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.LED电子显示屏用户手册LED electron display handbook for consumerLED电子显示屏硬件部分LED electron display hardware partLED电子显示屏保修证书LED electron display warranty certificate 警告Warning警告:为了防止任何身体上的伤害,请在连接开关之前,读这个安装操作规则Warning:To protect any body damage ,please install the instruction before you connect the switch.1在打开开关前,检查所有的交流电源是不是连接好。Before you open the switch .please check if all the alternating current power were connected correct.2在做任何维护工作之前要先关掉包括LED板电脑终端系统盒和监控器在内的所有开关.Please close the switch of LED board ,the computer terminal system box and monitor ,before you do any maintenance.3在开关未关闭时,不要触电源。When you open the switch ,dont touch the power .警告:为了安装设备驱动程序的损失和数据的丢失,请在操作显示板之前读这个安装设置操作规则。Warning: To avoid the damage of the driver and the data disappear ,please read the operation rule of the installation device before you operate with the led.1在连接任何电缆之前,请先关掉包括LED板电脑终端系统盒和监控器在内的所有开关。Before you connect any signal cable ,Please close all the switch of LED display ,computer terminal ,system box and monitor first.2在更换电子器件之前请在手上带好抗静电环!Befor you change the electric parts please put on the anlistatig loop .3.在更换模块前,请在模块和连接面板上钩一个安全的绳索Befor you change the module ,please knot a safe cord between the module and the panel of the module.LED电子显示屏使用流程说明The instruction of the lED display为保证我们的产品可以在合理的条件下正常使用,得到您对产品的认可,我们将简述产品的使用流程以及注意事项,请认真阅读后,再进行LED显示屏的安装和调试工作.To guarantee our products can be used in the normal condition, we now make a brief introductionOf products use technological process and attention information .Please read it carefully and then proceed with the installation and debugging.1使用硬件设备清单List of the hardware equipmentLED显示屏 信号连接线 电源连接线 系统控制卡(装载在电脑内) 系统接收卡(转载在LED电子显示屏内)台式电脑(含DVI视频输出及串口) 显示屏以及相关附属配件。LED display Signal cable Power connection line Control system cards (installed in the PC) Receiving cards of system(installed in the LED display) PC (include the DVI videlo output and the com)LED display and the concerned fittings .2使用流程The use flow硬件安装Installation of the hardware安装步骤如下:The step of installation as fallows:1把DVI显示卡插于主板的AGP插槽,安装好该卡的驱动程序;Insert the DVI display cards in the APG com of the main board and install the driver program of the cards .2将数据采集拉插与空的PCI插槽(如果有使用);If there is one sending cards ,please insert it in the vacant PCI com .3用DVI电缆线把数据采集卡与显示卡连接在一起;Connect the data collection cards and display cards with the DVI cable .4把控制线与串口(Rs232)相连(可选,灵星雨系统需要);Connect the control line with the com (Rs232) just for linsn system) .5用网线与接收卡相连;(具体条数根据工程图纸);Connect the receiving cards with the signal cable .(the number of strip is according to the blueprint)6检查连接无误即可进行设置或上电调试。If there is no mistakes ,you can install it or debug it .软件安装Iistallation of the sofeware安装步骤如下:The Installation process as follows:1显卡驱动安装Install the display driver将显卡驱动程序光盘插入光驱,即可自动进入安装状态,请按提示操作即可。Insert the display driver CD in the CD ROM , it could come into the installstate automatismly then just follow the clew.首先安装DirectX8.0;然后安装控制版面。First ,install the Direct X8.0, then install the control panel . 2播放软件Play software安装大屏幕专用播放与设置软件LED演播室,或其他控制软件Install the special display and setting software of the LED studio or other control software .将随屏所附应用软件光碟插入光驱,复制或安装所有的程序到计算机上。Insert the attached software CD in the CD-ROM ,copy or install all the process to PC .3电子屏操作步骤(重要)process of manipulation of the display .1开屏:请先打开计算机,再打开电子屏。