



微量SRC及其在小麦品种品质分类中的应用研究摘 要本试验在分析14个中强筋参试小麦品种(系)的面粉溶剂保持能力(SRC),及其与蛋白质品质、流变学特性、淀粉酶活性及淀粉品质关系的基础上,确定了SRC在小麦品质评价中的可行性;通过研究用样量、溶剂加入量、离心力、溶涨时间和溶涨温度对乳酸SRC的影响,确定了微量SRC法的操作条件,并比较分析了微量SRC与常量SRC,及其与蛋白质品质、面团流变学特性、淀粉酶活性及淀粉品质的相关性;选用在不同地区(陕西杨凌、陕西岐山、河南新乡)同年播种的相同品种(系)材料分析了微量SRC在品种间、地区间的变异情况,初步提出了不同筋力小麦微量乳酸SRC值的阈值,并对该阈值进行验证。试验结果表明:1.SRC与其所反映的指标呈显著或极显著正相关,与蛋白质品质、面团流变学特性、淀粉酶活性和淀粉品质具有很好的相关性,说明SRC同样适用于中强筋小麦品质评价。2.微量SRC法的最佳操作参数为室温操作,样量0.1g,溶剂量0.6mL,离心力1500g,溶涨时间15min。3除微量蔗糖SRC外,各微量SRC与其常量SRC均呈极显著正相关,微量水SRC与稳定时间、评价值和5cm拉伸阻力呈显著正相关,与评价值和5cm拉伸阻力的关系最密切。微量乳酸SRC与面团形成时间、稳定时间、评价值、最大拉伸阻力及拉伸能量、蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、面筋指数、SDS沉淀值、GMP、SIG呈显著或极显著正相关,与弱化度呈极显著负相关,与稳定时间、5cm拉伸阻力和最大拉伸阻力、面筋指数、SDS沉淀值和GMP含量的关系最密切。微量碳酸氢钠SRC与吸水率呈显著正相关,与破损淀粉率、直链淀粉含量和直/支链淀粉比例、糊化温度呈显著或极显著正相关,与峰值粘度、降落数值和面粉膨胀体积呈显著或极显著负相关,与吸水率、破损淀粉和峰值粘度的关系最密切。可见微量SRC可以代替其常量SRC用于评价小麦品质。4.各微量SRC在品种间的变异程度呈显著或极其显著水平,在地区间的变异程度均不显著,说明微量SRC对品种的预测性好,受栽培环境的影响不大,应用广泛范围。 5.拟定分类阈值为符合强筋小麦标准的小麦品种微量乳酸SRC值应大于120%,符合中筋小麦品种的微量乳酸SRC值应在100%-120%之间,而符合弱筋小麦标准的微量乳酸SRC值应在100%以下。关键词:小麦;面粉容积保持能力;微量;品质;品种分类STUDY ON THE MICRO SOLVENTRETENTION CAPACITY AND ITS APPLIANCEIN CLASSINFYING WHEAT VARIETIESAbstractOn the base of analyzed the SRC value and the relationship between SRC value and protein quality, dough rheological properties, falling number, starch quality protein quality, dough rheological properties, falling number, starch quality of 14 strong gluten and common gluten wheat varieties, the optimum extracting conditions were investigated with different sample,centrifugal force,solvent volume,solvent temperature and solvent time,which influenced lactic SRC value; It studied the relationship between Micro-SRC value and protein quality, dough rheological properties, falling number, starch quality, and studied the relationship between SRC value and Micro-SRC value;It analyzed the different Micro-SRC value of 13 wheat varieties, which planted in different place(Shanxi Yangling, Shanxi Qishan, Henan Xinxiang)in the same year;It studied the threshold value of lactic Micro-SRC value which discriminate different gluten wheat, then verified.The results were shown as followings:1. SRC value was positively or significantly positively correlated with protein quality, dough rheological properties, falling number and starch quality.2. The optimum conditions were investigated :wheat powder 0.1g,centrifugal force1500g, solvent volume 0.6mL, solvent time 15min,at room temperature.3. The correlation of micro- SRC value and SRC value were analyzed. The result shows that micro- SRC values were significantly positively related with the SRC value, except the sugar micro- SRC value. And Water micro-SRC value was positively related with the evaluating value, stabilization time and resistance. The lactic micro-SRC value was significantly positively or positively related with the developing time ,stabilization time, evaluating value, maximum resistency, energy of area, and was negative ly related with the softening, and was significantly positively or positively related with the protein quality. The NaHCO3 micro-SRC value was positively related with the water absorption rate of flour, the was significantly positively related with the content of damage starch, and was positively related with the content of amylase, pasting time, and was negatively related with peak viscosity, falling number and flour swelling volume. Micro- SRC values were significant or extremely significant in different wheat varieties, but not significant in different plant areas.4. The threshold value of lactic Micro-SRC value were given :Lactic micro-SRC value of strong gluten wheat is over120%,Lactic micro-SRC value of com


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