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双门峡中国诗歌谷风景区简介 Brief Introduction of Double Door Gorge Scenic Area双门峡中国诗歌谷风景区规划面积9.7平方公里,集山、水、洞、石、林之精髓,融雄、奇、险、峻、幽于一峡,拥有喀斯特地貌王国中独树一帜的群瀑胜景。是全国首个以诗歌意境为主,诗歌内容展示为辅,将诗歌文化和中国传统文化相结合的大型综合性自然水利风景区。景区服务设施齐全,集休闲度假、诗歌鉴赏、地学科普及温泉疗养、溶洞探秘、古寺参禅、户外露营、野外烧烤于一体。 主要自然景观有深谷幽峡、玲珑瀑布群,钙华彩云瀑、碧溪清涧、象形石龟、石门、吊水岩、万象溶洞、盆景凼、谷中谷景观、雷霆峰、观音坐莲等;主要人文历史景观有丰坎寺、历史文化遗迹、山间田园风光等。景区内有多种珍稀动植物,如黑叶猴、红豆杉、罗汉松、珙桐等。独具一格的自然环境与文化景观交相辉映,相得益彰,被国家地理杂志评为“中国最美景观拍摄地” Double Door Gorge ,the Chinese Poetic Valley Scenic Area planned area is 9.7square km,which sets the essence of mountains, rivers,caves, rocks and forests,and together with majestic,wonderful,dangerous,steep and quiet as a gorge,has the unique waterfall group in the carst kingdom.It is the first omnibus natural water conservancy spot in China,which focus on the artistic conception of peom and assists with content showing of peom,togethering with poetic culture and traditional culture of China.The scenic area service facilities are well-equipped.It sets leisure vacation,poetry appreciation,geological science,hot springs spa,cave exploration,old temple religion beach,outdoor camping,outdoor barbecue as a whole. The main landscape is Deep Valley and Quiet George,the Exquisite Waterfall Group, Travertine Colorful Cloud fall,Green Stream and Clear Ditch, Alive Stone Tortoise,Stone Door,Dropwater Rocks,All-inclusive Cave,Miniascape Prit,Valley in Vally View,Thunderbolt Mountain ,Lotus Seat of GuanYin etc. The main humane and historical landscape is FengKan Temple and its historical culture sites,and Garden Veggies etc.There are some kinds of animals and plants,for example, Francois Langurs,Yews,Podocarpus,Chinese Dove trees,etc. Douonble Door Gorge Scenic Area was evaluated “The Most Beautiful Spot for Photography of China” by an magazine Chinese National Geography.Forming an unique global hydrological landscape and cultural customs, natural environment and cultural landscape reflect each other ,bringing out the best. 一线瀑 A Line Waterfall位于愚池下,水流从高约50m的陡岩倾泄而下,破岩成槽,连跌两潭,终年不断。在一线瀑布的右上方有一座大山,左面有一座小山,传说大山就是南极仙翁,小山则是他的神童。仙翁酒醉后,常卧于山腰之间,神童见仙翁每日醉酒,便悄悄地将仙翁的酒壶芦侧翻,那扑鼻醇香的琼浆玉液从壶口倾泻而下,地门龙神闻其香,便张开那贪婪的大口,意欲将此美酒一饮而尽,然而没喝上几口,便醉倒在地,玉液又顺嘴角溢出,流经整个峡谷,为此整个双门峡的水都有一股清甜、纯正、爽口的感觉。Located in the below of Fool Pool.The water of the fool pool outpour from steep rock about 50 meters height.It broke the rock,forming a groove about 1 meter in width. It fells two pools all year around,first waterfall forming a line and second waterfall forming a couple of lover,about 20 meters in height and 5 meters in width. In the top of A Line Waterfall,there is a big mountain.The left is a small hill.It is said that the big mountain is Antarctic Fairy and the small hill is a Child Prodigy.Drunken Antarctic Fairy always lies on the mountain waist. A child prodigy saw him drinking everyday and he rollovered the flagon of Antarctic Fairy quietly. The tangy favour of delicious wine poured down from the Hukou and Ground Dragon sentout fragrant smell,opening his greedy mouth and intending to swallow the delicious wine all.However, he only drunk a few mouthfuls of it and he drunk down on the ground. It overflowed from his mouth edge and flowed into the whole valley.Therefore the double door gorge water have a sweet,pure,and refreshing feeling.