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(一)历史:可口可乐公司(The Coca-Cola Company)成立于1886年5月8日,总部设在美国佐治亚州(Georgia, 简称GA)的亚特兰大,是全球最大的饮料公司,拥有全球48%市场占有率以及全球前三大饮料的二项(可口可乐排名第一,百事可乐第二,可口可乐在200个国家拥有160种饮料品牌,包括汽水、运动饮料、果汁、茶和咖啡,亦是全球最大的果汁饮料经销商(包括Minute Maid品牌),在美国排名第一的可口可乐为其取得超过40%的市场占有率,而雪碧(Sprite)则是成长最快的饮料The coca cola company was founded on May 8 ,1886 .Its head office is in the Georgia. Nowadays, it is the largest beverage company and have the 48% market shares in this line . Coca-Cola has 160 kinds of beverage brands in 200 countries, including soft drinks, sports drinks, juices, tea and Coffee .(二) 它的产品(三)品牌成功的秘诀:1 “可口可乐”独特的读音不注意词语的含义而注重发音响亮 简单而具有创造力 unique Coca-Cola It doesnt pay much attention to the meaning of the words but pay attention to the pronunciation . its simple but creative.2 无处不在的营销理念 他们的销售名言是有人的地方就会有人口渴,就会对饮料产生购买需求。因此产品一定要做到让消费者触手可得才能去抢占市场表现在重视网点的覆盖率和零售商对于产品的认同,直接跳过了中间环节而将产品直接送到了各个销售的终端They are everywhere . The leaders think where have people ,where have people feel thirsty . They will have the demand for drink. It means, the company must try to make their products available whenever the customers need .Coca cola skips the intermediate links and sends their products to the retailers .They through this way to get the agreement from the retailers .3 广告与体育相结合Combine the advertisements and sports红白十分引人注目,白色字母在红色的衬托下给人一种活力,他们将产品与音乐和运动相联系去展现其欢乐和活力的产品特性。他们邀请体育明星拍摄广告,每年赞助体育比赛,包括足球Firstly, red and white are easy to catch peoples attention . They can give us a feeling of energy. Secondly , they combine the products with music and sports to show the happiness and energy . They regularly invite sports stars to advertise the products and invest the sports events ,for example ,the World Cup. 4本土化和多元化经营它的营销总是根据不同地区文化背景,生活习惯去变化,可口可乐一直采用“本土化思维,多元化行动的战略 在亚洲的45个国家推出了15种新饮料Localization and variety They will change their marketing strategy with the different culture background in different region .They think locally and act diversely .They launched 15 kinds of drinks in more than 45 countries in Asia .5品牌的传奇故事 可口可乐和薄荷糖一起食用会致死,事实上这是谣言,两种的混合会产生喷泉,但是通过媒体的传播,可口可乐转而成为了一种娱乐方式,间接提升了可乐的销量。Legend of this brand Mixture of the coca cola with mint will lead to death . In fact , its wrong. The mixture will come into fountain . But through the media, Coca-Cola becomes an entertainment and increase its sales indirectly.,(四)advantage and disadvantage (from the product itself to analysis)优势全球最大之软性饮料业巨人,拥有大厂优势及强大之全球竞争力。It is the largest soft drink company .It has a large scale and strong global competitiveness强势行销能力、体系及企业广告。They invest much in the advertisement to promote their products.以消费者的思维思考,以消费者的视角观察They think and look from consumers perspective 互动营销也是这样,你要有个空间给予消费者。年轻人,他们有自己的个性,所以你要给他一个空间和领域,表现他们的看法、态度和意见。Interactive marketing means you should give room for customers. They have their own personality ,so you should give chance to them to exCoca cola maybe ask you which nickname is more suitable for stars. 已Actually, coca cola nickname bottle now have become a tool for communication.可口可乐在微博上会问大家:如果给五月天的五个人分别重新起个昵称,空间和领域,表现他们的看法、态度和意见。Interactive marketing means you should give room for customers. They have their own 互动营销也是这样,你要有个空间给予消费者。年轻人,press their opinions ,ideas and advice.可口可乐在微博上会问大家:如果给五月天的五个人分别重新起个昵称,Coca cola maybe ask you which nickname is more suitable for stars. 昵称瓶已经不仅仅是个媒体,而是成为引导社会对话的工具Actually, coca cola nickname bottle now have become a tool for communication.品牌形象深植人心,已成为消费者生活之一部分。Their brand image is impressive ,even has become a part of the customers .核心产品之神秘配方处于极度保密,使其流行100年后而不衰。Their secret recipe of core product is treated confidentially. 强大销售通路 相当完整(尤其是自动贩卖机之设置),并拥有快餐业(以麦当劳为首)They have a complete sales channels .A typical example is the vending machine .Of course, their sales volume increases a lot after the join in the McDonalds .