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2017 学年新华初第一学期初三英语期中考试Part 1 listening (第一部分 听力)略Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)25. There is no truth in what he says. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A. / seis/ B./ seiz/ C. /sez/ D. /ss/26. Which of the following word matches the sound /rais/?A. race B. raze C. raise D. rice27. There have been many changes in _history of _English language.A. a; the B. the; / C. the; the D. /; /28. _the help of his teacher and classmates, the boy has made _progress.A. Under, a lot B. Under, great C. With, much D. With, many29. We were told that it was about thirty _walk to _house.A. minutes; Mikes and Marys B. minutes; Mike and MarysC. minutes ; Mikes and Marys D. minutes; Mike and Marys30. I wanted to have some more coffee but there was _left in the coffee pot.A. nothing B. none C. not anything D. no one31. _of the earth _covered with water.A. Seventh-tens; are B. Seventh-tens; isC. Seven-tenths; is D. Seven-tenths; are32. The _house can offer mountain hikers places to stay on a cold winter night.A. little white wooden B. little wooden whiteC. white wooden little D. wooden white little33. We dont care if a hunting dog smells _, but we really dont want him to smell_.A. well, well B. bad , bad C. well, badly D. badly, had34. Although he has lived with us for years, he _us much impression.A. hadnt left B. didnt leave C. doesnt leave D. hasnt left35. More than a dozen students in that school_ abroad to study medicine last year.A. sent B. were sent C. had sent D. had been sent36. -Isnt that Anns husband over there? -No, it _be him. Im sure he doesnt wear glasses.A. cant B. must not C. wont D. may not 37. Excuse me for breaking in, _I have some news for you.A. so B. and C. but D. yet38. _he gave you!A. What good advice B. How good adviceC. What a good advice D. How a good advice39. I cant find a good pen_.A. to write B. to write with C. writing D. written40. The company has a free long-distance telephone number _customers may call with any questions they have about its products.A. although B. as C. even if D. so that41. I want to buy some stamps. Can you tell me _near here?A. is there a post office B. where is the post officeC. if there is a post office D. whether is there a post office42. The number of the people invited _fifty, but a number of them _absent for different reasons.A. were, was B. was; was C. was, were D. were, were43. Dont _your coat, Tom! Its easy to catch cold in spring.A. take away B. take off C. take down D. take out 44. -Do you mind turning down the radio a bit? Its too noisy. -_.A. Of course not B. Yes, of course C. Never mind D. All right .Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be used only once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分)A. teach B. learn C. know D. used E. made F. tired O. Henry was a pen name_45_ by an American writer of short stories. His real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. As a young boy he live in an exciting life. He did not go to school for very long, but he managed to _46_himself everything he needed to _47_. When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas, where he _48_different jobs.A. joy B. surprise C. writing D. missing E. stolen F. robbed He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank, when some money went _49_from the bank. O. Henry was believed to have _50_it. Because of that, he was sent to prison. During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued _51_. He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because simple as the tales were, they would finish with a sudden change at the end, to the readers _52_.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共8分)53. Mum, have you ever seen Dannys sports shoes? I want a pair like_. (he )54. Every student in the _grade is getting ready for the final exams. (nine)55. In “ English Village”, the children can improve oral English with fun _.(active)56. Marys job is to make sick people _. (good)57. Tom is the _boy in the kindergarten. (noise)58. Reading can _your life. (rich)59. Many things in that department store were on sale _. (recency)60. It was very _of you to lie to them about your qualifications. (honesty).Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共14分)61. Jack used to get up early. (改为一般疑问句) _Jack _to get up early?62. We have learned English since we were five years old. (就划线部分提问)_ _have you learned English?63. People have painted buildings beautifully in many new housing estates. (改为被动语态) Buildings have _ _beautifully in many new housing estates.64. Martin asked the man, “ Are you Mr. Smith?” (合并为一句) Martin asked the man _he _Mr. Smith.65. Many students like to laugh at his pronunciation. (保持原句意思不变) Many students like _ _ _his pronunciation.66. Boys usually like football but nowadays quite a lot of girls become interested in football. (保持原句意思不变) Boys usually _ _football but nowadays quite a lot of girls become interested in football.67. go out, around the small island, to, a bicycle trip, we, for , are planning(连词成句)_68. bus, stops, till , off, not , it, do , get (连词成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共50分)A. Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分) Every student wants to learn English well, but how can we learn it well? Its a good topic for English learners. Here are some good methods, which can help you improve your English quickly. First of all, you must have correct attitude. Please love English, not hate it. And you dont feel shy when you say or speak English. Remember one sentence: Put your face in your pocket. Secondly, I think grammar rules, new words and phrases are important, but they are not enough. For example, some people are quite good at grammar and learned a lot of English words and phrases. But they cant speak English when they meet foreign friends. The most effective (有效的) way to learn English well is to often use English. Dont be afraid and dont laugh at others. Wed better listen, speak, read and write more. You can go to English corner, talk with foreigners or talk with your friends. If you have time, listen to the radio or English program. Listening to this good material can help you improve your listening and understanding. And then, you can read English books, newspapers or novels. They are wonderful. You can use the internet, chat with net-friends or write E-mails, dairies Through these ways, you can get more for your English. English isnt so difficult that we cant learn it well. As long as we set our mind to learn English well, Im sure everyone will be successful. 69. The underlined sentence Put your face in your pocket. suggests that _.A. you should love EnglishB. you should not let others recognize your face C. you should try not to make mistakes when speaking English D. You should not feel shy when using English70. In the writers opinion, _.A. English learners should not spend time on grammar rules, new words and phrasesB. Grammar rules, new words and phrases are the most important thing for an English learnerC. If you are good at grammar, your spoken English will be badD. Learning grammar rules, new words and phrases is only part of English learning71. The writer gives the following tips EXCEPT _. A. go to English corner B. communicate with people in English C. travel in English-speaking countries D. write English diaries72. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A. How to learn English wellB. English isnt difficultC. Use English often in your life D. Grammar learning is not enoughB. Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)When the musical sound rings you, you immediately reach for your pocket ready to have a chatBut although you probably use it all the time, have you ever stopped to think about the manners related to talking on the phone? If you havent, here are some tips to guide youAlways give the person you are calling plenty of time to get to the phone before you hang up. If the person who answers is not the one you want,give your name and ask if you may speak to the person you wantThink about the time you call peopleTry not to call too early in the morning(before about 9:00)or too late at night(after about 9:30).Also try not to call at mealtimesIf you go by plane to visit your relatives at Christmas, remember to follow airline instructionsCell phones must be turned off as soon as the plane doors are closed and remain so until the doors open again on arrivalWhen face to face with someone, do not talk on the phone. It is rude to be on the phone when a waiter is trying to take your order in a restaurant, or when you are returning the shoes you have just been trying on in a shop. Finish any face-to-face business before taking a call. Continuing to use the phone while nodding to the person in front of you is quite impoliteWhen in a restaurant with your friends,keep phone conversations short. Make a call only if it is important. Practice speaking in a low voiceIf no one looks your way, youve got itIf you go to a theatre, a concert or a cinema, consider the other people around youCheck that your phone is “off” before you enter. If you are expecting a very important call, put your phone on “vibrate”(振动)and run for the exit as soon as you feel it. If you forget both “off” and “vibrate” and your phone rings, dont answer it, turn it off straight away. 73. If the person whose answer is not the one you want, _.A. just hang up B. give your name then hang up C. give your name and ask if you may speak to the person you wantD. give your name and leave a message74. Which is true according to the passage above?AYou may call people anytime as you likeBYou may talk loudly on the phone at dinner in the restaurantCYou may keep on talking on the phone while greeting somebodyDYou may call people as soon as you get on the plane,but not after the doors are closed75. We may infer from these tips that_Asome people dont pay much attention to manners while making cell phone callsByou may ask to leave a message unless the person you are calling is inCcalling people too early or too late in the morning is not politeDalmost everyone has got a cell phone76. What does the underlined sentence “youve got it” mean in the passage?AYou have succeeded in making a call without disturbing othersBYou have made the phone call brief and interestingCYouve got the message you are waiting forDYou have made a phone call secretly77. From the tips given above, we can decide the writer is sure to share the opinion that_A1ike the saying “clothes make a man”, nowadays cell phones make a manBas the old saying goes, money talks; nowadays cell phones talkCthe way we use the cell phones tells what we are likeDwe are what cell phones we use78. From the tips given above, how do you consider the other people around you a theatre?A. Talk with them and makes friends with themB. If you forget both off and vibrate and your phones rings, answer it immediatelyC. If it is an important call, you can answer it on your seat.D. Check that your phone is not turned on before you enter.C. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12分) You have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes break between classes. But when the bell for the next class rings, you cant _79_ how quickly time has passed. If you are familiar with this scene, youll know how time flies when you are having fun and drags when you are bored. Now scientists have come up with a reason why this is the case. Scans have shown that patterns of activity in the brain change according to how we focus on a task. When we are bored, we concentrate more on how time is passing. And this makes our brains _80_ the clock is ticking more slowly. In an experiment _81_ by a French laboratory, 12 volunteers watched an image while researchers monitored their brain activity. The volunteers were told to _82_ concentrate on how long an image appeared for, then _83_ the color of the image, and thirdly, study both duration and color. The results showed that the brain was more active when the volunteers paid attention to more subjects. It is thought that if the brain is busy focusing on many aspects of a task, it has to spread its resources, and pays less attention to the clock. _84_, time passes without us really noticing it, and seems to go quickly. If the brain is not so active, it concentrates its concentrates its full energies on monitoring the passing of time. As a result, time seems to drag. Next time you feel bored in class, perhaps you should pay more attention to what the teacher is saying!79. A. guess B. learn C. believe D. doubt80. A. report B. think C. decide D. see81. A. produced B. carried C. tried D. performed82. A. partly B. quickly C. how D. first 83. A. remember B. focus on C. forget D. tell apart 84. A. However B. Furthermore C. Therefore D. FinallyD. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)We should show respect to everybody, e_85_our elders because they are ahead of us in age, in wisdom and maturity, in experience and education. Our elders have done a lot for us, directly or indirectly and most of us owe everything to their kindness and love.When we show them respect, whether it is by bowing to them, or greeting them with a smile, or o_86_ them any help they need, it is one way of expressing our own love and gratitude to them. B_87_ , elders have also been through all the years you are going through and know a little more about the world than you do. It is b_88_ that you do not agree with the belief of your elders, but this is nothing new. All younger g_89_ have always disagreed with their elders and it is these differences that bring changes in human society. However much you disagree with them, give them credit for their experience.With changing times and cultural influences, youngsters no longer know what is interpreted as disrespect to elders. Youngsters should quickly express their views and if there are arguments, they should not r_90_ their voices. When you do simple things as a mark of respect, elders become aware that youngsters care for them, and they respond with affection and kindness.E. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)Life affects friendships. As we grow, marry, fight in wars, move across the country or change jobs, old friendships fall away and new ones form. As long as we live, the things a_91_ us change, and as long as things change, friendships are affected.When we were children we had best friends. No matter what happened we were still friends. We live our lives, however, and do what life calls for us to do, and as we get older, memories fade, faces blur, and even friends names from childhood are f_92_.Do you have a question about friendship? Do you w_93_ what to do with a friend who is no longer friendly? Perhaps you will see that you cant control others. If someone wants to be your friend, it is their choice. All you can do is treat them well and do the best for them when you are w_94_ them. Then you wish them well when they leave.You can talk to old timers and they will tell you that life is full of incredible joy and incredible sorrow, and that what bothers you today will one day becomes a m_95_ and the sting will be gone. Seniors might tell you that you will learn more as you get older. They will tell you that friendships come and friendships go. Sometimes when they go it will hurt, but you will be okay with it. Its the way life works, after all.E. Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题)(12分) One of Britains bravest women told yesterday how she helped to catch suspected police killer David Bieber - and was thanked with flowers by the police. It was also said that she could be in line for a share of up to 30,000 reward money. Vicki Brown, 30, played a very important role in ending the nationwide manhunt. Vicki, who has worked at the Royal Hotel for four years, told of her terrible experience when she had to steal into Bibbers bedroom and to watch him secretly. Then she waited alone for three hours while armed police prepared to storm the building. She said: I was very nervous. But when I opened the hotel door and saw 20 armed policemen lined up in the car park I was so glad they were there.” The alarm had been raised because Vicki became suspicious of the guest who checked in at 3 pm the day before New Years Eve with little luggage and wearing sunglasses and a hat pulled down over his face. Sh


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