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Unit8 At Christmas【教材分析】 本单元的话题是圣诞节。圣诞节时西方国家的传统节日。教师课前可以准备一些与圣诞节有关的图片、物品和歌曲,设计教学活动,引入话题。教师可以根据时间的先后顺序,将活动作一个有序的安排,与重点句型有机的结合起来。让学生在动中学、学中记、记中用,更好的理解圣诞文化。【学习目标】1、知识目标1. 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话。2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写并熟练运用词组:sing Christmas song, on Christmas Day, look sad, eat us;句型: What do you do at Christmas?及其回答3. 能够理解Cartoon time故事内容,并能生动表演。4. 能初步运用和理解字母j在单词中的发音。5. 通过小组合作制作圣诞节卡片的活动,学生能够熟练运用语言叙述某事的先后顺序。并能熟练运用相关词汇:Christmas card, fold a card, draw a picture, write your message, write your name及句型:Merry Christmas!6. 能会读、会唱歌曲:We wish you a Merry Christmas7. 通过短文仿写,培养阅读能力,提高仿读、仿说、仿写的能力。2、技能目标1.能正确理解并朗读课文,复述课文。2. 能了解有关圣诞节的活动。3. 能初步运用FirstNextThenFinally句型来叙述圣诞节活动的先后顺序。3情感目标(1)引导学生观察,大胆开口说英语的能力。(2) 使学生对西方国家节日文化与礼仪有一个初步的了解。【学习重点】通过正确理解课文了解圣诞节的相关活动,初步表演对话,并能借助图片和关键词复述课文;【学习难点】正确运用叙述做某事的先后顺序的句型。【教学准备】课件,图片,【课时安排】:四课时【学习过程】课时:五年级上册81 课型:Story time 主备: 审核: 时间:学习目标:1. 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话。2. 能正确地听、说、读词汇:Christmas tree, Father Christmas, Christmas Eve, wait for, Christmas Day, have a good time b 1.c O m3. 初步尝试运用重点句式进行与语篇相关的表达。学习重难点:教学重点:能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。教学难点:通过正确理解课文了解圣诞节的相关活动,初步表演对话,并能借助图片和关键词复述课文;自主导学:常规预习:听磁带15分钟,大声朗读第八单元课文,根据书后单词表理解课文中新出现的词汇并将课文翻译在书上。完成书P80。师生互动:Step 1 Warming up1. Enjoy the songs about Christmas.2. Talk about Christmas.T: How much do you know about Christmas? 学习相关Christmas短语,并补充祝福语:Merry Christmas!Step 2 Presentation1. 揭题:T:At Christmas, people usually spend time with their family.2. Watch and choose/w Q: So does Mikes family. They always have a lot of fun at Christmas. What do they do at Christmas?A. watch TV B. have a big lunch C. go skating D. decorate(装饰) Christmas tree E. put a stocking on the bed F. buy presents学习相关词汇:buy presents, stocking,puton the bed, have a big lunch3. Read and order引导学生自读课文,给上述四个活动排序:have a big lunch, decorate Christmas tree, put a stocking on the bed, buy presents.并引导学生找出叙述事情先后顺序的关键词:first, next, then, finally。学生自主小结:First, they buy presents. Next, they decorate Christmas tree. Then, Christmas Eve comes. They put a stocking on the bed. Finally, its Christmas Day. They have a big lunch.4. 解读第一幅图(1)引导学生描述第一幅图,学习:buyfor, go to see Father Christmas(2)文化渗透:在西方,圣诞节互送礼物,并说Thank you以示感谢。(3)跟读。X Kb 1 . Co m5. 解读第二幅图(1) Read and answer: How do they decorate the Christmas tree? 学习:pretty things, look great(2)跟读。6. 解读第三幅图(1)Watch and think: Why does Mike put a stocking on his bed? 发散学生的思维,激活学生的已知,学习 wait for presents (from Father Christmas)(2)文化渗透:西方儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前,要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只长筒袜,等待圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物放在长筒袜里。(3)跟读。7. 解读第四幅图(1)小组合作,讨论On Christmas Day, what do they do?通过一些生词的提示,结合图片,组内自读课文,并用First, Next, Then, Finally描述。组长汇报:First, they wake up early. Next, they open their presents. Then they have a big lunch. Finally, they have a good time.(2)欣赏图片,让学生形象地理解have a big lunch(补充have a big dinner),学习:turkey, pudding。并进行文化渗透:正像中国人过春节吃年夜饭一样,西方人过圣诞节时,全家人会共进节日美餐。在传统的圣诞大餐,烤火鸡是不可缺少的菜式。圣诞节吃火鸡的习俗盛行于美国,而英国人在圣诞节吃烤鹅。