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黑龙江省绥化九中九年级英语全册Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Section B(3a)学案(无答案) 人教新目标版【学习目标】、知识目标:本单元通过对情态动词的学习,进一步掌握一些情态动词表示判断、推测的用法。要注意体会这些词表示判断的程度,尽量做到用词准确。同时渗透了belong to, much too, too much, count等词汇的使用,并提供了一些实用的英语谚语。在学习本单元内容时,不仅要紧紧抓住语言点,还要善于抓住背景知识,将这些语言点灵魂运用于实际中。、能力目标:归纳总结情态动词can may must 表示推测的用法,比较它们的用法区别。在选择它们进行运用时,要多角度,全方位地思考,根据句子语境,明确句子含义,选择正确的词。、情感目标:在日常生活中要勤动脑,观察、比较事物的特点,逐步培养自己的推理、判断能力。【学习重点】:能够正确的理解使用形容词修饰不定代词 something anything nothing everything时,形容词的位置。There must be sb. doing sth.【学习难点】:能够正确的理解使用形容词修饰不定代词 something anything nothing everything时,形容词的位置。There must be sb. doing sth.【预习案】I.学法指导 使用说明&学法指导1.先通读教材,完成表层理解题,再勾画出文中的疑难点,然后再读教材进行填空。2.15分钟独立完成。II.教材助读一 一轮做题目学习建议迅速浏览课文,跳过生词,捕捉关键信息,把握文章主题,完成阅读题目。1. Did our neighborhood use to be very quiet?_.2. Why everyone is unhappy theses days?_.3. What did Zhou Gu hear?_.4. What did Zhou Gus wife think it could be?_.5. What does the police think it might be?_.二 二轮找难点学习建议仔细预读课文,在文中勾画出重点短语和句型并结合语境猜测其含义。(一)短语:(1)strange events _(2)in our neighborhood _(3)outside our window _(4)next door neighbor _ (5)ones own ideas _(6)local newspaper _.(二)句子1.我们的小区过去一直很安静。Our neighborhood _ very quiet.2.我的妻子认为那可能是一只动物,但是我和我的朋友认为那一定是一些青少年在玩。My wife thinks that it _ an animal, but my friends and I think it _ teenagers _.我想那可能是一只狗,但我没有看到狗,却仍然听得见外面的嘈杂声。I thought it _ a dog, but I cant see a dog and I still _ the noises outside.一定是有某种东西造访我们的小区。_ the homes in our neighborhood.III.预习自测根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. We get on well with our _(邻居).2. He is one of the most famous _(导演) in China.3. The reporter _ (采访) the headmaster yesterday.4. There are four _(大洋) in the world including the Pacific.5. Three monkeys _ (逃跑) from the zoo last week.用所给单词的适当形式填空1. You will be _(interview) by the reporter from the local newspaper.2. The meat _(smell) delicious.3. I saw them _(play) tennis this time yesterday,4. Its too _( noise ), I cant hear you clearly.5. It must be teenagers _ (have) fun.?我的疑惑 请将预习中不能解决的问题写下来,供课堂解决。_【探究案】质疑探究质疑解疑、合作探究学习建议 分析所给例句,根据提示总结重难点单词、短语和句型的用法。探究点一:语篇探究学习建议 通过对教材3a部分文章结构、主旨大意及细节等地把握,加深对课文的理解。What does the passage mainly tell us?_.表格形式探究文章细节内容。Zhou Gu It must be teenagers having fun.Qi Hui It might be a dog.Zhou Gus wife It could be an animal.The police It might be the wind.探究点二:重点单词和短语探究1.interview v. 面试,采访,会见Interview n. 面试,采访。Interviewer n. 记者,见面者,会见者Our teacher _ (interview) by the reporter yesterday.2. escape v. 逃跑,逃走escape from/out of 意为“逃离,从逃走”,相当于run awayThey escaped out of the burning house.(同义句转换)They _ _ the burning house.3.smell n. 气味Smell v. 闻,嗅,可以用作系动词,后面跟形容词。The flowers smell sweet.这些花闻起来真香。The bad food makes a bad _ (气味).It _ (闻起来) terrible.4.pretend v. 假装 pretend to do sth. 意为“假装做某事”pretend to be doing 意为“假装正在做”The boy pretended _ _ _ (read) when the teacher came into the classroom.5. have fun 玩的开心have fun 相当于 have a good time /enjoy oneself have fun doing sth. 意为“做某事很愉快”We had fun _ (play) in Watertown.6.an ocean of.的海洋an ocean of knowledge 知识的海洋 an ocean of flowers 花的海洋 the Pacific Ocean 太平洋我们漫步在知识的海洋里。We walk in _ _ _ _.7.use up 用完,用光use up 是”动词+副词”型短语,如果宾语为代词,需置于短语中间,use up 相当于run out of我们花光了所有的钱。We have _ _ the money.探究点三 :重难点句子探究1. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.(P38) 肯定有什么东西光顾我们的街坊邻里了。 本句为“there be.+ doing.”句式,表示V-ing的动作目前或现阶段正在进行。从语法上讲,此句式中的V-ing也可以用动词不定式替代,即“there be + 主语 + to do”,表示动词不定式表示的动作将要发生。试比较: Theres a man waiting for you outside the office.办公室外有人在等你。 Theres a girl looking for her mother.有一个女孩正在找她的母亲。 Therere some children to see you.有几个孩子要见你。 2.However, these days, strange things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is unhappy.然而,最近在我们附近却在发生一些奇怪的事情,并且每个人都不高兴。 (1). however是一个转折连词,表示“然而,可是”的意思,与but的意义相同,但however是较正式的说法。 例如:I know how to pronounce this English word, however I cant write it. 我知道怎么读这个英语单词,但是我不知道怎么写。 (2). these days意为“最近,近来,近几天。”(3). unhappy是happy的反义词。unhappy是一个合成词,由un+happy组合而成。 我们常用的在词前加前缀变为其反义词的有:前缀 例词派生词un-“不”happyunhappylikeunlikegratefulungratefulfriendlyunfriendlyluckyunlucky3.My parents called the police, but they cant find anything strange. 我的父母亲报了警,但他们也没能发现奇怪的东西。 (1). the police可以看作为复数名词,意思是“警察、警方”。 但如果指一个警员,就要用a policeman或a policewoman。 (2). cant在本句中,不表示“推断”,而表示“能力”。 