小学六一儿童节英语英语儿歌考试必看-无忧考网英语资源频道为大家整理的小学六一儿童节英语手抄报内容 儿童节英语儿歌,小编在这里祝所有小朋友大朋友们节日快乐 永葆童心。“六”国际儿童节是全世界儿童的节日,也是全世界爱好和平,为争取儿童生存、健康和受教育的权利而斗争的日子?925年,“国际儿童幸福促进会”举行第一次国际大会,发表了有关儿童福利问题的原则以后,一些国家先后有了儿童节的规定,如美国定为10月31日,英国定为7月1日。Six the international childrens Day is childrens day all over the world, but also the whole world peace, for child survival, health and rights struggle of life education? 925 years, the international childrens happiness will promote held the first International Congress, later published issues relating to child welfare principle, some countries the provisions of the childrens day, such as the United States in October 31st, the British set for July 1st.第二次世界大战结束后,世界各地经济萧条,成千上万的工人失业,过着饥寒交迫的生活。儿童的处境更糟,有的得了传染病,一批批地死去;有的则被迫当童工,受尽折磨,生活和生命得不到保障。为了给全世界儿童争取生存、保障和受教育的权利,加强各国儿童的友谊,国际民主妇女联合会于1949年11月在莫斯科召开了执委会,正式决定6月1日为国际儿童节。After the Second World War, the world economic recession, tens of thousands of workers unemployed, lived a life suffer hunger and cold. Children are worse, some got infectious diseases, batch to die; some were forced to as a child, suffering, life and life is not guaranteed. In order to give the worlds children fight for survival, security and the right to education, strengthening national childrens friendship, the International Democratic womens Federation in 1949 November held in Moscow in the Executive Committee, formally decided to June 1st as the international childrens day.我国儿童节,早期为每年的4月4日,是1931年根据中华慈幼协会的建议设立的。新中国成立后,劳动人民成为国家的主人,广大少年儿童也成了国家的小主人,为了培养广大儿童的国际主义思想,1949年12月,中央人民政府政务院发出通令,废除旧的“44”儿童节,将6月1日作为我国的儿童节。与“六一”国际儿童节统一起来。从此,每年的这一天,全国少年儿童都要举行各种活动,欢庆自己的节日。许多公共娱乐场所特地为孩子们免费开放,各机关、团体、企业在这天还向本单位职工的子女和幼儿园的小朋友馈赠礼物,这是孩子们最愉快的一天。China childrens day, the early year of April 4th, was established in 1931 according to the suggestion of the Salesian society. After the founding of new China, the working people to become masters of the country, the majority of children has become a national master of small, in order to cultivate the childrens internationalism, in 1949 December, the Central Peoples Government Administration Council issued orders, the abolition of the old 4 4 childrens day in June 1st, as Chinas childrens day. With the six one International Childrens day together. Since then, every year on this day, the National Childrens activities are held to celebrate their own festival. Many places of public entertainment specifically for children free of charge, the organs, organizations, enterprises in this day also to the employees of the children and kindergarten children gifts, this is the most happy childrens day.六一儿童节手抄报 儿歌Childrens Day poster childrens songs记忆里永远的童年(儿童节贺诗,也是儿歌)Forever in memory of childhood (childrens day new poems, and songs)小时候妈妈对我讲When mother told me长大了你就可以去远方Grow up you can go the distance走过很长很长的人生路Through the long road of life踏遍万水千山All over the trials of a long journey那时候,我就盼呀盼At that time, I just hope of hope.盼望自己快快长大Hope to grow up quickly长大了就可以像大人一样Can grow up like an adult去远方Far away走过很长很长的人生路Through the long road of life踏遍万水千山All over the trials of a l
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