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第13课时 九年级 Units 12一、单项选择1Dad, have you told mom that I will come back next Sunday?No. Lets keep it a and give her a surprise.Achance Bchoice Csecret Didea2We are going to the movies this evening. I wonder you can go with us.Aif Bwhen Cthat Dwhere3Whats the of the car at present?Its about 70 kilometers an hour.Aplace Bspeed Cprice Dmark4In order to improve our spoken English, more should be paid to our pronunciation.Acondition BattentionCattraction Dsituation5(xx山东济南高新一模)You can the word in a dictionary if you cant get its meaning.Alook after Bgive upClook up Dgive away6You can tell him about the news by him an email.Asending Bsend Csends Dto send7Ive five pounds. I think I need to lose weight.Aput on Btaken offCput away Dtaken away8 can we get the chance to join the party?To join the party, you have to dress up as a superman. AWhy BWhat CHow DWhere9It is snowing again. We havent seen the sun for weeks. weather it is!AWhat good BWhat badCHow good DHow bad10. You can the word in the dictionary if you dont know it.Agive away Bcut offCtake after Dlook up二、完形填空(xx浙江宁波阶段测试)When things went wrong, Freddy always had something nice to say.When Dad forgot about the pizza and it burned. Freddy said, “Dont worry. Itll still taste good.” And he was 1 . The pizza edges were dark, but the middle wasnt half bad.When his teacher Mr. Hall knocked into a bookshelf in the 2 , Freddy said, “Dont worry. Mrs. Bog wont be upset.” The librarian just laughed and helped 3 the books.Freddy looked on the bright side. And everyone liked that about 4 . Everyone, that is, except Hazel.Hazel was the 5 kid in class. On her first day, Freddy said, “Nice to meet you, Hazel. I think youll like it here.”“I 6 it,” she talked back. Freddy had never met anyone like her.When Mr. Hall said theyd have a break inside 7 it was raining. Freddy said, “Every cloud has a silver lining.”“A silver lining?” Hazel shook her head. “Bad things come in 8 ”Greta was carrying paints in 9 class. She fell over, and paints went flying.“That was the second bad thing. What will the third thing be?” Hazel seemed so 10 about the Rule of Three Bad Things.“Its beautiful!” Emma picked up Freddys painting, not realizing she had paint on her fingers.“Freddys picture is 11 !” Hazel pointed, “Theres number three.”Emma looked sad. “Im sorry, Freddy.”“Its OK.If you add 12 , the fingerprints could look like butterflies(蝴蝶),” said Freddy. 13 refused to put a finger on Freddys paper. Only Hazel did.“Want to add one?” Freddy asked.Hazel thought about it, then nodded. She put her finger into paint, gently(温柔地) pressed it onto Freddys painting and 14 added wings.“It looks great,” said Freddy.Hazel 15 . “You know, I dont really think theres a Rule of Three Bad Things.”Sometimes, there are good things hiding where you dont expect them.1A.clever BrightCactive Dfamous2A.shop BgymClibrary Dmuseum 3A.pick up Blook afterCgo through Dthrow away4A.me Bher Cyou Dhim5A.lucky Bnew Cexcellent Dsmart6A.expect BbelieveCdoubt Dunderstand7A.although BunlessCuntil Dbecause8A.twos Bthrees Cfours Dfives9A.science Bmusic Cart Dhistory10A.happy Bworried Csorry Dsure11A.in a mess Bon showCin fashion Don sale12A.wings Beyes Clegs Dbodies13A.Everybody BSomebodyCAnybody DNobody14A.angrily BquicklyCcarefully Dsecretly15A.smiled BpromisedCwarned Dshouted三、阅读理解(xx山东日照中考)Sing the Language Youre LearningHow can you remember a song from your childhood to this day? Why do your teachers use songs to teach you English? It seems there is a scientific reason for this.Researchers are now studying the relationship between music and remembering a foreign language. They find that remembering words in a song is the best way to remember even the most difficult language.“Singing could be a new way of learning a foreign language. The brain likes to remember things when they are used in a catchy and meaningful way”, said Dr. Karen Ludke. The findings may help those who have difficulties learning foreign languages. On his blog, Dr. Ludke writes. “A listenandrepeat singing method can support foreign language learning, and opens the door for future research in this area.”Many language teachers know the value of using music and singing. Hua Zhuying, a teacher at a Chinese language school in Washington, DC.depends heavily on songs in teaching Chinese. She says, “I use music all the time to teach children Chinese. For little kids usually we use English songs but teach them the Chinese lyrics. So its easy for them to start because they know the music. Not only does it work, but it is fun for the kids.”“Sometimes, I think if I were taught English that way, maybe I would speak much better English than now,” Hua Zhuying adds.Our brain likes music, especially for remembering. So, if youre still struggling in learning a language, why not try singing it out?1According to the passage, the best way to remember a foreign language is to Aread and write moreBlisten to the teacher carefullyCcopy the words many timesDremember words in a song2The underlined word “catchy” probably means “ ”A艰涩难懂的 B悦耳易记的C枯燥乏味的 D震耳欲聋的3Dr. Ludke believes that foreign language learning can be supported by Ausing the listenandrepeat singing methodBlistening to all kinds of famous musicCwriting songs with the languageDreading the lyrics again and again4From the passage, we know that Hua Zhuying Ais interested in writing English songsBteaches children English by using musicCteaches Chinese in an American schoolDis a researcher in a language school5The passage mainly tells us that Amany researchers realize the importance oflanguage studyingByour brain remembers a language better if you sing itCmany language teachers know the value of famous musicDyou will never learn language well unless you can sing四、阅读填空阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(每空不多于三个单词)。(xx山东淄博张店期末)A river was running towards the valley(山谷), but when she came to a rock, she was afraid.The rock asked her, “Where are you 1. (go)?”The river answered, “Im going to the valley. My friends are waiting 2. me.”The rock made fun of the river and 3. (say


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