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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册Unit1Topic2IllkickyoutheballagainPeriod5教学案例设计(新版)仁爱版(I)撰写人:_时 间:_教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Playing Sports 为主题。第二话题通过Section A Kangkang对Michael的邀请,引出对话的主题:合作参加足球比赛。对话呈现了本课所要学的语法重点:subject + vt + indirect object + direct object。结合本单元的话题Ill kick you the ball again.呈现了重点短语:kick the ball to you, pass me the ball, practice doing sth, give me a hand等, 同时在对话中呈现了交际功能用语:Will you ? Would you mind (not) doing sth ? 和Do you mind (not) doing sth? 帮助学生学会请求,提建议的表达法。Section B通过Maria和Jane平息Kangkang和Michael的争吵,呈现了提建议的三种方式: Section C简单介绍了篮球的发展历史和运动规则。Section D综合复习Sections A-C的词汇、语法和功能句,巩固学生本周的学习内容,并介绍了两种英国的球类运动football和cricket。本话题的内容可以用5个课时来完成。第一课时:SectionA-1a, 1b, 1c, 2第二课时: SectionB-1a,1b,1c, 2第三课时:SectionB-4a,4b, Section A-1d, Section B-3, Section C-2第四课时:SectionC-1a,1b,1c第五课时:SectionD-1a, 1b,Grammar and Functions, Project第五课时(Section D-1a, 1b, Grammar and Functions, Project)教学设计思路:本节课为本话题第五课时,主要活动为1a ,1b和Project。Section D是一节复习课,在综合复习Sections A-C的词汇、语法和功能句的基础上,巩固学生本周的学习内容。首先教师通过视频和足球明星贝克汉姆的海报导入1a,学生通过速读1a ,找出每段的中心句,然后再次阅读文本,完成1b的三个问答题 ,在综合复习总结了Grammar and Functions 中词汇、短语和功能句的基础上,进行相关练习,最后通过Project 的写作练习,让学生以实践、体验等方式来综合运用本话题所学的知识。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)能正确朗读出单词表所有单词及短语,能正确拼读、书写并运用单词。(2)复习并能熟练运用双宾语句型。(3)能准确运用本单元重点短语进行写作练习:kick the ball to you, pass me the ball, practice doing sth., give me a hand, shout at sb., do onefrom doing sth., follow the rules, enjoy doing sth.等短语。(4)能正确做出教师设计的补充词汇对比的练习: be ill, fall ill play against, play for take part in, join sb, join+组织名称, join in +活动 for example, such as be good at, do well in(5)能综合运用本课短语、句型写出自己最喜欢的体育运动的发展历史、影响、规则及意义。2. Skill aims: (1)能听懂与课本内容难度相当的,有关体育运动项目的历史、影响、规则及意义的听力材料。(2)能阅读有关自己最喜欢的运动项目的历史、影响、规则及意义的文章,理解文章,并能做出相关的阅读练习。(3)能综合运用本单元的语法、词汇、句型写出自己最喜欢的体育运动项目的历史、影响、规则及意义以及平时自己安排的活动。3. Emotional aims:本话题通过体育活动中团队合作话题的学习,唤醒学生的团队意识,鼓励学生热爱体育运动,学会在体育运动中与他人友好合作。4. Culture awareness:了解英国的足球和板球运动. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:能用以下短语描写自己最喜欢的运动:sports lover, the worlds famous sports, play football for fun, the most popular sports, the most interesting, a very popular sport, enjoy the sun, watch the team game2. Difficult points: (1)a fast game played in winter 对play的理解。 (2)hundreds of years history (3)People can sit, enjoying the sun对现在分词作伴随性状语的理解。. Learning strategies1. 通过整体复习Section A-C,让复习也是一种学习的想法根植在学生心中。2. 让学生养成习惯,通过采访来了解同学,既有利于培养自己的自信,又有益于感情的交流。. Teaching aids计算机多媒体投影仪,英国足球明星贝克汉姆和查尔顿的海报或图片,近期的足球世界杯的视频。V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(2mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Get students ready for learning.Ask three students report their homework one by one. T: I know that you have searched the Internet for some special information about football and cricket. Now Its your turn to share it with us. Volunteers?tT:You are wonderful today, indeed.Focus their attention on the teacher.The three students try to report as well as they can.S1: Football is an ancient sports activity,has a long history.It originated from the game named Cuju in ancient China.S2:Football is played mainly with the feet,but players may use any part of their body except their hands and arms to propel the ball.S3:Cricket is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players each.It is played on a rough grass field.S4:值日生作有关足球和板球的报告,为1a的学习作铺垫。Remark:值日生报告后其它学生可就报告内容进行提问。Stage 2(3mins):Leading in 1aStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Play the latest video of the football World Cup and ask some questions.T:Who knows the players? T:Who can say something about them? Show a picture of David Beckham, introducing him T: David Beckham is a famous football player and he is a famous football star. He is a football“ hero”, and also he is a famous person . Show the new words “player, star, hero, person” on the blackboard and teach them to learn the new words.Watch the video and discuss with their partners. Some students answer the teachers questions.Volunteer to say something about them S1:S2:Listen to the teachers introduction.