



蛟河市五年级下学期英语期中试卷(测试时间:分钟,满分100分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。( ) 1. A. weekB. work C. weekend ( ) 2. A. then B. we C. when( ) 3. A. often B. sometimes C. usually( ) 4. A. spring B. summer C. season( ) 5. A. swim B. skate C. sky ( ) 6. A. sheep B. sweep C. sleep( ) 7. A. March B. May C. August( ) 8. A. November B. December C. September( ) 9. A. June B. July C. March( ) 10. A. go shopping B. go hiking C. go home 二、根据录音内容,判断下列句子是否与对话内容相符,一致的写“T”,不一致的写“F”。( )1. I usually play the piano on the weekend. ( ) 2. My favourite season is summer. ( ) 3. Wang jianjuns birthday is August first. ( ) 4. Its July 1st. ( ) 5. I often eat dinner at 7:00 a.m.三、听录音,写出正确的应答语。( )1. A. I go to work at 8:00 a.m. B. I usually go to work. C. I can go to work.( ) 2. A. Because I like to play with snow . B. Because I can swim. C. Id like to play sports.( ) 3. A. My birthday is in October. B. I ususally go to school at 7:00. C. My birthday is in October first.( ) 4. A. play the piano B. go to bed C. go home ( ) 5. A. summer B. I like swim C. I can sleep. 四、听录音,补全句子或对话。(每空1分,共10分)1. I like_,because I can_ .2. I often _, sometimes,I _on the weekend.3.- Which season do you like_?-_.4.-Whats the_? -Its May first.5._is your birthday ?6.Is her birthday in _?7.-Why do you like winter?-_its snowy.笔试部分一、找出划线部分读音不同的单词,把序号填在左边的括号里。( )1、A、train B、paint C、wall( )2、A、pear B、dear C、bear( )3、A、fifth B、ninth C、kite( )4、A、leaf B、bread C、season( )5、A、sport B、work C、short二、根据首字母及汉语写出单词(5分) 1.Sometimes I go h (远足). 2.Which season do you like best ? I like w (冬天). 3.I can piay with s (雪). 4.Whats the date today ? I wish it was A (四月) 8th . 5.When is your b (生日).三、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中,选择正确的选项。(210 = 20分)( )1、What is the _ today?- Its April 29th. A、 weather B 、day C 、date ( )2、Is _ birthday in February? A、you B、your C、me ( )3、.When _ you get up? A、does B、do C、 are( )4、They are my family _ . A、photo B、photoes C、photos( )5、I usually eat dinner _7:00 _ the evening. A、in: at B、at ;in C、at ;at ( )6、We can send e-mail on the internet. A、an B、a C、at ( )7、Christmas Day is _December, December 25th. A、in in B、on in C、in on ( )8、I _ plant trees in spring A、am B、can C、like( )9、She doesnt like winter, _. A、too B、either C、also( )10、I can play_snow. A、to B、in C、with 四、句型转换。(25= 10分)1、Amy likes fall because its warm and cool.( 对划线部分问)_ _Amy _ fall?2、I do some shopping on the weekend. (改为否定句)I _ _ _shopping on the weekend.3、That is a sheep. (改为复数句) _ _ some_. 4、Is there a kite on the desk? (作肯定回答) Yes _ _.5、Zhang Peng does his homework every night .(改为一般疑问句) _ Zhang Peng _ his homework every night?五、补全对话:根据上下文的意思选择适当的句子,将其编号填在下面横线上。(25= 10分)A Whats the date today?B Is your birthday in fall?C When is your birthday?D Whats the weather like in fall?E Whats the date ?F Do you like fall? Mike: _?Chen: My birthday is in September .Mike: _?Chen: Its September 11th .Mike: _?Chen: Yes, my birthday is in fall .Mike: _ ?Chen: Its windy and cool .Mike: _ ?Chen: Yes , I like fall. But my favourite season is summer.六、根据实际情况回答所提出的问题。(答案需完整)(10分)1.What can you do in spring? _ 2.When is your birthday? _3.Is your fathers birthday on National Day?_4.Whats your favourite season?_5.Whats the date today?_七、短文填空:(根据短文的意思,在所给的词中选择合适的填在相应的空格中,使短文完整,每格一词。(110= 10分)(apples , winter , summer, rains , plant , ski , snowman , in , cold ,often , swim , cool , sometimes ) I love summer. Its very hot in _ . I can _ in the sea. Spring is beautiful. But it often _ . Its hard to _ flowers in the rain. In fall, I can pick _ . I can eat a lot. _ comes. Its very _ . _ it snows. I can _ and make a _.六、根据中文提示,完成句子。(25= 10分)1. 我最喜欢春季。 I like _ _.2. 你在周末通常做些什么?What do you _ _ do on the _?3. 明天让我们一起去晨练。 Lets do _ _ tomorrow.4. 五月是一年的第五个月。 _ is the _ month of a year.5. 今天是几月几日? _ is the _ today?九、阅读理解。(9分) Hi, Im Sandy. I am a nurse. Im active and pretty .Every day I go to work at 7:50 in the morning. Then I go home at about 5:00 in the afternoon. On Monday and Wednesday evening, I read books. On Thursday and Friday evening, I have English class. Sometimes I watch TV .On the weekend, I often go shopping with my friend, Sarah. On Sunday, I usually play sports. But not this Sunday. Because the weather report says its going to rain! So, I will listen to music at home this Sunday.(一)根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的请在括号里划“”,错误的请在括号里划“”。( ) 1、Sandy is an active nurse. ( ) 2、She isnt very beautiful. ( ) 3、The weather is fine this Sunday.(二)根据短文内容,在下面句子横线里填上一个符合内容、形式正确的英词单词,使句子意思完整。4、Her is Sarah. 5、She often _ on the weekend.十、小作文(6分) 题目:以My favourite season 为题 要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰规范。 6080个单词。My Favourite Season 听力材料一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每题一分,共10分)1. weekend 2.when 3.sometimes 4.spring 5. skate 6. sleep 7. March 8. September 9. July 10. go hiking二根据录音内容,判断下列句子是否与对话内容相符,一致的写“T”,不一致的写“F”。(每题2分,共10分)1.What do you do on the weekend ? _I usually play the piano ,sometimes I climb mountains.2. _Whats your favourite season?_Spring.3. _When is your birthday ,Guoqing?_My birthday is October 1st._Oh, then I know Wangjianjuns birthday.When is Wangjianjuns birthday?4. Whats the date today?5. _When do you eat dinner?_At 7:00 p.m.三、听录音,写出正确的应答语。(每题2分,共10分)1.When do you go to work?2.Why do you like summer?3.When is your birthday?4.What do you do on the weekend?5.Which season do you like best?四、听录音,补全句子或对话。(每空1分,共10分)1. I


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