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-WORD格式-可编辑-国家电网公司专业技术人员电力英语水平考的是,他将出席会议没有残忍,不管是人或动物试题库答案(第二版)8.It was natural (自然 )that hecount(计算 )16.we should becareful仔细 when we are单项选择the days before going home.doing our exercises.练习Section19.when she saw the clouds(乌去密布 ) she17.The tallest hat帽子 would make him so1.The orange is too high on the tree . Itswent back to house to fetch (取 ) hertall that people would stopcalling him aout of my reach ( 伸 出 手 ).Ineedumbrella( 伞 ).little man.高顶帽子令他非常高大,人们someone to help me.10.The metals which we find in theearth将停止称他是小个人。2.The cityis namedafter famousinclude (包括 ) iron , lead and copper.在18.Everyone seemed(似乎 ) to turn (变成 ) apresident.(这个城市是著名的总统名字我们地球上发现金属包括有铁,铅和铜blind( 失明 ) eye tothe rubbish (垃圾 )on命名的 ) named after 短语 ” 命名 ”11.Your hair needsto be cut( 剪 ) ;would youthe floor.每个人都似乎在地板上又视而3.It took millions of people severalyearslike me to do it for you.不见垃圾to build the Great Wall.12.It was difficult难 to guess猜测 what19.If you have a housefullof childrenan4.I have always considered ( 考虑过的 /认her reaction反应 tothenews消息rubbish垃 圾 , youwillnext keepit为) you my best friend.would be.clean( 清扫 )5.If I takethis medicinetwice aday, it13.Contrary 相反 to yourprediction预言 ,20.Youareverylucky( 幸运 ), because youshould cure (治愈 )my cold. 如果我服用they lost the game.haveachance(机 会 )to studyat此药,一天两次,就应该治愈我的感冒14.We say that a personhasgoodcollege( 大学 )6.It is considerate 考虑周到的 of you tomanners ifhe or sheis polite,kind21.I was ashamedof耻于 when I lived生turn down the radio while your sister isand helpfulto others.我们说一个人具活 .still ill in bed.这是体贴你调低收音机,你有良好的风度, 如果他或她是有礼貌,善22.Xiaowangalwayscomesup with( 提的妹妹还在床上生病。良和乐于助人。出 )wonderful( 极好 ) ideas.7.It s not quite certain肯定 that he will15.He is always kind , never cruel ,either to23.Considering (考虑到 ) his age( 年龄 ), he is-be presentat the meeting.这不是肯定people or to animals.他总是仁慈,从来unable to take the job.24.It is impossible to know in advance (预先 )1.Peter s latest book isso goodthatis一直在寻找what will happen.beyondall praise赞美不尽彼得的最新10.The local地方 government政府 will25.Although 尽管 many young people are著作是太好,超越所有的赞扬offer 提供 us whatwe need.当地政府keen (热心 ,渴望 )on going abroad( 出国 ),2.His failure to pay his debtsconfirmed证将为我们提供我们所需要的he prefers( 宁愿 ) to stay and work in his实 their suspicion 怀疑 that he was not11.The room became completelydarkown country.to be trusted. 他没有支付他的债务证实when the candlewent out 熄灭房间变得26.The doctor haswarned( 警告 ) time and他们的怀疑,他不值得信任完全黑暗当蜡烛熄灭时again( 屡次 ) that smokingwillaffect (影3.Sorry, I took your penby mistake错误过12.Pollutionis saidto cause使 many响 ) hishealth,but johnyjustwon t失对不起,我误拿了你的笔people to suffer from患 cancer 癌. 污染listen4.The sistersdifferin 在 不 同 their是说令许多人患上癌症27.You dbetter最 好 have your catinterests 兴趣 .13.The doctor said he would try his best torepairedat once立刻 , or you will be late5.I longfor 渴望 anopportunity 机会 ofrelieve 减轻 her of herpain痛苦 .医生for professor s教授 lecture 演讲seeing you.我渴望见到你一个机会说,他将尽最大努力,以减轻她的痛苦28.This is the very house in which Mr.Zhou6.We have lessons everyday except除14.Do youenjoyreading abouttheonce 曾经 lived居住 .外 on Sundayadventures冒险 of the great explorer伟29.The old photo (reminded himof 使.