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温州二外2014学年第二学期高二学科知识竞赛英语试 题(考试时间:100分钟 满分:100分 )第 i 卷(共80分)第一部分: 听力理解(共20小题;每小题1 分,满分20分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. who is the man? a. the owner.b. a customer.c. a waiter.2. what can we learn about the woman? a. she is attractive. b. she praised a man. c. she doesnt like her work.3. what will the speakers probably do next? a. have a rest.b. see a doctor.c. move the bed.4. what does the man suggest the woman do? a. feed the dog. b. call franklin for help. c. show a toy to charlie.5. what time do the tickets go on sale? a. at noon.b. at 1:00 p.m.c. at midnight.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第6、7题。6. what are the speakers mainly talking about? a. a painting. b. a photograph. c. a basket.7. where did the man find the thing? a. in an art gallery.b. at a hospital.c. on the street. 听第7段对话,回答第8至10题。8. what will the man do with the tomatoes? a. put them in a salad. b. give some to his neighbors. c. use them to grow his own.9. what does the man think of the tomatoes? a. they are tasty. b. they look unique. c. they are very large.10. according to the woman, what is the first step when growing tomatoes? a. to prepare good soil. b. to give them lots of light. c. to grow them close together.听第8段对话,回答第11、12题。11. where is the womans husband from? a. italy.b. america.c. china.12. what do the speakers have in common? a. they speak chinese. b. they come from china. c. they like chinese food.听第9段对话,回答第13至16题。13. where does the conversation probably take place? a. in a restaurant. b. in a store. c. at a farmers market.14. how do the speakers know each other? a. they were high school classmates.b. they studied their masters degree together.c. they worked in hollywood years ago.15. who is steve rodgers? a. the man. b. the mans son. c. the womans husband.16. where did the woman live in 2006? a. in iceland.b. in los angeles.c. in berkeley.听第10段对话,回答第17至20题。17. how many emergency exits are there on this plane? a. five.b. six.c. sixteen.18. according to the announcement, where might the closest exit be? a. behind the passengers. b. at the front of the plane. c at the back of the plane.19. what should passengers do with their luggage? a. give it to the air hostess.b. store it safely during the flight.c. take it away during an emergency.20. when can this announcement be heard? a. before the plane takes off.b. just before landing.c. at airport security.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,共10分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。21. as a businessman he was successful, but as a husband he was _ failure, so his marriage ended in _ failure.a. /; / b. /; a c. a; a d. a; /22. the death of bin laden is a great _ in the global fight against terrorism (恐怖主义).a. progress b. achievement c. evidence d. responsibility23. _ you eat the correct kinds of foods _ be able to stay healthy.a. only if; will you b. only if; you will c. unless; will you d. unless; you will24. -what made the host and hostess so disappointed? -_to attend the evening party.a. tom failed b. as tom failedc. toms failing d. because tom failed25. - oh, my god, a sea of cars! how can you _ yours?-a piece of cake! mine is very different from any other car in color. a. bring out b. pick out c. pick up d. bring up26. the explorers were told to _ themselves with everything they would need for their voyage.a. communicate b. decoratec. equip d. associate27. they failed to pass the exam last time. i regretted_ them.a. to be not able to help b. not being able to help c. being not able to help d. not to be able to help28. with facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge _ our thinking.a. upon which to base b. which to be based on c. which to base ond. to which to be based on29. so far weve made great progress. _, we are sure that the project will be completed in time.a. however b. otherwise c. therefore d. besides30. probably, one day you will _ the idea that medicine can make one come back to life.a. convince b. convince of c. be convinced d. be convinced of31. _ the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.a. approaching b. approached c. to approach d.being approached 32. for more than 25 years, the simpsons has won the hearts of fans in a way that goes _ ages, languages and cultures.a. over b. through c. beyond d. against33. _ they decide which college to go to, students should do research on the admission procedures (程序).a. as b. while c. until d. once34. all the scientific evidence _ that the increasing use of chemicals in farming _ damaging our health.a. show; are b. shows; are c. shows; is d. show; is35. -would she mind playing against her former teammates?-_ she is willing to play against any tough player.a. i think so. b. im not surprised. c. of course! d. not likely!36. our job is with _ hours: one can work in the morning or in the afternoon, so long as work for no less than five hours every day.a. changeableb. variousc. tightd. flexible37. no one can imagine _ life would be like without referring to modern technology.a. that b. whatc. howd. when38. the fire shouldnt have broken out yesterday, but the cook _ really careless.a. wasb. isc. wered. would be39.what do you think of the movie last night?when i got there it _, so i only watched the end.a. finishedb. had finishedc. was finishingd. has finished40. - shall i prepare breakfast before you leave for work? -_. ill get something to eat at the companys dining room.a. good for youb. not a chancec. go for itd. dont bother 第二节:完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从第41-60各题所给的四个选项(a 、b、c和d)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。