



2013高考英语二轮书面表达(图文为主)训练(10)及参考范文假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华,利用上周末的时间帮助祖父母安排了去北戴河的旅行。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,叙述你从准备到送行的全过程。 注意:1周记的开头已为你写好。 2词数不少于60。last weekend, i helped my grandparents prepare their trip to beidaihe.基本分析:1. 文体:周记。2. 人称:i3. 时态:一般过去时4. 事件大意:我为爷爷奶奶准备出行我送行5. 图片要素:图一:查询信息(train ticket, weather, hotel)图二:买票(buy ticket)图三:准备行装(package)图四:送行(see-off)3. 图片关联:图一、二、三都是并列关系,主题是旅游前的准备阶段,三幅图没有轻重之分,所占篇幅比例相当。图四是最后的送别阶段,文章末尾要有点睛之笔,可以是送别感受,对爷爷奶奶的祝福,也可以是自己的成长和收获。4. 文章立意:今年的作文和90后的学生特点相联系,积极引导高中学生要培养独立性,增加实践能力,并要照顾体谅长辈。所以文章末尾的立意也可以往这方面考虑。5. 参与范文(官方):last weekend, i helped my grandparents their trip to beidaihe. on saturday morning, together with my grandparents, i searched the internet for the train schedule, the weather in beidaihe, and some hotel information. in the afternoon, i went to the train station and managed to buy two tickets for my grandparents although there was a long queue. after dinner, i packed into the suitcase the things my grandparents need, such as clothes, glasses, an umbrella, and a map. the next morning, i went to the station to see them off. waving goodbye to them on the platform, i felt happy for them and wished them a safe journey.*结束预测三:近年来,由食品卫生安全引发的问题在校园内外时有发生。你校上周就发生了一次食物中毒事件,两名学生在校外吃了一种油炸食品而引起胃痛。请你以李华的名义用英文给学校英语报社编辑写一封信,谈谈你对这一现象的看法。词数:100左右。内容必须包括:1.有些商家只顾赚钱,无视人们的健康和安全;2.学生应尽量在校园内吃饭,不要到校外乱吃;3.为了防止类似事件发生, 提出你的建议。dear editor,yours faithfully,li hua【参考范文】 dear editor,last week,two students of our school suffered from stomachache because they ate some poisonous fried food outside campus.nowadays in our country,some business people care little about peoples health and safety as long as they can make money.some even sell polluted or poisonous food to consumers and this often leads to serious health problems.in order to prevent such tragedy happening again,we students should try to avoid buying food from the stores or stalls out of the school,and have meals in school dining rooms.only in this way can we protect ourselves.besides,the local government and the school should take practical measures to ensure students health and life security.im expecting your advice and ideas.yours faithfully,li hua预测四:假如你叫李华,是一位高中生。随着科技的发展,ipod已成为中学生的新宠。用ipod既可听音乐、阅读纯文本电子书,又可玩电子游戏。请你用英语给某英语报社写一封信,谈谈中学生使用ipod的情况。信的内容须包括以下几点:1.使用ipod对学习的好处。2.对课堂纪律和学习可能产生的负面影响。3.提出自己的建议并说明理由。注意:1.开头、结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;2.词数100左右。dear editor,im a senior high school student named li hua.yours sincerely,li hua【参考范文】dear editor,im a senior high school student named li hua.now many students have ipods and think its a fashion to use them.using an ipod,we can listen to music,download a lot of learning materials and read them on the screen.some students,however,bring their ipods to classroom and listen to music with earphones,which makes the teacher and other students greatly annoyed.whats worse,some of them even waste precious time in class playing video games.in my opinion,as a student,we should make good use of ipod to help achieve academic success.classroom


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