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懂你Level 2L2-U1-1/5 ListeningJackson family 1A1. This is the Jackson family.2. Its a family of four.3. Bill and Helen are the parents.4. They have two children.5. Both of their children are girls.练:1. They dont have any boys.B1. Lisa is the oldest of the girls.2. Shes twelve years old.3. Angela is the youngest.4. Shes nine.5. They also have a dog.6. Its name is Jumper.7. Its name is Jumper because he likes to jump.8. Jumper can jump rope!C1. The Jackson family lives in Shanghai.2. They live in a large apartment building.3. Their apartment building has many apartments.4. Their apartment is on the 5th( fifth) floor.5. They usually take the elevator to the 5th(fifth) floor.6. Sometimes the elevator doesnt work.7. Then they take the stairs.D1. There are many trees outside their apartment building.2. There is also a small pond.3. Inside the pond are fish and frogs.4. Lisa and Angela like to feed the fish.E1. There is also a family of ducks.2. There are two adult ducks and five baby ducks.3. Lisa and Angela like to watch the ducks.4. The baby ducks are getting bigger each day.L2-U1-1/5 vocabularynatural and animal A1. A tall tree.2. This tree is tall and green.3. A river.4. This river is long.5. A pond.6. Fish and frogs live in this pond.7. An ocean.8. We cant drink ocean water.9. A mountain.10. Some mountains are very high.11. A forest.12. A forest has many trees.B1. A little dog.2. This little dog is walking.3. A sleeping cat.4. This cat is sleeping.5. Two birds in a tree.6. These two birds are in a tree.7. A frog.8. This frog lives in a pond.9. A family of ducks.10. This is a family of ducks.C1. A little dog.2. This little dog is walking.3. A black and white cat.4. This cat is sleeping.5. A bird.6. Birds can fly.7. A frog.8. This frog lives in a pond.9. Ducks.10. This is a family of ducks.D1. On the table.2. The keys are on the table.3. Under the table.4. There is a white ball under the table.5. Between.6. The boy is standing between the two girls.7. Next to.8. The keys are next to the green box.9. Inside.10. The boy is standing inside the circle.11. Outside.12. The girl is standing outside the circle.E1. Walk up.2. He is walking up some stairs.3. Walk down.4. She is walking down some stairs.5. Look out.6. She is looking out the window.7. Go to.8. They are going to the door.9. Come from.10. He is coming from the door.L2-U1-1/5 dialogueLisa and Bills introduction A1. Hello, my name is Lisa Jackson.2. This is my family.3. My parents are both teachers.4. My sister and I are both students.5. We go to the same school.6. We also have a dog.7. Its name is jumper.8. My sister and I really like jumper.B1. My parents are not Chinese.2. But we live in China.3. We live in Shanghai.4. I can speak Chinese fairly well, and so can my sister.5. We like living in China.6. I like the people here.C1. Do you have any questions?2. First question, how do you spell your English name?3. My family name is Jackson, J-A-C-K-S-O-N.4. Thanks, how old are you?5. Im twelve years old.6. Do you like your school?7. Yes, I do, its a good school.8. What time do you and sister go to school?9. We go to school at eight oclock.10. What time do you come home from school?11. We come home around four oclock.12. What language do you speak at home?13. We speak English at home.14. Thank you, Lisa.15. Youre welcome.D1. Hi, Im Lisas father, Bill.2. This is my wife, Helen.3. Yes, Bill is my husband, and we have two daughters.4. Lisa is our oldest daughter.5. She is twelve.6. Angela is our youngest daughter.7. She is nine.E1. My husband and I are both teachers.2. I teach children and he teaches university students.3. Yes, we both teach English.4. He teaches in the afternoon and evening.5. And she teaches in the morning and afternoon.6. Do you have any questions?7. Can you both speak Chinese?8. Yes, a little, but it isnt very good.9. Our two daughters speak Chinese fairly well.10. Do you both take Chinese classes?11. Yes, but we dont go to school.12. we study on line.13. I study a little big every day. 14. Thank you.15. You welcome.L2-U1-1/5 