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人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册知识点Unit1Howcan I get there ?1、 四会单词:1. 科学_ 2. 博物馆_ 3. 邮局 _ 4. 书店 _ 5. 电影院 _ 6. 医院 _ 7. 十字路口 _ 8. 转弯 _ 9. 左 _10. 笔直地 _11. 右 _二三会单词1. ask _ 2. sir _ 3. interesting _ 4. Italian _ 5. restaurant _ 6. pizza _ 7. street _ 8. get _ 9. GPS _ 10. gave ( )的过去式 _ 11. feature _ 12. follow _ 13. far _ 14. tell _ 三、习惯语搭配:X k B 1 . c o m1. 邮局_ 2. 科学博物馆_ 3. 宠物医院_ 4. 意大利餐馆 _ 5. Palace Museum _ 6. 直走 _ 7.右/左转 _ 8.挨着 _ 9.在.前面_ 10. 在东方大街上 _ 11.打扰一下_ 12. 请跟着我!_ 四、公式化句型:1、问路的句型及其答语:新课 标第 一 网问句:Where is the + 地点? 在哪儿?答语:Its + 表示地点的词语。 它在。next to the bookstore, near/behind/ the hospital/post office, over there, on Dongfang Street, in front of the school.2、询问怎么到某地的句型及其答语:问句:How can +主语 + get (to)+地点? 怎么到? (here,there,home省略to)答语:Turn +方向+ at + 表示地点的词。 转。 例:Turn right at the hospital.Then go straight. 3. want to do sth. 想要做某事翻译: 我想去买一张明信片。_ 今天我想去寄明信片。_4. There is/are. in my city/town. 在我的城市/镇上有. 一般疑问句:Is there .? /Are there.? 翻译: 在我的城市里有一个邮局。_ 你的城市里有一个邮局吗? _ 是的,有。_/不,没有。_五例句:1. 感叹句: What a great museum! What an interesting film! 2. My new GPS works. _. 3. Turnleftatthecinema,thengostraight.Itsontheleft.在电影院向左转,然后直行。它在左边。六、主题写作:范文How to Get to the Science Museum We are going to the science museum tomorrow.The science museum is next to the hospital.Its not far from our school.So we can go there on foot.First,go straight from our school.Next,turn left at the post office and walk for about five minutes.Then turn right at the bookstore.We can find the hospital on the right.Walk straight,and well see the science museum.Unit 2 Ways to go to school一、四会单词1. 步行 _ 2. 乘 _ 3. 公共汽车_ 4.飞机 _ 5. 出租车_ 6. (大)船 _ 7. 地铁_ 8. 火车_ 9. 慢的_ 10. 减少;降低 _ 11. 慢下来 _ 12. 停下 _ 二三会单词新课 标第 一 网1.Mrs _ 2. early _ 3. helmet _ 4. must _ 5. wear _ 6. attention _ 7. pay attention to _ 8. traffic _ 9. traffic lights _ 10. Munich _ 11. Germany _ 12. Alaska _ 13. sled _ 14. fast _ 15. ferry _ 16. Papa Westray _ 17. Scotland _. 18. usually _ 19. often _ 20. sometimes _ 21. a sports meet _ 三习惯语搭配:1. by bike/bus/plane/subway/train/ship/taxi/ferry 骑自行车/乘公共汽车/飞机/地铁/火车/船/出租汽车/渡轮 2.乘57路公共汽车_ 3. on foot步行 4. slow down慢下来 5. pay attention to注意 6.traffic lights 交通信号灯 7. so many _8. be from _ 7.look right _ 8. cross the road _ 9. get off _ 10. at home _ 11.trafficrules _ 12. befarfrom._ 13. drive slowly _ 14. on the right side of the road _ 四、惯用表达式:1. Wait!等一等! 2. Hooray太好了! 3. I see. 我明白了。4. Stopataredlight红灯停 Goatagreenlight绿灯行 Stop and waitatayellowlight黄灯等 五、公式化句型: 1、如何询问对方的出行方式:How do you come (to) + 地点? 你(们)怎么来的?How does he/she/Chen Jie. come (to)+ 地点? 区别:go to the cinema _ come to the cinema _ 2、如何用must表示必须做某事: 某人+ must+ 动词原形(+其它). 必须例:In the USA people on bikes must wear one. 3、 告诫别人不要做某事的句型:Dont +动词原形(+其它). 不要/别。翻译:不要闯红灯! _ 六例句:1. Howdoyougoto/come to/ get to school? 你怎么去上学? 翻译:你怎么从中国去美国? _ 2. UsuallyIgotoschoolonfoot.SometimesIgobybus. 通常我步行去上学。有时候骑自行车去。3.Iamfarfromschoolnow. 我现在离学校很远。 Myhomeisnotfarfromour school. = My home is near our school. 