九年级英语全册 Unit 6 Role models Lesson 18 Steve Jobs教案 (新版)北师大版.doc_第1页
九年级英语全册 Unit 6 Role models Lesson 18 Steve Jobs教案 (新版)北师大版.doc_第2页
九年级英语全册 Unit 6 Role models Lesson 18 Steve Jobs教案 (新版)北师大版.doc_第3页




Unit 6 Role modelsLesson 18 Steve Jobsv 教材分析本课Lesson18的主题是成功人士如何获得成功。本文是一篇关于Steve Jobs的人物传记类文章。文章首先介绍了Steve Jobs是何许人-他是当今世界最具价值的苹果公司的合作创始人,他创造了当今世界无数人日常生活都离不开的众多电子产品。紧接着作者分三个段落围绕他的早年生活和教育经历、早期工作和之后的成就、他的性格及与人相处的方式等三个方面讲述了他的生平,最后是作者对他的评价。 教学目标【知识目标】通过阅读获取有关Steve Jobs性格两面性的事例信息。【能力目标】通过阅读获取有关Steve Jobs生平信息,完成有关其早期经历、性格和成就的表格。【情感目标】通过辩论“Steve Jobs是否是青少年的模范”,体会并逐步形成坚持、不放弃的品质。 教学重难点【教学重点】通过阅读获取信息,完成有关Steve Jobs早期经历、性格和成就的表格。【教学难点】根据获取的信息和语言,归纳总结出Steve Jobs坚持、不放弃的性格是促成他成功的根本原因。 课前准备1.课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 2.教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。 教学过程Step1. Warm-up1. Look at Steve Jobs photos and let students talk about their knowledge of Jobs.2. Introduce Steve Jobs inventions and achievements.Step2. Reading1. Skim the text. Match the headings with the correct paragraphs.2. Scan the whole passage and fill in the blanks to complete his information.3. After reading, get students to discuss the following questions in the slide.4. Highlight the verbs describing events.Step3. Consolidation 1. Ask students give their opinions on these issues.Would you like to work with people like Steve Jobs? Why or why not?Was Steve Jobs a perfect man?2. Find out the examples and reasons to support the points.3. Fill in the blanks in the table of evaluation.Step4. Language pointsMatch the phrasal verbs with their corresponding collocated words.1.give up 放弃2.grow up 长大3.set up 设立4.put up with 提出Step5. Listening Listen and match the persons with appropriate personality adjectives.Step6. Speaking1. Discuss whether Steve Jobs is a role model for the youth or not.2. Let students from opposite point of view have a debate.Step7. Homework1. Copy and remember the new phrases.2. Read the p


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