Letter and Numberweek and hour/minutes/second A1. There are seven days in a week.2. Monday is the first day in a week.3. Sunday is the last day of a week.4. Tuesday is the second day of a week.5. Wednesday is the third day of a week.B1. Thursday is the fourth day of a week.2. Friday is the fifth day of a week.3. Saturday is the first day of the weekend.4. Sunday is the seventh day of the week.5. The weekend days are Saturday and Sunday.C1. One minutes is sixty seconds.2. Ninety seconds is a minute and half.3. Thirty minutes is half an hour.4. Fifteen minutes is a quarter of an hour.5. forty-five minutes is three quarters of an hour.6. Sixty minutes is an hour.7. Ninety minutes is an hour and a half.8. Six fifteen is a quarter after six.9. Six thirty is half pass six.10. six forty-five is a quarter to seven.L2-U1-2/5 Listening.Jackson family 2A1. The Jacksons apartment is fairly large.2. It has two bedrooms and two bathrooms.3. There is also a large living room.4. Theres a piano in the living room.B1. Their mother, Helen, can play the piano.2. She can play fairly well.3. Their father, Bill, likes to sing.4. But he doesnt sing very well.C1. Lisa loves music.2. She plays the violin.3. She practices every day.4. With practice, shes getting better.D1. Lisas parents both have jobs.2. They are English teachers.3. Her mother teaches English to children.4. Her father teaches English to adults.5. They both teach at schools.6. They dont teach at the same school.7. Helen teaches at a primary school.8. Her students are between seven and nine years old.9. Bill teaches in a small university.10. His students are at least 18 years old.练:1. They dont teach at the same school.2. They sleep in their bedrooms.L2-U1-2/5 Vocabularyroom and action A1. A bedroom.2. People sleep in a bedroom.3. A bathroom.4. People take baths in a bathroom.5. A living room.6. People watch television in a living room.7. A kitchen.8. People cook food in a kitchen.9. A dining room.10. People eat food in a dining room.B1. This side.2. The boy is on this side of the table.3. The other side.4. The girl is on the other side of the table.5. The same side.6. They are on the same side of the street.7. The opposite side.8. They are on opposite side of the street.9. Next to.10. They are standing next to each other.11. Across from.12. They are sitting across from each other.C1. Buy it.2. She is buying a dress.3. Sell it.4. This shop sells flowers.5. Pay someone.6. Pay the taxi driver.7. Give it.8. Give money to someone.9. Steal it.10. He is stealing her phone.L2-U1-2/5 DialogueTom and Lisa A1. Good morning, Tom, how are you today?2. Good morning, Lisa, Im find.3. I like sunning weather.4. Me too. Whats your first class today?5. My first class is math.6.Do you like math?7. Yes, I do. What about you?8. No, I dont, Im not very good at math.B1. What are you good at?2. Im good at language.3. Do you read a lot.4. Yes, I do. I love to read.5. Anything else?6. No, really. What about you? What are you good at?7. I can play basketball, I really like it.8. Youre tall, so thats good, right?9. Yes, Im tall, but I move fast.C1. Do you like sports?2. Not so much.3. What do you like?4. I love music, I play the violin.5. Are you good at it?6. No, not yet.7. But I practice every day.8. Im getting better.9. Great.10, Ok, see you later, Tom.11. Bye, Lisa.D1. Hi, Tom.2. Hi, Lisa.3. Do you have any brothers or sisters?4. No, I dont, I dont have any brothers or sisters.5. Do you have a pet?6. A pet? Do You mean a dog or a cat?7. Yes, we have a dog.8. We have a cat.9. Oh, I like cats, but my mom doesnt like it.E1. Whats your cats name?2. Its name is Mimi.3. Oh, its a girl cat.4. Yes, thats right.5. What does Mimi like to do?6. She likes sleep, shes sleep a lot.F1. Do you have a picture of it?2. Yes, I have a picture on my phone.3. Wow, she is a beautiful cat.4. Thanks, I think so too.L2-U1-2/5 Letter and Numberweek and month A1. There are seven days in the week.2. There are twenty-four hours in a day.3. If today is Monday, yesterday was Sunday.4. If today is Monday, Tomorrow is Tuesday.5. If today is Thursday, the day before