last spring, michelle fell in love with kite-boarding, an adventure sport that combines surfing and sailing. so she got a kite-board, took some 41 and a few months later drove out to the banana river. there she met john, who offered to help her 42 her skills.one day, john 43 michelle while his wife, nancy, stayed behind on a jet ski (摩托艇). in that way, there would be 44 to bring back michelle if she got into trouble. after john gave her a few 45 , he took off. hed sailed about three quarters of a mile down the river when he felt the wind 46 . he knew that the stronger the wind grew, the more 47 it would be for michelle to control her board. 48 , he turned and started sailing back toward the two women. michelle had 49 decided to head for shore. the wind was too strong for her to handle the kite. she prepared to land her 50 by releasing one of the four lines that kept the sail in the air. 51 she didnt have a chance. she was thrown over the water, still 52 to the kite. seconds later, a huge wind sent the kite upward. even more dangerous, the sails lines started to twist together, round and round. michelle 53 to free from the kite. but she failed. nancy was several hundred feet away on the jet ski and couldnt get to her 54 enough to help. by then, john had closed in and michelle felt john 55 her out of the water. as she held his arm, he tried to pull the handle but couldnt 56 it. then suddenly, john let go. at that point, michelle was sure she would die without him holding 57 her. but john had seen nancy approaching and 58 that hed have a better chance of helping michelle. he jumped onto the jet ski. as the kite dived down, with all his 59 , he jumped from the jet ski onto the kite and dragged it to the water. finally michelle was saved.this experience hasnt kept michelle from loving kite-boarding. “life is fragile (脆弱的), but its meant to be 60 ,” she says. 41. a. lecturesb. lessonsc. skills d. measures42. a. showb. teachc. require d. improve43. a. expected b. controlled c. instructedd. saved44. a. anyoneb. everyonec. none d. someone45. a. sails b. chancesc. tipsd. handles46. a. get up b. slow downc. die downd. pick up47. a. challengingb. exciting c. interesting d. frightening48. a. amazedb. worriedc. frustratedd. surprised49. a. always b. stillc. alreadyd. even50. a. boardb. linec. boatd. kite51. a. sob. andc. ord. but52. a. attachedb. appealedc. appliedd. added53. a. managed b. attempted c. demanded d. advised54. a. bravelyb. nearly c. slowlyd. quickly55. a. fetch b. bringc. liftd. put56. a. reachb. sensec. rememberd. feel57. a. down b. onto c. backd. out58. a. doubted b. insisted c. figuredd. pretended59. a. heart b. strength c. care d. consideration 60. a. enjoyedb. pleasedc. pushedd. spent第三部分: 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ais the world clear out of geniuses (天才)? will we ever have another copernicus, another darwin, another einstein to shake our beliefs? keith simonton, professor of psychology at the university of california, has devoted the better part of his career to studying geniusespeople who possess what he calls the highest level of scientific creativity. simonton is talking about more than just wisdom. a true genius, the rare member of society, is a renaissance human who can completely change the way we understand the world. geniuses are people who come up with “surprising ideas that are not a mere extension (延伸) of what is already known”. a historical tour through the scientific revolution contains many people who fit this definition (定义), such as einstein, copernicus, darwin, galileo, newton and marie curie. each man and woman totally upended (颠覆) entire fields of research, or created entirely new ones. simonton argues: “when was the last time that someone forced us to rewrite the textbooks in some field? can you think of anybody since dna? stephen hawking? im not so sure by my definition. just a highly creative scientist.” so lets agree weve lost modern geniuses. actually people are not duller as a whole and certainly scientists have high iqs. they probably have more original intelligence than people like copernicus, because they have to gain so much more experience and knowledge to even become practiced in their fields. “once you didnt need to go to college to become a great scientist. later you needed college but not graduate school (研究生院). then graduate school but not a post-doctoral school.” simonton said. “its becoming increasingly difficult to be a learned scientist.”the biggest and most fundamental problems in science have been solved. every new advancement is just fitting in a piece in a larger puzzle. the scientists who will do this are still honorable individuals: simonton compares them to olympians. just as athletes can win an olympic gold medal by beating the world record only by a small part of a second, scientists can receive nobel prizes for improving a small bit of theories.but the next great advances in research are combination of the classic subjects, simonton points out. in the last century, weve gained astro-biology, astro-physics, bio-chemistry, and the like. when two subjects are mixed now, the result builds upon the work in the two subjects. are there any great chances for combination of the major subjects? for biology, maybe its the origin of life: whats the spark that got amino acids (氨基酸) to form proteins that eventually result in cells? in physics, maybe its the inability to unite gravity with the three other forces of nature. “it may well be that the only way to unite the four forces of nature is to rebuild physics from the ground up. that would take a major revolution. it takes only one new scientific genius to do that,” he wrote. 