记7.Failure(失 败 ) tocommunicate沟 通大探险家in the African forests非洲丛林起 )hischildhood 儿 童 时 代in theresultedin 导致 the high divorce rate.15.It is impolite无礼 tostare盯 着 atcountryside 农村不沟通导致离婚率高somebodyorfollow跟 着him30.He slipped and broke his leg. As a result8.I am glad tohave been given 已获得 aconstantly不变地 . 这是不礼貌地盯着别因此 he would have to away from schoolchange改变visit访问 our country.我人,或者不断地跟他走for two weeks. 他滑倒摔断了腿。因此,很高兴能有更改访问贵国16.We entered the museumjust to find 只他将不得不从学校离开了两个星期9.Ruthfinally 最后managed 达成to find是 为 了 找ashelter避难 所fromaSection2what shewas looking for露丝才找到她shower阵雨 . 我们走进博物馆只是为了找到避雨的所。rid of 摆脱 her bad habit 习惯 . 这位年轻30.When Tomwokeup hewas inthe17.Baby-sitting 保姆 is part of an off-camp的姑娘下了决心摆脱她的坏习惯hospital,buthe didn t know howthatjob. 保姆是场外阵营工作的一部分24.It was inGreece 希腊 thatOlympichad come about 发生造成的 . 当汤姆醒18.Please speak loudly and clearly to makecompetitionsstarted. 正是在希腊的奥林来时,他在医院里, 但他不知道怎样发生yourself heard and understood. 请大声匹克竞赛开始的说话,显然使自己听到和理解。25.It seems 似乎 that his opinions看法 are19.Smallpox 天花 left 留下lasting 持久always different 不同 from his girl-friend.Section3scars 疤痕 on George Washington sThey don t get along相处融洽 well.1.John s sudden 突然的 death 死亡 wasnose and cheeks 脸颊 but most artists26.The price of housesis goingup whilea greatblow 打击 to his mother and it艺术家 kindly 亲切 leftout 遗漏 thethat of carshas been brought downonlytook her a long time toget over 自中pockmarks 痘痕 when painting 画 histo about 80 thousandyuan 在房屋价格恢复过来 the grief 悲痛 .portraits 画像 . 天花离开乔治华盛顿的鼻在不断攀升,而汽车,已降至仅约8.0 万2.Unless 除非 you go by 依照 nature自然 ,子和脸颊,但大多数的艺术家请留下了凹元you are sure to be punished处罚 by it.坑时画的肖像持久的伤疤 .27.Milk easilygoes bad in hotweather.3.Hisheart stoppedbeating跳动 just20.Handwriting is how youpresent 现在You d better put it into the refrigeratorwhen we reached the hospital.yourself on paper.冰箱4. look!Theflowersin thegardenare21.It is a Japanese custom风俗 习惯 to28.Mr. White was made chairman 主席 ofgrowing成长 lovely可爱 .take off one s shoes before entering athe committee 委 员 会 ,whowas in-How Iwish I had a small piece ofhouse.charge of 负责 the project项目 .ground 士地 when I could plan打算22.You may ask your teacher in case of29.Her husband wasn t content with满足some flowers of my own!difficulty 在生活上遇到困难时你可能会问于 what he gained and wantedto get5.Hisparentscouldn t get through打通你的老师more. 她的丈夫并不满足于他所获得的,tohimonthe telephone, sothey23.The young girl made up her mind toget并希望得到更多的decided决定to go to hisschoolandsee what s wrong. 错误 .行为 . 成年人应该对自己行为的负责20. I suppose料想you have got the post6.Mum,whydo you alwaysmakeme12.By improving改进his learning habits习职位 .drinka cupof fresh新鲜milkeveryday?To get 为了enough 足够protein 蛋白质惯 a(n)average均分 /平均水平student-You have guessed猜对 it.can be a top one.21.You re too weak 虚弱 . It s good for13.Whenyou meetwith a problem,find ayouto haveplenty 大量 of exercise 运and nutrition营养 as youare growingway to solve 解答 it.动 .up 成长 .14.The kitten小猫 climbed 爬 the tree and22.We will have plenty of 大量 time to go to7.Selecting选择 a mobile 移动 phone forcouldn t get down下来the railway铁路 station站. Take it easy!personal 个人 use is no easy task工作15.If you check 检查 your paper carefully ,23.She wascaught(catch抓住的过去式 )because technology科技 is changing 变some grammar 语法 mistakes 错误 canspitting 吐出 ,喷溅物 inpublic公众 and化 go rapidly迅速 .选择供个人使用的be avoided避免 .fined 罚款 ten yuan on the spot 现场 .