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江苏省无锡市东林中学2013-2014学年八年级英语下学期期中考试试题1. which picture are they talking about? a. b. c. 2. whats marys dream work?a. b. c.5. what does mary often do to help her mother? a. she often helps her mother to cook meals.b. she often helps her mother with the washing.c. she often helps her mother to clean the house.6. hows jim? a. hes ok. b. hes ill. c. hes tall.7. what would the woman like? a. tea. b. juice. c. coffee with milk.8. what do you think of the woman?a. she doesnt like reading newspapers. b. she likes cleaning the windows.c. she doesnt like sports.9. what does the woman mean?a. she hasnt prepared for the exam yet. b. the exam will be easy for her.c. the exam is not important for her.10. how much should the man pay for the ticket?a. 64 yuan. b. 72 yuan. c. 96 yuan.二、根据你所听到的对话或短文,选择正确的选项。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)听一段对话,回答第11至12题。11. where is the man going?a. the railway station. b. the clock tower. c. the park.12. why cant the man find the place?a. this is his first time to visit the place. b. the railway station is still next to the clock tower.c. things have changed a lot over the years.听第一篇短文,回答第13至15题。my friend helenage and interest 13 years old interested in history things to do in summer travel with her parentsher favourite place 14 plan for this summer come to china go to beijing from my city by 15 13. a. 14 b. 30 c. 13 14. a. new york b. new zealand c. china 15. a. car b. plane c. train 听第二篇短文,回答第16至20题。16. mr. brown told his son that _.a. he would be away from home for four days b. he would be back in seven days c. he would be back in a month17. mr. brown wrote the words down on _. a. the door b. a piece of paper c. his sons pocket18. a man came to visit the boys father on _. a. the second day b. the third day c. the fifth day19. the man was very surprised because _.a. he thought the childs father was dead b. the child didnt ask him to sit downc. the child gave him a cup of tea20. what was burnt? a. the piece of paper. b. mr. smith. c. the boy.ii 笔试部分(共80分)一、单项填空 (本大题共14分,每小题1分)1. i hear therell be _ talk on science next monday. do you mean _ talk our teacher asked us to listen to? a. a; the b. a; a c. the; the d. the; a 2. i know this plan is far from perfect, but i just cant think of _ one. a. a better b. the better c. a best d. the best3. the little girl was afraid of staying _ in the _ house. a. alone; alone b. alone; lonely c. lonely; lonely d. lonely; alone4. he is a kind man. although he is old now, he still tries his best to help people in need _. a. as often as before b. as many as possiblec. as possible as he cand. as a lot of as usual5. young people may grow quickly _ and more slowly in others. a. at a time b. from time to time c. on the wayd. in some ways 6. what do you think of my answer to the questions? sorry. i _ about something else and didnt hear. a. thought b. have thought c. am thinking d. was thinking 7. hes never been to england, _ he? _. he even had photos taken in front of the big ben. a. is; no b. has; yes c. has; no d. is; yes 8. hurry up! the film _ for ten minutes. a. began b. has been on c. has begun d. will begin 9. _ is the train station from this shopping mall, do you know? about 30 minutes by bus. a. how much b. how long c. how far d. how soon 10. his mother thought it would be good for his character to _ from home and make some money on his own. a. get away b. run away c. take away d. keep away11. i never thought she would _ my invitation to the theatre. she will feel sorry for missing the theatre some day.a. return b. reviewc. refuse d. recommend12. i missed the train, so i _ take a taxi. thats ok. a. must b. had to c. have to d. need to 13. excuse me, could you tell me _ arrive at the city museum? sorry, i am new here. a. how can i b. where i could c. how to d. what i can14. do you mind coming to see me tomorrow? _. id like to talk with you. a. yes, i do mind b. of course not c. no, you mustnt d. yes, id love to二、完形填空 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)advertisements are everywhere. they are on tv and the 1 , in newspapers and magazines, and on buses and buildings. companies 2 their products(产品) to film stars and sports stars to 3 , so fans of them will buy them too. advertisements have become so common(常见的) that they arent 4 any more. we dont like them, so we try not to see them. we turn 5 the advertisements on our computers. we dont want to watch them on tv or read them in magazines. sometimes we dont copy the stars 6 we know maybe they dont really like the things they advertise. this means the companies need a new 7 to sell their products. especially(尤其是), they should make their products “cool”, or young people wont buy them. more and more teenagers want to be 8 from others. for example, teenagers wont dress like everyone else. they want to look special and create(创造) their own styles. so, some companies use teenagers instead of using stars. they 9 them to tell their friends about the new products. 