情侣瀑Lovers waterfall 也叫情人瀑,溪流从林木掩映的悬崖流下,一叠叠细瀑流水,形成了两道高40多米的瀑布,一大一小,十分醒目。情爱之人常常到此处面对日月,相依瀑水边,诉说衷情,故而得名。传说情侣相携共饮此水,便可白头偕老,幸福一生。Its also called volentines waterfall. Streams through the cliffs and steep stone shaded by trees,forming a stack of thin waterfall flowing.There are two 40meters high thin waterfall which is very eye-catching.One is large and one is small .It got its name from lovers often came here to watch sun and moon near the water,sharing the feelings.It is said that if a couple of lover drink the water together ,they will have a lasting relationship and happy life.怡心瀑 Pleasant Waterfall怡心瀑是一种钙华瀑,一种“凝固的瀑布”。瀑水飞流导致水体物理化学条件迅速变化,并伴有生物作用使碳酸钙发生沉积而形成。水瀑从石瀑顶上撒落而下,构成千姿百态的瀑布画面。石瀑为水瀑增添秀色,水瀑为石瀑注入灵气,两者在深幽峡谷空间的烘托下,创造出大自然纯真美的辉煌,靠近它会有一种心旷神怡的感觉,故由此得名。它既是古今瀑布演变历史的生动记录,又是一种极富观赏价值的旅游资源。Pleasant Waterfall is a kind of travertine waterfall and“frozen waterfall”. The water flowing leads to rapid changes in physical and chemical conditions, and with the biological effect formed calcium carbonate deposition .The waterfall flow down from the top of the stone water,making different poses and different expressionspicture.Stonefall adds color to waterfall. Waterfall pours some nimbus into stonefall.Both in the deep canyon space foiling,creat brilliant beauty closed to nature.It will have relaxed and happy feeling.Therefore ,hence its name.It is not only vivid record of the history evolution of ancient and modern falls,but also one kind of highly appreciation value of tourism resource.观音桥 Guanyin Bridge站在桥上抬头向远处看,山间中隐约有一尊天然而成的观音像,守护着这秀美的山和水。据说这尊观音像十分灵验,只要虔诚膜拜,必定会四季平安,心想事成。 Standing on the bridge and looking up the distance,you will see an unclearly natural formed GuanYin statue in the mountains,which protects the beautiful mountains and rivers. It is said that the GuanYin statue is very accurate.If you worship religiously,you must be safe in four seasons and all wishes come true.万象洞 All-inclusive Cave万象洞海拔1150m,峡谷至洞高差350m,溶洞长约450米,规模虽小,但景致极佳,洞中有洞,洞内石灰岩沉积物造型丰富,石笋、石钟乳、石柱、石蔓、石帘、石梯田等发育成熟,乳石遍布,森列多姿,包罗万象而得名。洞内互通,氧气充足,全年恒温14。根据地质专家考证,该洞已有2.5亿年的历史,The elevation is 1150meters, higher than the double-gate gorges bottom 350meters and thelength of the cave is about 450 meters The scale is small, but the scenery is best.Hole in hole,and the sculpts of limestone deposits in the hole are very rich.Salagmits,Stalactites,Columns,Stone Tendrils,Stone Curtains and Stone Terraces are mature.It is famous for its all over stalactites, arrangement spectacular, and changeful views.It is an ancient developed cave. Perhaps because of communicated with the both ends of the hole, the hole has sufficient oxygen and a constant temperature of 14 . According to the geological experts textual research, the hole has been 250,000,000 years of history.神龟游峡Swimming Shrine Gorge传说两金龟游于双门峡,被景所迷,留连忘返。