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毕业论文题 目: Tomorrow is Another DayCharacter Analysis of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind 明天是新的开始 对飘中斯佳丽的人物性格分析学生姓名指导教师系 别专业、班级学 号完成时间: 2012年6月1日明天是新的开始 对飘中斯佳丽的人物性格分析河北科技师范学院学士学位论文学生姓名:指导老师: ivTomorrow is Another DayCharacter Analysis of Scarlett in Gone with the WindHebei Normal Universityof Science and TechnologyBA DissertationBy Under the Supervision of AcknowledgementsI would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Shao Lijun, for her unflagging guidance and valuable advice, without which I would not have completed this paper. Her profound knowledge and noble character will exert a great influence on my future life and career.I am also grateful to all the teachers who have taught me and offered me much help in the past four years.My thankfulness also goes to those generous friends and classmates who have extended encouragement and assistance.Finally, I want thank my parents and girlfriend for the love and support so faithfully.摘要飘是美国现代女作家玛格丽特.米歇尔于1936年发表的一部长篇通俗小说,也是其一生唯一的一部长篇小说,飘问世70多年来,被广泛流传并受到广泛的好评,不失为一部旷世经典之作。然而飘所走过的路程却并不是一帆风顺的,在许多批评家看来,飘不能被称为一部优雅的艺术之作,甚至不能进入美国文学的神圣殿堂。小说的女主人公斯佳丽被他们描绘成一个极度自私、爱慕虚荣、冷酷无情、为达目的不择手段的女性。但是,经过时间的洗礼,飘越来越闪耀出其旷世经典的光芒,更拥有了无数的支持者。 文章由引言、战前的斯佳丽、战时的斯佳丽、战后的斯佳丽、对比、结论五部分构成。引言简要介绍作者的生平、以及当时的女性主义。作者玛格丽特.米歇尔是一个具有女性主义意识的女作家。她在小说中含蓄的批判了美国内战时期的南方妇道观,通过委婉的语言更深刻彻底的揭示出南方妇道观的虚伪、愚昧和对妇女的压抑。战前、中、后的斯佳丽具体的阐述了主人公是怎样从战前一个自私、任性但又坚强、勇敢的南方贵族千金小姐转变为战时的懂得照顾别人、果敢但又有些残酷的生活上的勇士既而转变为战后的勤劳、有心计、有思想、有远见的南方新女性。对比部分主要是斯佳丽与媚兰与斯佳丽对比。斯佳丽与媚兰是小说中性格截然不同的两个女主人公,而不同的性格是她们的人生也大相径庭。思嘉果断、坚决的性格决定了她奋进的一生,媚兰的宽容、坚韧同样注定了她终生的勤苦。结论通过全篇总结得出,跟她的三个主要人生经历密不可分,通过对社会背景、人生经历和对比的分析,总结出斯佳丽一如既往的性格和由生活所迫改变了的性格并日益成熟,逐渐的成为有思想、有远见的南方新女性。关键词:飘 战争 女性主义 对比 AbstractGone with the Wind, written by Margaret Mitchell has been one of the bestsellers and popular with the reader ever since its publication in 1936. It is her first and only long novel. In 70 years since 1936, the novel was wide spread and well received. It was considered as a very classic work. But many opponents do not agree with that. In their eyes the novel will never have the chance to enter the scared palace of American literature and Scarlett OHara the protagonist in the novel is an extremely selfish, vain, and merciless woman who will not hesitate to resort to any means in order to reach her ends. But as time passed, the novel spread more and more widely, sweeps the world and has aroused interest of a large number of fascinated viewers. And the readers more and more favored the heroine Scarlett.The body is made up of four chapters. Chapter One gives a brief introduction of Margaret Mitchells life, the traditional Southern Womanhood and the feminist. Margaret Mitchell is a woman writer. She has strong feminism. We can get it from the novel, especially from Scarlett. Chapter Two to Chapter Four described the life of Scarlett before war, in the war and after war. These three chapters analyze how Scarlett completes her transformation from 16 years old girl deeply influenced by traditional Southern Womanhood to a serious-minded and far-sighted woman. and compared Sarlett with Melanie,they are quite different girls, and those differences make their life very different, any way, attitude is everything. The novel named Gone with the Wind. And Melanie is the wind; she is traditional, graceful and tolerant. The old South has gone with the wind, and so Melanie. Scarlett was not, she is new, and she is decisive and firm. She is quite an opponent of the old South. New American comes, and so Scarlett. The conclusion summarizes the whole thesis and reiterates the main viewpoint: her transformations connected closely with her three stages of life. She is increasingly maturing and in the end becomes a new Southern woman with strong feminism leanings. When we faced with difficulties we will call the memories of Scarlett and her words to the world “Tomorrow is another day”! Key words: Gone with the Wind, War, Feminist leaning, ContrastContentsI Introduction 11.1 About the Author.11.2 About Feminism.21.3 About the American Modernism.31.4 About the American Civil War.3II The Period before the War.62.1 About the Title.62.2 The Plot Summary.62.3 Scarlett in the Period before War.7 2.3.1 Education of the Women in the South before War.7 2.3.2 Scarlett the Rebellious Girl.92.4 The Summary.10III The Period in the War.123.1 The Plot Summary.123.2 Scarletts Capability of Changing with Times.143.3 Scarletts Persistent Pursuit of Better Life.153.4 The Summary.16IV The Period after the War.174.1 The Plot Summary.174.2 Scarletts Persistent Pursuit of True Love.184.3 The Contrast of Scarlett and Melanie.19V Conclusion.21Bibliography .23 Chapter One IntroductionIn 1936, Margaret Mitchells first and only novel Gone with the Wind was published. Soon Margaret became a superstar writer, she became more and more famous, and the novel gives her much reputation.1.1 About the AuthorMargaret Mitchell, an American woman writer in the South, was born on November 8, 1900 in Atlanta, Georgia, where she lived all her life. Her mother was a suffragist, father a prominent lawyer and president of the Atlanta Historical Society. Mitchell grew up listening to stories about old Atlanta and the battles the confederate Army had fought there during the American Civil War. At the age of fifteen she wrote in her journal: “If I were a boy, I would try for West Point, if I could make it, or well Id be a prize fighter.” Mitchell graduated from the local Washington Seminary and started in 1918 to study medicine at Smith College. In