10 dont think it is cool to copy the stars or buy the things they have seen in the advertisements. some people also believe that the latest way to advertise is not to place advertisement.1. a. book b. radio c. paper d. wall2. a. donate b. sell c. give d. pass3. a. play b. eat c. wear d. use4. a. workingb. reading c. watching d. looking5. a. on b. off c. up d. down6. a. because b. so c. until d. if7. a. way b. star c. service d. idea8. a. same b. different c. difficultd. difference9. a. takeb. cost c. payd. spend10.a. companiesb. peoplec. friendsd. teenagers三、阅读理解 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)( a )we use the internet for many things: business, shopping, writing letters, talking to people, finding information and so on. in recent years, a new kind of english has grown on the internet. theres no real word for it yet, so well call it e-talk. people dont like typing too much. to save time, they turn phrases into a few letters called acronyms(只取首字母的缩写词). acronyms are often used in chat rooms. some of them are: btw (by the way) brb (be right back) lol (laughing out loud) imo (in my opinion).people also use many abbreviations(缩写词). some common abbreviations are:info (information) puter (computer) pic (picture) sec (second) we usually dont see people when we communicate on the net, so people have new ways to show feelings. most people use their keyboards to draw “feelings”, such as:-) (happy) :p) (joking) :-( (sad) :-o (surprised) these days, many forums(论坛) have picture feelings. for example: happy sad angry cool there are even whole new words, like “newbies”(someone who is new on a chat board or forum). when you write something bad about someone else, its called “flaming” the person. it takes time for people to get used to e-talk. also, different groups on the net have their own special ways of communicating. newbies sometimes have to ask other people what they mean. as the internet grows, e-talk will continue to grow and change.1. why do people type acronyms?a. to show their feelings. b. to make jokes.c. because people can type them quickly. d. in this way newbies wont understand them.( b )happiness is important for everyone. most people want to be happy but few know how to find happiness. some people believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to buy anything they want, which means happiness. on the other hand, some people believe that holding a high place in the government is happiness, because they think they can make more money and more people will respect(尊敬) them or even it can bring many other things. but we say happiness comes from ourselves. here are the ways to keep ourselves happy.the secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple(简单的) things in life. too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future, for example, getting into higher school or getting a job that we dont enjoy the present. we should enjoy the lifes simple pleasure, such as reading a good book, listening to our favorite music or spending time with close friends.to be happy, we should also be active. many people go dancing or play sports. people can forget about their problems and only think about the activities.moreover, many people find happiness in helping others. they will feel happy when they volunteer their time to do many meaningful things for others. if you want to feel happier, you can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to get food for an old neighbour, or simply help around the house. that is“giving is happiness.”now maybe you know how to find happiness.6. which of the following words has the same meaning as “wealthy”?a. pleased b. rich c. excited d. healthy7. how many ways to keep ourselves happy does the writer show us in this passage?a. one. b. two. c. three. d. four.8. if a person holds a high place in the government, what does he think he can do?a. he thinks he can do anything. b. he thinks he can be more respected.c. he thinks he will be the richest. d. he thinks he need worry about nothing.9. according to this passage, which of the following things is not simply happy?a. worrying about the future. b. reading a good book.c. staying with the close friends. d. listening to ones favorite songs.10. what does the writer mainly want to tell us?a. how to save happiness by living simply. b. happiness and money are the most important things.c. we should help more people to make ourselves happier. d. how to find happiness in our life.四、任务型阅读 根据短文完成所缺信息,每空限填一词。(本大题共5分,每小题0.5分)english learning how can you help yourself learn a new language, such as english? there are several ways to make learning english easier and more interesting.the first step(步骤) is to feel confident about learning english. if you believe that you can learn well, you will learn well. be patient. you dont have to understand everything all at once. it is natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. we can learn from our mistakes.the second step is to practice your english. for example, keep a diary or make notes every day. you will be used to writing in english, and you will feel comfortable expressing(表达) your ideas in english. after several weeks, you will see that your writing is better. in addition(另外), you must speak english every day. you can practice with your classmates outside class. the third step is to keep a record of your language learning. you can write this in your diary. after each class, think about what you did. did you answer a question correctly? did you understand something the teacher talked about? perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. write these achievements(成就) in your diary. you must have confidence about learning english and believe that you can do it. its important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements. you will enjoy learning english, and you will have more confidence in yourself.how to be a successful english 1 step 1feel confident about english 2 in yourself and you will make it.dont be 3 of making mistakes.step 2 4 your englishform(形成) a good 5 of keeping a diary or making notes.speak english as much as 6 . step 3 7 your language think about 8 you did in the english class. write your achievements in your 9 . conclusion: confidence, belief and practice are all 10 in english learning.