Light the led display :please open the PC first and then open the LED display .为各设备通入电源(确保输入电压符合产品要求)Supply the equipment with electric power .(make sure import the open voltage)打开LED屏体(屏体通电瞬间会有区域性的闪烁,表明屏体通电),打开计算机,务必确保显卡设置正确(不正确会没有显示画面,叫黑屏),打开控制软件,进行基本的像素尺寸和显示区域设置(此设置并不影响LED显示屏画面的显示)Open the LED display (there will be a flicker at moment ,indicating there is power in the LED display ),start the PC and make sure the display cards are correctly set (if it were wrongly set ,there will no pictures .Just black screen),open the control software ,proceed with the dimension of the basal picture elements and the place of the display,(this setting didnt influent the pictures of LED display).2关屏:首先关掉LED屏体电源,关掉控制软件,再正确地关闭计算机。Close the LED display :first close the power of the LEDdisplay ,close the control sofeware ,then close the PC .4发现问题Question1检查各连接方式是否正确,包括强电部分的连接(弱电部分已经在生产企业测试完成),信号连接是否正确,主要为系统接收卡输入与输出方向是否正确,接收卡上有方向示意。系统连接是否正确(请翻阅系统连接说明)Please check if the connection method is right ,include the hige power voltage (the low power voltage have already test well ),the signal cable whether connected correct .There is guidance at the receiving cards .The system connect correctly .(Please read the instruction of system connection .)2计算机软件部分是否完成安装,包括显卡的设置(请翻阅显卡设置说明)和控制软件安装。 Check if the software of the PC installed well ,including the setting of display cards(please read the instruction )and installation of control software .5注意事项Attention1遵守用户使用守册中的操作步骤:Follow the manipulation steps of .2防潮,湿度要求为:最高工作温度时,LED显示屏应小于相对湿度为92 Moisture proof ,the humidity standard is below the relative humidity of 92LED display at the tiptop temperature .3温度适当,温度要求为:工作环境温度-20Ct40CThe proper temperature ,the working circumstance temperature -20Ct40C储存环境温度-40Ct60CDeposited temperature -40Ct60C4供电电源要符合要求The proper supply power LED显示屏的供电电源电压:220V10 频率:50HZ5The supply power voltage of the LED display :220V10 HZ: 50HZ5安全大地接触可靠,地线与零线隔离可靠,接入电源远离大功率用电设备。The connection terra line and cipher line were insulated .when supply the power please keep away from the high-power equipment .*非专业人士请勿打开维修。Lay people do not open and mend the LED display .在操作流程中的其他问题,请翻阅我们相关的说明,如再有疑问请联系我们。If any questions please read the concerned instruction ,If you need any help please contact us .以上考虑还有不全面的地方以后在使用过程中再补充,也希望您能够多提建议,共同维护和使用好显示屏。There maybe pretermission in the instruction ,we will renew it in future .we hope you can make suggestions fo us,maintenance together and correct use the diaplay.LED显示屏常见的故障及其排除方法The malfunction and resolution method of LED display1. 整屏不亮(黑屏)The whole screen cannot be enlightened.(black screen)1.1: 检查屏体的供电情况,用试电笔或万用表检测开关连接用电器端是否有电。开关可能出现问题,或者短线。 Check the power supply of the display.Use the test pencil or the multimeter to check if there is power at the electric end of the switch.There maybe something wrong with the switch or circuit.1.2: 对于与计算机同步的显示屏,首先检查计算机是否进入休眠状态或者进入屏幕保护状态;如果进入休眠,先进入“控制面板”,点击“电源管理”,将“系统等待”和“关闭监视器”选项选择“从不”选项,这样计算机不会休眠,显示屏可以正常工作;如果没进入休眠,可以打开机箱查看控制卡和通讯电缆是否插接牢靠,检查通讯电缆是否有断线。基本解决上述问题。As for the led display in-phase with PC,first check if the PC were turn into dormancy station or the screen protection station.If it were in the dormancy station,then enter into the control panel,start the power management,choose never about the system wait and close monitor,then the computer wont in the dormancy station and the led display will work normally.If the computer didnt enter intodormancy station,then you can open the outline boarder of the computer to make sure that the control card and the signal cable whether inserted firmly.Check if the signal cable is break off.After all these can solve the above question.1.3 检测通讯线是否接通,有无接错。