九年级英语全册 Unit 4 What would you do 教案2 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2013年九年级英语全册 unit 4 what would you do 教案2 人教新目标版part 1: teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)structures: second conditional, should for advice target language: what would you do if you won a million dollars?id give it to medical research.i cant sleep the night before an exam. what should i do?if i were you, id take a long walk before going to bed.vocabulary: million, charity, pimple, confident, shirt, tie, medical researchlearning strategies: matching, listening for key words section agoalsto learn to use second conditional and should for adviceto listen and talk about imagined lifeprocedureswarming up by learning about second conditional and should for advicethe second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future. this page will explain how the second conditional is formed, and when to use it.the structure of a second conditional sentencelike a first conditional, a second conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an if clause and a main clause: if clausemain clauseif i had a million dollars, i would buy a big house.if the if clause comes first, a comma is usually used. if the if clause comes second, there is no need for a comma: main clauseif clausei would buy a big house if i had a million dollars.we use different verb forms in each part of a second conditional: if clauseif + subject + simple past verb*main clausesubject + would + verb1a talking about imaginary situationswhat would you do if you had a lot of money?if i had a lot of money,i would give it to charity.if i had a lot of money,i would buy snacks.if i had a lot of money,i would give it to hope project.if i had a lot of money,i would buy books for the poor.1b listening and numberingnow you are going to listen and number the pictures 1 to 3 in the order you hear them.tapescriptgirl1: hey, did you see this newspaper article? an old man had a million dollars. and he gave it to charity.boy1: wow, what a nice man!girl1: what would you do if you had a million dollars?boy1: if i had a million dollars, id give the money to the zoo. i want to help the pandas.girl1: thats a gook idea! i know what id do. id buy a big house for my family.girl2: really? id put the money in the bank. then id just watch it grow!boy2: hmmmm i think id give the money to medical research. id want to help other people.now listen again and write down the sentences with second conditional and should for advice1c doing pairworklets pretend that we are the people in the picture on page 26. talk with your partner about what you would do if you had a million dollars.look. this old man had a million dollars, and he gave it to charity.wow! what would you do if you won a million dollars?id give it to medical research.id take a chance to achieve my dream of flying to the moon.if i won a million dollars, id stop working and become a professional runner.id go to an old peoples home to help them.id volunteer at the hospital twice every week.2a listening and circlinglisten to the tape and circle the reasons in the box on page 27 why larry is nervous.tapescriptgirl1: where are you going, larry?boy1: to toms party.girl1: lucky you! id love to go to that party!boy1: yeah, well, im a little nervous. i dont know what to wear.girl1: if i were you, id wear a shirt and tie.boy1: and i dont have a present. what if everyone brings a present?girl1: if i were you, id take a small presenta pen orsomething. keep it in your pocket and if everyone has a present,you can give him yours. if not, you can keep it.boy1: ok. but what if i dont know anyone?girl1: if you dont know anyone, you can talk to tom. hell introduce you to people.boy1: i guess i can do that.girl1: look! youre sure to have fun. but if youre still nervous, you can leave.now listen again and write down all the expressions onto your phrase book.go to that party, a little nervous, wear a shirt and tie, have a present, bring a present, take a small present, keepin your pocket, know anyone, talk to, introduce to , have fun2b listening and checkinglisten to the tape again and check on page 27 the four things larrys sister says to him.2c doing pairworkxu linfeng, you are larry. men yating, you are larrys sister. xu is going to talk about his worries and men is going to give him advice.x: i dont know what to wear.m: if i were you, id wear a shirt and tie.x: i dont have a present. what if everyone else brings a present? m: if i were you, id take a small presenta pen or something.x: what if i dont know anyone?m: if you dont know anyone, you can talk to tom. hell introduce you to people.3a reading and matchinggo to page 28. read the problems in the boxes and match them with the correct advice.and now write down all the expressions into your phrase book.be really shy, enjoy parties, get nervous before big parties, get pimples, look terrible, the night before, take a big exam, do well, help with, eat lots of fruits, drink lots of water, take a long walk, go to bed, look friendly, feel shy3b thinking and role playingnext you are going to think of different advice for the problems in activity 3a. role play conversations with your partner.a: i am really shy. i dont enjoy parties. b: if i were you, id go and shout in the street. id set up parties and invite all my classmates to come and sing and dance.a: i get nervous before big parties and i get pimples. b: pimples look good to me. they are not terrible at all. if i were you, the night before the big exam id lie in bed counting the cows, the sheep, the cattle and the horses. then id have a