yesterday was Tuesday.B1. If today is Thursday, the day after tomorrow is Saturday.2. If today is Friday, the weekend begins tomorrow.3. If today is Saturday, Thursday is two days ago.4. If today is Friday, Sunday is the day after tomorrow.5. If today is Friday, next Monday is three days from now.C1. There are twelve months in a year.2. January is the first month of the year.3. February is the second month of the year.4. March is the third month of the year.5. April comes after March and before May.6. May is fifth month of the year.7. June is the sixth month of the year.D1. July comes after June.2. August and September are the eighth and ninth months of the year.3. October comes after September and before November.4. November is the eleventh month.5. December is the last month of the year.练: 1. If today is Wednesday, the weekend begins in two days time.L2-U1-3/ 5 ListeningJackson family 3A1. The Jackson family lives in this apartment building.2. Their apartment is on the 5thfloor.3. Behind the building is a pond and some trees.4. In front of the building is a street.5.If you look on the map, its this street, 1st (first) avenue.6. 1ST (first) avenue goes north to south.B1. Their building is on the west side of the street.2. A cross the street is a small shopping center.3. Its on the east side of the street.4.You can buy food there. such as meet and vegetables.5. You can also buy clothes and toys for kids6. There are many smallshops in the shopping center.C1. On the east side of the street, there is a subway entrances.2. Its about 20 meters north of the shopping center.3. Lisa and her sister take the subway to school.4. Their parents also take the subway. 5. They take the subway to work.6. They dont own a car. 7. A car is too expensive.8.Theydont have enough money for a car.L2-U1-3/5 vocabularydairy rule /foodA1. These people are walking on a crosswalk.2. He is standing on a corner.3. This is a red traffic light.4. People walk on a sidewalk.5. We drive cars on a street.6.These are public restrooms.7. Cars must stop at a red traffic light.B1. Here are some kind of fruits.2. Oranges and apples are both fruit.3. Corn and carrots are vegetables.4. Chicken is an example of meat.5. Rice is popular in an Asia and potatoes are popular in Europe.6. Ice-cream and cakes are examples of desserts. (many desserts are very sweet)C1. Here are something to wear.2. This is a pair of red pants.3. Women and girls wear dresses.4. This is a purple shirt.5. This is a pink blouse.6. These are mens shoes.L2-U1-3/5 DialogueHave lunch together A1. Do you want have lunch?2. Yes, I do.3. Where do you want to meet?4. Lets meet at the front of the subway.5. Which entrance?6. Lets meet at the south entrance. Its on 1ST(first) avenue.7. Where is the 1ST (first) avenue.8. Its about 50 meters north of the shopping center.B1. Ok. What time do you want to meet?2. Lets meet at 12:30, ok?3. How about 12:45?4. Ok. 12:45 is good.C1. What do you want to eat?2. I dont know what kind of food do you like?3. How about pizza?4. Sure. Theres a good pizza restaurant in the shopping center.5. Ok, lets go there for lunch6. Great. See you at 12:457.Bye byeD1. Excuse me. which way is the subway from here?2. There are two subways stop near here. Which line do you want?3. I want line 10.4. Go south on 1ST avenue. Its about 200 meters from here.5. The subway entrance is on the east side of the streetE1. Which side are we on now.2. Were on the west side3. So. 200 meters south. Then cross the street, right?4. Yes, thats right.5. Thanks a lot.L2-U1-4/5ListeningJackson family 4A1. The Jacksons live in a nice apartment.2. Its a nice building. 3. Its also expensive.4. The apartment isnt theirs.5. They dont own it. 6. Another person owns it.7. That person is the owner of the apartment.8. The Jacksonsrent it from the owner.9. That means they pay money to the owner.B1. The Jacksons pay rent every month.2. Their rent is about 30% of their income.3. Fortunately they both have jobs.4. They have two incomes.5. Together, their salaries are enough to live.6. But they dont have enough money for a car.C1. The Jacksons have many expenses.2. Their largest expense is rent.3.Its about 30% of their income.4. The second largest expense is for their childrens education.5. Their schools are not free.6. 