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.M1U2 单元复习一单项选择:1.-Yesterday Jim spent 7 hours in playing computer games, he even didnt do his homework. -Dont scold him. _, he is a child. A. After all B. At all C. In all D. Above all2 Yesterday we had a lot of homework to do so we _ until midnight. A. turned up B. came up C. stayed up D. looked up3 _ you have finished your report, you can have it _. A. Now for; printing B. Now that; printedC. So far; been printed D. So that; being printed4 The teacher said he would _ next time. A. to explain us the text B. explain us the text C. explain the text to us D. to explain the text to us5 How are you going to _ so many difficulties?A. deal with B. do with C. deal by D. do up6 He made a gesture by having his fingers _.A. crossing B. cross C. crossed D. to cross7 They forbid _ during office hours.A. to smoke B. smoke C. smoked D us from smoking 8 Can you tell me _ in a million years. A. how man will look like B. what man will look like C. man will look like what D. what look will man like9 No one is allowed _here。A smoking B to smoke C smoke D smoked 10 With so many people _ in English, it will become more and more important to have _ of English. A. communicate; good knowledge B. communicating; good knowledge C. communicating; a good knowledge D. communicate ; a good knowledge11. How _ he is! He shouldnt have left all his work to you.A. rude B. selfish C. upset D. crazy12 When the manager goes out for vacation, he always leaves his secretary _the factory.A. in the charge of B. in charge of C. in charge D. in the charge13.This solution _. Which of the following is WRONG?Adeserves a further discussion Bis worth further discussingCdeserves being further discussed Ddeserves to be discussed further14 Judging from his_ look , I can say Mr. Li is _ at our arrival at this time 。A annoying ;annoyed B annoying;annoying C annoyed ;annoyed D annoyed annoying 15 According to a recent survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week _TVA to watch B to watching C watching D watch二、单词拼写:1. Despite(尽管) the teachers _ (解释、说明) , the students still couldnt understand the problem.2. There are many _ (争论) against smoking. People who are against it say smoking does great harm to our health.3. In the long run, one should save money for _ (紧急情况).4. Because of the misunderstanding, I feel she is very d_ with me.5. According to the school rules students are f_ to use mobile phones at school. 6. I dont think it is my f_ that you are late. I told you the change of the time for the meeting.7. He wastes so much of his valuable time_ (聊天) on the Internet.8. We all remember _ (青春期), too often a time of misery for young people.9. Thanks to his g_, I am making rapid progress in my lessons.10. It is unfair! The poor are s_ while the rich are feasting(享受)三、句型转换: 1. He likes to live in the house whose door faces south. He likes to live in the house the door faces south.2. I usually get home at 6 pm, but I got home earlier today. I got home earlier today _ _.3. Since John has come back, we can begin right away._ _ John has arrived, we can begin at once.4. The accident occurred, because the driver lost control of her car. The accident occurred, because the car was _ _.5. According to a related study, women have a tendency to live longer than men. According to a related study, women _ _ live longer than men.6. Since it is difficult for teenagers to learn English grammar, teachers are patient to explain again and again. Since teenagers have _ _ English grammar, teachers are patient to explain again and again.7. I still have no idea how to solve the difficult maths problem.I still have no idea how to _ _ the difficult maths problem.8. She works very hard and she is completely independent of her parents. She works very hard and she never _ _ her parents.9. Whenever I saw him, he was chatting with his friends._ _ _ I saw him, he was chatting with his friends.10. He went to bed late in order that he could finish his homework. He _ _ in order that he could finish his homework.四、用适当的关系词填空1. Were talking about the piano and the pianist _ were in the concert we attended last night. 2. He failed in the examination, _ made his father very angry. 3. The freezing point is the temperature _ _ water changes into ice. 4. That tree, _ branches are almost bare, is very old. 5. Antarctic _ _ we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round. 6. He must be from Africa, _ can be seen from his skin. 7. Who can think of a situation _ this idiom can be used? 8. He is a man of great experience, _ _ much can be learned. 9. In Australia, surfing is a popular sport among young people _ they can seek excitement and adventure.10. The reason_ he gave for his absence is untrue11. The gas _ _ we can not live is called oxygen12. Students should involve themselves in community activities_ they can gain experience for growth. 13. Her sister has become a lawyer, _ she wanted to be. 14. Do you know the number of people _ _lost their lives in the traffic accident? More than 20.15. The only year _ Angela and her family spent together was 2008, and she will never forget the time _ they lived happily.五、用所给动词的适当形式填空1 Peter prefers _(stay) at home watching TV rather than _(go) there alone. 2 All the students are supposed _(work) hard at their lessons.3 The boy insisted that he _(do) nothing wrong and that he _(set) free at once.4 The idea Daisy came up with at the meeting deserves _(consider).5 It was late outside. He stood up as if _(leave).6 The food, _(contain) a lot of VC and VE, is good for our health.7 Andrew is the only one of the students who _(study) abroad now.8 Every possible means_ (use) to save the injured boy so far.9 You cant get the films_ (develop) today, for it is closed on Sundays.10. When_ (ask) where she had been, the girl felt a bit nervous.六、完成句子:1. 当父母回家时,我迫不及待要给他们惊喜When my parents returned home, I _ _ _ give them a surprise.2. 告诉我你是如何处理你父母给你的钱。Tell me _ to _ with the money given by your parents. 3. 尽管妈妈不同意,爸爸支持我做的决定。While mum didnt agree with me, dad _ _ the decision that I had made.4. 好在这些成长的烦恼并不会持久。最终一切都会好起来的。 The good news is _ these kinds of growing pains do not _. In the end everything _ _ OK.5我发现这个地方没有过去那么安静了。I found the place was not as quiet as _ _ _ _ _.6我在中学上学时,被要求读鲁迅写的文章。When I studied in the middle School, I _ _ _ _ articles 7. 你学习越努力,你取得的进步就会越大。The harder you study, _ _ _ you will _.8. 在那小孩的带路之下,我们毫不费劲地找到他的家。 With the boy_ the way, we had _ _ _ his house.9. 众所周知,很多减肥药对人们的身体都有副作用。It is well known that many weight-loss pills _ _ _ _ peoples health.10. 埃里克随后跑进起居室,身后跟着一条大狗,走路慢吞吞的。Eric runs in after it, _ _ a big dog, _ very slowly.七. 根据汉语提示用所给英文单词完成句子1. The house, _(房前有棵树), is my home. (stand)2. The city _(我成长的)is very hot in summer. (grow)3. She had two brothers and a sister, _(他们的面容她一个也不记得)because they had died when she was very young. (remember)4. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, _ (其中的80%销往国外). (sell)5. A number of children _(父母死去了的)in the earthquake were sent to live with families in other cities. (kill)6. Everything depends on the way_(我们处理问题的方式). (deal)7. The boy will never forget the day _ _(他一个人被留在家里). (leave)8. The reason _(我兄弟为何戒烟)is that it is bad for his health. (quit)9. There are two thousand students in our school, _ (其中2/3是女孩). (whom)10. He returned at midnight, _(到那个时候我都睡着了). (time)M1U2单元复习参考答案单选1-5 A C B C A 6-10 C D B B C 11-15 B B C C C 单词拼写:1. explanation 2. arguments 3. emergencies 4. distant 5. forbidden6. fault 7. chatting 8. adolescence 9.guidance 10. starving句型转换:1. of which 2. than usual 2. Now that 4. out of control5. tend to 6. difficulty learning7. deal with 8. depends on/upon9. No matter when 10. stayed up用适当的关系词填空:1. that 2. which 3. at which 4. whos


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