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Unit1单元测试题本试卷共五大题,满分135分。考试时间100分钟。一、听力测试第一节听力理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)听下面一段对话,回答第12小题。1 When will Jenny meet Mary this afternoon? A. 2:30 B.2:00 C. 2:152. Who is Johnson ? A. Jennys classmate B. Jennys father C. Jennys professor听下面一段对话,回答第35两个小题。3. How much is a kilo of mangoes? A. 2. B. 4. C. 6.4. What does the womans son like best? AMangoes BOranges. C. Apples5.What is the change ?A. 6 yuan B. 8yuan C. 18 yuan . 听下面一段对话,回答第68两个小题。6.How far is it to Sunshine Sports Centre?A2 kilometers away B4 kilometers away C7 kilometers away7.Which bus is the cheapest?ANo.2 bus BNo.7bus CNo.12 bus8.Where is the bus stop? A. Near the bookshop B .Next to the bookshop C. Opposite the bookshop听下面一段对话,回答第912两个小题。9.What size does the woman order?ASize L.BSize M CSize S10. What kind of Pizza does the woman order? A. With sausage and bacon on it. B. With onions and cheese on it. C.With sausage and onions on it.11.Whats the womans phone number?A.28390162 B. 28309162 C. 2839106212.What does the woman Not order? A. Spicy BBQs. B. PEPSI C. Coke.听下面一段独白,回答第1315三个小题。13.Where will the party be held?AIn the garden BNear the swimming pool CUnder the big tree.14.How long will the party last according to the plan?A2 hours B3 hours C. 5 hours15.What is not mentioned in the invitation? AA dancing party B. Drinking afternoon tea C. Having a swim第二节 听取信息 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号为AE的空格中。听录音前,你将有15秒钟的阅题时间。录音读两遍。 你将有80秒钟的作答时间。Where did they sing at first?They sang at the entrance of the _A_ station.What did people do ?They slowed down and _B_ some money into the hat.Why did people slow down?Because the music was _C_.Who invited them?The _D_ invited them to take part in the competition.What did get in the competition?They got the _E_ prize at last.二、语言知识与运用(共两节,满分20分) 第一节 单项选择 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ( )16.Its impolite to _ others. A.look at B.stare at C.see D.find( )17. Whats the key _ your success? A. for B. with C. on D. to( )18. _ is not just about speakingA. .Communicate B. Communicates C . Communicating D Communicated( )19. They had a rest before _ the meeting again.A. starting B. to start C. start D. started( )20. You are late again. Thats _ she gets angry.A. because B. why C. how D. so( )21. _ in Chinese cultures means “Yes”.A. Shaking your head B. Nodding C. Pushing D. Opening your mouth wide( )22. I saw them run away _ the direction of the old factory.A. in B. on C. enjoys D. prefers( )23. He _ tea to coffee.A. likes B. loves C. enjoys D. prefers( )24. She tried to avoid _ mistakes when writing report.A. make B. made C. making D. to make ( )25. This article _ me of those old days.A reminded B. wrote C.repeated D.pointed第二节: 语法选择(共10题,10分,每题1分)Body language is just as spoken words? Why ? Because it has the ability _26_ you understand other people. Below are some examples.The first one is eye contact. You could know _27_a person is thinking or feeling through the movement of his eyes. When a person stares at some place and then looks back at you, it usually means that they want to notice _28_there.The second one is high fives. 29_ high fives means you have done something great or you want other people to appreciate. It is _30_ when a person connects his palm(手掌) to _31_. There are also “high tens” and low “fives”now. All three are used to show success.The last one is bowing low. It has always been part of the Japanese and Chinese culture. According to oriental(东方的) culture, the _32_ you bow your head, the greater the respect you have on the other person. It _33_ to almost everybody in the world nowadays. Would you want another way _34_ how much you respect your teachers? Or how about _35_how to use your eyes and hands correctly? Learn these body languages now.( )26. A.to make B.makes C. made D .making( )27.A.what B. how C. why D.when( )28. A.anything B.nothing C.everything D.something( )29. A.A B.The C.An D不填( )30. A .achieved B.achieves C. achieve D.achieving( )31. A.another B.the other C. anothers D.others( )32. A.low B.lower C. more lower D.lowest( )33. A. knew B. knows C.is known D.knowing( )34 A.showed B.to show C.being showed . D.show( )35. A.learn B. learns C. to learn D.learning三、阅读与理解 第一节:完形填空(共10个空格,10分;每个空格1分)Having a best friend is a good thing. This is true especially when one is _36_. A best friend is someone who is willing to be there when he is _37_.A best friend is ususally nice and kind to the other. By this , he should be _38_to all the opinions that his friend has. He should be a good listener and be able to hear all the thoughts that his friend has in _39_. Also he should be able to _40_some helpful information to his friend. A good listener should be able to sit there and have