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初三英语讲座 词汇和完形填空 一 词汇 根据教委日前公布的2005年中考改革方案 英语学科将充分贯彻 二期课改 的精神 实行 一纲 多本 的考核原则 试卷不再出现分叉 目前使用三套不同教材的考生将使用完全相同的一张试卷 与此同时市教研室推出了最新修订的 初中英语教学基本要求与训练 考纲 指导同学们的英 语学习 其中修订的一个原则是提取常用 共有的单词 让使用不同教材的学生所增加的词汇数基 本相同 各增加200个左右 05年考纲词汇表中共有单词1678个 词组354个 如何掌握和会运用这些词语是总复习中一项重 要的任务 上一讲中谈了如何扩大词汇量 这一讲中就考纲中新增的部分词组作用法示例 1 a couple of 两个 几个 two things related in some way a few several I found a couple of socks in the bedroom but they don t make a pair I have a couple of things to do I waited a couple of hours 2 be fond of 爱好 like be full of love for take pleasure in I am very fond of ice cream She likes all her children but she s especially fond of Peter 3 compare with 与 比较 to exam or judge one thing against another If you compare British football with American football you will find many differences 4 deal with 处理 to treat take action about How do you deal with this problem 5 except for 除 以外 leaving out not including Except for one old lady the bus was empty She was the only person in the bus His composition is good except for some spelling mistakes 6 get rid of 摆脱 to free oneself from something unwanted How can we get rid of this unwelcome guest How can we manage to make him leave 7 hold one s breath 屏住呼吸 stop breathing for a moment When a whale under water it closes its nose and holds its breath 7 keep in touch 接触 联系 connection so as to receive information I have kept in touch with my host family in Australia by sending emails since I came back home 9 show off 炫耀 to behave so as to try to get people to admire one one s abilities Don t look at him He s just showing off 10 turn out 结果是 证明是 to happen to be in the end His statement turned out to be false What he said turned out to be true later 以上选自新列入考纲的十个词组 同学们可通过句子准确理解 掌握 运用新增的词组 并以此方 法学习考纲中354个词组 二 完形填空 完形填空是测试学生的语言知识 阅读理解能力和总体语言水平 在考卷中难点最集中 难度最高 是为了增加区分度而设计的试题 解这类题最能反映学生运用语言的能力 它要求学生熟练掌握 词汇和语法知识 同时也要求学生具备较高的阅读理解能力 掌握语言知识和发展语言能力是相互促进 相辅相成的 因此只有增加了语言知识 才能为大量的 阅读铺平道路 而在阅读实践中培养的语感和处理英语语句的技巧又可以增进阅读理解的准确性 提高英语语言水平 阅读水平高 完形一定好 阅读不好 完形就做不好 因此要用阅读引领完形 1 如何提高阅读能力 1 不断扩大词汇量 a 利用词缀来猜测词义 如 im dis un er ist等 b 利用上下文的语义联系来推测词义 如反义关系 因果关系等 2 扩大知识面 增加背景知识 利用自己原有的知识 提高理解能力 背景知识材料多样 包括天 文地理 风土人情 政治历史 人物传略 科学技术等等 3 把握阅读技巧 阅读可分为下列几种 a 略读 skimming 主要目地是了解文章大意 b 寻读 scanning 主要目的是在文中查找所要信息 c 细读 careful reading 主要是把握文章细节 d 评读 critical reading 主要是对所读文章进行评论 总之不断提高阅读理解能力是做好完形填空的关键 2 如何做好完形填空 完形填空是测试学生阅读理解能力和语言知识的综合性练习 由于初中生所学到的英语知识面还 不够广 语言功底也比较浅 在做这类练习时往往没把握 其实只要懂得做这类题目的方法和技巧 并不断地在做这类练习时进行总结 充分发挥自己的潜力 经过不断的训练 是能把这类练习做 好的 完形填空分选择填空和给首字母填空两部分 或首字母不给 选择填空的每小题一般给四个选项 这四个选项通常属于一个范畴的词类 干扰项也可以和空格前或后的文字相匹配 具有一定的干 扰作用 做四选一选择题时 可以从文章意思和语言结构两方面着手选择正确的答案 可以借助词 汇 句法 以及上下文来判断什么是正确答案 如果四个选项具有不同的词义 则应该根据上下文 来判断什么是正确答案 如果四个选项是近义词 应着重从词义辨别的角度选择答案 做给首字母 填空题 打头字母能起到一定的提示作用 但因范围较广所以这是较难得分的题目 解这类题的基 