五、词汇运用 (本大题共8分,每小题1分)(a) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。1. the journey across the island is a wonderful _ ( 经历 ) that i will never forget. 2. has the government _ ( 意识到 ) the importance of protecting the environment?3. the old _ ( 夫妇两人 ) managed to get to the airport in time finally. 4. his dream is to travel around all the _ ( 欧洲 ) countries sometime in the future. (b) 根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。5. the clever boy jumped the _ ( five ) grade in school.6. usually it is quite cold in the _ ( north ) part of china in winter. 7. he has a rich _ ( know ) of world history. 8. though this is the _ ( ugly ) person i have ever seen, he is very kind-hearted. 六、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,在答题卷相应的横线上填写答案。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)1. three years _ ( pass ) since they moved to a new city .2. the parade was so wonderful that all of us couldnt stop _ ( take ) photos. 3. the boy _ ( sleep ). youd better keep quiet and not wake him up. 4. while tom with his parents _ ( chat ) in the sitting room yesterday, the bell rang. 5. its faster and easier to send an email than _ ( write ) a letter. 6. they will come to see him if it _ ( not be ) rainy tomorrow. 7. you are here at the party ! i _ ( think ) you were at home preparing for the test.8. which team do you think _ ( win ) the football final tomorrow? im not so sure. maybe real madrid cf is. 七、句型转换 根据括号内要求改写句子,每空限填一词。(本大题共5分,每格0.5分)1. andy asked his mother how much he could take before he went to canada.(同义句转换) andy asked his mother how much 1 2 before he went to canada.2. what do you think of the hunchback of notre dame?(同义句转换) 3 do you 4 the hunchback of notre dame?3. his father returned to shanghai three days ago. (同义句转换) his father has 5 6 in shanghai 7 three days ago. 4. there are 24 boys and 20 girls in our class.(同义句转换) our class is 8 9 10 24 boys and 20 girls.八、完成句子 按所给汉语用英语完成句子,每空限填一词。(本大题共10分,每格0.5分)1. 在过去三十年里,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。 there 1 2 great 3 in my hometown in the past thirty years. 2. 那个导游到巴黎是办公事还是游玩去了? has the guide 4 to paris 5 6 or for pleasure?3. 最近你听说过一部叫做霍比特人(hobbit)的电影吗? have you 7 8 a film 9 hobbit recently? 4. 上海是世界闻名的国际贸易中心之一 shanghai is one of the 10 11 12 13 ? 5. 你不在的日子里记得和我保持联系 remember to 14 15 16 with me while you are away. 6. 我想知道在课外活动方面该征求谁的意见。 i am wondering who i should 17 18 19 20 after-school activities.九、短文填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使短文意思完整。(本大题共5分,每格0.5分) parents sometimes learn much from their children. many years ago, although my friend david worked day and night, he was s 1 not rich. one day, when he a 2 home after work, he found his 3-year-old daughter was decorating a box with some expensive paper. he thought she was wasting money and b 3 angry with her. he even punished (惩罚) his daughter b 4 beating her. h 5 , the little girl brought the box to her father the next morning and said, “this is for you, daddy. merry christmas!” he was embarrassed (尴尬) by his overreaction(过激反应), but he became angry again when he found the box was e 6 . he s 7 at her, “ dont you know that when you give someone a present, there should be something inside it?”the little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and said, “oh, daddy. i b 8 kisses in the box. i filled it with my love. all for you, daddy.” the father was very s 9 . he put his arms around his little girl. later, david told me that he k 10 that box by his bed for years. when he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary (想象的) kiss from the box and remember the love of his daughter. 十、书面表达 (本大题共5分) 假定你参加青少年杂志以“a trip to .”为题的英语征文比赛,请结合以下要点写一篇80字左右的短文。1. 上周末父母带我去了荡口古镇(dangkou ancient town)。荡口古镇靠近苏州,离机场也不远。2. 那里曾经有很多工厂,经常向河里倾倒废弃物。现在古镇人们已习惯于保护环境。3. 人们已经把这个镇变成了无锡的最美乡镇。每天有很多游客到那里欣赏美景。4. 游后感受。 注意: 1. 短文须包括所给的内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯; 2. 第4点须用2-3句话作适当发挥; 3. 词数80个左右,短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。a trip to dangkou ancient town last weekend my parents took me to dangkou ancient town. the town is_ 听力材料 请同学们先用两分钟时间熟悉听力试题 然后动笔答题一、听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。1. m:the statue of liberty is a symbol of america, right? w: yes, thats true. 2. m: did you hear what mary wanted to be in the future?w: yes. she wants to be a singer.3. m: aha, whose clock is this? it looks like a hand. w: well, its daniels. i also have a clock, but it looks like an apple.4. m: have you listened to the weather report this morning, mum?w: yes. the weather will be cloudy. the temperature is going to drop a little. 5. m: mary, do you often help your mother with some housework at home? w: of course. i often help her with the washing.6. m: i miss jim very much. do you know how he is? w: sorry, i havent seen him for a long time. but his mother says he has been in hospital for a week.7. m:which would you like, tea or juice? w:


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