a conversation with those who need a hand, and then _41_ out the one in trouble.Having the same interest in _42_is also a good way to be best friends. For example, school, education, sports or other things. Usually one _43_ his or her best friend while they are studying in school. At school any two persons are able to get to know each other _44_ because they can see each other everyday.The best friend should be able to help at anytime. Once a person has found another person who is willing to listen and has the same interest with each other, then he or she can be _45_ a best friend. ( )36.A.alone B.lone C. only D.lonely( )37. A.found B.asked C.needed D.seen( )38. A.open B.closed C. agree D.happy( )39. A.heart B.mind C.hand D.eye( )40. A.give B.ask C.want D.remind( )41. A.give B .let C. help D.turn( )42. A.anything B.something C. nothing D.everything( )43. A.greets B .views C.sees D.meets( )44.A. happily B.sadly C.easily D.carefully( )45.A. asked B.called C.answered D.needed第二节:阅读理解(共20题,40分;每小题2分)A Dear Jenny,Thanks for your message. Yes, Im having a great time on my exchange program in France. Its even better than I thought it would be. I was a bit nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reason to be. My host family is really nice. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. And you wouldnt believe how quickly my French has improved! Im very confident in speaking French now. Although I still make a lot of mistakes, it doesnt bother me like it used to. My biggest problem is learning how to behave at the dinner table. As you can imagine , things are really different from the way they are at home. For example, you should not put your bread on your plate. You should put it on the table! I thought that was very strange at first, but now Im used to it. You should not eat anything with your hands except bread, not even your fruit! ( you have to cut it up and eat it with a fork.) Another thing is that it is very rude to say you are full. If you dont want any more food, you should just say, “it was delicious.” Also, its rude to put your hands on your legs. You should always keep your hands, but not your arms, on the table.I have to say, I find it difficult to remember everything, but I am getting used to things slowly and dont find them so strange any longer. I will write to you soon and tell you more about my life in France. Hope youre having a good school year. Best wishes Eric( )46. How is Eric on his exchange program in France?A .He is a bit nervous B.He is having a great time.C.He wants to go back home D He worries about his French( )47. How has Erics French improved?A. He doesnt make lots of mistakes now B His host family can understand him nowC Hes now very confident in speaking FrenchD Hes now very good at spoken French( )48. Which of the following is NOTtrue according to the letter?A. You should say “it was delicious” if you want more food.B. You should put your bread on the tableC. You should not eat fruit with your handsD. you should not put your elbows on the table.( )49. What is Erics biggest problem?A. Learning how to cook a French dinner.B.Getting used to French foodC.Imagining what to eat for his dinnerD. Learning how to behave at the dinner table( )50. What can we learn about Eric from his letter?A.He likes speaking French. B. He thinks those rules are so strangeC.He now lives with his classmates D.He will leave France soon.B If you spend some time in an English-speaking country, you might hear the word etiquette. It means polite social behaviour. This may seem like a difficult word at first, but it can be very useful to understand it.Etiquette is not the same in every culture or in every situation(场合). For example, standing very close to the person you are talking with is so ordinary(平常的) in some Asian countries. However, if you do this in Europe, some people might feel uncomfortable. Even in China, we all know that etiquette is not the same in all situations.If we see someone do not obey(遵守) the rules of etiquette, we may give them some suggestions in a polite way. Perhaps one of the most polite ways is to ask someone, Would you mind doing this or Would you mind not doing that. For example, if someone cuts(插入) in front of you in a line, you could say, Sorry, would you mind joining the line? If someone is smoking on the bus, you could ask, Excuse me, could you please put out that cigarette? People usually dont like to be asked to do something, so we have to be careful how we do this.Although rules of etiquette can often be different, some rules are the same nearly everywhere in the world! For example, dropping rubbish is nearly never allowed. If you see someone you know doing this, you can say, Would you mind picking it up?