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Unit5 Doyouhaveasoccerball soccerball basketball soccerball volleyball baseball baseballbat ping pongball ping pongbat tennisball What sthisinEnglish It sa beisb l soccerball英式足球basketball篮球volleyball排球baseball棒球baseballbat棒球棒ping pongball乒乓球ping pongbat乒乓球拍tennisball网球 1 tennisball 2 ping pongbat 3 soccerball 4 volleyball 5 basketball 6 baseballbat a f c e d b 1a Matchthewordswiththethingsinthepicture Game Whohasthebesteyes 谁的眼睛最亮 Ihavearuler Leadin Ihaveatennisball have有 Makesentenceswithhave 用have说句子 Idon thavearuler Idon thaveavolleyball Makesentenceswithdon thave 用don thave说句子 Groupwork Ihaveabasketball butIdon thaveasoccerball basketball soccerball volleyball tennisball ping pongball baseballbat pong pongbat Welcometomyroom 欢迎来到我的房间 Ihavea Idon thavea Ihaveabackpack Do you Yes Ido have 有 Ihaveabasketball Do you Yes Ido Ihaveasoccerball Do you No Idon t Ihaveanapple Do you No Idon t don thave 没有 No Idon t Idon thavearing Do you Ihaveabasketball Doyouhaveasoccerball Ihaveasoccerball Doyouhaveabasketball Doyouhaveabasketball Yes Ido Yes Ido No Idon t No Idon t Doyouhaveasoccerball Jim Mike Doyouhavea tennisracket Ping pong baseball TV soccerball basketball volleyball Yes Ido No Idon t Doyouhavea computer Yes Ido No Idon t Listenandcirclethewordsyouhear ping pongbatsoccerballVolleyballcomputergame 1b Mickey 同步学习P71whilelistening2 再听一遍 尝试说出下面问句的答语 Boy1 Doyouhaveaping pongbat Boy2 Yes Ido Boy1 Doyouhaveaping pongball Boy2 No Idon t Listenandrepeat Hehasajacket Shehasatapeplayer has有 Makesentenceswithhas 用has说句子 Mickeyhasaping pongbat Buthedoesn thaveacomputergame doesn t doesnot doesn t 动词原形 have has Doesshehaveaschoolbag Yes shedoes Doeshehaveaschoolbag No hedoesn t Doesshehaveatennisracket Yes shedoes does 动词原形 Shehas Doeshehaveasoccerball No hedoesn t Hedoesn thave A DoesXXXhaveasoccerball B Yes he shedoes No he shedoesn t Groupwork Listenandnumberthethings 1 4 1 Listening 2a 3 2 4 Listenagain Matchthepicturesin2awiththeballs Listening 2b 1 2 3 4 Conversation1 Bob Doyouhaveasoccerball Paul Paul No Idon t Bob DoesyourbrotherAlanhaveone Paul Yes hedoes Listenandrepeat Conversation2 John Hi Mike Mike Hi John John Iwanttoplaybasketball Doyouhaveabasketball Mike Yes Ido John Great Conversation3 Jane Hi Sally Sally Hi Jane Jane Sally thisismyfriend Anna Sally Hi Anna Nicetomeetyou Jane Nicetomeetyou too Sally Let splaytennis Doyouhaveatennisball Jane Jane Sorry Idon t Conversation4 Frank Doyouhaveavolleyball Dall Dale No Idon t Butmybrotherdoes Let sgoandfindhim Doeshehavea Memorygame Alice Doyouhavea Bob Yes Ido Ihavea No Idon t Idon thavea Cindy DoesBobhavea Dale Yes she hedoes He Shehasa No she hedoesn t He Shedoesn thavea GroupWork 四人一组 Dotheyhaveatennisracket Yes theydo No theydon t Theyhavea Theydon thavea soccerball Wehaveagoodtimeinyourhome 过得愉快 Survey 调查 两人一组 用下面的问题提问 并由其中一人就自己和朋友的情况做一个报告 Report Ihavea butIdon thavea Jimismyfriend Hehasa buthedoesn thavea A Doyouhavea B Yes Ido Ihavea No Idon t Idon thavea 一 看图说出下列物品的英语单词 Exercises basketball soccerball volleyball baseball baseballbat ping pongball ping pongbat tennis 二 句型转换1 Doyouhaveamap 作肯定回答 2 DoyouhaveanEnglishdictionary 作否定回答 3 DoesLindahaveaneraser 作肯定回答 4 Doeshehaveavolleyball 作否定回答 5 Ihaveaniceping pongbat 用she来代替I anicepingpongbat Yes Ido No Idon t Yes shedoes No hedoesn t Shehas 三 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 你有一只棒球拍吗 you abaseball 2 埃里克有一个网球吗 Eric a ball 3 戴尔有一个足球和一个排球 Dale a ballanda 4 我有一个篮球和一只乒乓球拍 I a andapingpong Dohave Doeshavetennis hassoccervolleyball havebasketball bat bat 笔记 Unit5 Doyouhaveaping pongbat 你有一个乒乓球拍吗 Yes Ido 是的 我有 No Idon t Ihaveavolleyball 不 我没有 我有一个排球 don t donot have有 1 Ihave 我有 Ihaveasoccerball have在he she it后面要变成has 否定句 Idon thaveasoccerball 我没有一个足球 Doeshe shehaveasoccerball 他 她有一个足球吗 Yes he shedoes 是的 他 她有 No he shedoesn t He Shehasabaseball 不 他 她没有 他 她有一个棒球 doesn t doesnot have第三人称单数has 2 3
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