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Work Sheets 7A Unit One This is me!7A Unit One This is me!Period One Comic strip and welcome to the unit Learning ActivitiesLearning aims 1. To introduce oneself in English.2. To greet sb. with suitable sentences.Activity One Preview. New words (写出下列单词的划线部分的音标、词义和词性)1. e-dog 2. master . Useful phrases (翻译下列短语)1. look after 2. meet new friends 3. make friends 4. read the book 5. 早上好 6. 下午好 7. 晚上好 8. 晚安 . Important sentences (翻译句子,了解用法) -Whats your name? -Im . / My name is .句意: Activity Two Presentation of welcome to the unit-Greetings Step One Free talk Greet students using different time. e.g. Good morning. Step Two Exercise B1 on P7. Greet according to different time with your partner. S1_ S2_ _Activity Three Presentation of welcome to the unit-Meeting new friends Step One Introduce oneselfT: Boys and girls, this is the first lesson of this term. First, I introduce myself to you. Imthis is my Chinese name. And my English name is. Whats your name?S: (oral practice) Step Two Meet new friendsT: Boys and girls, do you want to know students from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School? Now they are introducing themselves to each other. Lets look at the pictures in Part A on P7. Try to remember them.T: Please read their conversations three times with your partners. Step Three PractiseT: Make a dialogue with your partner using their dialogue or the following dialogue as a model. S1:Good morning. S2: S1:Whats your name”? S2: What about you?/How about you?/And you? S1: Activity Four Presentation of Comic strips Step One Listen and answer questionsT: Boys and girls, you introduced yourself to each other just now. Next I will introduce two new friends to you. Lets listen to the tape and answer the following questions. 1. Whats the e-dogs name?2. Whos his master? Step Two Read after the tape. Step Three Read the dialogue in different ways and act out. Step Four Practise. (If you are Eddie, please introduce yourself and your e-dog to us.)My _is Eddie. I have an _. Its name is _. I am its_. I will _ after it.Exercises(检测反馈)一、根据句意或括号中的中文提示、首字母写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1. We are all _ (主人) of our class.2. Her _ (名字) is Millie.3. We can make f_ with our new classmates.4. He often _(看)books after class.5. Its 21:30 now. Its time to go to bed. Good n_, dear.二、根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。be friend she look like 1. I _ my mother very much.2. Whats _ name, please?3. Would you like to make _ with me?4. Can you tell me how _ after your dog?5. Millie and Jack _ classmates. Exercises (巩固提升)一、单项选择( ) 1. He wants to know how _ English well. A. study B. to study C. studying D. studies( ) 2How is your father today? He is very _. Thank you. A. nice B. old C. best D. well( ) 3.Hi, Bob. _.A. Hi, Im Millie. B. Hi, Millie. C. Hi, my name is Millie. D. Hi, Bob.( ) 4. _ is your e-dog? The one on the table. A. What B. Which C. Where D. Who( ) 5. We can say “_” to our parents before we go to bed. A. goodbye B. good evening C. good night D. see you二、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. 我喜爱这只电子狗。I _ _ _ . 2. 请读这本书。 Please _ _ _ .3. 这是我在新学校的第一天。This is _ _ _ at my new school .4. 同学们,下午好。 _ _ , boys and girls .5. 我不知道如何照顾这只狗。I dont know how _ _ _ this dog . 三、完形填空I am a secondary student. I 1 in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School, and I am in 2 . My class is a big one.There are 3 students in my class. 4 monitor(班长)is a very lovely 5 . He is always very 6 .This is a picture 7 him. He is short and thin. He 8 two small eyes and a big mouth. He 9 like a little teacher. He is the head of us. And he works very hard. He is 12 years old. We 10 love him very much.