一龟缩头缩脑,窥视上游,意欲再游;一龟却又伸颈负重奋进,意欲下游,后两龟决定化石长留于此,以便常赏美景。石龟体量约为40m3,高约5m,头部细小,为一硅质白云岩形成的椭球形。Legended that two golden turtles were swimming in the double-door gorge.They were attacted by the views and they forgot to go home. A little puss-head tortoise peeped and swim to the upstream, intending to swim again; A turtle stretched his neck ,like carry heavey things, intending to downstream. In order to enjoy the scenery, two turtle decided to fossil. two The turtle volume is about 40m3 and about 5 meters height. Small head likes a siliceous dolomite formation of ellipsoid. 七星潭瀑布 Seven-stars Swags Waterfall七星潭瀑布,从下往上依次为寻缘潭、灵犀潭、缘定潭、日月潭、小石潭、天机潭、猴潭。从寻缘潭到猴潭,相对高差342m,落差大,水逐级跌落数十米,成瀑成潭,潭大小不等,面积约为100至200 m2。潭水相依,每潭的下方又连接着一道清流,时而流水潺潺,时而宽展舒缓,山水清音动人心弦。Seven-stars Swags Waterfall,from down to up in turn is Dating swag,Eye-to-eye swag, star-crossed lovers swag,sun and moon swag,small stone swag,inexplicable swag,and monkey swag.From find Dating swag to Monkey swag, relative height is 342 meters. The water of north branch fall down step by step about 10 meters, forming waterfall and swags.The size of swags are different from 100 to 200 m2.Every pool is interdependent. Down to the bottom of each connects a clean stream,sometimes the sound of stream is murmur,and sometimes is spread relieving .Landscape and resononce sounds exciting.美女瀑 The Beauty waterfall,美女瀑,高25m,宽15m,如一披发含情欲放的女子,奔入下游鸳鸯潭中。鸳鸯潭深约3m,宽30m,水清宜人,若无人惊扰,常有2-3对野鸳鸯戏水潭中。The Beauty waterfall is 25 meters in height, 15 meters in width.Its shape likes a amorous and covered with hair woman, running into the Mandarin Duck pool. Mandarin Duck pool is about 3 meters in depth, 30 meters in width.The water is clear and pleasant.Without vocals,there are 2-3 couples of wild mandarin ducks playing in the pool.闭门藏仙景Closed-door hiding Immortal scenery探险家徐霞客曾沿长江、芙溶江朔流而上,爬山涉水到过此地,并在此石上用随手拣的石块,写上了“闭门藏仙景”字迹。双门峡景区的东西两端,分别有一道陡崖的天然石门,鬼斧神工,挡住峡谷去路,河水从狭缝中穿流而过。天然石门将峡谷景致与外界隔开,隐藏起来,双门峡也由此得名。东门名为“乾门”,西门名为“坤门”。清澈的河水把两扇岩门映衬得通体透亮,十分亮丽。Explorer XuXiake walked along the Yangtze river and the lotus river to find the source,climbing hills and paddling to this place, and he simply picked stones, writing the handwriting closed door hiding immortal on the rock .In the east and the west of Double-door Gorge Scenic Area, there is respectively a steep cliff natural stone door, It blocked the way to the river canyon, cliffs chiseled with extraordinary as if done by the spirits.It flows from the narrow crevices in the rocks and forms a aesthetic taste rock door.The eastern door named male door and the western door named female door.Clear water reflects the two doors all bright and the scenery is very beautiful.游客须知1.一人一票,凭票进入,不重复使用;票经售出,概不退换;2.请妥善保管门票,并在规定的开放时间内参观游览;3.严禁携带易燃、易爆、有毒物品和管制刀具进入景区;4.请勿携带宠物进入景区。5保护环境,不随意吐痰、不乱扔垃圾;6.遵守公共秩序,服从景区管理人员的管理;7.保管好随身物品、以防丢失;监护好同行的老年人及儿童;8.景区内为非吸烟区,禁止一切烟火;9.为了您的安全,请不要攀登围栏、亭楼及雕塑等建筑物,及私自下河游泳;10.爱护公物、勿涂抹、刻画;若公物损坏,则须照价赔偿,有意破坏旅游设施将严肃查处;11.文明参观、安全游览。Notice to visitorsDear tourists To enjoy your trip,please read the following carefully:1. 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