移动电话是不容易的, 因为技术迅速改变16.The city Zhangjiakou was extensively广24.When the bike was repaired , it looked去阔 的damaged被 损 坏intheas good as和几乎一样new8.With thegascut off , I couldn tcookearth-quake地震25.The custom风俗 goes back to可以追溯dinner 煤气切断,我不能做饭17.The case手提箱 contained 包含 a lot of到 the 12 th century世纪9.Wouldyoumind 介意 ifI usedyourthings, including 包括 a second-hand26.We haven t foundthemissing 不见的dictionary字典 ?watch. 二手手表wallet 皮夹 . Let s go through详细检查-Go ahead继续18.Do you enjoy listening to records录音?Ithe room again.10.She tookaglance 一瞥 , 一眼 at herfind records are oftenas good as和几27.How is Mary getting onwith继续干 herwatch and saw that it was already lunch乎一样 orbetter than an actual 真实study?get on with sth 继续time.performance演奏 .28.We should pay给予 more attention注意11.Grown-ups成 年 人shouldbe19.The highschool graduated 毕了业 300to generationgap代 沟 ,forit hasresponsible负责for their own behaviorstudents this summer夏季become a social社会 problem 问题 .29.His father isvery busy every day. Heworld上层社会 sincehisbusiness生意yesterday is Mrs.Black.can t helpcomplainingof抱怨thefailed失败 .15.Workis often considered认为 to berapid 快速 pace 步子 ofmodern现代7.If youdon tgiveup放弃 smokingmostimportantthingin our life, but inlife 生活 .the pace of life生活节奏you ll never get better.fact 事实 there are many other things30.After my mother finished cleaning up the8.Withthecountrypopulation人 口more important than it.工作通常被认为house ,shewentonread接 着 读growing fast, the government政府 has是最重要的东西在我们的生活, 但其实还today s newspaper.taken the birth 出生 control控制 policy有很多比它更重要的其他东西。Section4政策 .16.Tom s mother is seriously严重 ill. He1.With thehelpof thepoliceman,the9.“ It salready midnight午夜 . Whyis going tothe hospital to see her.parents gotintouchwith 和取得联not go to bed ?17.No matter what you do, you should put系 their lost失去 child by accident意外 .- There s still too much housework toyourmind专心 intoit. 不管你做什么,2.Intelligent聪明的 peoplecanalwaysdo. 你应该专心come up with提出 good solutions解决方10.Anaverage 平均 Japanesehas30.618.George left( leave离开的过去式 )in such案 to problems.square 平方 meters米 living space.日这样的 a hurry匆忙 thatI hardly几乎3.If anyone ever catchessight看见 of the本人的平均居住面积30.6平方米had time to thank him.乔治离开这么着mugger行凶抢劫的路贼anywhere,11.The building of the bridge has beenheld急,我几乎没有时间来感谢他please call the police at once.up by the heavy rain.大桥的建设已被搁19.Would you pleasedo me a favour帮帮4.Where shall Iget off the train? 我在哪里置的大雨忙 by lending 借 meyourdictionaryfor下火车12.Do you know when andwheretheseveral days?5.Every eveningaftersupper晚餐 , mysports meetingwas to be held举行 .20.I happenedto see 偶然遇见 him in theparents wouldgo outfor a walk.我的父13.Youhadbetternotdrink waterthat isdepartmentstore. 我碰巧看到他的百货母就出去散步notboiled煮沸 .公司6.Johnsonhascomedown败落inthe14.ThewomanIcameacross碰 到21.May we have thepleasure 荣幸 of yourcompany友伴 for dinner宴会 ?我们有28.Although my friendsdisliked不 喜 欢烈的 discussion讨论 on it.成为你宴会同伴这个荣幸吗?Jenny,I insisted on坚持 hercoming6.To be honest, I didn t agree with what22.I m sorry,sir. There s nodoublewith us.虽然我的朋友不喜欢珍妮,我坚you said.老实说,我不同意你说room 双人间 available 有空的 now.持要她跟我们一起。7.It has been raining for a week. I hopeit23.Althoughshe wasdisabled伤 残 的29.The photo hanging 悬挂 on thewalliswill clear up转晴 .when she was only six years of age, yettaken by my father.8.Theterrorists threatened威胁 to blowshe aimedhigh 力争上游 , for which her30.Can you tell me who can besthandle处upthe buildingif theirdemands要求friends spoke highly高度评价 of her.理 theproblem? 你能告诉我谁能够更were not met.