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教学资料参考八年级英语上册Unit3FamiliesCelebrateTogether教案冀教版- 1 -Teaching Content 1.the words and e_pressions that must be grasped moon, celebrate, grandmother, grandfather, wonder 2. The words that you can only know Mid-Autumn Festival, moon cake, national, National Day, celebration, Thanksgiving, Canadian, Thank you for, in early/late November Teaching Aims 1.Learn to make plan about your study and your birthday. 2.Know about the differences between China and the Western countries. Teaching Important Points 1.Learn to write e-mails. 2.Talk about your plan and what you will do. 3.Teaching Difficult Points: Simple Future Tense Lesson Preparation: The objects of Mid-Autumn Festival Lesson Aids Audiotape, recorder, sliders,flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: New lesson Teaching procedure Step1.Introduce the unit topic: Families get together to celebrate. When there is a big festival in China, the family members always get together to celebrate. Then whats the festival in October in China? What festival do you know e_cept Mid-Autumn Festival? Help the students to respond in an appropriate way. Step2. Remind the students that in the previous book Li Ming and his family celebrated the Chinese New Year in China and Jenny and her family celebrated Christmas in Canada. “THINK ABOUT IT” Step5. Listen to the tape about Part1 and answer the following questions: 1.How many festivals are there in October in China? 2.What will Li Mings family do on the on the night of Mid-Autumn Festival? 3.What did Li Mings mother buy? 4.When is National Day? 5.What will Li Mings mother and father do during National Day? 6.Why does Li Ming like autumn best? Step6. Read Part1 again and answer the questions above. Help the students respond in an appropriate way. Step8. Listen to the tape of Part2 and then retell the story in third person. Pay attention to the important points. 1.Why does Jenny like autumn, too? 2.Whats the name of the festival? 3.What will they do on Thanksgiving? 4.Did you notice the differences between Canada and the U.S for Thanksgiving? Step9. Read Part2 again and find the answers of the questions above. If some students cant understand correctly, you can e_plain it patiently. “LETS DO IT.” Let the students do it carefully. At the same time, the teacher can walk around and solve some problems during the discussing process. Step11. Finish off the activity book. Let them know more about Thanksgiving. Summary Use some objects to help students remind the festivals. The questions the teacher asks must be interesting and the teacher can change the styles in order to keep the students 注意力. Lesson 18 Get Ready for Turkey Teaching Content The words must be grasped: huge, delicious, pie, dinner, be, away from home The words that can only be known: turkey, dessert Teaching Aims 1.E_press one2.Learn to make a family tree. Teaching Important Points 1. The students can catch the main ideas through listening to the te_t. 2. The students can suppose what their festival will be like. Teaching Difficult Points 1. The use of Simple Present Tense; 2. How to make a family tree Teaching Prepared flashcards, photos of your family Teaching Aids Audiotape, flashcards, photos Type of Lesson New lesson Teaching Procedure Step1.Remind the students the last lesson: the important festivals in China and Western countries. Show the students pictures to the class. Step2.Organize activities about what they will do during Thanksgiving. Can they suppose the situation? The teacher can give them some tips if it is necessary. Dont forget to ask them: “Do you still remember when Thanksgiving is? Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: How long is it before Thanksgiving? Who bought a turkey? Step4.Read the te_t and check the answers you got just now. Let them read the te_t again and then read in roles. After practice a while, the teacher can give volunteers chances to act the dialogue out in front of the class. Step5. Practice the Simple Present Tense. First, make sentences use the correct tense. Pay attention to the time attributive clause. Then let the students make sentences one by one until they can use the tense correctly. “PROJECT”. Take out a photo of your family and show it to the class. Then draw your own family tree on the blackboard. Then let the students take out of their own family photos and show them to the classmates. Now they can draw their family tree on their e_ercise book and let the desk mates to check the answers. Divide the class into several groups and look at the photos. Then draw other family photos in change. Thus gives them more chance to practice. Step7 Finish the activity book. If they have difficulties with the e_ercises, you can e_plain more carefully. Summary Before the lesson, the teacher can repair own family tree and show it to the class. Use some pictures of Thanksgiving to lead the subject of the class. Lesson 19 Get a present for Li Ming Teaching Content Mastery words: present, clothing. E_cited, blow, blow out, size, as , try, try on, fit, another, bright Known words: anyway, kind, style, the same size as Teaching Aims 1.Learn how to go shopping; 2.Grasp the dialogue; 3.The foreigners respect their guests and think the birthday is important. Teaching Important Points 1.How does the clerk greet people? 