



广州版小学五年级(下)短语和句型汇总短 语句 型Module 1 Seasons Unit 1 Whats your favourite season?look at 看. in the trees 在树上really love 确实喜欢 favourite season 最喜欢的季节like swimming 喜欢游泳 make a snowman 堆雪人1. -Whats your favourite season? 你最喜欢的季节什么? -Summer. 夏天。 fly a kite 放风筝 go skiing去滑雪 grow flowers 种花 play outdoors 在户外玩耍 Unit 2 Its the middle of winter.visit me拜访我 summer holiday暑假middle of winter冬季的中期 from December to February从12月到2月in Australia在澳大利亚 go swimming去游泳too cold to swim 太冷而不能游泳1. -He is visiting me for the summer holiday.他正放暑假,来探望我。2. -When it is summer in Australia, it is winter in China. 当澳大利亚是夏季的时候,在中国是冬季。3. -Its too cold to swim now. 现在天气太冷而不能去游泳。Module 2 Plans Unit 3 We are going to have an English test.see a film看电影 for a party为一个聚会on June 11th 在6月11日 anything else important 其他重要的事情an English test 一次英语考试 visit the museum参观博物馆the school open day学校开放日 visit a farm参观农场have a sports meeting开校运会1. -Whats the date today ? 今天是什么日期? -It is June 1st. 今天是6月1日。2. -We are going to see a film tomorrow evening. 我们明天晚上要去看一场电影。3. - Mikes birthday party is on June 11th. Mike 生日聚会是在6月11日。4. -Is there anything else important this month? 这个月还有其他重要的事情吗? -Yes, there is. 是的,有。 Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan.in Hainan在海南 for five days持续五天on Tuesday在星期二 go for a picnic举行一次野餐all day整天 in the pool在池里on the beach在海滩上 under the stars在星光下fly back home飞回家 at noon在中午1. -Next week we will travel in Hainan for five days. 下星期,我们将去海南五日游。2. -We can go shopping, swim in the pool or play on the beach. 我们可以去逛街、在池里游泳或者在海滩上玩。3. -I cant wait to see all the lovely deer. 我恨不得马上看到所有可爱的小鹿。4. -Im sure well have a good time in Hainan. 我相信我们在海南会玩得很开心。Module 3 Invitation Unit 5 Would you like to go with us?plan to do计划去做 go on a picnic去野餐at the school gate在学校门口 have a party举行一次到会see a film看电影 watch a football match观看一场足球赛1. -What are you doing this Saturday ?这个星期六你们打算做什么?-My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic.我的表弟和我计划举行一次野餐。3. -Would you like to go with us?你愿和我们一起无能为去吗?-Thats sounds great! / Yes, Id love too.听起来很不错。/ 是的,我愿意。4. -What time should we go? 我们什么时候出发? -At 9 a.m. 早上九点。 Unit 6 See you at the partyinvite . to 邀请去做all her friends and classmates她的所有朋友和同学on this special day在这个特殊的日子里 a surprise party一个令人惊喜的聚会at the school meeting room在学校会议室 at 2 p.m 在下午两点钟call me on打我的电话1. -Id like to invite you to Anns birthday party. 我想邀请你参加Ann的生日聚会。2. -We hope that all her friends and classmates will come together and have fun on this special day. 在这个特殊的日子里,我们希望她的所有朋友和同学将会聚在一起并玩得开心。3. -The party will be at the school meeting room, next Saturday, November 21st.聚会将于下星期六(11月21日)在学校会议室举行。短 语句 型Module 4 Travel Unit 7 We will go by trainplan for the holiday假期计划 go traveling去旅行go by train乘火车去 on October 2nd 在10月2日visit Window of the World 参观世界之窗 come back home回家1.-How will you go there?你们打算怎样去那里?-We will go by train. / By train.我们将乘火车去。/ 乘火车去。2.-What will you do in Shenzhen?你们在深圳将做什么?-We are going to visit Window of the World.我们打算参观世界之窗。3. -When will you come back home? 你们将什么时候回家?-We will come back on October 4th. / On October 4th. 我们将于10月4日回家。/ 10月4日。 Unit 8 Bens first trip to Beijingtrip to Beijing去北京旅行 by plane乘飞机 by underground乘地铁 fly back home 搭乘飞机回家(飞回家)drive to the Great Wall 开车去长城 on Friday morning 在星期五早上1. -He came by plane this morning.他今天早上乘飞机来到(北京)2. -Now he is going to Tiananmen. 现在他正准备去天安门。3. -Tomorrow morning, they will drive to the Great Wall.明天早上,他们将开车去长城。in Wangfujing Street 在王府进大街 take a walk around the lake环湖散步Module 5 Safety Unit 9 Be careful !fall down跌倒 time to cook做饭的时间eat a bad apple吃一个坏苹果 be careful小心get sick生病 cut yourself割伤你自己。1. -Dont run near the hot water.不要在热水附近跑动。-OK.好吧2. -Watch out, everyone.大家小心点。-All right.好的。 3 -Let me help you dry the floor.我来帮你擦干地板。 -Sure. 当然可以。 Unit 10 How to stay safe?cross the street过马路 at the traffic lights在交通灯区climb tall trees爬很高的树 on the stairs在楼梯上in the street 在大街上 from strangers从陌生人那里during school hours 在学校期间1. -Do cross the street at the traffic lights or safety crossing. 在交通灯区或安全的十字路口穿过街道。-OK. 好的2. -Dont climb tall trees.不要爬很高的树。-All right. 好吧。Module 6 Directions Unit 11 Can you tell me the way?over there 在那边 the way to去-的路turn right 向右转 at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口on the left 在左边 next to the school在学校的隔壁1.-Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please?请问你能告诉我去医院的路吗?-Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing.一直往前走,在第二个路口向右转。 2. -Is the hospital on the left or on the right ? 医院在左边还是右边? -Its on the right. 往右边。3 -Thank you so much. 谢谢你。 -Youre welcome. 不客气。 Unit 12 I know a short cutin front of 在-前面 in ten minutes在十分钟内get there 到达那里 get to the cinema到达电影院started to walk quickly开始赶快走 out of their house 从他们房子出来take the first right 在第一个路口右转 a different way 一条不同的路the main street 大街主干道 walked through the park 走路穿过公园1. -John and Joan were standing in front of their house and John looked at his watch. John 和Joan正站在他们的房子前,John看着他的手表。2. -John said to Jo


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