圣诞大餐的另一部分是甜点,如饼干、蛋糕、布丁等。(3)跟读。Step 3 Practice1. 朗读。2. 复述。3. 出示课文P80六副图,引导学生用所学语言进行描述。4. Read and match.5. 引导学生模仿课文,说一说自己的圣诞节安排。当堂检测:册第一课时BC作业设计:1. Finish your plan and try to write it down.2. Read the dialogue after the tape.板书设计: Unit 8 At ChristmasFirst,Next, Then,Finally,课时:五年级上册82 课型:Grammar time ,song time& Fun time主备: 审核: 时间:学习目标:1. 进一步巩固圣诞节活动类词汇,复述课文。2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:What do you do at Christmas?及其回答。3. 通过小组合作制作圣诞节卡片的活动,学生能够熟练运用语言叙述某事的先后顺序。并能熟练运用相关词汇:Christmas card, fold a card, draw a picture, write your message, write your name及句型:Merry Christmas! 4. 能会读、会唱歌曲:We wish you a Merry Christmas学习重点:通过小组合作制作圣诞节卡片的活动,学生能够熟练运用语言叙述某事的先后顺序。学习难点:在运用过程中自主归纳、总结语法规则。教学准备:卡片,多媒体(PPT)自主导学:1.常规预习。读Grammar time,完成P81填空。师生互动:Step 1 Warming up1. Enjoy the song: We wish you a merry Christmas2. Free talks. (1)What do people do at Christmas? (2)Do you like Christmas? Why?Step 2 Review Story timeX k B 1 . c o m1. 出示story time图片,引导学生讨论Mike一家圣诞节前后的活动。 出示句型First Next Then Finally以及相关词汇。2. 根据课文内容,缺词填空,进行复述。3. 齐读课文。Step 3 Read and write1. 出示课文P81图片,先四人小组内讨论。2. 小组内每人一幅图进行描述,并写下来。3. 小组合作汇报。Step 4 Grammar time1. 引导自主归纳、总结语法规则。first,next,then,finally是表示顺序的副词。在英语中,我们可以在句首加这些词来表示时间或动作的先后顺序。(1)first 意为“首先,第一”,可用于句首或句尾。(2)next 意为“其次,然后”,可用于句首,句中或句尾。(3)then意为“然后”,着重表示“下一个动作在之后”,常与and连用。(4)finally 意为“最后,终于”,相当于at last,通常用于句首。2. 运用以上句型,说说自己的圣诞节理想的安排。拓展部分词汇:go shopping,have a big dinner with family, send Christmas cards, go to parties, go travelling等。Step 5 Fun time1. 创设情境:Christmas is coming soon. What do you want to prepare?2. 欣赏圣诞卡片 T: Do you want to make a Christmas card? How do we make it?(1)示范贺卡的主要组成部分:Look! It concludes two parts: your pictures and your message.(2)朗读贺卡上的一些祝福语:My dear friend! Merry Christmas! 新|课 |标 |第 |一| 网 I wish you a merry Christmas! I wish you are happy! Happy every day!3. Make a Christmas card.(1)示范制作步骤,并学习fold a card, draw a picture, write your message, write your name(2)组内讨论:What sentences can you write?T: What can we write on the season card?Now please discuss in groups: What sentences can you write?将学生的句子板书在黑板上。(3)制作贺卡,提醒注意书写格式。(其中第二个步骤需课前准备好,也可让学生直接把画贴上去) 4. Show the cards and talk about it in class.5. 互送卡片。S1: Heres a Christmas card for you.S2: Thank you.Learning tips: 收到对方的卡片,要说Thank you.以示礼貌。当堂检测一、单项选择。( ) 1. We have a lot of fun _ Christmas. A. in B. at C. with( ) 2. Heres a Christmas card _ you. A. of B. for C. to( ) 3. We wish _ a Merry Christmas. A. you B. your C. his二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 _ (one), they buy a Christmas tree.2. There _ (be) some milk and some eggs in the fridge.3. My sister likes _ (run) and _ (jump).4. My father _ (teach) English and he_ (have) a lot of students.5. Im good at _ (fish).Homework1. Make a New Year card.2. Review Story time and preview Cartoon time.板书设计: Unit 8 At ChristmasFirst,Next, Then,Finally,课时:五年级上册83 课型:Sound time & Cartoon time主备: 审核: 时间:学习目标:1. 能在适当情景下使用本单元重点单词和句型进行交际。2. 能熟练运用词组:sing Christmas song, on Christmas Day, look sad, eat us;句型:Whats wrong with him?及其回答。3. 能够理解Cartoon time故事内容,并能生动表演。4. 能初步运用和理解字母j在单词中的发音。学习重点:比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话描述。学习难点:绘声绘色的讲述或表演故事。