恐怖分子威胁要炸毁建筑24.It s a nice spring day春天 . Mrs. White好的处理这个问题物,如果他们的要求得不到满足puts on 穿上 her coat 外套 , goes outSection59. What s the matter 要紧 ?and shuts 关上 the door.1.Such customs were handed down流传-The shoes dont fit 符合 properly完全 .25.Their voices声音 are so alike 相像 than下来 from father to son.这种习俗流传从They are hurting伤害 my feet.I often mistake Tom for his brother Jim父亲传给儿子10.Thegovernment is trying besttoon the phone.2.My brother was such ahandsome英俊improve thehousing . 政府正在努力尽力mistake for把误认为young man that many girls like him.改善住房26.It wassoquiet 安 静at night.We3.Nearlyallweather occurs出现 in the11.Where ismy pocket computer?哪里是listened 收听 carefully but heard听到lowest layer层 of theatmosphere大气 .我的掌上电脑?。nothing.几乎所有的天气出现在大气的最底层Here it is .在这里27.They fellin lovewitheachother,4.The thief 小偷 broke into(break into闯入 )12.Heis thecandidate 候选人 tocarryhowever .After afewmonths,theythe store and helpedhimself to a lot ofout ( 实行,执行;实现,完成 )the plan.realizedthedidnothavemuchinmoney.小偷闯入商店,偷走很多钱。13.Hundreds ofstudents attended参加thecommon 共有的 .他们爱上了对方,但是。5.Afterthelecture演 讲 ,thestudentsparty 聚会last night 昨晚 .几个月后,他们认识到没有有许多共同点participatingin 参加it had a heated 热14.I mgoingtohavemycarrepairedtomorrow morning.hope of 希望,怀着。的希望 )won t sell出售 easily.15.Mary sparentscouldn thelp24.Thestudentsfailedin 在 上失败 the3.Don t quarrel吵架 about small things.worrying 担心 abouther.玛丽的父母不experiment实验 again, but they didn t4.No one questioned怀疑 his theory理论禁担心她lose heart失去信心 .学说 for almost几乎 800 years.近 80016.I heardher talkingaboutMrs .25.Haveyouheardabout听说年没有人质疑的他的理论Handerson whom I had neverheard of .Mr.Johnson?5.There are quite a few相当多的new我听到她谈起那个我从来没有听说过的Yes, I read about him in a newspaper.magazines杂 志andbooksinthe汉德森。26.Shelikeswearingbootsat home,forbookstore.17.She held back ( hold back 隐瞒 ) , nottheyare very comfortable舒适 . 她喜欢6.I was learning my lessonson the radioknowing what to do or say.在家里穿着靴子,因为它们穿着很舒服when she called me up.18.All thoseexpensive昂贵 shoes are27.Thatis a building about thirty feet英尺7.The rains have started earlythismade by hand 手工制成 .high . 这是一个大约30 英尺高的建筑summer.19.Remember to turn off the gas when you28.The plane was arriving inhalf an hour .8.Herose(rise起身 )earlythe nestday ,go on holiday . 记住要关掉煤气当你去度飞机半小时内到达。finding theriver 河 hadrisen 升起 one假29.Howaboutstayingat home if we weetfoot英尺 .20.What is the price of that T-shirt?with stormy暴风雨 day?9.Theweather wasrather 相当 worse 恶21.The soldier士兵 was badly 严重 hurt 伤30.If you were in myposition 位置 ,you劣than wehadexpected 期 待 预痛.这名士兵受重伤have some idea howI feel.如果你站在期 .( rather than胜于 )22.If Mary is aware of all the dangers危险 ,我的角度,你会体会我的一些感受10.I would rather have noodles 面条 thanshe shouldchangehermind想法 . (beSection6rice.would rather .than.宁愿也不aware of 意识到 )1.There werequantities of rain last year.11.John wants to see you today.23.He hurriedto the railwaystationin the(quantities of大量的 )I would rather he cametomorrowthanhope of catching the early train. ( in the2.Poor贫穷 quality质 量 goods 货 物today. 我宁愿她明天来而不是今天12.For whatreason 原因 did she quarrelletters that have been sent to him.经理towards his boat小船 小艇 , Crusoe sawwith you.原因是什么,她没有与你吵架会回答所有已发送给他的信in the sand 沙子 themark 痕迹 of a13.I received ( receive收 到 , 接 到 )the20.He shows no respect 尊敬 for atthisman s foot.invitation邀请


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