



中国竞技体育资源调控与可持续发展(摘要)中国竞技体育资源调控与可持续发展(摘要) 研究生:肖林鹏研究生:肖林鹏 指导教师:秦椿林指导教师:秦椿林 孙汉超孙汉超 中国竞技体育的可持续发展业已成为新时期中国竞技体育必须要研究与解 决的重要议题,中国竞技体育实现可持续发展必然与竞技体育资源产生直接联 系,而发挥竞技体育资源对竞技体育可持续发展的有效支持作用必须通过有效 的资源调控。因此,从资源调控入手研究我国竞技体育的可持续发展就成为一 条切实可行的途径。文章得出以下基本结论: 1竞技体育资源是竞技体育系统正常运行的条件及保证。竞技体育资源具 有生成性、调控性、社会性、有限性及整体性等特征;竞技体育资源观对竞技 体育资源调控及竞技体育可持续发展规划具有直接指导作用;竞技体育资源观 主要由系统观、发展观、价值观、辩证观、开放观等组成。 2一国或地区竞技体育资源禀赋体现在竞技体育资源的结构、分布、数量、 质量等方面。竞技体育资源禀赋客观上存在着优势与劣势,通过对竞技体育资 源的有效调控,可以获得竞技体育资源的比较优势,并进一步转化为竞技体育 的竞争力。 3社会转型期我国竞技体育资源调控的总目标是建立健全竞技体育资源培 育、开发、配置及利用为重点内容的“四位一体”式的调控体系。均衡我国竞 技体育资源利用的社会、经济效益。调控竞技体育产品生产与需求的基本平衡。 大力发展竞技体育资源产业。完善竞技体育资源市场。健全竞技体育资源的法 规制度建设。促进竞技体育主要类型资源的可持续发展。 4未来中国竞技体育的可持续发展是建立在竞技体育本质基础上的价值选 择。满足社会体育需求是竞技体育可持续发展的动力,保持竞技体育内部系统 及与外部环境的协调发展则是竞技体育可持续发展的重要条件及保证。 5 5在竞技体育发展观的指导下,制定竞技体育发展战略是国家对竞技体育 资源调控的重要方式。中国竞技体育可持续发展战略的近期目标是分析中国竞 技体育在未来发展中面临的重大问题、机遇与挑战,规划中国竞技体育中、远 期发展战略。以新时期“奥运争光计划”所规定的目标任务为基本参照,制定 中国竞技体育可持续发展的启动方案。 6 6当前中国竞技体育可持续发展比较合理的战略选择是继续进行新一轮奥 运争光战略的同时启动可持续发展战略。中国竞技体育可持续发展战略最终目 标的实现要经历起步期、发展期与成熟期的发展阶段。中国竞技体育可持续发 展战略包括四个重点:竞技体育人力资源建设是整个战略阶段的重点;竞技体 育“社会化、产业化、科学化、国际化” 建设是中期战略阶段的重点;竞技体 育管理体制建设是远期战略阶段的重点。 关键词:关键词:竞技体育;资源调控;可持续发展;战略 RESOURCES ADJUSTED CONTROLED AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ON CHINESE ELITE SPORT XIAO Lin-peng Abstract: Sustainable development of Chinese elite sport has come to be an important selection in the new era. Elite sport resource has close relationship with sustainable development of Chinese elite sport. To realize its value effectively controlled is of significance and, really, that is a method to research Chinese elite sport development. This article comes to some conclusions by the methods of criterion and demonstration. 1. Elite sport resources ensure that elite sport system will run smoothly. Elite sport resources viewpoint is playing an increasingly important role on elite sport sustainable and controllable development. The viewpoints of system, development, values, dialectics and opening are the essential of the elite sport resources viewpoints which are in line with its development viewpoints. 2. On the part of the elite sport resources, its relatively advantage is the advantage of some country and district elite sport resources compared with others. They can be fulfilled by cultivation, development, allocation and utilization and can be transformed into elite sport competition power through effectively controlling and developing strategies. 3. Elite sport adjusting and controlling resource system is the synthesis of managing system, operating mechanism and institute arranging for elite sport adjusting and controlling system. Its goal is to cultivate positively, allocate scientifically, develop reasonably and utilize all kind of elite sport resources and to complete elite sport system of “four aspect as whole”. Equilibrium for its social and economic benefit and realizing the basis balance of supply and demand in elite sport resources production and social demand are of importance as well. . To better the elite sport resources industry and perfect its relevant market and law system are indispensable. 4. As a harmony development mode of mutual relationship between inner subsystem and outer social economic environment,Chinese elite sport sustainable development is the valuable selection in the basis of elite sport essence which will sufficiently meet the social demand. 5. The general goal of Chinese elite sport sustainable development are as following: Chinese characteristic elite sport management system and operation mechanism adapted for socialism market economic, well-trended development under country adjusting 、 controlling and supporting by social; Main type elite sport resources realizing sustainable development; Realizing socialization, industrialization, marketlization, internalization and scientilization for elite sport goal; Chinese elite sport making higher achievements and line in world great power; Elite sport industrial more development, can be act as stable increase point in national economic; realizing harmonizing development between elite sport and other kind sport and social economic; elite sport social and economic benefit both making progress. 6. The Olympic Honors Plan and sustainable development strategy simultaneously at present is the reasonable selection for Chinese elite sport sustainable development. Three period are included by Chinese elite sport sustainable development: starting, development and grown-up period. Four strategies emphases followed: manpower resources is the emphases in the whole period, “socialization, industrialization, in


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