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江苏省江阴市敔山湾实验学校2014-2015学年第二学期七年级英语期中考试一、单词辨音 21.a. sofab. canadac. managerd. above22.a. enoughb. prettyc. rememberd. zero23.a. personb. energyc. undergroundd. corner24.a. fridgesb. noticesc. beachesd.theatres25. a. forestb. worryc. colleged. cross26.a. bankb. soundc. countryd.nothing27.a. whoseb. wheatc. wholed. who28.a. bathroomb. sixthc. anotherd. south29.a. walkingb. ballc. saltd. wall30.a. benchb. exchangec. checkdmachine二、单项填空 31. there is _ l and _ u in _ word lucky. a. a; an; theb. an; a; the c. the; an; ad. a; the; the32. -what _ your dream home like? - its very large and modern _ a hotel with twelve rooms. a. does; likeb. is; likec. does; likes d. is; likes33. -dont miss _ the sunset in sanya. it is really beautiful. - _. a. watching; yes, i wont b. to watch; no, i will c. watching; no, i wont. d. to watch; yes, i will34. shanghai is _ guangdong. a. north of b. to north ofc. in the north of d. the north of35. - which cinema do you want to go _ see the film cz12(十二生肖)? a. forb. to c. to tod. /36. we should read 250,608 _. a. two hundreds and fifty thousands and six hundreds and eightb. two hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and eightc. two hundred and fifty thousand and six hundred and eightd. two hundreds fifty thousands six hundreds and eight37. the radio says there _ basketball matches this weekend. a. is going to beb. is going to havec. are going to bed. will have 38. - do you go to school _ your fathers car? - no, i go to school _ bus. a. in; onb. by; byc. by; ond. in; by39. -excuse me, _ the hospital? - yes, walk along the road and turn right into the park road. it is on your right. a. how can i get to b. could you tell me the way to c. where is d. how to get to40. i need some help _ my computer. it _. a. on; doesnt work b. with; doesnt workc. in; isnt working d. with; isnt work 41. there is a bridge _ the river. many boats go _ it every day. a. over; through b. over; belowc. on; through d. above; under42. mrs. green is _ grandmother. the presents in her hand are for _. a. jims and toms; theirs b. jim and toms ; themc. jims and toms; them d. jim and toms ; theirs43. ian wants to have a ship _, so he works hard on it. a. on his ownb. by his ownc. in his ownd. of his own44. - sorry, nick. im busy doing my homework. i cant go swimming with you. - _. a. no problemb. youre welcomec. never mindd. thats right三、完形填空 many animals use some kinds of “language(语言)”. they use signals(信号)and the signals have meanings(意思). for example, 45 a bee finds some food, it goes 4 6 its home. 47 is difficult for a bee to tell 48 bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it can do a little dancing. this tells the bees where the food is and 49 it is.some animals show 50 they feel by making sounds. it is not difficult to tell if a dog is angry because it barks(吠). birds make some different sounds and 51 has its meaning. sometimes we humans(人类) make sounds in the same way. we 52 sounds like “oh” toshow how we feel about 53 or when somethingfalls(掉)onto our 54 45.a. becauseb. beforec. whend. as46.a. out ofb. back fromc. away fromd. back to47.a. itb. thisc. thatd. he48.a. each otherb. anotherc. otherd. others49.a. how longb. how farc. how manyd. how old50.a. whyb. whichc. howd. what51.a. eachb. everyc. alld. some52.a. makeb.givec. talkd. speak53.a. everythingb. somethingc. nothingd. anything54.a. feetb. handsc. faced. mouth四、阅读理解 aexhibition(展览) at the palace museumthe palace museum is a wonderful place to visit. there are lots of fun and interesting things to see. come to visit the palace museum.timeplace things to see10:00 a.m.taihe palacegolden throne10:30 a.m.zhonghe palaceworks of art11:00 a.m.baohe palaceworks of art1:00 p.m.jingren palacebronzes(青铜器)1:40 p.m.yonghe palacepottery(陶器)2:30 p.m.huangji palacechinese paintings4:00 p.m.fengxian palaceclocks and watchestickets: adults: ¥15.00 children: over 12:¥10.00 under12: free discount: 20% on saturdayopening time: 9:00a.m. 5:00 p.m. on weekdays10:00a.m. 3:00p.m. on saturday not open on sundaytips: keep quiet.keep the museum clean.dont forget to buy some souvenirs for your friends and family.do not take any photos.do not touch anything.55. when can you see clocks and watches? a. at 1:40 p.m. from monday to saturday. b. at 4:00 p.m. on saturday. c. at 4:00 p.m. every day. d. at 4:00 p.m. from monday to friday.56. mr. wu wants to visit the exhibition with his two students this saturday. the two students are both 14. how much are the tickets together? a.¥35.00. b.