



_如何英文广告【写作任务】 假设你是李华,你现在为新开业的瘦身餐馆以“Once tasted, always loved”为题写一则英文广告。餐馆提供平衡的饮食,以饺子为特色,饭菜健康美味。该餐馆设在湖边,风景优美。电话:5558888.要求:1. 介绍餐馆的特色和优势 2可适当增加细节,使行文连贯 3. 词数:120词左右【写作指导】一、 审题定调本写作任务要求写一篇英文广告,属于应用文。广告是商品销售的一种宣传方式, 目的是使消费者对某种商品产生兴趣,从而说服和诱导消费者产生消费行为的一种手段。广告语言的最大特点是具有鼓动性和吸引力。人称以第三人称为主,时态以一般现在时为主。二、 谋篇布局广告一般由标题、正文、和随文三个部。标题词数要少,要能引起读者的兴趣。正文要对标题进行阐释和证实,内容要有吸引力。随文又叫附文,是传达企业名称、地址、购买商品的方法等附加广告信息的文字,一般出现在广告的结尾。本写作任务分三段来写。第一段:引入广告的目的第二段:具体介绍餐馆的特色和优势第三段:说明餐馆的地点和联系方式三、组织语言1. 第一段:引入广告的目的。普通表达高级表达1.Would you like to eat delicious food without worrying about putting on weight?2.Our slimming restaurant is right for you, and Im sure that youll be pleased with it.1.Have you ever dreamed of losing weight while enjoying delicious food?2.Come to our slimming restaurant , which is the home of balanced food.2. 第二段:具体介绍餐馆的特色和优势。普通表达高级表达1.In our restaurant, traditional food is served, such as dumplings and noodles.2.We also have all kinds of vegetable salads to provide enough fibers and vitamins.3. If you come to our restaurant , you will love it .1.In our restaurant, we specialize in dumplings and noodles, which are our local favorite dishes.2.Mouthwatering vegetable salads containing fibers and vitamins are also included in our menu.3.Once you have tried our food, you will never want to go anywhere else!3. 第三段:说明餐馆的地址和联系方式。普通表达高级表达Our restaurant lies by the lake with great views.Located by the lake, our restaurant is a perfect place to have an excellent meal while enjoying good views.【范文展示】AOnce tasted, always loved Would you like to eat delicious food without worrying about putting on weight? Then our slimming restaurant is right for you, and Im sure that you will be pleased with it. We offer a balanced diet with energy-giving food as well as protective food. In our restaurant, traditional food is served, such as dumplings and noodles. We also have all kinds of vegetable salads to provide enough fibers and vitamins. Our dishes are delicious and healthy with reasonable prices. If you come to our restaurant , you will love it . Our restaurant lies by the lake with great views. Welcome to our restaurant. Telephone number:5558888.BOnce tasted, always loved Have you ever dreamed of becoming slim while enjoying delicious food? Then come to our slimming restaurant , which is the home of balanced food. Our restaurant specializes in dumplings and noodles, which are our local favorite dishes. Mouthwatering salads containing fibers and vitamins are also included in our menu. Moreover, the prices of our dishes are reasonable, and for the first week we are offering a discount of 20%. Once you have tried our food, you will never want to go anywhere else! Located by the lake, our restaurant is a perfect place for you to have an excellent meal while enjoying great views. Why not pay us a visit? Telephone number:5558888.温馨提示:通过对比可以看出,第二篇文章用了更高级的词汇和表达,也用到了多种从句。同学们在平时的写作中可以尝试高级词汇和表达,尝试使用多种从句,使文章更加精彩。【实战演练】假如你是李华,你们学校附近新开了一家专为学生提供健康饮食的学生餐馆,饭菜健康美味。请你为这家餐馆写一则英文广告。电话:6668888.要求:1. 介绍餐馆的特色和优势 2可适当增加细节,使行文连贯 3. 词数:120词左右One possible version: With much pressure from studies, do you want to enjoy delicious and healthy food after class? Then come to our restaurant, a perfect place for students to have meals. Our restaurant provides a balanced diet specially for students. We have traditional local food, such as dumplings, beef noodles, fried eggs and so on, which will help you become energetic. At the same time, protective food is also included, such as vegetable dishes and all kinds of salads. Besides, our restaurant is beautifully decorated and Im sure


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