2.You must know about the knowledge of choosing fit clothes. If the clerk provides you with different sizes and styles, what should you do? Teaching Difficult Points Grasp the knowledge of choosing clothes from different sizes and styles. Teaching Prepared Different jackets Teaching Aids Audiotape, flashcards , objects Type of Lesson New lesson Teaching Procedure Step1. Show some students photos to the class. Of course, there are some families are having a birthday party. Because having a birthday party is very popular in China now. Step2. Talk about the subject: birthday. The students may have much to say. How did you spend your last birthday? What did your families members buy for you? What do you hope your birthday party will be like? Can you make a plan for your birthday party? What is it? Step3.Now its time to focus on the presents. Get the students to discuss: Have you got any presents? How did you feel when you got a nice present? What did you do with it? Step4. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: Why did Li Ming so e_cited? What is Brian doing in the picture? Are they satisfied with the yellow jacket? What did they buy at last? Step5. Read the te_t and check the answers. Then let the students read it loudly in class. After the students read the te_t fluently, the teacher can arrange them to read in roles. Step6.Act the dialogue out in front of the class, encourage them to be bold and remember to provide changes to the shy students. Step7.Practise: organize activities. Suppose your motherNow divide the class into several groups. Then discuss whose plan is the best? “LETS DO IT”. This part is similar to what we have done in Step7. So dealing with this part is easy now. Step9. Finish off the Activity Book. When the students have difficulties in solving problems, they can refer to the te_t. Step10.Let the students finish the ne_t reading in the student book. Summary 1.In order to make the class alive, we must prepare more objects before the class. The students can bring jackets in different colours and styles. Describing the birthday party is what the students like to do. Give them time and chance to do so Lesson 20: Celebrate Teaching Content Mastery words and e_pressions: mean Known words and e_pressions: feast, get, together Teaching Aims Teaching Important Points The words and e_pressions appropriate to these celebrations Teaching Difficult Points The similarities and differences between Chinese and Canadian culture Teaching Prepared The things used on a birthday party. For e_ample: candles, flowers Teaching Aids Audiotape, Flashcards, Powerpoint, Candles, Flowers Teaching Procedure Step1.Let the students sing together: Happy Birthday. Lead the celebration atmosphere Step 2. Ask the students to take out what they have prepared before class and have a discussion: What do you often do on our birthday party? Are there any differences between he birthday party of his year and last year? What do you wish your birthday party would be like? Step 3. Listen to the tape and make them lose themselves in the beautiful sense. Listen again and repeat in a low voice. After two or three times, they can sing the song by themselves. Step 4. Help the students understand the song and read the important words. The words are: celebrate, celebration, cakes, candles, gifts, friends, feast, of autumn Step 5. Discuss the following questions: What do you often do every night? If today is your birthday, what will you do tonight? Today is Thanksgiving, what is Granny doing? How do we e_press our thanks to Granny? Step 6. Read the speech bubbles and check your answers Step 7. Listen to the song carefully again and then try to sing without the tape. The students can sing either in groups or together. “LETS DO IT” Step9. Deal with the remaining activities in the activity book. Go on the ne_t reading in the student book. Summary When the students learn the song, let them listen carefully first. Then help them understand the song Lesson 21 Happy Thanksgiving Teaching Content Mastery words and e_pressions: grandparent, kitchen Known words and e_pressions: hug, givea big hug, Thanksgiving dinner Teaching Aims Teaching Important Points Possessive Case Words and e_pressions used on Thanksgiving. Students can write passages according to the pictures. Teaching Difficult Points the similarities and differences between the two countries. Teaching Prepared Some Flashcards about Thanksgiving Teaching Aids Audiotape, Flashcards Teaching Procedure Step1.Lets sing the song of Lesson20. Listen to the tape again. Then lead in the ne_t lesson. “THINK ABOUT IT”. Discuss the questions and share the opinions with the others. Step3. Look at the pictures and guess what they are doing. According to their imagination, write a short passage. Then divide the class into several groups and discuss their passages. Then choose a best one to read in front of the class. Step4.Listen to the tape and answer the questions: On Thanksgiving Day, where did Jenny and her mother go? Have Jenny“Learning Tips”. Let the students know the meaning of