4.In my dream, I was swimming in an ocean of paper. 在我的梦中,我浸泡在数不尽的试卷中。 (in)an ocean of, 或(in)oceans of是介词短语,口语中常用,意为“极多的,用不尽的”。 在of后接不可数名词或可数名词复数形式均可。 例如: He thinks he has oceans of time. 他认为他有用不尽的时间。 5.Dont let yesterday use up too much of today.(P39) 过去的就让它过去了! 本句为否定祈使句。yesterday作动词let的宾语,use up too much of today是作宾语补足语。在watch,see,look at,hear,listen to,notice,feel,have(使),let,make等动词后面作宾语补足语用的动词不定式往往省去to。例如: Make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China.古为今用,洋为中用。 They often hear Jenny sing this song.他们经常听詹妮唱这首歌。 补足语。在watch,see,look at,hear,listen to,notice,feel,have(使),let,make等动词后面作宾语补足语用的动词不定式往往省去to。例如: Make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China.古为今用,洋为中用。 They often hear Jenny sing this song.他们经常听詹妮唱这首歌。 6.Be careful of the person who does not talk and the dog that does not bark.小心不说话的人和不叫的狗。who does not talk修饰先行词person, that does not bark 修饰先行词dog, that既是关系代词,又在从句中作主语,不可省略。Be careful of 注意. 当心. 相当于take care of, 后接名词,代词。 【训练案】单项选择:( )1. This book _ Annas . Look! Her name is on it.A. maybe B. may be C. must be D. might be( ) 2. -Why is the man running? -He _ be running to catch the train.A. cant B. need C. couldnt D. could( ) 3. She was late for school because of _ up late. A. get B. got C. getting D. geting( ) 4. Where do you think she _? A. lives B. to live C. live D. does live( ) 5. There _ a pool, but there stands a tall building instead.A. use to have B. used to be C. used to have D. use to be( ) 6. Mrs Black _ be at home because she called me from Hong Kong a moment ago.A. mustnt B. isnt able to C. cant D. may not( ) 7.She _ be very tired because she worked all the night.A. can B. must C. need D. mustnt( ) 8.He tried _ the math problem.A. to work out B. work out C. worked out D. working out( ) 9. He is anxious _ his sons study.A.at B. in C. for D.to( ) 10.The little girl is old enough to _ herself.A. wear B. put on C. dress D. in( ) 11. -Look ! It _ be Ling Feng. -It _ be him. He has gone back to England.A. can, mustnt B. can, cant C. must, cant D. must, may( ) 12. He pretended _ when he met a bear.A. dead B. be dead C. die D. to be dead( ) 13. I have used _ all my money. I want to borrow some _ my friend.A. up, to B. up , from C. out, to D. out , from( ) 14. There _ a pool, but there stands a tall building instead.A. use to have B. used to have C. use to be D. used to be( ) 15. Luckily they _ from the burning building.A. ran B. came C. escaped D. jumped ( )16、It is _ of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.A. moreB. little C. less用所给词的适当形式填空:1.She is _ ( worry ) about her sick daughter.2.I saw a boy _ ( run ) from the cinema.3.Because of _ ( ill ) , he didnt come to work.4.He might be running _ ( catch ) a train.5.That math problem is _ ( extreme ) difficult. 根据句意和汉语或首字母提示,填写单词。 1. How are you getting along with your new (邻居)? 2. Its reported that many people saw the UFO in the (天空) that evening. 3. There are many animals in the zoo, such as (猴子), lions, tigers and elephants. 4. They got up early this morning so as to c the early bus. 5. The w is blowing (刮) strongly. Youd better stay at home.选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式完成句子。final, finally 1. , we climbed to the top of the mountain. 2. We won the football game! The score was 3 to 2. noise, noisy, noisily 3. Its very here. I can hardly hear you. 4. I hate the loud outside. Its driving me crazy. 5. How can I study for my tests? My little sister is crying in the living room. possible, possibly, impossible 6. Could you help me to solve the problem? 7. Students with so much homework to do find it to do things like volunteering on weekends. 8. There is enough time. I think it is for us to finish the work by noon.worry, worried 9. Dont . We have plenty of time.10. Im not about her she can take care of herself. . 按要求改写句子,每空一词。1. The man outside the door must be Mr Green. (改为否定句)The man outside the door Mr Green. 2. This could be Roberts basketball. (对划线部分提问) basketball this be? 3. Do you know whose the book is? (改为同义句)Do you know the book ? 4. There are some children who are having fun in the yard. (改为同义句)There are some children in the yard. 5. She could be running for exercise. (对划线部分提问) she runn


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