广西桂林市灌阳县灌阳镇红旗初级中学七年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc_第1页
广西桂林市灌阳县灌阳镇红旗初级中学七年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc_第2页
广西桂林市灌阳县灌阳镇红旗初级中学七年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc_第3页




module 4 healthy foodunit 2 is your food and drink healthy ?学习目标:1、记住本单元的单词:从healthy到 dinner。 2、能写出有关食品的短句,会用连词but。3、能发表自己对食品的看法。重点句型:-whats your favourite? / a lot of ice cream, hamburgers and cola is not healthy.学习重点、难点:掌握食物的名称以及对食物的看法。 预习案:(相信自己,我能行。) 1. 在课文中找出下列词组并给出其汉语意思。(1) healthy (2) my favorite food (3) healthy food and drink (4)eat noodles _ _ (5) eat some meat _ (6)unhealthy drink _ _(7)to be healthy _ _2. .熟悉新单词,完成activity 1,activity 2.3. 看看这些单词哪些和eat 连用,哪些和drink连用。同时建立动宾搭配关系。 eat_drink_我的疑问:1.重点短语:(1). be healthy 健康 (2). a lot of= lots of 许多 (3). too much 太多(4). be good for 对有益 (5). be bad for 对有害 (6). a bit 一点(7). its important to do sth. 做某事很重要 (8). stay healthy 保持健康(9). get fat 变胖 (10). notor 不是和 (11). at home 在家(12). for breakfast / lunch / dinner 当作早/午/晚餐21)不可数名词有:water 水 meat 肉 food 食物 fruit 水果 beef 牛肉 chicken 鸡肉 juice 果汁 ice cream 冰激凌 tea 茶 rice 米饭 bread 面包 milk 牛奶 cola 可乐 chocolate 巧克力 fish 鱼肉 cheese 奶酪 sugar 糖 candy 糖果 soup 汤 2)可数名词的特殊变化: childchildren 孩子 toothteeth 牙齿 3)连词 and, or, but 的区别:(1) and:表示“和,又,与,并”,连接两个名词、动词或句子,表示并列关系。(2) or:用于否定句表示“和”的意思,用于疑问句中表示“还是,或者”的意思。(3) but:意思是“但是,而是”,表转折关系。 mr. zhang is an english teacher_ he teaches us english. do you like to have chinese food _ western food? he is rich, _ he isnt happy. have you got any brothers _ sisters? juice _ milk are healthy drinks _ cola isnt a healthy drink. remember to eat noodles _ rice, not hamburgers.探究案:(不依附,不从众,让思考成为习惯!) 1. 熟读单词,完成3activity 1 and activity 2.2. 熟读activity 3 的课文并区分食物和饮料是否健康。 3. 学生完成activity 4. 4. 运用and/or/ but 来谈论健康饮食。 检测案:( ) 1、coke isnt a healthy drink _ children like it . a、and b、but c、or d、with ( ) 2、i have got some food, _ i havent got any drinks. a、and b 、but c、or d、/( ) 3、to be healthy, please eat some fruit, not candy _ ice cream. a 、and b、but c 、or d、 with ( )4、he likes meat and rice _vegetables . a 、with b、 and c、 for d、of1.请将下列单词以正确形式填空1)(potato)_ are healthy food. 2)fish _ (be) healthy food.3)- have they got _ beef ? - yes, they have. and theyve got _ pork, too. (some)4)juice and water are _ drinks, but coke is a (an) _ drink. (health) 5)chicken and pork _ healthy food.(be) 6) candy _healthy food. (be not)7)there are many _(tomato) on the table. 8) kate _ (have) got a football.2.翻译句子: 1) 你们的袋子里有水果吗? _ you got _ _in your bags ? 2) 鱼和蔬菜是健康的食品。 _ and _ _ _ food. 3) 我最喜欢的饮料是牛奶和果汁。 my _ _ is _ and _. 4) 它们是健康的食物和饮料吗? _ they _fo


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