(同步屏),请按照连接图进行连接并做检查。 Check if the signal cabel is go through, if there is no problem .(synchronization screen),please follow the connect print and check-up. 1. 整块单元板不亮(黑屏) The whole PCB cannot be enlightened.(black screen)2.1、 连续几块板横方向不亮,检查正常单元板与异常单元板之间的排线连接是否接通。 Several of PCB in across cannot be enlightened,check if the line between normal PCB and the abnormalPCB were go through.2.2、 连续几块板纵方向不亮,检查此列电源供电是否正常。 Several of PCB invertical cannot be enlightened,check if the power were supply normally.2. 显示文件不全或位置不对 The display document cannot show the whole picture or the location is incorrect.3.1: 首先检查软件中的“显示位置”和“屏体大小”的参数与安装工程师给的是否一致,如不记得,可以到屏体上记数一下长和宽的象素点数,“屏体大小”确定后,可以到屏体上看显示的区域相差多少,然后回到计算机处再进行调节,直到位置吻合为止。 First,check if the parameter of the software about the display position and the size of the led display were in accordance with the installation engineers.If you didnt remember it, you can count the pixel dot of LED display to confirm the size.Then you compare the size with the vision place.Then adjust the settingat the computer,until the vision is all the same with the LED display.3.2: 如果显示不全面检查所做的文件大小是否与屏体的“屏体大小”一致。 If the vision is not all-sided as the size of document,then you check it with the size of LED display.3.3: 打开机箱检查控制卡上是否落上导电体。 Open the outline border,check if there is conductor at the controlling card.3. 通讯显示屏通讯不上: The led display didnt have the signal.4.1:检查软件中的参数是否与安装工程师给的一致。 Check if the parameter of the software is according to the installation engineers.4.2: 检查串口是否接牢,通讯线是否有断线的地方。 Check if the com were inserted firmly,the signal cablewhether break off.4. 显示屏抖动,有横条The led display were tingle and appear cross band.检查连接计算机的共地线是否松动,或通讯电缆是否松动。如果操作人员不能判断问题的原因,或对计算机不是很了解,不要轻易拆开机箱;或者显示屏的问题很严重,请及时与我公司联系,经我公司有关人员同意和指示再进行诊断。Check if the terra line connected with the computer is become flexible.If the operator cannot judgethe reason of the problem,Or not familiar with the computer, not disconnect the conputer.If there is many questions of display,please connect our company in time.We will give you some direction then continue with the maintenance. LED显示屏系统维护 LED display system defend1 多块模组连续不亮或有异常multi-module cannot be continuum enlightened.(black screen) or abnormal检查信号方向第一块不正常模组的排线和电源线是否接触良好,如模组无LED亮,则表明无电源输入,请检查电源部分(可用万用表检查),如出现花色(有色彩混乱的亮点)则表明模组无信号输入,请检查第一块不正常模组的排线的输入端是否接触紧密,可多次拔插测试,如问题依旧可以调换新的排线。Please check the first one unnormal modules parallel and the power line whether engage well,if LED cannot enlighten in module,so there is no power supply,please check the power part (could check it with multimeter ),if there is design and coulour(have glitterring of confusion coulour)it indicate have no signal input,please check the first one unnormal modules parallel and the power line whether engage inseparable,you can remove it many times. 2 单模组不亮 single module cannot enlighten检查该模组的电源供应是否良好,主要是检查模组上的电源插座是否有松动。如整块模组出现颜色混乱或者色彩不一致(但有信号输入,有正确的画面)则为信号传输排县接触不良,重新插拔排线,或者更换测试过的排线。如更换良好的排线仍有同样问题,请察看PCB板的接口是否出现问题。Check this modiles power supply whether well,the main check is check modules poewr outlet whether become flexible .if whole module appear coulour confusion or coulour difference(but have signal input and have correct picture)so signal transmit parallel contact unwell,remove parallel again,or change the used parallel。