( )51. The underlined word “etiquette” (in Paragraph 1) means“_”.A. a difficult word B. polite social behaviourC. a useful word D. useful behaviour( )52. Which of the following is True according to Paragraph 2 ?A. In Europe, you should stand very close to the person you are talking with.B. In Asian countries, people feel the same way in one country.C. Rules of etiquette are not the same even in one country.D. Rules of etiquette are the same in one culture.( )53. What can we do if we see someone do not follow the rules of etiquette ?A. Ask them to be polite. B. Tell them what “etiquette” means.C. Suggest them what to do in a polite way.D. Give them some advice on how to improve those rule.( )54. What could you say if someone cuts in a line ?A. Youd better join the line. B. Youre not allowed to cut in this line.C. Would you mind not cutting in front of me?D. Would you mind joining the line?( )55. What can we learn from the passage ?A. We dont have to be careful when we talk with someone from Asian countries.B. It would be very helpful to understand different rules of etiquette.C. Rules of etiquette are all different all over the world.D. Rules of etiquette are difficult to follow.C When you are building a good relationship(关系) with your new horse, it is very important that you understand his body language. Get to know him. Do this easily by spending time with your new friend. You cant develop a good relationship if your own body language means just ordering him, making him frightened or punishing(惩罚) him. You should be friendly to him. One good way to get to know your horse is to learn his body language so that you can learn useful skills to teach him.The ears are the first sign that tells you something happens. Tail movements is another way to learn his condition. A quickly moving tail means he is angry and not patient. When a horse is excited, you might see him running around with his tail up and out. This is called high tailing. If he put his tail between his legs then he is feeling scared.You can also learn about him from his expressions on his face. A tight mouth means he is scared. You may see this when you are trying to work with him on something new. When he begins to realize what youre trying to teach him, his mouth will start to move as he likes. He is now saying, “Ah, I get it now.”And dont forget his eyes. The eyes of a horse are very human-like. Study them well and you will learn a lot about your animal friend.( )56.How can you develop a good relationship with your horse?A.Be friendly to him. B.Making him comfortable.C. Giving him right orders. D. Teaching him skills.( )57. What can you do when you know the body language of your horse?A. Ask him to listen to all the orders. B. Punish him when he doesnt do well.C. Become a good friend of animals. D. Teach and help him to learn something he should learn( )58. The first sign that tells you something happens is the _ of your horse.A. tail B. expression C. ears D. eyes( )59. It shows that the horse _ when he moves his tail quickly.A. is not feeling certain about something B. has noticed somethingC. is upset and not patient D. doesnt want to do something( )60. Which of the body language of a horse is true?A. Hes angry if he puts his tail between his legs.B. Hes not afraid to do something if his mouth moves aroundC. Hes excited if he runs around with a quickly moving tail.D. Hes scared if he closes his eyes.DEveryone likes living in a clean and comfortable environment. If the environment is bad, it will affect(影响) our body, it makes us feel bad. Sometimes we may be terribly ill. At that time we dont want to work, we have to stay in bed and rest at home. So the environment is very important to us.It is germs that make us ill. There are germs everywhere. They are very small and you cant find them with your own eyes but you can see them with a microscope. They are very small and there may be hundreds of them on a very small thing. Germs can always be found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope, we shall see them in it. Germs can also be found in air and dust. If you cut your finger, and if some of the dust from the floor goes into it, some of the germs will go into it, your finger will become big and red, and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs will go into alll parts of your body, and you will have pain everywhere. To keep us healthy, we should try our best to make our environment becomes cleaner and tidier. This needs us to act together.( )61. The writer tells us that _.A. germs cant live in the water B. we cant feel ill if the environment is badC. we feel well when the environment is good D. we like working when we are ill( )62. - Do you know anything about germs? -Yes. Germs are _.A.very small things that you cant


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