Thanksgiving. Discuss h ne_t questions. How many festivals are there in China? Which one do you like best? Do you know what they stand for? “Project 2”. Ask, “Are festivals in Canada the same as festivals in China?” Let the class discuss the questions. Get them to write down the similarities and differences. This part is hard for students to understand. Make sure the students clearly understand what they are to do. Point to the different parts and e_plain what the students should write. In the green circle, write the things that families do in China. In the red circle, write the things that families do in China. In the yellow circle, write the things that families do in both countries. The chart is also called a Venn diagram. In their groups, the students each make a Venn diagram of similarities and differences between family celebrations in China and Canada. They may use heir notes from the previous lesson. Step7. Finish off the activity book. Go on the ne_t reading in the student book if you have time. Summary Let the students to act out what they arranged in front of the class. Ask them to search some information about the festivals in China and Western countries. Lesson 22 Presents from Canada! Teaching Content Mastery words and e_pressions: bo_, tape, address, post, post office, mail Known words and e_pressions: cardboard, wait, sendto, on the top of, all ready Teaching Aims All of the people around the world are in a big family. We should love each other. Cultivate the feelings of loving ones own countries. Teaching Important Points Learn how to make birthday cards and what to write on them. “Mail” and “post” mean the same thing. Teaching Difficult Points Make a birthday card Teaching Prepared The things that used to make birthday cards Teaching Aids Audiotape, Flashcards, Objects Type of lesson Teaching Procedure Step 1. Review the last lesson. Remind the students a family members birthday is also a big festival. Sending different presents is important to link the relations of the whole family. Ask the students: Did you have a party for your parent? What did you send them? Did you e_press your thanks to our parents? THINK ABOUT IT” Discuss the first question. “What do you write in your card?” Write their answers down and change their ideas with the others. Step 3. Play the tape. Ask the students to listen to it with the questions: What presents are Jenny and Danny going to post to Li Ming? Step 4. Read the te_t silently. Then discuss the te_t in details. Step 5. Take out what you prepared before class. Make cards for your friends in groups and then write the addresses on them. Remind the students not to forget the best wishes in English. Show every groups cards to the class and let them see if they forget something. Step 6. Ask the students to work in pairs to make up a dialogue according to the story. Act the dialogue out in front of the class. “LETS DO IT”. Step 8. Finish the remaining activities in the activity book. Go on the ne_t reading in the student book. Summary The teacher brings several bo_es and presents to the class. The students bring some, too. Now the teacher and the students can arrange and act the dialogues out together. Lesson 23: Li Mings Happy Birthday Teaching Content: Mastery words and e_pressions: cap, fitwell Known words and e_pressions: fashion, in fashion, turn off Teaching Aims: 1. Children all of he world should love each other. 2. Cultivate the feelings of loving ones own country. Teaching Important Points: 1. When you got presents from friends, how do you e_press your thanks. 2. The style and content of the letter, to show thanks. Teaching Difficult Points: How to show thanks in English in the letter. Teaching Preparation: Students can prepare their birthday presents from the others. Teaching Aids: Audiotape, Flashcards, Presents Type of Lesson: New lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.The teacher takes out a present from friends and shows it to the class. You can say: “This is a present from my friend from Canada or other countries.” Do the students believe you? They will look at the label. If it is not true, they will laugh. Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. 1. What presents did Li Ming receive? 2. Who got the presents from the post office? 3. Who went to Li Mings party? Step3.Read the te_t silently. Check the answers and let the students discuss the te_t in details. Step 4. Read the te_t again. Then ask the students to retell the story in a third person. Step 5. Write what your birthday will be like this year in groups. Discuss the passage in details and choose the best one to read in the class. “LETS DO IT” Write a thank-you note/card/letter to thank your parents and friends for their presents. The thank-you note is not long, but it can e_press your thanks feeling e_actly. Step 7. Finish off the activity book. Read the ne_t lesson in the students book. Summary 1. Look at the pictures of Lesson 22. Let the students guess the presents Li Ming will receive. 2. Li Ming celebrates his birthday with his family. This is very popular. If time allows, the teacher and the students have a short play about it. Lesson 24: Unit


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