watch keeping safety and cargo managemnet in port.doc_第1页
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Chapter 2 arrival in port 2.5 time factor Time lost = money lost Ship has been properly prepared so than cargo opertion can start without delay 1. ganynet rig not corrcetly 2. hatch not being opened or secrued properly3. ship cargo handling gear being incorrect rigged 4. lack safe accessor insufficient lighting 5. cargo hold dunnage not cleaned 2.6 reading the arrival draft 1.On large vessels ,good practice to alawys read 6 point draft On smaller draft ,fore and aft draft are often sufficient ,but midships draft must read in case when the ship is carrying a deadweight cargo . 2.OOW must always read and record the drafts independently2.7 assist with surverys Politely and courteously 2.7.1 hold condtion survery Record any criticism which the survery make about the hold condtion . the crew rectify the faults as quick as possible 2.7.2 on/off hire survery 1.On hire survery is the ship going to a new charterer . he will pay particular attention to the conditon of the hatchcover and the state of the holds 2. Off hire survery is conducted to estabilish the exact state of the ship at end of the charter.2.73 darft survery 2.74 cargo conditon survery OOW always try to view the cargo before load ,but should not cause any delay to the cargo When first arrival at discharge port, the receiver may appoint a survery to verify the condtion of the cargo ,the OOW should not allow such surverys access to the ship unless he has recived clear authority from the master or chief officer .2.8 shore cargo hangling equipment 2.9 handling ships equipment Obtain authority before handle ships equipment ,such as opening and closing hatch cover ,shift crane2.12 darft limts and grounding Draft table display near the gangway 2.13 miscellaneous local regulation Pay paticular attention to the local regulantion Rat guards /and than all garbage ,particular food is kept in securely covered containers . Crew may not permitted to fish May not pemitted shore leave In order to be allowed to take goods out of the port area, a pass may have to be issue to the person removing the goods. This may be the items of ships equipment being sent for repair ,excess stores being returned.or personal effects of a crew member. The person requseting the pass has the authority to remove the goods ,and the this removal does not contravene local customsLowering a lifeboat into water during a drill can contravene local regulation in some port.More such as ,photography/ flag etiquette / immobailisation of main engin ,chipping and scaling ,painting the ships hull ,making radio or satellite transmissions.Chapter3 mooring operation3.1 importance of mooring The OOW should check the mooring regularly to ensure the the vessel is properly secured to the berth.3.2 choise of moorings 3.14 emergency Do not release the breaks and attempt to heave the ship back alongside using only the power of the winch. If the brakes are in use tighen them,put the winch in gear and heabe on as many lines as possible. Summon tug assistanceChapter 4 Safe in port Chapter 6 commercial documentation 6.1 signing doucuments “For receipt only” No documents should be signed for cargo unless it has been loaded 6.9 letters of protest 6.98 note of protest 6.12 other documentw 1,certifcate of origin 2.shippers declarationChapter 10 ballast operation10.1 important of ballast 1. the vessel remains at a draft suitable for positive ship handling 2. sufficient reserve stability . not too stiff, nor to tender 3, seagoing draft must deeper than any minmun draft limit provided in ships stabilitly book 4, the propeller is oprating efficiently 5,bending moment and share stresses remain with allowable limits 6, required trim is maintained. 7,air draft limit 10.2 ballast management Cotrolling the operation of sequence is vital . 1,check all ballast lines ans valve setting befor operation2,restore to agreed safe setting for all valves on completion of opration3,moinitor closely the actual momvent of ballast at all time ,checking the ship draft.10.3 minimising the amount of ballast 10.4 ballast plan 10.5 ship ballast system10.7 basic ballast procedures10.8 monitoring the ballast10.9 hand soundings10.10 checking air pipes 10.11 checking adjaent hold10.12 rechecking sounding This is best done whilst there is still a good stern trim,if any water found ,there is an opportunity to strip out . 10.13 using gravity10.14 over pressuring tanksOn some ship ,the air pipe coel may need to be opened manually before ballasting operation. When deballast ,if the air pipe is blocked ,the resultant vacuum can cause severe structural dammage too, by implosion 10.16 blocked sounding pipe Good practice-note the reading on the sounding line at the top of the sounding pipe. This reading should checked against the true distance ascertained from the shps plans or tank calibration.10.17 dumping valves On completiong of dumping ,the oow should always check that these valves are properly closed. May lead to serious overloading and overstressing of the ship.10.18 filling topside (upper wing)tanks Overflowig on deck -may cause damage to quay,barges,or split cargo not yet swept up. Overflow double bottom tanks could lead to excessive pressures.10.19 ballast holds To achieve a lower air draft,or when bad weather is expect on sailing. Before ballast hold:1. check that all cargo residues have been removed2. check any blanks in the bilge ,ballast or fire-smothrring line have been set to their correct position. Whenever the ballast hold is filled or emptied,the OOW should check that any pressure release valves are operating correctly , or that extra ventilation requiement are provided.10.20 ballast book Keep records10.21 final ballast remaining Draft survery should be request to attend the vessel when all ballast has been dicharged ,and the ship has reasonable stern trim . produce a more accurate result.10.22 deballasting problems Pump out DB tankers when the ship has small stern trim.10.23 leaking ballast lines 10.24.3 cracking another valve Not recommended10.24.4 blocked lineChapter 11 stress and stability 11.1 importance of stress and stability 1.


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