



小学六年级英语期中测试题1-3单元(Unit 13)听力部分(40分) 班级: 姓名: 学号: 题号听力部分笔试部分总分IIIIIIIVIIIIII得分I、听音排序(16分)请根据你所听到的单词顺序,用1、2、3、4为下列单词排序,序号写在单词下的括号里。(每个单词两遍)A:1、plane 2、subway 3、cinema 4、library( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B:1、train 2、traffic 3、post office 4、bookstore( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) C:1、wait 2、north 3、straight 4、left( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) D:1、supermarket 2、traffic rule 3、science museum 4、west( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) II、听音圈词(10分) newspaper a pair of south straight shoe store minute post card next to right east dictionary south north magazine after tomorrow get to comic book tonight excuse meIII、听音、连线。(6分)take a trip tomorrowread a magazine tonightgo to the cinema this morning this afternoon this evening next week、听音判断(8分)根据你所听到的内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的打,错的打。1、Im going to Beijing by train. ( )2、Im going to the library. ( )3、What are you going to do tomorrow? ( )4、Im going to buy a dictionary. ( )笔试部分(60分)I、根据下面的中文意思,选出正确的选项。(15分)1、当你要询问别人怎么去重庆时,应该说:A、Excuse me. Where is Chongqing, please?B、How can I go to Chongqing?C、Excuse me. How can I go to Chongqing?2、当你询问别人要去哪里买东西时,应该说:A: When are you going to buy?B: Where are you going to buy?C: What are you going to buy?3、当你问别人周末打算做什麽,应该说:A、What are you going to do on the weekend? B、Where are you going to do on the weekend? C、What are you going to do on the weekend? 4、当你告诉别人图书馆在学校附近时,应该说: A、 The library is in front of the school. B、 The library is behind the school. C、 The library is next to the school.5、当别人问你怎么去北京时,应该怎样回答:A、How do you go to Beijing?B、I go to Chongqing by plane. C、Sometimes I go to Beijing by plane.II、连词成句(15分)1、this going to Im my grandparents visit weekend this . 2、are you going Where this afternoon? 3、How school do go you to ? 4、I home on go foot . 5、are in the What to going you buy bookstore? III、阅读理解1、下列句子的意思和会话内容是否相符合.正确请在括号里打“T”,不正确在括号里打“F”。(20分)Mike: What are you going to do this afternoon.Zhang: Im going to visit my grandparents. Mike: How do you get there?Zhang: I get there by subway.Mike: Where do they live?Zhang: Their home is next to the Science Bookstore. I turn left at the Traffic lights in front of the subway station, then go straight. Their home is on the left.Mike: Im going to the Science Bookstore this afternoon! I want to buy a new book.Zhang: Lets go there afternoon lunch.(1) Zhang Peng is going to visit his grandparents. ( )(2)Zhang Peng is going by bus. ( )(3)Mike is going to buy a book in the Science Bookstore. ( )(4)Zhang Pengs grandparents live next to the Science Museum. ( )(5)Mike and Zhang Peng are going after lunch. ( )2、根据短文回答问题(10分)(1)What is Zhang Peng going to do this afternoon?(2)How does Zhang Peng get there?(3)Where does Zhang Peng s grandpare


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