自考大专试卷 (带答案和翻译解析).doc_第1页
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单选题11T1 The people living _C_ to your house is your neighbor.A. after B.near C.next D.beside (生活在你房子附近的是你的邻居 A:在B靠近C附近D.在旁边)T2 I would like to make a request _A_ a contribution.A. for B.with C.from D.in (我想请求一个捐献。A.为 B.与C.从D.在)T3 The price of this medicine grows very _A_ here.A. rapidly B. hard C. high D.immediately (这种药的价格增长非常迅速。A迅速B硬C高D立即)T4 Andrew received an award _A_ his outstanding achievement.for B.in C.with D.to (安德鲁收到一封他的业绩奖。A为B在C与D来)T5 Will I get an invitation _C_ the party?in B.for C.to D.on (我将参加聚会的邀请?A在B为C来D在)T6 Our manager is very proud, but the employees do not think much _B_ him.about B.of C.on D.to (我们的经理非常自负,但员工不以为然他。A关于B的C在D来)T7 This bag is too _A_ for me to carry all by myself.heavy B. busy C.bossy D.dirty (这个袋子太重了,对于我来说。A重B忙C专横的D脏)T8 He tried to join the army but was turned _C_ for his poor health.away B.up C.down D.back (他想参军但被拒绝。他的健康状况不佳。A离开 B向上C向下D回来)T9 It wont _C_ you a long time to finish this homework.spend B.cost C.take D.pay (你不会花很长时间才能完成这个作业。A花B成本C采取D支付)T10 You should think about it twice before you _C_ to do it.hope B.expect C.make up your mind D.pick up (你应该想想前两次,你下定决心去做。A希望B期望C下定你的决心D接)T11 The weather is so nice today. Lets go there _B_. A. by foot B.on foot C.on bus D.by walk (今天天气是如此的好。让我们步行去那里.A步行B步行C上公共汽车D通过走)T12 I dont need any advice. I have too much advice _B_.all ready B.already C.still D.yet (我不需要任何建议。我已经有太多的建议。A都准备好了B已经C仍然D然而,)T13 Pay attention _A_ the details.to B.for C.with D.in (注意细节。A来B为C与D在)T14 Its getting so dark in the room. I guess it is _B_ six oclock.at large B. at least C.at last D. at most (变得如此黑暗的房间里。我想这是至少6点钟。A在大B至少C最后D最多)T15 Why are you so angry? Could you _C_ it to me?guess B.introduce C.explain D.tell (你为什么这么生气?你能给我解释一下吗?A猜一猜B介绍C解释D告诉)T16 Mrs. Edward doesnt like to take a bus. We walked there _D_.instead of B.as well C.as well as D. instead (爱德华夫人不喜欢坐公共汽车。我们走而不是坐车A而不是B也C以及D而不是)T17 Nowadays many young people intend to _D_ their studies abroad.farther B. father C.future D.further (现在许多年轻人打算出国深造。A更远的B父亲C未来D进一步)T18 You can get your bachelors degree (学士学位)after you _A_ from the university.graduate B.end C.finish D.are away (你可以让你的研究生学位在你大学毕业。A研究生B结束C完成D不在)T19 We soon _B_ the airport. arrive in B.arrive at C.reach to D.arrive (我们很快就到达机场。A抵达B到达C达到D到达)T20 There is a _A_ of two hours in the 7:40 train. delay B.late C.later D.decay (7.40设在有延迟两个小时的火车。A延迟B晚C晚些时候D衰变)T21 The bus stopped to _B_ passengers.get off B.pick up C.pull in D.get on (公共汽车停下来接乘客。A下车B接C拉入D上)T22 You should fill in the form with your name, sex,_D_ and address.old B.years C. time D.age (你应该以你的名字填写表格,性别、年龄与地址。A老B年C时间D年龄)T23 _A_to the Chinese Culture Club, you can learn Beijing Opera here.Coming B.Welcome C.Well come D.Will come (来中国文化俱乐部,你可以在这里学习京剧。A未来B欢迎C很有D会来)T24 Our English professor is very _A_ in using chopsticks.skilled B.qualified C.better D.good (我们的英语教授非常熟练的使用筷子。A熟练的B合格的C更好的D好)T25 He _A_ many beautiful post cards to us.takes B.shows C.obtains D.has (他把许多漂亮的明信片给我们。A需要B显示C获得D有)T26Whenever she asks him_D_ help, he is always _ to help. to, due B.for, due C.to, ready D.for, ready (每当她问他帮忙时,他总是乐于帮助。A.to,由于B因为,由于C,to,准备好了D为,准备好)T27 He has become _C_his study, so he often daydreams in class. bear of B.bear with C.bored with D.bored of(他已经厌倦了他的研究,所以他经常在课堂上做白日梦。A熊的B忍受C厌倦了D无聊的)T28 You should fill in this application _D_ very carefully.file B.letter C.visa D.form (你应该非常仔细地填写此申请表。