我家离学校不远。4. Thats good exercise. _5. The bus is coming. _6. I must pay attention to the traffic lights. _7. You are early. _ 七、主题写作:范文 Dont Be Against the Traffic Rules 不要违反交通规则 I go to school from Mondays to Fridays. I go to school by bike at 7:30 in the morning.I have to cross two busy roads.I know the traffic rules well.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Stop and wait at a red light.Go at a green light.I always ride on the right side of the road.I am never against the traffic rules.Unit 3 My weekend plan1 四会单词1. 拜访_ 2. 电影_ 3. 看电影_ 4. 旅行 _ 5. 去旅行 _ 6. 超市_ 7. 晚上 _ 8. 在晚上 _ 9.明天 _ 10. 下周 _ 11. 词典 _ 12. 滑稽的 _ 13. 连环画册_ 14. 单词 _ 15. 单词书 _ 16.明信片 _ 2 三会单词新-课- 标 -第 -一-网1. lesson _ 2. space _ 3. travel _ 4. half _ 5. price _ 6. Mid-autumn Festival _ 7. together _ 8. get together _ 9. mooncake _ 10. poem _ 11. moon _ 三习惯搭配:1. have to _ 2.做我的家庭作业_ 3. go for a picnic _ 4.去超市_ 5. lots of _ 6. 在某人回家的路上 _7.去电影院_ 8. about space travel _ 9 为什么不_ 10. half price _ 11. go ice-skating _ 12. make a snowman _ 13. have a big dinner _ 14.make mooncakes _ 15. tell a story _16.read a poem_ 4 惯用表达式:1. Sounds great!_ 2. 玩得开心!_ 3. 我能帮助你吗?_ 4. 2. Here they are!它们在这儿! 五、公式化句型:1、询问对方打算做什么的句型及其答语:新 课 标 第 一 网问句:What be + 主语 + going to do + 表示将来的时间? 打算做什么?next week tonight tomorrow this morning/afternoon/evening this weekend.答语:主语+ be + going to +动词(短语)原形 .打算。see a film take a trip draw some pictures have an art lesson 2、询问对方打算去哪儿的句型及答语:问句:Where are you going (+将来时间)? 你/你们打算()去哪儿?答语:Im/Were going (to the)+ 地点. 我/我们打算去。翻译:你们打算去哪儿? _ 我们打算去电影院。_3、询问对方打算何时去做某事的句型及答语:问句:When are you going to +动词(短语)原形? 你/你们打算什么时候?答语:Im/Were going to +动词(短语)原形 + 将来时间. 我/我们打算。4. We will all be together tonight. will + 动词原形 将要. 翻译:我的奶奶将给我们讲一个关于嫦娥的故事。_六例句:1. -Whatareyougoingtodoontheweekend? - Imgoingtovisitmygrandparentsthisweekend? 2. -Whereareyougoingthisafternoon? -Imgoingtothebookstore. 3. -When are you going? -Next Wednesday. 4. -Whatareyougoingtobuy? -Imgoingtobuyacomicbook. 七主题写作:范文 My weekend Today is Saturday. I dont go to school, but I have many things to do this weekend. I am going to wash clothes this afternoon. Tomorrow morning, I am going to swim with my friends. I like playing sports. I am going to watch TV tomorrow evening. I am very happy. Unit 4 I have a pen pal1 单词1. 学习(第三人称单数形式)_ 2. 谜 _ 3. 远足_ 4. 笔友_ 5. 业余爱好 _ 1. jasmine _ 2. idea _ 3. Canberra _ 4. amazing _ 5. shall _ 6. goal _ 7. join _ 8. club _ 9. share _ 二.习惯搭配:1.在农场 _ 2.住在中国_ 3. read to the cows _ 4.弹琵琶 _ 5. 进行体育活动 _ 6. write an email to. _ 7. be interested in _8. cook Chinese food _ 9. learn about _ 10.猜字谜_ 11. on the playground _ 12. call sb. 给某人打电话13. 过来看 _ 14. 加入我们 _ 三公式化句型:X|k | B| 1 . c |O |m1、询问某人爱好的句型及其答语:问句:What are sb.s hobbies? 有什么爱好?答语:主语 + like/likes+ 动词-ing形式(+其它). 喜欢 喜欢做某事 like doing sth. singing dancing reading stories playing football doing kungfu2. 当主语是第三人称单数(he/she/it或一个人的名字时,如:Chen Jie,Mike等),句子中的主要动词要变成第三人称单数。 (复习第三人称单数的变化规则) do/have/study/play/watch/以“.