利用视频和贝克汉姆的海报导入,能引起学生注意,激发学习兴趣,引导学生快速进入学习状态。Remark:Stage 3(8mins):Reading 1aStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1(Individual work)Finish 1a. Ask the students to skim the passage, looking for the topic sentence of each paragraph.T: Now, who can share your answers with us?Skim the passage and find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.S1: Para 1, Football and cricket are the worlds famous sports in England.S2: Pagr2, Football is a fast game.S3:Pagr3, Cricket is a national sport in England.学生通过略读,归纳段落大意。2(Individual work)Finish 1b. Ask students to answer the questions in 1b and write down the answers.Read 1a carefully and write the answers in their books.S1:It means the grass.S2:Two.They are football and cricket.S3: 3(Class work)Deal with the language points.(1)Sports lover (2)Football is a fast game played in winter.(3)the worlds famous sports With hundreds of years history,(4)play football for fun (5)People sit, enjoying the sun(6)enjoy the sun(7)hero-heroesTry to understand the explanation and take notes.Remark:Stage 3(3mins):Grammar and FunctionsStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose ( Class work )Check the students answers of Grammar and Function.Two groups show their answers by writing them down on the blackboard.Remark:Stage 4(12mins):Consolidation and PracticeStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Group work)Design some exercises to consolidate the usage of “subject + vt + indirect object + direct object” . (1) Lily kicks the ball to me.(2) I pass the book to him.(3) She shows me a photo.(4) He gave her a pen.(5) Please throw me the ball.(6) Bring Peter a present.(7) I made a big cake for my mother.(8) My dad bought a basketball for my brother.Change the sentences into another way of expressing.Keys: S1: Lily kicks me the ball.S2 :I pass him the book.S3: She shows a photo to me.S4: Please throw the ball to me.S6:Bring a present to Peter.S7: I made my mother a big cake.S8: My dad bought my brother a basketball.复习本话题的核心内容,为学生提供复习和再学习的机会。2(Individual work)Ask the students to make dialogs by using “-Would you mind/Do you mind”-Not at all/Never mindT: Good job!Two groups show their dialogs by acting them out in class.S1:Would you mind opening the window? S2:Of cause not. Ill do it right away.复习表示请求和回应的功能句3(Class work)Design exercises about the following phrases:spend time (in) doing sth spend time on sth do sth welldo well in sthbe good at doing sth take part in join sbjoin the clubplay witharrive in leave forgo skating Have to know the following synonymous phrases:help me / give me a hand; the fifth class / Class Five;fall ill / be illdo well in / be good at;one hundred years / a century;popular;pass sth. to sb. / pass sb. sth.;around the world / all over the world.Students try to do the exercise correctly, paying attention the differences.综合性的练习主要是对课堂上一些重难点的深入,必不可少。Remark:练习的设计要兼顾学生的自主完成和合作完成。Stage 5(9mins):Finish 2 and ProjectStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Group work)Ask the students to finish 2. Organize the students to write the essay with the title of “My favorite sport”T:You can write your favorite sports with the help of the questions in project now.Call three students to write their favorite sports on the blackboard and helps to correct the mistakes.Collect their writings.Interview David Beckham about “Famous Sports in England” and write down their interview.Write down the essay “My favorite sport”.Three students write down the essays while others read their own essays. With the help of the teacher and students, they should correct the mistakes.通过搜集信息写报告介绍自己最喜欢的运动并在小组内进行讨论的活动,巩固本话题的重要语法和功能,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。Remark:教师可把本活动的第一步提前布置成课后作业。Stage 6(3mins):Assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Lead the students to preview the vocabulary in Topic 3.Ask the students to collect the names of the sports activities and they will show the n


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