her youth Mitchell adopted her mothers feminist leanings which clashed with her fathers conservatism, but she lived fully the Jazz age and wrote about it in nonfiction, like in her article Dancers Now Drown Out Even the Cowbell in he Atlanta Journal Sunday Magazine. When Mitchells mother died in 1919, she returned to home to keep house for her father and brother. In 1922 she married Berrien Kennard Upshaw. The disastrous marriage was climaxed by spousal rape and was annulled in 1924. Mitchell started her career as a journalist in 1922 under the name Peggy Mitchell, writing articles, interviews, sketches, and book reviews for the Atlanta Journal. Four years later she resigned after an ankle injury. Her second husband, John Robert Marsh, an advertising manager, encouraged Mitchell in her writing aspirations. From 1926 to 1929 she wrote Gone with the Wind, the novel took her nearly ten years. She never thought that so many people favor it even now. The book broke sales records, the New Yorker praised it and the poet and critic John Crowe Ransom admired “the architectural persistence behind the big work” but criticized the book as overly Southern, particularly in its treatment of Reconstruction. Malcolm Cowleys disdain in his review originated partly from the books popularity. John Peale Bishop dismissed the novel as merely “One more of those 1000 page novels, competent but neither very good nor very sound.” But in these opponents sounds, the book was awarded the Pulitzer Prize.Although Gone with the Wind brought Mitchell fame and a tremendous fortune, it seems to have brought little joy. Chased by the press and public, the author and her husband lived modestly and traveled rarely. Also questions about the books literary status and racism, historical view and depiction of the Klux Klan, which had many similarities with D.W. Griffiths film The Birth of a Nation (1915), led to critical neglect that continued well in the 1960s. Griffiths film was based on the Reverend Thomas Dixons racist play; the author was a great admirer of Mitchell and wanted to write a study of her novel. In Atlanta the Klan kept a high profile and had it national headquarters in the 1920s on the same street, where Mitchell lived.During World War II, Mitchell was a volunteer selling war bonds and volunteer for the American Red Cross. She was named honorary citizen of Vimoutiers, France, in 1949, for helping the city obtain American aid after World War II.Mitchell died in Atlanta on August 16, 1949. She was struck by a speeding car while crossing Peachtree Street. 1.2 About FeminismFeminism is closely related to womens struggle for social, political and economic equality of men and women. The Womens Movement evolved out of social reform groups such as the Abolition of Slavery, the Social Purity and Temperance Movements. In A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), the first great feminist treatise, Mary Wollstonecraft argues that women should not be excluded from the rights enjoyed by men and she is an early proponent of educational equality between men and women. Engels The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State (1884) provides the most comprehensive account of patriarchal history and economy. His explanation of the roots of womens subjugation in the main institutions of class society is a giant step forward and lays the foundation for a scientific understanding of womens plight. But Mitchell wrote a distinctly feminist novel. She sounds the note early with the narrators comment that “at no time, before or since, has so low a premium been placed on feminine naturalness,” and she mercilessly exposes a southern patriarchy that requires that women be flatteringly subservient to males, no matter how much less intelligent and capable. But even more telling than its overtly repeated feminist message, it is a novel dominated by strong womenScarlett, Melanie, Ellen OHara (Scarletts mother), Mrs. Tarleton, Grandma Fontaine, Mrs. Meade, and Mammy. Mitchell takes pains to show the spine of a southern matriarchy secretly underlying a patriarchy.Some critics have argued that Scarletts feminist success story is undercut by a sexual desire to be engulfed and dominated. Mitchell does problematize human sexuality. Ashley Wilkess own fear of being passionately released but then engulfed and dominated by Scarlett is a case in point. “You would want all of a man,” he laments. In Mitchells failure to bend sexual desire to some clinically theorized, balanced, emotionally healthy paradigm, she is a model.1.3 About American ModernismAmerican modernism lasted from 1900 to about 1940 and postmodernism was in vogue from 1960s to 1980s. Gone with the Wind was written during 1920s to 1930s, and also Margaret Mitchell was a modernism writer. During the first decades of the 20th century modernism became an international tendency in art and literature. It began in Germany in the 1890s, and spread worldwide, and ended in the early 1940s. It included a wide range of artistic expressions such as symbolism, impressionism, imagism post-impressionism, expressionism and so on.1.4 About the American Civil WarThe American civil war was broke out in 1861 and last for five years. The Westward Movement, the two different economic systems of the North and the South and the upsurge of the workers movement formed the main aspects of the situation before the Civil War. In the North the capitalist economy developed rapidly and industrial production advanced at an amazing speed. The output value of manufacture increased almost