学中文”为例 I/We/They/Chen jie and Mike.study Chinese. He/She/Chen Jie/His sister. studies Chinese. 由do/does引导的一般疑问句及其答语:问句:Do/Does+ 主语 + 其他? 答语:Yes,主语 + do/does. /No,主语+dont/doesnt. 3. teach sb. sth. 教某人某事 teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事例:I m going to teach him the Chinese song“Jasmine Flower”! 他教学生去做机器人。_ 4. 在星期一_ Sunday 在下午1点 _ 1 p.m. 在周末 _ the weekend 在早上 _ the morning 5 例句1. 我也能成为他的笔友吗? _ 2. Shall we dance? _ 3. We can share. _ 六主题写作:范文Li Yings Hobbies Li Ying likes English very much.She reads English every morning.She likes listening to music,too.She watches TV only on Saturday evening.Does she like cooking Chinese food?No, she doesnt.She likes doing word puzzles.She doesnt like playing basketball.Her hobbies make her happy.Unit 5 What does he do? 新课 标第 一 网一四会单词1. 工厂_ 2. 工人 _ 3.邮递员_ 4. 商人;企业家_ 5. 警察 _ 6. 渔民_ 7. 科学家 _ 8. 飞行员 _ 9. 教练 _ 2 三会单词1. country _ 2. head teacher _ 3.sea _ 4. stay _ 5. university _ 6. gym _ 7. if _ 8. reporter _ 9. use _ 10. type _ 11. quickly _三固定搭配1. Parents Day _ 2. 在澳大利亚 _ Australia 3. other countries _ 4. 许多 _ 5. 去上班 _ 6.努力学习 _ 7.stay healthy _ 8. every day _ 9. be good at _ 10. use computers _ 四常用句型1. What about you?你呢? 2. Thats nice.那真好。 3.I see.我明白了。 4. Is your father here today? _5. 你想成为校长吗? _ 6. 她每天可以看到很多鱼。_ 7. 他有一个非常健康的生活。_8. 他工作非常努力并且保持健康。_ 五公式化句型:1、询问他人的职业的句型及其答语;问句:What does + 主语(第三人称单数)+do? 是做什么的?答语:He/She is a /an+ 职业名称. 他/她是一位。cleaner清洁工 teacher 老师 dancer舞蹈演员 doctor 医生nurse护士 singer 歌手翻译:你妈妈是做什么的? _. 她是校长。_ 2、询问他人的工作地点的句型及其答语:问句:Where does+主语(第三人称单数)+work? 在哪儿工作?答语:He/She works+(表示地点的)介词短语. 他/她工作。at a university in a gym at sea on a boat at the zoo in a school on a rescue plane 3、询问他人的上班方式的问句及其答语:问句:How does +主语(第三人称单数)+ go to work? 怎么去上班?答语:He/She goes to work + 交通方式. 他/她去上班。by bike/bus/subway/plane/train/ship/ferry/.on foot六、主题写作:范文I Love My Family Here is a photo of my family.There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother, my brother and me. My father is a doctor.He works in a hospital.He goes to work by subway.My mother is a teacher.She works in a school near my home.She goes to work by bike.Look, the tall boy is my brother.He is a pilot.Hes in Beijing now.He goes there by plane.I am a student now. I love my family.Unit 6 How do you feel ? w W w . X k b 1.c O m1 四会单词1. 生气的 _ 2. 害怕 _ 3. 难过的 _ 4. 担心的_ 5. 高兴的 _ 6. 看病 _ 7. 穿 _ 8. 更多的 _ 9. 深的 _ 10. 呼吸 _ 11. 深深吸一口气 _ 12. 数数 _ 13. 数到十 _ 2 三会单词1. chase _ 2. mice _ (_)的复数 3. bad _ 4. hurt _ 5. ill _ 6. wrong _ 7.should _ 8. feel _ 9. well _ 10. sit_ 11. grass _ 12. hear _ 13. ant _ 14. worry _ 15. stuck _ 16. mud _ 17. pull _ 18. everyone _ 三习惯搭配1. feel angry/ill/happy/sad感觉生气/不舒服/高兴/难过 2.害怕_ 3. 与生气_ 4. hurt people _ 5. chase the mice _ 6. next time _ 7. sit on the grass _ 8. Dont worry. _ 9. be stuck in the mud _ 10. pull sb. out of _ 11. have some popcorn吃一些爆米花 四、惯用表达式:1. Here you are.给你。 2. Wait for me.等我一下。 3. Come here, please. 请过来。4. Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now! 也许我们的猫正在抓老鼠呢! 5. It is sunny morning. 这是


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