本功是对所缺的单词词性判断和大概意思的猜测 但仅仅判断所缺词在该句中的意思和语法特征 有时也未必能正确解题 有时需要通读全文才能解题 无论做选择填空还是给首字母填空都应做到 1 通读全文 仔细阅读文章的第一句和最后一句 基本把握语篇的大意 有时候选择哪一个单词要看 到文章的后段才能确定 如果不把全篇内容搞清楚 很可能会造成前后意思矛盾 甚至会使原文的 意思面目全非 因此 做题要顾及文章的整体性和合理性 2 分析句子的成分 确定所缺的词在句中所充当的成分和该词的词性 把考虑选择单词的范围缩 小到最低限度 如名词 动词 形容词 副词 代词 连接词等 确保语法结构的正确性 再根据上 下文的意思确定该填入的词 3 所选单词要根据篇章内容来定 不要不加思考照搬你所熟悉的句型和词组 因为有时从词组或 单句来看好像是准确的 但从全句和全文来看却是不合逻辑的 要注意这类题中往往会故意穿插 一些非词组的搭配 看学生能不能辨别 以此考查学生的阅读能力 值得注意的是近年来单纯考 核句型和词组搭配完形填空有走弱 甚至出局之势 4 做完后一定要反复阅读短文 检验单词填入后的句意和全文的意思是否相符 是否符合逻辑 再 检验空格内填入的名词的单复数 动词的时态或形式 形容词 副词的原级 比较级和最高级等等 是填对了 检查所填单词有没有拼写错误 语法毛病 逻辑矛盾 完形填空要求学生根据短文内容和上下文的情景 作出符合情节和逻辑的正确判断 所以对全文 的正确理解是做好完形填空的关键 3 完形填空训练指导 1 选词填空 四选一的形式 其一所要填的词语均处于文章所提供的背景下 不仅要考虑一般语言规 律 还必须考虑当时的特定条件 其二所需要的是最佳答案 因此解题时注重对文章的理解 加强 选项之间的比较 做出最合适的选择 例1 English today is very different from the English spoken long long ago the 12th century the language had already changed a lot A From B In C Until D By 做这道题的关键在于看清时态 就可以毫不犹豫地选择D 例2 Isn t it a nice day Do you 1 it will rain I think it s going to rain These are the common ways of 2 conversation 1 A think B see C say D feel 2 A start B begin C talking D starting 1 应选A 从后面的句子I think 就能判断出A是准确答案 2 当同学们看到conversation 会考虑到 start conversation 但这时一定要注意介词 of 后应跟动名词 starting 所以答案应是D 例3 Karl Landsteiner first thought of naming blood types in 1900 He four types A make blood into B put blood into C keep blood into D store blood as 做这题时 好多同学吃不准应用哪一个搭配 但只要你仔细辨别 不难发现这四个选项看起来都是 动词原形 但其中B项的动词put过去式 过去分词是同一单词 而这个选项的时态应该是过去时 所以B是正确答案 If the mother has another RH baby the mother s blood will attack the baby s blood The baby may die or A sickness B illness C ill D become sick 这道题同学们会误选C ill 但如果能仔细看清情态动词may 就不难作出准确的选择 D become sick 请看练习 The United States covers a large part of the North 1 continent when this land first became a nation After 2 its freedom from England it has 13 states Each of the states has a star on the American flag As the nation 3 new states were formed and there were new stars on the flag 4 a long time there were 48 states In 1959 two 5 stars were added to the flag standing for the new states of Alaska and Hawaii Indians were the first of the land and a great number of people came from England It is 6 that reason that the language of the U S is from England and why its culture and customs are more 7 those of England than any other country in the world 1 A America B America s C American D Americans 2 A win B won C winning D have won 3 A grew B grows C growing D have grown 4 A In B From C For D Though 5 A another B many C other D more 6 A on B in C because D because of 7 A as B like C as if D because of 答案 CCACDDB 注意 第1题 American 修饰continent 作定语 第2题介词after 后应跟动名词 winning 第3题 掌握时态 不难作出选择grew 第4题一段时间用介词for 第五题two more stars 注意搭配 another two stars 第6题because of 后接名词 that reason 注意 because后接句子 第7题 more like 