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考点强化练6八年级(上册)Unit1Unit3.单项填空。1.(xx云南)I like the named theEnglishWorld very much.Me,too.I have read it for many years.A.gameB.programC.movieD.magazine答案D解析句意:“我非常喜欢那本叫英语世界的杂志。”“我也是,我已经读它很多年了。”根据“readitformanyyears”可知选D项。2.(xx浙江温州)What was the of the football match last night?AC Milan won the game.A.valueB.resultC.choiceD.decision答案B解析句意:“昨天晚上的足球比赛的结果是什么?”“AC米兰赢得了比赛。”从答句可以看出前者是在问比赛的结果。故选B项。3.(xx山东临沂)We couldnt buy anything because of the shops were open.A.allB.bothC.nothingD.none答案D解析句意:我们不能买任何东西,因为没有一家商店开门。all表示“三者或三者以上都”;both表示“两者都”;nothing表示“什么也没有”;none表示“三者或三者以上没有一个”。根据“Wecouldntbuyanything”可知,选D项。4.(2019预测)The actress is already 50,but she looks than she really is.A.youngB.more youngC.much youngerD.much youngest答案C解析句意:那个女演员已经50岁了,但是她看起来比实际年龄年轻的多。由句中的than可知,空格处用比较级。young的比较级为younger,much修饰比较级。故选C项。导学号567140485.(xx山东滨州)Dont stay inside such a sunny morning.Lets go out to enjoy the gentle wind.A.onB.inC.fromD.at答案A解析在具体某一天早上/晚上用介词on。6.(xx江苏徐州)I look stupid with this haircut.All my classmates will me.A.laugh atB.agree withC.depend onD.worry about答案A解析句意:这个发型让我看起来好傻,我所有的同学都会嘲笑我。laughat嘲笑;agreewith同意;dependon依靠,取决于;worryabout为担心。根据“Ilookstupid”可知,这里应表示“嘲笑”。故选A项。7.(xx内蒙古包头)Do you understand what he said just now?.A.One by oneB.More or lessC.From time to timeD.Here and there答案B解析句意:“你明白他刚才说的话吗?”“或多或少吧。”Onebyone逐个地,一个接一个地;Moreorless或多或少;Fromtimetotime有时;Hereandthere到处。根据上文“Doyouunderstandwhathesaidjustnow?”并结合选项,可知B项符合题意,故答案选B项。8.(xx内蒙古包头)He is a person,but he is good at telling funny storiesA.seriousB.patientC.kindD.humorous答案A解析虽然他是严肃的人,但是他擅长讲有趣的故事。serious严肃的;patient耐心的;kind善良的;humorous幽默的。故选A项符合逻辑。9.(xx湖北恩施改编)Today,WeChat becomes very popular,and quite a lot of people like to use it to each other.A.get in touch withB.catch up withC.keep up withD.pay attention to答案A解析句意:今天,微信变得非常受欢迎,很多人都喜欢用它来互相联系。getintouchwith与联系。故选A项。10.(xx江苏盐城)I felt much after I told the problems to my close friend.A.goodB.wellC.betterD.best答案C解析由“afterItold.tomyclosefriend”推知,把问题向好友倾诉完之后,感觉应该是好多了。所以选C项。.完形填空。(xx陕西改编)Steve was a smart boy.He liked doing things in a way that he thought to be clever.But sometimes he made wrong choices.One day,his father gave him some 11 and asked him to buy some goldfish.When he got to the market,he found that the killifish looked like small goldfish,and they were much 12.So he bought some killifish and kept the rest of the money for himself.When he got home,his father 13 what Steve did at once.He put the fish in the tank(鱼缸) without saying 14 at first.He knew his son didnt buy the right fish.At the same time,he thought his son might have an advantage in marketing.And he should 15 a way to help his son grow well.He had an idea.Then he said to his son,“Steve,do you know 16 you have bought?Are they goldfish?” Steve felt shy and said in a low 17,“Er,no,but.” His father continued,“Well.Im glad you know how to 18 money.I also know you are good at watching things around you.But its not right to be dishonest.You should do things honestly,or others wont 19 you.” Then he helped Steve start with some chores like buying daily things,managing his own money and helping his uncle in his store.Later,Steve worked as a salesman.He felt himself strong in marketing and kept hard at it.20,he became a successful businessman.Several years later,when talking about the key to his success,Steve said,“Thanks to my father.He helped me develop in a right way.”【主旨大意】史蒂夫是一个聪明的孩子,他的父亲让他去买金鱼,结果他发现鳉鱼比金鱼便宜,所以他买了鳉鱼。后来他父亲通过正确引导对他进行教育,并帮助他最终获得成功。11.A.paperB.moneyC.giftsD.flowers答案B解析根据下文“andaskedhimtobuysomegoldfish”可知,此处应该是钱。故选B项。12.A.cheaperB.betterC.more expensiveD.more beautiful答案A解析根据下文“kepttherestofthemoneyforhimself”可知,应该是鳉鱼比小金鱼便宜。故选A项。13.A.refusedB.forgetC.rememberedD.realized答案D解析根据下文“Heknewhissondidntbuytherightfish.”可知,父亲意识到自己的儿子做了什么。故选D项。14.A.somethingB.anythingC.nothingD.everything答案B解析根据without(没有)可知这里表示否定。句意:他先把鱼放进鱼缸,什么都没说。故选B项。15.A.talk aboutB.care aboutC.think ofD.hear of答案C解析根据后文“Hehadanidea.”可知此处父亲是在思考,想办法。16.A.thatB.whereC.whatD.which答案C解析根据后文“Aretheygoldfish?”可知,此处父亲是问“你知道自己买了什么吗?”what作宾语从句引导词。17.A.voiceB.soundC.faceD.noise答案A解析根据上句“Stevefeltshy”可知,这时史蒂夫的声音应该很低。故选A项。18.A.catchB.loseC.saveD.raise答案C解析根据上文第一段“史蒂夫买了便宜的鳉鱼,自己收了剩下的钱”可知,此处应该是:我很高兴你知道如何省钱。故选C项。19.A.helpB.hateC.teachD.trust答案D解析根据上句“Youshoulddothingshonestly”可以推断出下文:否则别人不会相信你。故选D项。20.A.HoweverB.FinallyC.BeforeD.Hardly答案B解析据上文“Hefelthimselfstronginmarketingandkepthardatit.”并结合下文“hebecameasuccessfulbusinessman”可知:他最终成为一名成功的商人。故选B项。导学号56714049.补全对话。