



英语听力模拟训练273第一节听下面两段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.which of the following may happen at last?a.they will go to have dinner together.b.they will go to the ground floor.c.they will not go to the restaurant.2.whats the man doing?a.watching tv.b.turning down the tv.c.answering the phone.第二节听下面6段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第3段材料,回答第3至5题。3.when will the plane take off?a.at 5:00.b.at 4:30.c.at 5:30.4.where is jane going?a.she is going straight to new york.b.she is going straight to washington.c.she is going to new york then to washington.5.what is jane probably going to do in washington?a.to go to school.b.to go to work.c.to stay with her sister.听第4段材料,回答第6至8题。6.what is jacks opinion?a.he thinks air transport is the safest.b.he thinks air transport is really safe compared with road transport.c.he thinks air transport is safer than water transport.7.what is julies opinion about going by sea?a.though it isnt fast,it is relaxing.b.it is both fast and relaxing.c.it is neither fast nor relaxing.8.after jacks persuasion,what does julie think about her trip?a.she likes to fly to canada.b.shed still prefer sailing to flying.c.she cant make a decision.听第5段材料,回答第9至11题。9.what are the speakers preparing for?a.a picnic.b.a travel abroad.c.a birthday party.10.what will the weather be like in the afternoon according to the weather report? a.rainy.b.sunny.c.cloudy.11.what will nancy be asked to bring? a.a bottle of wine.b.sandwiches.c.plastic knives.听第6段材料,回答第12至14题。12.who are the speakers? a.students.b.teachers.c.clerks.13.what are they mainly talking about? a.noise in the office.b.a new meeting room.c.the story of a workmate.14.what does stan suggest they do? a.talk to jack openly.b.move to another office.c.ask for a meeting room.听第7段材料,回答第15至17题。15.when did the woman go to see kate? a.two days ago.b.two weeks ago.c.a week ago.16.what do we know about kate?a.the doctors advice does her no good.b.she hasnt got well though she has seen a doctor.c.shes too busy to see a doctor.17.who will go to see kate?a.the woman.b.the man.c.both of them.听第8段材料,回答第18至20题。18.how long will lisa stay in japan? a.a month.b.a year.c.two years.19.what will lisa do before she leaves for japan?a.she will attend a language class.b.she will read more japanese novels.c.she will apply for a new program.20.what does lisa think is most important for one to study abroad? a.the mastery of a foreign language.b.the ability to learn new things quickly.c.the experience of living in a foreign country.答案及听力原文答案:15 ccbca 610 babac 1115 abaca 1620 bbbab听力原文:text 1w:lets go to the restaurant on the ground floor.i heard the food there is not bad.m:but i heard the food is terrible there,and expensive,too.text 2m:would you mind turning down the tv a bit?im answering the phone.w:not at all.text 3m:id like to see you off,jane,but i cant get to the airport until five oclock.w:im afraid ill have left by then.my plane takes off at 4:30.m:what a pity!youre going straight to washington,arent you?w:no,im staying with my sister in new york.she isnt there at the moment but shell have arrived by monday morning.ill spend a couple of weeks with her and then go to washington.classes will already have started by then.m:well,i wish you luck.text 4m:are you looking forward to a trip to canada,julie?w:i cant wait to see canada,jack.but im afraid of the journey.my husband insists on flying,but i want to sail.planes make me nervous.m:there is nothing to be frightened of.how many planes fly across the atlantic every day?w:ive no idea.hundreds,i suppose.m:and how often do you hear of a plane accident?once or twice a year?w:yes,but planes fly so high and fast that one accident is enough.m:look,there are more road deaths per day than air deaths per year.air transport is really safe compared with road transport.w:id still prefer to go by sea.ships may not travel fast but at least you can relax.m:its fine if you are a good sailor,but have you ever traveled far in a rough sea?w:no,ive only been in a boat once.i sailed down the river on a sightseeing tour.but in any case,id rather be seasick than dead.text 5m:did you listen to the weather report this morning?w:yes,i did.it will be cloudy in the afternoon.i hope that it wont rain.m:have you made the sandwiches yet?w:no,i havent.ill start right away.did you get the soft drinks?m:yes,i did.they are in the refrigerator.w:would you put plastic knives and forks in the picnic basket?and dont forget the paper plates and napkins.m:oh,nancy called a while ago.she told me that she would like to bring something for the picnic.w:ill call her right away and ask her to bring a bottle of wine.text 6w:stan,do you have a minute?m:oh,hi,cathy.sure.whats up?w:well,ive been meaning to talk to you about the situation in the office.m:im not in there very often.its so noisy that i cant work.w:thats exactly what im getting at.were supposed to be able to do our preparation in that office,but have you noticed?jack constantly has students come in and get help with his course.m:we cant really ask him to stop having students come in for help,can we?w:no,of course not.but im not able to do my work and neither are you.i imagine its the same for the others in the office.m:hmm,could we ask for a kind of meeting room?when we have to talk to students,we could go to the meeting room.w:good idea.text 7m:have you seen kate recently,vicky?w:yes,i have.i saw her a couple of days ago.she hasnt been very well in the last couple of weeks.m:has she seen a doctor since shes been ill?w:yes,she has.the doctor told her to take it easy for a while,but she hasnt been taking his advice.shes as busy as usual.m:do you think it useful for me to ask her to have a rest when i go to see her?or shall we go together?w:i think you can go yourself and show your concern to her since she sometimes would take your advice.so its unnecessary for me to go with you.whats more,ive got some other things to do at the moment.text 8m:say,lisa,what are you watching?w:a japanese film.im going to spend all next year in japan,and id better get


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