课前准备:PPT常规预习:尝试听录音朗读课文中Sound time部分的单词及句子,了解字母j在单词中的读音。补充2个已学其他单词。师生互动Step 1 Warming up1. Sing the song: We wish you a merry Christmas2. Read Story time (1)Read after the tape.(2)Read it together.(3)Try to recite.3. Free talk: What do you do at Christmas?Step 2 Presentation1. Sound timea.自读,体会这些单词中字母j的发音。jacket, juice, jump, subjectb.看图读句子,体会含义。c.学生说说还有哪些含有该发音的单词。2. Cartoon timea.介绍故事人物T: Look, our friends are coming. Who are they?b.猜测故事情节:Why are they so happy? 出示课文第一幅插图,引导学生描述。揭示主题:They celebrate the Christmas Day. Listen and answer: How do they celebrate?(听课文第一段)教学:sing Christmas songsw W w .X k b 1.c O mc. Read and finish the table:Do they like Christmas? Why?(读课文第二段)Like or not?Why?BobbySamd. 讨论:Do you like Christmas? Why?e. Watch and answer设疑:Is everyone happy at Christmas? Who is not happy?观看课文第三幅插图,然后找出答案Mr Turkey。f. Watch the cartoon and answer.先引导学生猜测:Whats wrong with him?然后观看动画后,回答。g. Read after the tape. Read in roles. 鼓励学生加动作表演h. 感情升华, 让学生说说这个故事的幽默点是什么?T: How do you help Mr Turkey?Step 3 Consolidation1. 看图复述。2. 发挥想象力,续编故事。当堂练习一、词型转换。xK b 1.C om 1. one(序数词)_ 2.shop(动名词)_3. he(宾格)_ 4.she(宾格)_5. them(主格)_ 6.us(主格)_ 7. fly(第三人称单数)_ 8.good(副词)_9. real(副词)_ 10.dance(动名词)_二、单词辨音,选出下列单词中划线部分发音不同的选项。( ) 1.A. jacketB. juiceC. jumpD. girl( ) 2.A. goodB. lookC. schoolD. cook( ) 3.A. greatB. teaC. easyD. eat( ) 4.A. whereB. whoC. whiteD. why( ) 5.A. withB. thirdC. thingD. Maths三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. People eat _ (we) on Christmas Day.2. Whats wrong with_ (he)? _ (he) is hungry.3. The girl _ (look) sad.4. We like _ (sing) Christmas _ (song).5. Sam and Bobby sit _ (buy) the river.Homework1. Read Cartoon time. 2. Write the dialogues after class.板书设计:Unit 8 At ChristmasJ /d/Jacket juice jump subject课时:五年级上册84 课型:( Checkout time& Ticking time)主备: 审核: 时间:学习目标:1.在活动中进一步强化Grammar time的语法规则,巩固叙述做某事的先后顺序的句型。2. 综合运用本单元所学内容进行口头与书面表达,巩固询问对方在圣诞节期间做什么的句型及其答语.3. 能对照Ticking time 的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。4. 通过短文仿写,培养阅读能力,提高仿读、仿说、仿写的能力。学习重点:通过活动,用重点句型叙述某事的先后顺序。学习难点:短文仿写教学准备:挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT)1.常规预习:结合Story time部分的图片,读一读,背一背课本中的小短文。预习checkout time完成练习。师生互动:Step 1 Warming up1. Lets sing.2. Lets chant. (Sound time)结合Ticking time:I know the sound of letter “j”.3. Lets review. 出示cartoon time插图,引导学生复述课文。4. Lets play:记忆力大比拼(复习cartoon time)Rules(规则): 大声齐读句子后,如果你认为与cartoon time内容一致,就说 “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” 如果你认为内容错误,就说 “No, no, no!” 如:学生朗读句子Mr Turkey looks happy.后,齐说“No, no, no!”并把与cartoon time内容相符的句子说出:Mr Turkey looks sad.5. Lets talk: What do you do at Christmas? What does your friend do?Step 2 Think and write1. Lets watch: What does Helen do at Christmas? 出示P86图片,引导学生观察,并描述图片。2. Lets write. 完成课文填空。3. Lets read. 4. Ticking time:I can talk about Christmas.Step 3 Order and say1. 出示Yang LingT: We know sth. about Helen. How about Yang Ling? 引导学生对杨玲提问,人机对话,巩固What do you do ? 句型。2. 出示Mike 的问题:What do you do after school?出示图片,引导观察,并描述。3. 图文配对,找出正确的顺序。4. 角色扮演,引导学生使用First, next, then, finally等句型进行问答。Mike: What do you do after school?Yang Ling: First,5. Listen and read: Yang Ling的介绍。Step 4


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