”。3.which of the following is true according to the passage ?a.wu p


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