7. Their other expenses include food and clothes.8. They also save some money every month.9. They save about 10% of their income.10. They put this money in the bank.L2-U1-4/5 vocabularystation / face / a day A1. A bus stop.2. People get on a bus at a bus stop.3. A train station.4. People get on the train at a train station.5. A taxi stand.6. People wait for a taxi at a taxi stand7. A subway entrance.8. A subway stop has several entrances.9. An airport.10. Airplanes take off and land atan airport.练1. People go to an airport to catch their plane.B1. Eyes.2. We use eyes to see things.3. Ears4. Our ears are on the left and right sides of our head.5. A nose.6. Our nose is below our eyes and above our mouth.7. A mouth.8. Our mouth is blow our nose.9. Hands.10. We use our hands to pick up things.11. A brain.12.Our brain is inside our head.C1. Its morning.2.People get up in the morning and the day begins.3. Its afternoon.4. People eat lunch in the afternoon.5. Its evening.6. People eat dinner in the evening.7. Its night.8. At night people go to bed.9. Its daytime.10. Its light during the day, because the sun is up.11. Its nighttime.12. Its dark at night because the sun is down.L2-U1-4/5 DialogueBuy dress A1. Good afternoon. may I help you.2. Yes Im look for a summer dress.3. Do you want a long dress or a short dress.4. I want to something short but not too short.5. What about color. 6. Do you have a favorite color?7. I like blue. 8. Do you have blue dress?9. Yes, we have several blue dresses.10. May I see them?11. Sure please Come with me. B1. Here two short blue dresses.2. I like this one.3. How much is it?4. Its usually $100, but its on sale today.5. So how much is it today?6. I can give you 20%(twenty percent) discount.7. So that is $80(eight dollars) right?8. Yes do you want to try it on?9. Yes, where can I put it on?10. Theres a dressing room over there.C1. How does it fits?2. It fits well.3. You look beautiful.4. Thanks. but its still too expensive.5. Can you give me a lower price?6. Sorry, Im afraid not. 7. Thats the lowest price I can give you.D1. How about the other dress?2. Its a little more expensive. Its $120.3. Is it on the sale?4. No, Im afraid not.5. Well. I really like this dress.6. Ok. $80(eight dollars) is a good price for it.7. Ok, Ill buy it.E1. Can you pay with cash?2. No, I want to use my credit card.3. Sure, no problem. We takeall credit cards.4. Great.L2-U1-5/5 ListeningBens family 1A1. This is Ben Henrys.2. He and his family live in Toronto, Canada.3. Ben has an older brother, JEFF.4. JEFF is 15 years old.5. Ben has also a younger sister, Maggie.6. Shes 8 years oldB1. This is Bens father, Paul.2. Paul owns his own business. 3. He owns four restaurants.4. They are Italian restaurants.5. His business is good. 6. His business is very good.7. So he earns a lot of money.8. They live in a very large house.9. Its a very expensive house.10. They have two cars.11. Both cars are expensive cars.C1. Bens mother Cathy doesnt have a job.2. She takes care of their home.3. She also takes care of their garden.4. Their garden is behind their house.5. She grows flowers and vegetables.6.She is also an excellent cook.7. She can cook many different kinds of food.8. She can cook Italian and French food.9. She can also cook Indian food.D1. Ben likes sports.2. He wants to be a hockey player.3.He doesnt like school, But he wants a sports scholarship.4. So he studies hard and exercises every day.5. Jeff doesnt like sports. 6. he wants to be a doctor.7. He wants to go to a great university.8. Maggie want to be an actress.9. She takes dance lessons.10. She also likes to sing.11. She wants to be a famous movie star.L2-U1-5/5vocabularyweather/on the street/ people activity A1. Its windy today. 2. The wind is blowing.3. Its rainy.4. It is raining, so take an umbrella.5. Its cloudy weather. 6. Its cloudy so we cant see th


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