( )1. A. play B. study C. work D. live( )2. A. Class 3, grade 7 B. Grade 7, Class 3 C. Class 3, Grade 7 D. Grade 7, class 3( )3. A. fifty-seven B. five seven C. fifty seven D. fifteen seven( )4. A. His B. Our C. Their D. Her( )5. A. girl B. boy C. teacher D. children ( )6. A. sad B. tall C. fat D. happy( )7. A. on B. for C. of D. to ( )8. A. makes B. has C. wants D. takes ( )9. A. looks B. stands C. says D. smiles ( )10. A. both B. all C. often D. never Period Two ReadingLearning ActivitiesLearning aims 1.To know how to use English to introduce people .2.To learn how to use personal pronounsActivity One Preview. New words (写出下列单词的划线部分的音标、词义和词性) 1. year_ 2. grade_ 3. reading_ 4. club_ 5. everyone _ 6. born_ 7. after _ 8. slim _ 9. long _ 10. music_ 11. hard _12. short_ 13. wear _ 14. polite_ 15. enjoy _ 16.glasses _ . Useful phrases(翻译下列短语) 1. 12 years old 2. in Class 1, Grade 7_ 3. love reading 4. be born in Shanghai 5. come from 6. tall and slim 7. work hard 8. enjoy doing sth. 9.玩电脑游戏 10.戴着眼镜 11.擅长做某事 12.有很多爱好 13.留着长长的黑发 14.一个留着短发的滑稽的女孩 . Important sentences(翻译句子,了解用法) 1. I love reading. 句意: 词组: 喜欢做某事 2. I was born in Shanghai but I live in Beijing now. 翻译: 3. She is good at swimming. 翻译: Activity Two While-reading Step One Skim(略读) the text and answer the questions How many students in this article? Who are they? Step Two Listen and finishing B1 on P9 Step Three Scan each paragraph and do some exercises Part1 Questions about Millie1. How old is she? 2. What does she like? Part2 Read Simons and Sandys introduction, ask and answer questions by yourself. Part3 Reading competition Read the last three parts. See which group can read loudest and most crazily. And then do T/F questions. 1. Kitty is 12 years old. 2. Amy has short hair. 3. Daniel doesnt wear glasses. 4. Daniel enjoys swimming. He is polite and helpful. Activity Three Post-reading Step One Read the text and fill in the blanks. (Finish C1 on P10) Step Two Discuss and guess Who do you want to make friends with? Why? Guess. I want to make friends with her/him because . Please guess who he/she is. Step Three Self-introduction (Complete C2 on P10 )1. Pay attention to your pronunciation.2. Try to retell the passage.Exercises (检测反馈)一、根据中文提示写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1. Millie is 12 (岁数) old. She is (擅长) at English.2. He (穿着) a new shirt and looks cool.3. He loves (音乐) very much.4. He is kind and (有礼貌的) to everyone.5. He is . (乐于助人的).二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He_(be)born in Beijing, but he_(live)in Nanjing now.2. Andy likes _(watch)TV. He _(watch)TV every evening.3. Simon_(be not)good at football.4. I enjoy_(play)tennis.5. I need a new pair of (glass).6. How many (hobby) do you have?7. Im good at (play) computer games.8. This is my cousin. You can call (he) Tony.Exercises (巩固提升)一、短文填空。 Millie is 12 years old. He live in Beijing. He loves r 1 . He has a dog. His n 2 is Eddie. He loves him very much. Simon was b 3 in Shanghai but lives in Beijing now. He loves playing football after school. Sandy comes from Beijing. She is tall and slim. She has 4 black hair. She likes listening to m 5 . Kitty is 11 y 6 old. She loves dancing. She works h 7 . Amy is not very tall. She has short hair. She is good at s 8 . She is funny.Daniel wears g 9 . He enjoys playing computer games. He is p 10 and helpful.二、补全对话Simon: Hi, _ our name?Sandy: Im Sandy. And your name?Simon: Im Simon. _ to see you, Sandy.Sandy: Nice to see you, Simon. Where are you_ ?Simon: I m from Shanghai. I was _ there.Sandy: Do you _ in Shanghai now/Simon: No, I live in Beijing nowSandy: Do you like _ ball games?Simon: No. I like _ to music. And you?Sandy: I _ basketball.三、请你写一篇介绍自己的小文章. 内容包括: 年龄, 相貌 , 爱好 , 家庭情况(大约60 字左右)_ _Period Two ReadingLearning ActivitiesLearning aims1. New words:year, grade, reading, everyone, after, wear, glasses2. New phrases: be born, be good at, enjoy/like/love doing sth.3. New sentences: Im twelve years old.I come from Beijing. I was born in Shanghai but I live in Beijing now.Activity One Free talk(替换划线部分)1. Hi, my name is Lily. Whats your name?2. I live in Rugao. Where do you live?3. I was born in Changzhou. Where were you born?4. I like English and I am good at English. What about you?5. And I like listening to music. I want to be in the Music Club. What do you like?Activity Two Understand the language pointsStep One Words1. year: I am twelve years old. 