nice sleep. if you count as many cows as possible youd do well in the exam.a: i cant lose my weight. b: if i were you, id eat lots of fruits, drink lots of water and take a long walk before going to bed every evening.4. doing group workyou are put into pairs and find out each others problems at school and at home. then give each other advice.i really want to go to the mall with my parents, but i dont have the time.finish your homework at school and stop going to sunday classes. youll find time that way.i failed the drivers exam and cannot get my drivers license.go practicing driving more often and go over the textbook three more times. you wont fail next time.my father does not want me to get my ears pierced.if i were you, id go to my mother for support. or you can ask your mother to have her ears pierced first. i have to go to school on foot. i want to take the bus. going to school on foot is good for your health. go on going to school, to any places nearby on foot. it save money, too.i like to choose my own clothes, but my mother doesnt allow me to do that.wear your school uniforms while you are still a student. wait till you are a big man and youd have the right to choose your own clothes. closing down by taking a test on second conditionalmatch up the parts of the sentence1. if i lost my job, a) wed both benefit. b) id have a lot of problems getting another one. c) youd be more aware of what people really felt. d) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. 2. if i were in your position, a) id resign rather than wait to be sacked. b) id have a lot of problems getting another one. c) youd be more aware of what people really felt. d) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. 3. if i spoke japanese as well as you do, a) id resign rather than wait to be sacked. b) id try to find a job with one of the japanese banks. c) wed both benefit. d) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. 4. if we spent more on research and development, a) id resign rather than wait to be sacked. b) id have a lot of problems getting another one. c) id try to find a job with one of the japanese banks. d) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. 5. if you spoke less and listened more, a) id resign rather than wait to be sacked. b) id have a lot of problems getting another one. c) id try to find a job with one of the japanese banks. d) youd be more aware of what people really felt. 6. if you spent more time on your own problems and a bit less on mine, a) id resign rather than wait to be sacked. b) id have a lot of problems getting another one. c) wed both benefit. d) id try to find a job with one of the japanese banks. 7. if we controlled our expenses a bit better, a) id resign rather than wait to be sacked. b) id have a lot of problems getting another one. c) wed save a lot of money. d) id try to find a job with one of the japanese banks. 8. if you invested some time into learning how the internet works, a) youd find that it could really help you in your job. b) id have a lot of problems getting another one. c) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. d) id try to find a job with one of the japanese banks. 9. if we opened an office in tokyo, a) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. b) youd be more aware of what people really felt. c) id be interested in working there. d) wed both benefit. 10. if you didnt take the job, a) youd regret it later. b) youd be more aware of what people really felt. c) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. d) id try to find a job with one of the japanese banks.section bgoalsto find out about peoples personalitiesto learn to communicate by second conditional and should for adviceprocedureswarming up by learning about personalitywhat is personality? what is your personality?in psychology, personality describes the character of emotion, thought, and behavior patterns unique to a person. there are several theoretical perspectives on personality in psychology, which involve different ideas about the relationship between personality and other psychological constructs, as well as different theories about the way personality develops.1a describing and fillingturn to page 29 and fill in the blanks with words given.1b which words in activity 1a describe you? tell your partner. what are you like? i think i am creative and outgoing.words used to describe peopleadventurous, superstitious, dependant (on), unfriendly, aggressive, active, old-fashioned, anxious, adaptable, decent, moral, annoyed, irritated, arrogant, very irritating, enlightened, well-informed, upset, excited, open, open-minded, sincere, honest, crazy, flipped-out, well-balanced, stable, shy, timid, talented, gifted, excited, enthusiastic, crazy, mad, persevering, persistent; dogged, helpful, well-known/famous, crazy, loopy, mad, zany, popular, modest, humble, self-effacing, demented, crazy, possessive, spellbinding, fascinating, silly, ignorant, stupid, spiteful, evil, angry, mean, spiteful, well-behaved, good, chaotic, disorganized, charming, cool, thankful, grateful, dumb, self-centred, ambitious, honest, jealous, selfish, simple, plain, simply, arrogant, smug, vain, unique, matchless, lonely, lonesome, vain, very mean, detestable, disgusting, elegant, classy, touchy, sensitive (to), sensitive, feeling, energetic; assertive, committed, dedicated, narrow-minded, successfulserious, first-class, fair, fantastic, fascinating, lazy, cowardly, fainthearted, refined, unchanging, solid, fit, feeling