(2019原创)A:Hello,Mr.Wang!B:Hello,Mr.Wilson!A:21B:Yes.Our lives are getting better and better,Mr.Wilson.22A:Three days.B:23A:Very good.Its beautiful and quiet.B:It seems that you know our city.Have you ever been here before?A:Yes,24B:Then this time you are here for.A:Just for a holiday.B:Im very glad you like our city.25A:Thank you.A.How do you like our city?B.Your city has changed a lot these years,hasnt it?C.I came here to give a report on food safety two years ago.D.That will make you more relaxed.E.How long have you been here?F.Have a good time.G.Talking of my spare time.答案2125 BEACF.阅读理解。A(2019预测)Foreigners have to get used to a lot of different things in America.One thing is the closet.Each bedroom in America has a huge closet.It is not movable,and it takes up a lot of space.Some closets do not have doors.You cannot close these closets,as dust(灰尘) gets in them easily.People store more than just clothes in closets.They store things like toys,seasonal items,and even shoes.People from Poland do not store shoes in a closet.We believe shoes are dirty and do not smell nice.Instead of closets,we have wardrobes(衣柜) in Poland.You buy your own wardrobe in whatever design and size you like.You can place it wherever you want.You do not have to have a wardrobe in a bedroom.The word closet is an odd word for us because closet in Polish means toilet.It feels strange for us to say that your clothes in the closet or your coat is in the closet.There have been many misunderstandings and funny situations with the closet or toilet word.After getting used to the American way of life,we now find that closets are nice and convenient.We can store lots of things in them.We especially like walk-in closets,which are even more spacious than common closets.You can put many big seasonal items in them!Even though I thought closets were not a good idea at first,now I would rather have closets in my home than a wardrobe.Closets are more useful.【主旨大意】本文是说明文,主要介绍了美国的壁橱。美国人的壁橱很宽敞,里面可以放很多东西,比一般的衣柜更方便实惠。26.Which is not true about American closets?A.They are very big.B.They need a lot of room.C.They may always in the same place.D.They all have a door.答案D解析细节理解题。由第一段的“EachbedroominAmericahasahugecloset”可知,壁橱很大;由第一段的“Itisnotmovable,andittakesupalotofspace.”可知,壁橱不能移动,占据很多空间;由第一段的“Someclosetsdonothavedoors.”可知,一些壁橱没有门。故本题选D项。27.According to the passage,closets without doors than wardrobes.A.are smallerB.get dirty more easilyC.are nicerD.put more clothes答案B解析推理判断题。由第一段的最后一句可知,灰尘容易进入到没有门的壁橱里。故判断它更容易变脏。28.Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “spacious”?A.宽敞的B.豪华的C.现代的D.简易的答案A解析词义猜测题。由“Youcanputmanybigseasonalitemsinthem!”判断spacious意为“宽敞的”。29.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us .A.differences between closets and toiletsB.the different meaning of closet in PolandC.funny stories about closets in PolandD.the history of closets in Poland答案B解析段落大意题。本段主要介绍了closet在波兰与在美国的不同含义。故选B项。导学号56714050B(2019预测)Mr.Clarke works in New York and brought his family to China.They visited many places of interest and had a good time here.Before they left for Shanghai,the Clarkes walked along the Great Wall.It was the greatest project about three thousand years ago.They took a lot of photos there and then they had a picnic under a big tree.Suddenly it began to rain and they hurried to the car.And when they returned to the hotel,they couldnt find the bag and their expensive camera was in it.They were all sorry for it.They could buy another camera but had no time to go to the Great Wall again.They could not miss the plane!That evening they didnt have supper.Mr.Clarke hoped to make them happy and said,“Well,let me tell you a story.An old man lived in a sixty-storey building.One day he fell down from it when he was cleaning the window.But he didnt hurt himself.”“It was a miracle!” called out his children.“Why?”“Because he lived on the first floor!”They all began to laugh when two policemen with a bag came in.They said a Chinese boy found it under the big tree and he asked them to find out who lost it.“Its really a miracle!” the Clarkes said happily.【主旨大意】本文主要讲述了克拉克一家到北京旅行的故事。他们拍了许多照片,却将照相机丢失了,后来警察把相机送了回来。30.Where did the Clarkes left their bag?(不超过10个词)答案Under a big tree.31.Why did Mr.Clarke tell a story to his family?(不超过15个词)答案Because he hoped to make them happy.32.Who found the bag?(不超过10个词)答案A Chinese boy.导学号56714051.单词拼写。33.Everyone can achieve their dreams t(通过) hard work.答案through34.The boy has made the d(决定) to play the drums well


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