A文件B信签C证D形式)T29 Andy will_A_ at the train station on Saturday.see him off B.see him C.see off him D.see him away (安迪会看到他周六在火车站。A看到他了B看到他C看到了他D看到他了)T30 I have _C_ a taxi for us. arrange B.plan C.arranged D.planned (我已经安排了一辆出租车。A安排B计划C安排D计划)T31She _B_ talk a lot. But now she is very quiet.is used to B.used to C.was used to D.did use to (她过去很会聊,但现在她很安静。A是用来B用于C被用来D并使用)T32He doesnt have much money. He is just a _D_ in the company.manager B.general engineer C.director D.clerk (He没有多少钱。他只是一个公司的职员。A经理B总工程师C导演D职员)T33 With the help of a _C_, you can work out the mathematical problem quickly.car B.plane C.computer D.TV set (在计算机的帮助下,你可以迅速解决的数学问题。A汽车B飞机C电脑D电视机)T34 The food in the canteen is very _D_. delighted B.detailed C.pleased D.delicious (餐厅里的食物很美味。A很高兴B详细的C很高兴D美味的)T35 The _D_ in the library is very helpful. She helps me to find many good books.employer B.member C.monitor D. librarian (图书馆员在图书馆是非常有用的。她帮助我找到许多好书。A雇主B成员C监控D图书管理员)T36 Germany is _A_ European country.a B.an C.the D.that (德国是一个欧洲国家。A一个B一个C这D那(a an区别在于元辅音)T37 John is busy _C_ his girlfriend _ her paper.help, with B.to help, with C.helping, with D.helped, with (约翰是忙着帮助他的女朋友与她的论文。C有ing是正在做的事情,)T38 The students like _A_ teachers.their B.them C.they D.theirs (学生们喜欢他们的老师。A他们的B他们(人)C他们D他们的)T39 This is _D_and that one is _.myhim B.mine.hes C.myhis D.minehis (这是我的,还有这是他的。A我 他的B我的他C我 他D我的 他的)T40 Li Ming is _ B_ student to come to school this morning. three B.the third C.the three D.third (李明是第三个学生今天早上来学校。A三个B第三个C这三个D第三)阅读理解 T41:An English traveler spent a few weeks in Sweden. When he was about to return home he found that he had only enough money left to get a ticket back to England. Thinking the matter over, he decided that he could get home without eating anything as it was only a two-day voyage. So he bought a ticket with that little money he had and went on board. He dosed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell , and when dinner time came, he refused to go down to the place where people had their dinner, saying that he did not feel well. The following day he did not get up until breakfast was over, pretending that he had overslept, at lunch time, too, he kept out of the way. But by the time of dinner , he became very hungry. I cant stand this any longer, he said to himself. I must get something to eat. At dinner table he ate everything put in front of him. When he was quite satisfied, he felt stronger and at once went to see the waiter. Bring me the bill, he said to the waiter. The bill? said the waiter in surprise . Yes, answered the traveler. There isnt any bill here said the waiter. On this ship , meals are already included in the ticket. 一个英国旅行者在瑞典度过了几个星期。当他正要回家,他发现他只剩下了足够的钱买到票回英格兰。思考这件事,他决定,他可以回家没有吃任何东西,因为它只是一个为期两天的航程。所以他买了票,带点钱走了。他给他的耳朵午餐铃的声音,与晚餐的时候,他拒绝去的地方人的晚餐,说他不舒服。第二天他才起床早餐结束后,假装他睡过头了,在午餐时间,他拒之门外。但晚餐的时间,他变得非常饿。“我再也受不了这个,”他对自己说。“我必须吃点东西。“在餐桌上,他吃了放在他面前的一切。当他很满意,他觉得更强,立刻去找服务员。“把账单拿来,”他对服务员说。“这项法案吗?”服务员惊讶地说。“是的,”旅行者回答说。“这里没有任何法案”服务员说。”这艘船,饭菜已经包含在机票。”1:The traveler thought that he.-C A. would find no food served no board B. Could not get home without having meals on boardC. could do without any food before he got home。