If had changed parallel still have the same problem,please examine PCBs interface whether have problem .3 单灯不亮问题检测方法 single light cannot enlighten problem inspect method用万用表检查LED是否损坏,如果灯坏了就按下面第5项换灯。具体测灯方法:把万用表打到电阻X1档,指针式万用表黑表笔接LED的正极,红表笔接负极(数字表黑笔接负,红笔接正),如果LED亮,所测的灯是好的,如果灯不亮,所测的灯是坏的。Use multimeter check LED whether damage,if ligth breakdown then press below the fifth item change light.the details of method as follows:turn multimeter to resistor X1,the pointer of multimeter black pen joined LEDanode,red pen joined cathode(numberal black pen joined cathode,red pen joined anode,if LED enlightened,the light is OK ,on the contrary, the light is bad. 4 LED坏点维护(失控点)LED damage maintenance(out of control point)经过单灯检测确认为 LED损坏,则根据实际需求,选择性采用下列维护方法。Go through sigle light inspected confirm LED breakdown,then according to realistic need,selectivity use following maintenance method.4.1正面维护 frontage maintenance用对应型号的螺丝刀从正面将固定面罩螺丝去除掉(注留好意保螺丝),取下面罩,进行换灯(请按照下面换灯方法换灯),换灯和胶体密封结束后,将原面罩复原,上紧螺丝(上螺丝时请注意不要压住灯),最后如有胶体残留在LED表面请细心清除胶体。Use the correct screwdriver take-off the fixed face guard from the obverse side(pay attention retain the screw),take-off face guard,change light(please according to the method as follow change light), after change light and colloid seal up, take original face guard back ,take back screw (when take back screw please pay attation not press light), at last if there is colloid remain on the suface of LED please careful clean the colloid.4.2 背面维护 the reverse side defend用对应型号的螺丝刀从背面将螺丝去除掉(注留好意保螺丝),拔掉信号排线,为安全请不要拔掉电源连接线,以防止意外,小心将模组从钣金孔中取出,移到箱体背面,然后依照正面维护方法对单个模组进行维护换灯(请按照下面换灯方法换灯)或者检修其它。Use the correct screwdriver take-off the fixed face guard from the obverse side(pay attention retain the screw),pullout signal parallel,because of the save problemPlease not pull out power connected line,prevent accident,take module from etal plate hole carefully,move to the backof box,then according to the frontage defend method to change light for single module (please according to the follow method to change linht)or examine and repair others.5换灯change light将损坏LED周围的胶体用尖利工具(如镊子)去除掉,并使LED针脚清楚的表露在视线中,右手用镊子夹住LED,左手用烙铁(温度大约为40度左右,过高温度将对LED造成损伤)接触焊锡,并做稍许停留(不超过3秒钟,如超过时间但并不达到拆卸要求,请冷却后再重新尝试)将焊锡融化,用镊子将LED去掉。将符合要求的LED灯正确的插入PCB电路板的孔中,(LED灯的长脚为正极,短脚为负极,PCB上 “方孔”为LED正极针脚插孔,“圆孔”为LED的负极针脚插孔),将少许焊锡丝融化,黏合在烙铁头上,用镊子调整好LED方向,使其平稳,将焊锡焊于LED和PCB相连处,用相同类型的胶体(PH值=7)密封好LED。Take off the colloid around the LED could use sharp instrument(such as tweezers),and let stitch appear out side,right hand take tweezers clip LED,left hand take soldering iron(the temperature about 40degree,the high temperature will cause LED breakdown )contact with soldering tin,and a bit stay for a time(untake 3 second,if over the time but not achieve the dismount require, please after cooling then try it again )let soldering tin melt,then use tweezers take LED away . accord with requireLED insert PCB electric circuit plates hole,(LED lights long leg is anode ,the short one is cathode, “square hole” on the top of PCB is LED anode stitch plug,(circle hole” is LEDs cathode stitch plug),let a little soldering tin melt glutinous at the top of soldering iron ,then ue tweezers adjust the directe of LED,make it stable,make soldering tin defend in the linked point of LED and PCB,use the same kind of collid(PH=7) seal up LED LED显示屏使用注意事项及日常维护LED display use attention and daily defend1 开关显示屏注意事项 attention of open and close display 1.1 开关顺序:开屏时:先开机,后开屏,关屏时:先关屏,后关机。