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Review of unit 17 class_ name_听力基础A 辩音 ( ) 1A 5147519 B 5147509 C 5148509 D 5148519( )2A This B That C These D Those ( )3. A basketball B volleyball C soccer ball D baseball( )4. A sixteen B sixty C eighteen D eighty ( )5.A hamburger B broccoli C fries D salad B. 情景反应( )6A This s right B Thank you C Youre welcome D Youre right ( )7. A Yes, its my eraser B No, its her eraser C Its eraser D Its an eraser ( )8. A Its on the bad B They are on the bad C Yes ,it is D Yes ,they are ( )9. A Yes ,I like it very much B Yes , I think them very much C Yes , I dont like it D No, I dont like it ( )10. A Its five dollars B They are five dollars C Yes , Its five dollars D Yes , They are five dollars C. 理解( )11 A Yes , it is B No ,it isnt C Its a math book D No, they arent ( )12. A The green shorts B The red shorts C The blue shorts D The black shorts ( )13. A Mr. Green B Annas father C Petes father D Cindys father ( )14. A She has 23 volleyballs B She has 24 basketballs C She has 47 balls D She has 25 basketball ( )15. A On the bad B On the chair C On the table D On the dresser D 听写 Its the fantastic sale in our shop of the years again .Do you like _?Do you like them ? We have them in all color at ¥_each . Do you need bags for _school ? We have great bags for just ¥2! For _.have T-shirts in red , green and _for only ¥15.II. 听力拓展: 听录音,根据短文内容回答下列问题:1 What does Father want to do ?2. Does Father want Bill to help him ?3. How many eggs do they want to buy ?4. Do they want to buy milk and hamburgers ?5. What fruit do they want to buy ?笔试一 单词辩音A 找出划线部分的读音与众不同的选项。( )1 A thank B backpack C salad D watch ( )2. A orange B not C brother D clock ( )3. A but B blue C hurry D uncle ( )4. A meal B real C cheap D cream ( )5. A watch B what C write D with 二找出下列词语中所属类别与众不同的选项。( )1 A pen B paper C pants D pencil ( )2. A apples B bananas C eggs D oranges ( )3. A brother B sister C friend D father ( )4. A shoes B shops C shorts D shirts ( )5. A my B you C your D his ( )6 A ruler B clock C desk D sofa ( )7. A volleyball B basketball C soccer D television ( )8. A museum B store C restaurant D clothes ( )9. A star B difficult C boring D relaxing ( )10. A long B white C blue D yellow 三。选词填空What Whats How How much What color Where Wheres Do Does Is 1._your name ?My name is Gina .2._my backpack ? Its on the sofa.3_is the backpack ?Its twenty dollars .4_are my keys ?Can you see them ?5._Anna have a friend ?6._you like bananas ? No, but my sister likes them very much .7_are you ? Im fine. What about you ?8_that your friend ? Yes ,this is my friend Jenny .9_are these hats ? They are blue and black .10_is your telephone numbers ? 2013374.四选择题。( )1.What are those ?_.A They re shoe . B Those are shoe C They re shoes D These are shoes ( )2.My name is Ann Black . Black is my _.A a name B first name C family name D only name ( )3.Is this _English book ?A an B / C a D you ( )4.Can you spell it ,please ?_.A NO , Im not B. Yes , B-O-O-K C. Yes ,I am D. No ,B-O-O-K( )5. -_? -Its a backpack .A What s your name B Is this a backpack C Whats this is English D How much is that ( )6.-_is the museum ? -Next to the hamburger restaurant .A Where B What C Who D How much ( )7.Your shoes are _the bed.A in B on C under D between ( )8.Who is that ? -_Jeff.A She is B He is C They are D Its ( )9.This is _apple and that is _orange .A a ,an B a ,a C an , an D an ,a ( )10. What color is your sweater ? -_. A Its new B Its black . C Its back .D Its long 五句型转换。 1There is a tomato on the table .(改为复数形式)2.I like vegetables for lunch .(改为一般疑问句)3.Lily likes black pants .(对划线部分提问)_4.There is a boy in the picture (对划线部分提问)_5.Im fine . (对划线部分提问)_六。根据对话内容判断正(T)误(F)。Jane :Hello, Dave .Dave: Hello , Jane ,What are these ?Jane : Oh , they are hamburgers . Would you like to have one ?Dave : No , thanks .I dont like hamburgers very much . Look , I have apples . Would you like to have one ?They are nice to eat .Jane :Thanks a lot . I like apples very much .Dave : Would you like some milk ,please ?Jane : No , thanks . I dont like milk at all .Dave : Dont you like it ? But it is good for you .Jane : I know . Thanks .1. ( ) Dave and Jane like apples very much .2. ( )Jane doesnt like bananas at all .3. ( )Dave doesnt like milk at all .4. ( )Milk is good for us .5. ( )Jane likes hamburgers and apples .七完成对话Mr.Zhang and Mrs . Zhang are in the Lost and Found Office.Mre.Zhang :Good morning ,Sir.Man :_ _, madam . _ _ _ _?Mr.Zhang : Her handbag is lost . Can you _ _?Man : Oh , _a handbag here . _in your handbag ?Mrs .Zhang : Er, theres a pictures of my family and theres 100 yuan _ _.Mr.Zhang : Yes , Thats a nice picture .Man : What _ _ your bag ?Mrs. Zhang : Its green .Man : Look , is _your bag ?Mr . and Mrs Zhang : Oh , thats it ! _very much .八 完成下列句子。1 你想打乒乓球吗? 听


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