D. Would not be allowed to eat in board 2:”He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell,”means-BA. he did not hear the lunch bellB. He heard the lunch bell but didnt go for lunchC. He put something in his ears to close them D. He did not know it was the lunch bell3:The first day he did not have his lunch because he did not -DA:feel well B:know the time for lunchC:hear the lunch bell D:have the money4 :The traveler said to himself,”-A-”A:I cant bear any longerB:I cant stay hungry any longerC:I cant keep my feet on this place any longerD:I must sit down for a while5:He became so hungry that he-C-.A. Went to sleep B. Ate paperC. Went to the dinner-table D. Kept out of the way1:旅行者认为他.CA。会发现没有食物没有住的B。上不可能不回家吃饭C。他回家之前可能没有任何食物。D。不允许吃板吗2:“他关闭他的耳朵午餐铃的声音,“意味着- - - - - - - b一。他没有听到钟吃午饭B。他听到了午餐铃,但是没去吃午饭C。他把东西放在他的耳朵接近他们D。他不知道这是午餐的钟3:第一天他没有他的午餐,因为他没有- - - - - - - dA:舒服B:知道时间吃午饭C:听到钟吃午饭D:有钱4:旅客对自己说,“- - -A - - - - -”A:我再也受不了了Bl我再也不能保持饥饿C:我不能让我的脚在这个地方了D:我必须坐一会5:他变得如此饿,他- - - - - - - - - - - C。一。去睡觉B。吃了纸C。去了饭桌上的D。拒之门外T42 If we take a close look at successful language learners, we may discover a few techniques which make language learning easier for them. First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on books or teachers;theydiscover their own ways to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain everything,They try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves.They aregood guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions. Successful language learning is active learning.Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; theylook for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and ask these people to collect them when they make a mistake . They will try anything to communicate. When communication is difficult, they canaccept information that is incomplete.It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word. Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose.They want to learn a language because they are interested in the language and the people whospeak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. 如果我们仔细看看成功的语言学习者,我们可能会发现一些技巧,使语言学习更容易。 首先,成功的语言学习者独立学习。他们不依赖书本或老师,他们发现自己的方法来学习语言。他们不是等待老师来解释一切,他们为自己尽力去找到语言的句式与规则。他们是很好的猜测者,他们自己寻找线索并形成结论。 成功的语言学习是一种主动的学习。因此,成功的语言学习者不是等候使用语言的机会,他们寻找这样一个机会。他们发现操这种语言的人,让这些人收集当他们犯错误的时候。他们将尝试任何沟通。如果沟通有困难,他们可以接受的信息是不完整的。更重要的是对他们来说,学会用所学的语言来思考比知道每个单词的意思。 最后,成功的语言学习者学习有目的。他们想学习一门语言是因为他们对语言感兴趣与说话的人。有必要对他们来说,学会这种语言以便与这些人交流并向他们学习。1:What is the purpose of this passage? CATo explain the importance of language learning.BTo teach people to speak English.CTo introduce some useful techniques of language learning.DTo compare language learning with language teaching.2:Which one of the following statements is true about successful language learners according to the passage? BAThey are more intelligent than others.BThey use special techniques.CThey have good teachers and good books.DThey spend much more time learning than others.3:According to the passage, when successful language learners meet some new words, they usually_.DApay no attention to themBlook them up in tile dictionary at onceCask their teachersDtry to guess their meanings4: Successful language learning is active, so successful learners_.AAlook for a chance to use the languageBwait for a chance to use the languageCtry to avoid using the languageDonly use the language in class5: Successful language learners want to learn the language because_B_.Athey have to pass the examinationBthey have interest in the languageCthey think its very easy to learn the languageDthey want to find better jobs1:这篇文章的目的是什么?C A:为了解释语言学习的重要性。 B:为了告诉人们说英语。 C:为了介绍一些有用的语言学习技巧。 D:为了比较语言学习与语言教学。2:下列哪种说法是正确的,关于成功的语言学习者? BA.