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Name: 范奕新Book report on Anna Karenina2011-1-14Book report on Anna KareninaAnna Karenina was the novel written by Lev Tolstoy (19281910), who was one of the greatest writer in the modern Russia. The book was started to write in 1873, and then was published in 1877.Anna Karenina was one of Lev Tolstoys representative works. The idea of this book began in 1870, and Lev Tolstoy didnt write it until 1873. The social background of this book was just the period that Russia experiencing the tremendous change. Russia failed in the Crimean war, and then carried out the reform in 1861. This reform brought a powerful impact of capitalism to the backward Russia. So we could see two clues from the story that could reflect the social situation in Russia at that time. The first clue is the actress Annas love tragedy. By writing the love story between Anna and Vronsky, the book have show the Russia society under the impact of capitalism, the life of Petersburg upper class, and the peoples inner restlessness. Another clue is that Levins reform and explore on rural crisis. It showed that the landlordism begin to collapse, while the social contradiction was sharp. The land lord class govern facing crisis. This is” an era that everything turn body and everything were just began to arrange.”The story began with Aubrey Lang Siji dukes family disputes. Duke asked his sister Anna to come to mediate the matter between him and his wife Dolly. So Anna encountered young officer Vronsky at the train station, who is the actor of this book. At the same time , Levin,the young landlord from the countryside, also came to Moscow and want to propose to Kitty, who is Dollys sister. Kitty rejected Levin, because she has been enamored by Vronsky for a long time. Originally Vronsky was just flirting with kitty and did not intend to marry to her. Especially after he has met Anna, he was totally attracted by her, so he launched a frenzied pursuit of Anna. Anna had a husband, but she didnt love him. Gradually, Anna fell in love with Vronsky and leaves her husband. While Kitty realized that she loved Kevin, so they married at last. As for Anna, she was pushed out of the upper class social circle because of her so-called indecent conducts. Anna was sad but Vronsky still want to be melt into the social circle, and he was more and morn distant on Anna. Anna could not bear this.Their contradiction grows constantly and then came to the point of irreparable. After a quarrel, Anna felt hopeless and then kill herself by lying on the railway. Vronsky felt guilty and then went to the battlefield with the death wish.As one of Lev Tolstoys most important representative works, Anna Karenina was highly praised and respected by people constantly in the past 100 years .Tolstoy did not simply write a story of men and women fornication. In fact, he want to revealed status of women in Russian society and the Irrationality of it, and the conflict between emotional needs of individuals and social morality. This book have described more than 150 characters, while have show colorful picture from Moscow to the provinces broad village. It is a social encyclopedic work. Many people understand the Russian social reality of the 19th century 70s by reading this book. As Lenin said, “Tolstoy can raise so many major issues in his work, and achieve such a large power of art, so his works can account for a first-class seat in the world literature.” It took the 19th critical realism to a new height. It was no doubt that its achievements were unprecedented. Anna was a noblewoman that pursued freedom and individual liberation. She was lovely, grace, peaceful, having a charming appearance and good breeding. Even Levin, who has always been prejudiced against her, would say that she was “what a great, cute, pity woman” when he met her at the first time. She was vibrant. As for her husband Karenin, I would say he is a statue. Borrow the words of Anna; Karenin is “a bureaucratic machine”, “not a man, not a person, just a puppet”. He never knew what love was. For him, to combine a family, was not out of need of love but need of official career. So when Anna met the warm love form Vronsky, She was infected. She abandoned all and planed to chase her ideal love. But in my opinion, Anna had not abandoned all; she had no courage to do this. So we can see that on one hand Anna really want to separate the deceptive, cruel upper aristocracy; but on the other hand, Anna always affected by it. In fact, she cared about other peoples criticism, worried about being mock by the people. Thats why she so concern about love form Vronskythats the only straw she could grab! So when Vronsky even dropped a little love, Anna could not bear it. Her jealousy would erupt. This is the personality conflicts of Anna, which is also the root of her tragedy. To some extend, Anna not only fight with the cruel society, but also fight with herself. Tolstoy also has a contradictory attitude toward Anna. On the one hand, he considered that Annas pursuit was reasonable and met the nature. But from a religious point of view, Anna behavior was irrational. He was both sympathetic and condemned to Anna in this story. I think the reason was that Tolstoy also in a period th


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