更像 2 首字母填空 完形填空的首句一般都是完整的 其目的是为了给我们一个整体思路 所以同学们应重视短文的 首句 同学们应先通读一遍 得到一个整体概念 接下来边看边做 要考虑语义搭配 固定句式 时 态 词组等各方面 有的单词还应从上下文的启示中找到答案 最后一定要通读全文 进行复查 例1 Today we can enjoy music from far away music of long ago and music of h and now 这句句子初一读很多同学都觉得无从入手 有的同学想到了history 但我们从long ago 对应后面的now 就应从 far away 来考虑与之相对应的单词 我们就不难想到应该是 here We can hear great music from all over the world on recordings and at c 这里同学们想到了concert 但却很容易忽略它的复数形式concerts 希望前面的recordings 能起到提示作用 Music is important to e of us 这一空格同学们应注意的是 of sb 前是不能用every 和everyone 所以必须填 each 例2 Mr Smith was a blacksmith in a small town He was very absent minded One day he went to visit a friend w lived not far from the market They had dinner t and talked and talked for Jackson liked t very much The clock s twelve then one two and s Johnson kept on talking But by this time the friend was f very tired and kept looking at the clock on the wall At last he said Jackson my dear friend I don t want to be impolite but you see I have to go to the market at six tomorrow morning and I must go to bed now Jackson said in s I thought you were in my house 第一格 who 引导定语从句 第二格 together have dinner together 第三格 talking 这里要注意 like doing sth 第四格 struck strike struck struck 这个空格要注意用过去式 第五格still 仍然在讲 第六格 feeling 要注意 动词was 后接现在分词feeling 第七格in surprise 注意名词 很多同学会误用surprised 例三 区模拟考题 We just wanted to say thank you for putting us up b we caught the plane last week put up 接待 为 提供食宿 供膳宿 thank sb for doing sth 为某事而感谢某人 所以这一格填 because 显然不对的 because 引导的原因状语从句主句是过去时 从句还应是过去完成时 这一格应该是 before We m to get to the airport with plenty of time to spare We even tried to get on an e flight but it wasn t possible 第一格 managed 这里相当于succeeded in doing sth 后一格错误率较高 很多同学想到early 却没想到比较级 想要赶上前一航班 我们航班的前一班 The weather was fantastic 好极了 The sun didn t stop s all the time we were there 这一个的错误在于单词拼写 shine shining 不少同学都双写词尾 shinning 把现在分词的去e 加 ing 和重读闭音节双写词尾搞混在一起 所以掌握基本功是重要的 Anyway we re looking forward to from you and hope to see you soon look forward to 期待 盼望 这里to 是介词 所以应填hearing hear from sb receive a letter from sb 例四 2004年中考卷完形填空 Christopher and Jeff had known each other since childhood One day Jeff told his friend that he had fallen in love and planned to get married the n 1 months He asked Christopher to lend him 1 000 for the wedding party and promised to pay him back a month later when he started his new job Christopher knew that Jeff was not very good with money but he s 2 agreed As they were old friends they didn t put anything in writing A month later Christopher hadn t heard from Jeff or received any money s 3 he phoned him Jeff was very apologetic and said he would surely pay him back within a month Six weeks later Christopher tried to phone Jeff and f 4 he had moved and left no l


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