句意:_。 词性:_ 词义:_ Tom 8岁。 Tom is eight old.2. grade: Im in Class 1 Grade 8. 句意:_。 词性:_ 词义:_ in Grade 8 =in the 8th grade 在8年级我在7年级1班。Im in Class 1 7.= Im in the 7th .3. reading: She is in the Reading Club. 句意:_ 词性:_ 词义:_ 观察:Simon often reads books in the morning. People like reading books in the Reading Club. 思考:read 和 reading的关系:_。 如果你想参加阅读俱乐部,你必须每天阅读。 If you want to take part in the _ Club, you must _ books everyday.4. everyone: Is everyone here? 大家都到了吗? Everyone can do it. 谁都可以做此事。 词性:_ 词义:_ 做主语时,谓语动词用_形式。 我们班人人喜欢踢足球。 Everyone in our class _(like) playing football.5. after prep. 在后, 在后面 conj. 在以后 adv. 后来,以后 课后 class 午饭后,我们休息了一会儿。 lunch, we had a rest.下车后,我们去爬山了。We climbed up the hill we get off the bus.6. wear: She likes wearing a flower on her head. 句意:_ 词性:_ 词义:_ wear+衣服鞋帽, 表示穿着、戴着的状态 put on+衣服鞋帽, 表示穿上、戴上的动作, on 为副词,宾语是itthem 时, 需置中间, 即put itthem ondress+人, 给某人穿衣服, 其后部可接衣服鞋帽Our coat is here. Please (穿上它). Millie likes (戴) sunglasses in summer. Little Mike himself without Mothers help in the morning.7. glasses: Daniel wears glasses. 句意:_ 词性:_ 词义:_glass名词,“玻璃(不可数名词)”;“玻璃杯(可数名词)”,复数形式glasses可以指“眼镜”,“一副眼镜”a pair of glasses.用做单数。 e.g. This pair of glasses _(be)not good. Step Two Phrases1. Miss Li likes Tom very much. 李老师非常喜欢Tom.love/like/enjoy very much 翻译: 否定式:not love/like/enjoy at all我非常喜欢他。 翻译: 。 love/like/enjoy doing sth. 她喜欢跳舞。 翻译: 。 他非常喜欢唱歌。 翻译: . 否定句: . 中考链接:Nancy enjoys_(read) comic books at weekends. (2009南京中考)2. I was born in Jiangsu. 句意:_. be born 意思: (一般用was born 或 were born表示。) 我在上海出生的。 I _ _ in Shanghai. 我在1986年五月份出生的。 I_ _ in May, 1986. 你在哪里出生的? ?3. Wanghao is good at playing table tennis. 句意:_.be good at意思为“_”,at 是介词,后面跟n.或v-ing形式。e.g. Im not good at_. 我数学学得不好。Beibei is good at_.贝贝擅长于跳舞。Tom is good at _ basketball. 汤姆篮球打得好。 Step Three Sentences1. 我12岁。Im twelve years old. =Im twelve. =Im a twelve-year-old boy/girl. 问句: ? 你能说出两种表达方法的区别吗? 2. I come from Beijing.我来自北京。我是北京人。 意为“来自(地方)”。e.g. My parents come from Shanghai.=My parents are from Shanghai ?come from= _ _Sandy 来自北京。Sandy _ _ Beijing.=Sandy _ _ Beijing.你来自哪里?Where _ you _ _? =Where _ you _?3. She works hard. 她学习很努力。work hard意为“努力学习,努力工作”。work hard at意为“在方面努力学习,在方面努力工作”。e.g. ( )They work hard _ their lessons. A. from B. in C. for D. atExercises (检测反馈)一、单项选择。( ) 1.He likes playing basketball, so he wants to buy basketball. A. a; a B. ; C. ;a D. the; a( ) 2.What is he good at? . A. Swim B. Swims C. To swim D. Swimming( ) 3.Where your English teacher ? A. is; come from B. does; from C. do; come from D. does; come from( ) 4.My cousin playing tennis. What about yours? Sorry, I dont know. A. isnt like B. dont like C. doesnt likes D. doesnt like( ) 5.Look at the boy glasses. Oh, he is my classmate. His eyesight is not very good. So he glasses. A. wears; with B. with; wears C. wear; with D. with; wear( ) 6. Why _ you stay at home and play? A. isnt B. dont C. arent D. doesnt( ) 7. _ does Sandy come from? A. How B. Whose C. What D. Where( ) 8.When was he born? He was born _ September 15th, 1996. A. in B. at C. from D. on( ) 9._Tom good at? English. He likes it very much. A. What does B. What is C. What D. What do ( ) 10. Do you enjoy _ music in the evening? A. to listen B. to listen to C. listening D. listening toExercises (巩固提升)一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. The girl is very _ (fun).2. Mr Wu _ (enjoy) _ (sing).3. Is Amy good at _ (dance).4. Mrs White _ (love) _ (get) up late.5. Tom has poor eyesight, so he wears a pair of _ (glass).二、句型转换。写出下列各句的同义句,每空一词。1.Is Mr. Green from the USA? _ Mr. Green _ from the USA? 2.He plays football very well. He is _ _ playing football.3. Casillas(卡西利亚斯,西班牙球队守门员)is a member of the Real Madrid Club de Ftbol (皇家马德里足球俱乐部)。Casillas _ _ the Real Madrid Club de Ftbol.4. Simons hobby is playing football after school. Simon _ _ football after school.5. My brother is on April 4th,1977. I _ _ in April 4th,1977.三、阅读与回答问题。My name is Li Mei. Im a Chinese girl. My English name is Shirley. Im fourteen years old now. I


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