(先关计算机不关显示屏,会造成屏体出现高亮点,烧坏行管,后果严重。)The proper order of oped and close :open screen: first open the PC,then open screen. Close screen : first close the screen,then close PC.( when close PC not close the screen,will make screen appear high glittering,burn up pipeline,the consequence serious.)1.2 开关屏时,间隔时间要大于5分钟。When open and close screen,the interval time must 5minutes.1.3 计算机进入工程控制软件后,方可开屏通电。 Open screen and through electrify until PC get into project software.1.4 避免在全白屏幕状态下开屏,因为此时系统的冲击电流最大。 Avoid open screen when the conaition of whole white screen ,because :at this time the systems lash electric current is maximum.1.5 避免在失控状态下开屏,因为此时系统的冲击电流最大。 Avoid open screen out of control,because; at this time the systems lash electric current is maximum.A 计算机没有进入控制软件等程序: PC is not get into project software.B 计算机未通电: PC is not through electrifyC 控制部分电源未打开: The power supply of control part is not open .1.6 环境温度过高或散热条件不好时,应注意不要长时间开屏。 The environmental teprerature too high or rejection of heatfactor not well,attention not open screen at long time .1.7 显示屏体一部分出现一行非常亮时,应注意及时关屏,在此状态下不宜长时间开屏。When display one part appear one line very ligth, attention close display in time, at this condition not suitable open screen in a long time.1.8 经常出现显示屏的电源开关跳闸,应及时检查屏体或更换电源开关。 Frequently appear display s power switch skip gate, should check screen or change power at once.1.9 定期检查挂接处的牢固情况。如有松动现象,注意及时调整,重新加固或更新吊件。Check joined part whether firm in regularly.if there is become flexible, attention adjust in time, consoildate it again or renew hang piece.1.10 根据显示屏体控制部分所处环境情况,避免虫咬,必要时应防止防鼠药。 According to the environmental situation of screen control part ,avoid insect bite ,if have need could avoid the posion of mouse. 2 控制部分的更改变动注意事项Attention The change of control part 2.1计算机控制部分的电源线零火不能反接,应严格按原来的位置插接。如有外设,连接完毕后,应测试机壳是否带电。The power line of PCs control part cannot connect opposite,must connect it as the original place.if have install outside ,afeter connect,should test outside of PC whether have electrify.2.2移动计算机等控制设备时,通电前应首先检查联接线控制板有无松动现象。 When move PC and control equipment,before get throught electrify should check connect line and control plate whether become flexible.2.3不能随意改动通讯线扁平联接线的位置长度。Cannot change communication line and flat connect lines place,length at will.2.4移动后如发现短路跳闸烧线冒烟等异常显现时,不应反复通电测试,应及时查找问题。If appear short circuit , skip gate,burn line ,have smoke ect .abnormal phenomenon appear ,after move not test throught electrify again and again,could look for problem in time.3 软件操作使用注意事项Attention operate software2.1 软件备份:WIN2003 WINXP 应用程序软件安装程序数据库等。建议使用“一键还原”软件,操作方便。Software backup: WIN2003 WINXPapply procedure, softwarein stall procedure,data ect. Suggest use”a key restore”software, operate convenient.2.2 熟练掌握安装方式原始数据恢复备份。Skilled control the install method,original data resume,backup.2.3 掌握控制参数的设置基础数据预置的修改。Control the install parameter ,base data prefabricates revise.2.4 熟练使用程序操作与编辑。Skilled use procedure,operate and edit.2.5 定期检查病毒,删除无关的数据。Examine computer virus at a regular time,delete unconcerned data.2.6 非专业人员,请勿操作软件系统。Lay people,do not operate the software syetem.LED屏体维修流程The mend flow of LED screen1控制系统contral system整屏不亮或出现方格The whol


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