具创新及高度研发能力,最具代表性为健怡可口可乐之推出,一上市即造成风潮。市占率高,产品更为市场之领导品牌。They have strong capability in innovation and new technology development. The most typical example is the Coke light .产品拥有便利性(随处可得)、独特风味(神秘配方)及价格公道等特色。Their products are characterized by convenience , special taste and reasonable price.劣势组织庞大、控制不易。The company is too big to control .There are many difficulties in management.消费者刻板印象-不健康饮料,因可乐内含有咖啡因等成份,且易造成肥胖等健康问题。Customers have treated cola as an unhealthy drink .It is easy to cause health problems .主要消费族群(年轻族群)之产品认同感,略逊于百事可乐。The younger that the largest customer group have a preference for Pepsi.桶装饮料通路遍布广泛,消费者最后所享用之产品品质较难掌控(超过保存期限或变质等情形)。The barreled drinks are sold to all over the world, so it is hard to assure the quality.(五)the battle between the coca cola and Pepsi第一次交锋在进入中国市场时,两大可乐公司不约而同的选择了降低原浆的价格,让利给灌装厂从而推销出自己的产品。这在美国是没有发生过的事情,可以说在第一次交锋中,二者平手。The first engagement: after entering the Chinese market, two big Cola companies choose to reduce the original price, allowing more profits to the filling factory in order to sell their products. It can be said that in the first game, no one wins.第二次交锋在进入中国市场后,可口可乐公司建立采取的是合资和特许经营的方式,与国家企业合作。而百事可乐采取的是合资方式,与地方行公司合资,合资的标准是是否有钱。在这两种不同的经营方式下可口可乐公司获得了巨大的收益,它认识到了中央的关系比地方性关系更加重要,因此,在第二次交锋中,可口可乐公司完胜,在1994年可口可乐公司已19%的市场占有率领先,而百事可乐公司的市场占有率仅有9%。Game second: in the Chinese market, Coca Cola Co is taken by the joint venture and the franchise, cooperating with the state enterprises. While Pepsi is taken by the way of joint venture with local companies. Coca Cola Co was aware of the central relationship was more important than the local relation, therefore, in the second battle in 1994, Coca Cola Co has 19% of the market share of the lead while Pepsi Cos market share is only 9%.第三次交锋:在可口可乐公司取得先动优势的情况下,百事可乐公司没有做出过激的动作,它甘愿做“第二”它重新进行了市场定位,以“新生代”作为其的代名词来标榜自己,将自己的主攻对象从原来的人群转移到了以青年为主的消费者,缩小了范围,增加了收益,挤占了可口可乐的市场。而可口可乐公司的“新口味”计划则以失败告终。Game third: though Coca Cola Co has obtained advantage , Pepsi didnt take radical action .but change the market position to the new generation. Its majority of sales transfers to the youth, narrowing this business scope, increasing income, which gradually occupy the Coca-Cola market. But the Coca Cola Co taste plan ended in failure. 可口可乐公司以其老品牌、经典的口味受到了中年消费者的欢迎,百事可乐公司以其“新生代”驰骋于青少年群体。The Coca Cola Co with its old brand, the classic taste by middle-aged consumers, the Pepsi Co with its new generation gallop in the youth group.(六) 与主要的竞争对手(百事可乐)的对比:compare with its main competitor in detail从品牌价值分析:可口可乐的品牌价值显然更高,毕竟它代表了美国的一代文化,而百事的时间相对要短的多。由于可口可乐早在10多年前就已经开始大力开拓市场,到这时早已声名远扬,控制了绝大部分碳酸饮料市场,在人们心目中形成了定势,一提起可乐,就非可口可乐莫属1 Brand value : Coca-Colas brand value is more high than Pepsi , after all, it represents the culture of the united states .Coca cola was born in 1886 while Pepsi was born in 1898 . When you refer to the coke ,people will think of coca cola immediately.2The taste and volume 1百事的可乐产品因为其口味相对可口可乐的更甜,更加符合80年代以后人的口味,同等价位上比可口可乐量多20%加上其推行的百事明星策略,在追赶可口可乐的步伐上相当迅速。Pepsi is sweeter than coca cola ,so it is more attractive for the people in the 80s. And at the same price, its volume adds to 20% at the basis of coca cola. Besides, Pepsi invite many young stars to promote their products .According to the data of 2005, in the single cola market , the market share of Pepsi is even more than coca cola, especially in Asia . So for coca cola , it is a big challenge.尤其是根据2005年公开数据统计在单一的可乐饮料市场占有率,百事已经完全超过了可口,在中国大陆表现尤其突出。但是从两个公司在中国饮料市场上的全系列产品分析上看,可口可乐先后推出了雪碧系列、芬达系列、酷儿系列、醒目,前年又推出了健怡无糖型可乐和果肉果汁型的果粒橙,尽管后两个产品因其产品定位和价格定位的原因目前仍无法被市场认可,但它的前4个系列的产品可以说都获的了相当不错的成绩,尤其是其雪碧在同类汽水产品中可以说无人可挡,而酷儿系列在推出后也大受欢迎迅速成为可口系列中的一只主力军。3The variety of productsBut from the variety of the products to see ,coca cola launches a lot of new pr


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