61. how many geniuses does keith simonton mention in the passage?a. 3 b. 5 c. 6 d. 762. simonton believes people nowadays_.a. are less intelligent than former generations b. cant think as properly as copernicus didc. are not working hard to be knowledgeabled. need more education to become scientists63. in simontons eyes, modern scientists are making their contribution by _. a. improving theories a bitb. solving biggest problemsc. performing honorable deedsd. receiving nobel prizes64. from the last two paragraphs, we learn that future scientific geniuses _.a. will know a classic subject thoroughlyb. should work on more than one subjectc. must understand amino acids and cellsd. can explain the four forces of natureb dogs can bring joy and companionship into our lives. coming home to a wagging tail and an eager smile creates a feeling of love and happiness. in fact, having a pet can reduce stress, lower blood pressure and relieve depression. here are tips for handling, training, and owning dogs. choosing the right dog for you. here you can see we have a german shepherd (牧羊犬), a boxer (拳师犬), and an english bulldog. a shepherd is a guarding dog; the boxer is more of a working dog; a bulldog likes to hang out, which is kind of a couch potato, if youre a laid back person and dont want to run down the beach with a dog, the perfect dog is a bulldog. approaching an unfamiliar dog. the first thing about approaching an unfamiliar dog, is that if youre going to reach your hands towards the dog, you need to do it from underneath, so your hand is not given to the dog in a threatening manner, which can be interpreted as being hit. you let them smell you first. when they smell you, dont flinch (畏缩), or take a sudden move, because you can scare the dog, and get bitten. youre to show your friendly side to the dog. pet food. the first thing about buying pet food is whats the right type of food for your dog. usually cheap pet foods are not good for dogs, they tend to have more health problems throughout their life. so starting on a healthy food is important. look for food with no fillers, and no artificial flavors, or dyes. when feeding them, its good to give them a metal bowl. a lot of times the plastic bowls can cause anger to their mouth. exercising your dog. walking is always a great form of exercise, good for you, great for dogs. and swimming is another great form of exercise for you too. and sometimes what you should do is get on the bicycle, and let them get a good run on, and that allows you to maintain your position as leader in front of them. exercising them also keeps them from getting into bored behaviors like chewing and digging and that sort of thing. biting dog. if you have a biting dog, the best thing to do, along with a firm no, is trying not to be emotional about it. just be firm. give it a little pop beneath the chin (下巴) to close its mouth, and itll remember the result. you can trap it into putting its mouth on you. and then make it close the jaw, creating that pop sound, which it doesnt like. 65. when approaching an unfamiliar dog, youd better be _.a. brave and prepared to hit it b. friendly and let it smell youc. careful and ready to run awayd. playful and feed it to the mouth 66. what is the right thing to do in keeping your dog?a. feeding your dog with cheap food.b. offering pet food in a plastic bowl. c. cycling with your dog running behind.d. training the dog chewing and digging.67. to keep your dog from the bad habit of biting things, you can _.a. shout at it with a loud “no”b. pretend to hit it with a stickc. just be firm and ignore itd. put its jaw to a sudden shut cabout 500 years ago, the spanish explorer christopher columbus proved the earth was round. now american author thomas friedman tells us the earth is flat in his best seller: the world is flat: a brief history of the twenty-first century.if he is not joking, then why is the world flat? friedman says it is due to technological forces. because of the internet and the world wide web, he believes geographical barriers (障碍) are disappearing. individuals (个人) and companies around the world can cooperate or compete on the same level.bill gates explains the meaning of this transformation best. “thirty years ago,” he tells friedman, “if you had to choose between being born a genius in shanghai and an average person in poughkeepsid (a city in southeast new york), you would have chosen poughkeepsie because your chances of living a wonderful life were much greater there. “now,” gates says, “i would rather be a genius born in china than an average person born in poughkeepsie.” this shows that success today is determined more by ability than by location.“globalization 3.0”, as he calls it, is driven by ambitious individuals: freelancers (自由职业者) and creative new businesses all over the world, especially in india and china. they can compete not just for low-salary manufacturing industry but, increasingly, for the highest-end research and design work as well.big companies have played another important role in this globalization process. they move their fa


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