three times from 1840 to 1869. Coal and iron production were greatly increased. Transportation was also improved. Many canals were dug and thousands of miles of railway were built. All this stimulated the further development of industry. By 1860, American industry had ranked fourth in the world. But in the South things were quite different. The South had a large number of plantations on which Negro slaves were made to work. They grew cotton and tobacco, but there was little industry. So cotton and tobacco were exported as raw materials for they could not be processed there. Plantation owners kept a great number of slaves, and slave labor was totally depended upon. The plantation owners of the South insisted that the slavery system should be kept because they considered slaves to constitute cheap labor, while the industrial capitalists of the North found free labor was more economical and therefore more profitable for their industry. This was the main cause of the conflict and also the main cause of the Civil War between the North and the South.On April 19th, 1861, President Lincoln ordered the Federal Navy to blockade the Atlantic coast from South Carolina to Florida. When the war stared, the North enjoyed a decided advantage. Here has the contrast between the North and the South.The North:A mighty economy due to its ability of industrial production.Twenty-three states remaining in the Union.Having three-fourths of the entire territory of the country.A large population of about 22 million people.Two-thirds of the national wealth.A convenient transportation system.The South:An agricultural economy, with backward industry.Only eleven states.9 million people including 3.8 million slaves.Poor in finance.An incomplete transportation system.Therefore, the North was much stronger than the South. So at last, the North win. The Civil War was an epoch-making event in American history. It was a bourgeois revolution in nature, a continuation and expansion of the War of Independence. It was the broad masses who secured the victory with life and blood. The abolition of slavery and the emancipation of the Negroes enabled the country to develop more rapidly in every field and most Americans were glad to see that their country was no longer associated with slavery and the Union was held together. The Civil War also extended its far-reaching influence to the European revolutions.It is true that the novel describes much about the war, but its aiming at letting us know that the disasters the war brings. Critics and historians regard the book as having a strong ideological commitment to the cause of the Confederacy and a romanticized view of the culture of the antebellum South. This is apparent from the books opening pages, which describe how Scarletts beaux, the Tarleton twins, have been expelled from university and are accompanied home by their elder brothers out of a sense of honor: a metaphor for the Souths viewpoint on the statehood of Kansas. Nevertheless, the book includes a vivid description of the fall of Atlanta in 1864 and the devastation of war (some of it absent from the 1939 film), and shows a considerable amount of historical research. Mitchells sweeping narrative of war and loss helped the book win the Pulitzer Prize on May 3, 1937.Chapter Two The Period before the WarMitchells work relates the story of a rebellious Georgia Southern belle named Scarlett OHara and her experiences with friends, family, lovers, and enemies in the South during the antebellum period, the War of Northern Aggression, and the Reconstruction era.2.1 About the TitleThe title of Gone with the Wind is taken from the first line of the third stanza of the poem Non sum uails eram bonae sub regno Cynarae by Ernest Dowson: “I have forgotten much, Cynara! Gone with the wind.” The title phrase also appears in the novel: When Scarlett of French-Irish ancestry escapes the bombardment of Atlanta by Northern forces; she flees back to her familys plantation, Tara. At one point, she wondered, “Was Tara still standing? Or was Tara also gone with the wind which had swept through Georgia?”The title is beautiful, gone with the wind, everything, like the old traditional South, like Melanie, like the slave system and Scarletts love to Ashley2.2 The Plot SummaryThe novel opens at Tara, the OHaras plantation in Georgia, with scarlet OHara flirting idly with Brent and Stuart Tarleton, twin brothers who live on a nearby plantation. Amidst the chatter, the pair tells Scarlett that Ashley Wilkes, the man Scarlett secretly loves, and his cousin Melanie Hamilton, a plain and gentle lady from Atlanta, are to be married. Shocked, Scarlett sits in silence until the two leave, without inviting them to dinner. Ignoring her mammys cautions against the cold, Scarlett goes to meet her father to confirm the news. After discovering the truth of the engagement, Scarlett is miserable, but realizes that Ashley has no idea that shes in love with him. She plans to make Ashley jealous by surrounding herself with boys in love with her at the barbecue the next day at the Wilkes plantation of Twelve Oaks, and then afterwards admit to him that she prefers him above all others. She never thought of the war, even it would break out soon, even everyone in the South was talking about it included her father, what she cares is only Ashley, the man she loved. But things did not go according to plan, when she finds Ashley later, he tells her that though he lives her, he will still marry Melanie. The innocent


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