他们比其他人更聪明。B:他们使用特殊的技术。C.他们有好的老师与好的书。D.他们比别人花费更多的时间学习。3:根据通道,当成功的语言学习者遇到一些新单词,他们经常_。DA没有注意他们B.看字典C.问他们的老师D.试着去猜他们的意思4:成功的语言学习是一种主动的,所以成功的学习者_。AA.看机会运用语言B.等待机会运用语言C.试着避免使用这门语言D.只有在课堂上使用的语言5:成功的语言学习者因为_B_想学语言。A.他们必须通过考试B:他们有兴趣的语言C.他们认为它非常容易学习的语言D.他们想找更好的工作T43 Business cards are less important in American culture than they are in Asian culture. But knowing the right way to handle business cards is a useful skill wherever you are.Requesting someones business card is a straightforward process. You need only say: Do you have a business card? or May I have your business card? When you want to present your own card, you can say, Heres my card. Feel free to call me if you have any other questions. Or, you might say, Please send the information to this address. I look forward to hearing from you soon.Its not polite to directly refuse a request from someone for your business card. Instead, you can say, Sorry, but Im afraid Im all out at the moment. or l forgot to bring them with me.When you do receive a card, say Thank you and examine it briefly before putting it away. 名片在美国文化中比在亚洲文化更重要。但知道正确的方式来处理名片是一个有用的技能无论你在哪里。 请求别人的名片是一个简单的过程。你只需说:“你有名片吗?”或“请给我你的名片吗?” 当你想展示你自己的名片,你可以说:“这是我的名片。请打电话给我如果你有任何其他问题。“或者,你可能会说,“请发送到这个地址的信息。我期待着很快收到你的来信。” 直接拒绝一个请求从别人对你的名片是不礼貌的。相反,你可以说:“对不起,我恐怕目前没带。”或者“我忘了带他们一起走。” 当你收到一张卡片,说“谢谢”并简单检查,然后再放好。1:In America,_C_.Aone does not use business cardsBone uses business cards everywhereCone uses business cards but not as often as one does in AsiaDone uses business cards much more often than one does in Asia2:If you know how to handle business cards, you will_D_.Abe absolutely successfulBget help from othersCmake everybody happy Dfind the knowledge helpful3:To politely refuse a request for business cards, you may say the following except_A_.ASorry, but I cant satisfy you.BSorry, but Im afraid Im all out at the moment.CI forgot to bring them with me.DSorry, but I dont have a business card.4:From the passage we can infer that_D_.Abusiness cards are the key to successBbusiness cards should be beautifully designedCyou should always carry your business cardsDhandling business cards skillfully is important5:The word “examine” (Line 1, Para. 5) is closest in meaning to_C_.Asearch forBtestClook atDResearch1:在美国,_C_。A.不使用名片B.使用名片无处不在C.使用名片但不经常,相比亚洲D.使用名片远多于亚洲2:如果你知道如何处理名片,你会_D_。A.绝对成功B.给其他人的帮助C.让每个人都快乐D.找到有用的信息3:婉言谢绝申请名片,你不可以说以下_A_。答:“对不起,我不能满足你。”b .“对不起,但是恐怕我没有。”c .“我忘了带他们与我在一起。”d .“对不起,我没有名片。”4:从文中我们可以推断出_D_。A.名片是成功的关键B.名片应该设计精美C.你应该携带你的名片D.巧妙的处理名片是很重要的5:“检查”这个词(第1行,帕拉州。5)在文中的意思表示_C_.A:搜索B:测试C:看看D:研究T44 Public relations are big businesses. All over the world there are large companies which specialize in public relations. They are called public relations firm. The public relations firms are hired by other companies to represent them to the public. In a way, they are like advertising firms because they advise companies on what they should do to improve their images. Some public relations firms are also advertising firms, mainly because advertising and public relations are very closely related. Both kinds of companies specialize in making other companies look good. A public relations firm charges very high prices because the work they do has to do with psychology, the psychology of business and people who buy products. Generally speaking, public relations means “dealing with the public”, and the publ


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