¥28.00. c. ¥15.00. d. ¥7.00.57. the palace museum opens _ days a week. a. five b. two c. seven d. six58. which of the following can you do at the exhibition? a. to talk to each other loudly. b. to take a few nice photos. c. to buy some souvenirs. d. to touch golden throne.bamericans with small families own a small car or a large one. if both parents are working, they usually have two cars. when the family is large, they will sell one of the cars and buy a van(房车).a small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded(拥挤). a van can hold seven persons easily, so three children can ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel. they can all travel together.americans call vans motor homes. they usually use a motor home for holidays. when a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. all the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. that is why motor homes are very popular. in america there are many parks for motor homes.59. from the passage, people also call a van _.a. a motor car b. a motor home c. a motorbike d. a big truck60. in america, a family with _ usually own a motor home.a. a baby b. much money c. more than two children d. great interest(兴趣)in vans61. americans usually use motor homes _.a. to travel with all the family members on holidayb. to do some shopping with all the family membersc. to visit their grandparents at weekendsd. to drive their children to school every day62. motor homes are popular because _.a. they can take people to another city when people are freeb. they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidaysc. some people think motor homes are cheapd. big families can put more things in motor homescjohn wants to ask for a few days off work. he wants to travel with his family. his superior(上级)mark doesnt want him to leave, but he has no real excuse(借口)to let him stay. so mark says to john jokingly(开玩笑地), “ok. ill write yes on one piece of paper and no on the other piece. then ill fold(折叠)them. you can pick only one. if you choose yes, youll be lucky.”“im sure hell write no on both pieces of paper,” thinks john. “what should i do?”after a few minutes, john has an idea. he takes one piece from mark and quickly swallows(吞下)it. then mark says, “ok, john. you win.”63. john asks for a few days off work to _.a. spend a holiday by himself b. travel with his friends c. stay with his family at homed. enjoy a holiday with his family64. mark plays this game because _.a. he feels bored(无聊的) b. he wants john to stayc. he wants to find a real excuse d. he wants to make a joke65. if john takes one of the two pieces of paper and reads it, he will _.a. be luckyb. take a few days offc. travel with his familyd. have to stay with mark66. what do you think will happen at last? a. john will feel sorry for what he does.b. john will have fun with his family on holiday.c. mark will say sorry to john.d. mark will ask john to swallow the other piece.67. how is john? a. lucky. b. handsome. c. clever. d. humorous(幽默的).五、单词拼写 1. my parents want to meet an old friend of _ at the party. (they)2. its very _ to go near the lions because they are fierce(凶猛的). (danger)3. how many key rings are those _? ( postman)4. we are getting ready for our grandpas _ birthday. (ninety-nine)5. my _ sister drives me to school every day. (old)6. young people often get a lot of _ from their micro-blogs(微博). (信息)7. the girl with long _ hair is my best friend, aria. (直的)8. _ of people hope to be audience(观众)for a popular tv programme(节目)-i am a singer. (千)9. wed like two more _ to help check the new car. (技师)10. tina shows me the videos of her trip to taiwan. they are _ interesting. (相当)六、动词填空 1. the teacher hopes all the students _ the mid-term exam. ( pass)2. if suzy _ sure about the time to leave, tell her to call me back. (not be)3. chinese people _ always _ about h7n9 bird flu(流感)these days. (worry)4. how long does it take _ to america? (fly)5. -who _ the old people clean their flats this weekend? -we are, sir. (help)6. its raining outside. why not _ at home and do some reading? (stay)7. therere many workers _ the broken machines in the factory. (fix)8. can anyone make the workers _ the broken car for me, please? (check) 9. jack, _ late for tomorrows meeting. (not be)10. each of the rooms _ a new computer in my dream home. (have) 七、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(本大题共5分,每小题1分)1. 现在我手头买食物的钱还绰绰有余,我乐意邀请朋友们一起去看电影。now i have _ for food, im ready _with me.2. 恐怕有很多上班族在离家很远的公司工作。 im afraid _work in companies _.3. 露西正盼望着带那些游客参观故宫。 lucy is_ the palace museum.4. 不要整天躺着了,让我们沿着紧靠


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