good, hard-working, industrious, progress-minded, cheeky, kind, friendly, happy, cheerful, merry, thoughtful, considerate, hospitable, generous, educated, cultured; well informed, patient, dangerous, full-of-feeling, sentimental, brilliant, stingy, cheap, tight, rude, low, ignorant, pleasant, brilliant, genius, just; fair; impartial, valued, dear, appreciated, clever, skillful, skillful, clever (at), closed, reserved, talkative, chatty, talkative, sociable, healthy, conscientious, greedy, reliable, trustworthy, pathetic (towards); unconcerned (about), indifferent (to), happy, lucky, rude, generous, well-dressed, good-humoured, well informed (on), good-natured, stubborn, hard-headed, stubborn, domestic, home-loving, cheerful, bright, clear-headed, uninhibited, unworried, wonderful, magnificent, heartless, helpful, cooperative, helpful, deceitful, tricky, naughty, proud, snobby, stuck-up, polite, hungry, realistic2a listening and checkingcella is asking bill questions from a personality survey. check the questions cella asks.tapescriptgirl1: i just did a personality survey in teen time magazine. it tells you how confident you are.boy1: oh? how did you do, celia?girl1: i dont know yet. but its a really interesting test. you should try it, bill.boy1: ok.girl1: how about question 1? what would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school?boy1: id say i had a cold and couldnt speak. i would be afraid to make a speech in front of the whole school.girl1: how about this movie question? what would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie?boy1: oh, id say no. id be too nervous. whats the next question?girl1: lets see2b listening and circlingyou shall listen again to the recording and circle bills responses. copy the phrases from the listening script.do a personality survey, in teen time magazine, a really interesting test, give a speech, in front of the whole school, have a cold, be afraid to make a speech, in front of the whole school, in a movie2c doing pairworkin pairs ask and answer the questions in the personality survey on page 29. 3a reading and fillinglook at the survey in 2a and read the personality survey result below on page 30. fill in the balnks with a, b or c. 3b looking and writingnext you are to write your own personality survey based on the that in 2a. 4 doing groupworkask students in your group the questions from your survey. discuss the results. closing down by taking a personality survey read each statement carefully, and choose one answer from “strongly agree”, “agree”, “disagree”, “ strongly disagree” as a description of you.questionsstrongly agreeagreedisagreestrongly disagreewaste my time?often feel blue? seldom feel blue?have little to say?do not like art? believe in the importance of art?dislike myself?have a good word for everyone?feel comfortable with myself? feel comfortable around people?am not interested in abstract ideas?have a sharp tongue?are always prepared?keep in the background?pay attention to details?rarely get irritated?respect others? make friends easily?have a vivid imagination?find it difficult to get down to work?am not easily bothered by things?know how to captivate people?avoid philosophical discussions?accept people as they are?get chores done right away?skilled in handling social situations?cut others to pieces?carry out my plans?am very pleased with myself?would describe my experiences as somewhat dull?do not enjoy going to art museums?suspect hidden motives in others?do just enough work to get by?often down in the dumps?tend to vote for liberal political candidates?tend to vote for conservative political candidates?make people feel at ease?make plans and stick to them?have frequent mood swings?dont like to draw attention to myself?carry the conversation to a higher level?get back at others?dont see things through?panic easily?dont talk a lot?enjoy hearing new ideas? insult people?shirk my duties.believe that others have good intentions?self check1.filling the blankson page 31 is a box with sentences in black. read them and fill in the blanks with a correct word given. make changes to the form if necessary. 2.reading an e-mailread the e-mail from fran and copy all the expressions.subject: can you help? from: frandear knowledgeable,my best friend, mei, has a problem. there is a really important english speech contest for our whole city next month. our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest. everyone is sure she will win. its probably true. mei is very clever, and can speak english really well. in fact, she always comes top in the school exams. the problem is that shes very shy. she doesnt want to let her friends down, but shes terrified of speaking in front of other people. shes my friend, so she can tell me that shes shy. but she cant tell everyone that. i dont think they would believe her. i cant think of any good advice to give her, but you always come up with good solutions to peoples problems. what do you think i should tell mei? what do you think i should tell the rest of the students? franjust for funto end this period lets do something funto find the animals.reading: what would you do if ?before you read, go to page 148 to learn the words for this reading passage first. while you read, put the sentences into thought groups and underline all the useful phrases to be copied later after class. martin robinson is a famous doctor/ who has a lot of experience/ dealing with teenagers. his new book/ what would you do/ if? came out/ last month. it gives advice/ on what to do/ in lots of different situations. here are two pages/ from the book.accidents question 1: what


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